míngchèn: dēng hòu hán shí xìng yuán yòu yànyīn shì sòng chuí wén tóng nián After the board first with Apricot Cold Food Feast, Song for things to send down the text in the same year recorded

xiàngguānshīcí: dēng hòu hán shí xìng yuán yòu yànyīn shì sòng chuí wén tóng nián Registration no. After the Cold Food Apricot garden Youyanyinji Copyist Chui-Wen Song class

tóngzǔtúpiàn: dēng hòu hán shí xìng yuán yòu yànyīn shì sòng chuí wén tóng nián After the board first with Apricot Cold Food Feast, Song for things to send down the text in the same year recorded

zīliàoláiyuán: http://photo1.bababian.com/

túpiànmiáoshù:   xīn qíng yóu ] dài zhe wǎng 'ān _ yóu xiū xián _ tiān shè _ 3 yóu xiū xián _ tiān shè _ 3
/ 5 túpiàn               huàndēngpiàn

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