E (E) è birds, of fierce, dark brown back, white belly, often flying in the water, feeding fish. Called the "Osprey." Stroke: 14; radicals: birds; Stroke Number: 25125111535451
鶚 鶚 è 【名】 鳥名〖osprey〗。俗稱“魚鷹”。一種大型無害的鷹,世界許多國傢都有,上體深褐色,下體大部純白,建有巨大的巢,常年復一年地使用,用盤旋和急降的方法捕食水中的魚。如:鶚駐(鶚之峙立);鶚爪(形如鶚爪的枝條);鶚立(像鶚那樣伫立不動) 比喻有才能的人〖talent〗。如:鶚表(舉薦人才的表章);鶚薦(舉薦人才)
Osprey Osprey è 【Name】 The bird〗 〖osprey. Commonly known as "Osprey." A large harmless hawk, many countries have, dark brown upper body, lower body most of the white, has a huge nests, often used year after year, with the drop method of circling and the water prey fish. Such as: E in (E of Zhili); E claw (claw-shaped branches, such as E); E stand (stand as fixed as E) Talented people metaphor〗 〖talent. Such as: E Sheets (recommend personnel Biaozhang); E recommended (recommend personnel)
E E in the bird (E of Zhili); E claw (claw-shaped branches, such as E); E stand (stand as fixed as E) compared to those who have E è a bird. Brown back, head, neck and abdomen white. Of the violent. Nests in trees or rocks, often flying in the water, feeding fish. Known as the Osprey.
鶚 e
部首 鳥 部首筆畫 05 總筆畫 14
鶚 fish hawk;
鶚 (1)
鶚 è
鳥名 [osprey]。俗稱魚鷹”。一種大型無害的鷹,世界許多國傢都有,上體深褐色,下體大部純白,建有巨大的巢,常年復一年地使用,用盤旋和急降的方法捕食水中的魚。如鶚駐(鶚之峙立);鶚爪(形如鶚爪的枝條);鶚立(像鶚那樣伫立不動)
比喻有才能的人 [talent]。如鶚表(舉薦人才的表章);鶚薦(舉薦人才)
鶚 (鶚)
è ㄜ╝
E e Radical Radical Bird 05 total strokes 14 strokes Osprey fish hawk; Osprey (1) Osprey è (2) The bird [osprey]. Commonly known as the Osprey. "A large harmless hawk, many countries have, dark brown upper body, lower body most of the white, built a huge nest, often used year after year, with the drop method of prey circling and water fish. such as E in (E of Zhili); E claw (claw-shaped branches, such as E); E stand (stand as fixed as E) (3) Metaphor of talented people [talent]. Such as the E form (recommend personnel Biaozhang); E recommended (recommend personnel) Osprey (E) è ㄜ ╝ Birds, of fierce, dark brown back, white belly, often flying in the water, feeding fish. Known as the Osprey. " Zheng code jjzr, u9e57, gbkf0ca 14 number of strokes, radical birds, stroke order number 25125111535451
亥集中 Hai focus 【廣韻】五各切【集韻】【韻會】逆各切,????音咢。【玉篇】雕,鶚也。師古曰:鷙擊之鳥,鷹鸇之屬。陸佃曰:鶚性好峙立,每立更不移處,所謂鶚立。【本草】一名魚鷹,又名鵰雞,又曰下窟鳥。【前漢·鄒陽傳】鷙鳥纍百,不如一鶚。【正字通】鶚翔水上,扇魚令出,啖之,故名沸波。
Five of the cut Guangyun】 【【】 【Ji Yun Yun will】 reverse the cut, ???? sound startle. 【】 Carved jade articles, E also. Master the ancient saying: birds of prey hit the bird, eagle Zhan of the genus. Lu Dian said: Osprey good Zhili, more unwavering stand at every so-called E legislation. Herbal】 【a Osprey, also known as carving chicken, again, he said the birds under the cave. 【Fax】 Former Han Zou Yang tired hundred birds of prey, as a E. CNS through】 【E Cheung water, fan-made out of fish, eat it, hence the name boiling waves.