Pic Title: Dr Wong Yee Ching Tong Jun epitaph First bodyguard Zuoling Nalan

Related Chapter: 皇清通议大夫一等侍卫佐领纳兰君墓志铭

Related pictures: Dr Wong Yee Ching Tong Jun epitaph First bodyguard Zuoling Nalan

Source: http://photo.hanyu.iciba.com/

Pic Description:   Nalanxingde - What do you mean - Kingsoft Chinese - HAPPY Life Nalanxingde (1655-1685), Manchu people, the word capacity if, No. Lankavatara Hermit, the Qing Dynasty, one of the most famous words. His poetry is not only in the Qing Dynasty Ci enjoy a high reputation in the entire history of Chinese literature, but also to "Ci"
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