Pic Title: Beryl

Related Phrase: 绿柱石: 概述

Related pictures: Beryl

Source: http://a3.att.hudong.com/

Pic Description:   1. Cleavage: Incomplete basal cleavage
  2. Hardness :7.25 7.75 emerald brittle
  3. The relative density of 2.7-2.9 depending on the origin, variety and change
  4. Luster: vitreous luster
  5. Transparency: Transparent to translucent
  6. Refractive index of 1.56 - 1.59 depending on the variety and change
  7. Birefringence of 0.004 to 0.009 depending on the variety and change
  8. Optical characteristics: a negative optical axis of the crystal
  9. Dispersion: Low 0.014
  10. Special light: the cat's eye and starlight effect
  11. Color: green, blue, green, yellow, pink, no
  12. Pleochroism: varies depending on the color
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