
简异体:  ()繁异体:  (???? ???? ???? ????)拼音: zhān, shàn部首: 总笔画: 24部外笔画: 13
UTF-8: E9 B1 A3UTF-16: 9C63UTF-32: 00009C63Big 5: F8D6仓颉: NFYWM四角码: 2031.6
一字全码: zhan1yudan一字双码: zayuda一字单码: zyd汉字结构: 左(中)右汉字层次: 8笔画: 丿乛丨????一丨一丶丶丶丶丶一丨????丨????一一丨????一一一
笔顺编号: 352512144444125251125111笔顺读写: 撇折竖折横竖横捺捺捺捺捺横竖折竖折横横竖折横横横他人笔顺: 352512144444125251125111
部件组构: 魚((⺈(丿乛)田(冂(丨????)土(十(一丨)一)))灬((丶丶丶)丶))亶(㐭(亠(丶一)回(冋(冂(丨????)口(冂(丨????)一))一))旦(日(冂(丨????)二(一一))一))

  Shan zhān stroke count: 24; radical: fish; stroke order number: 352512144444125251125111
  1.鱘鰉魚的古稱。 2.鱔魚。也作「鱓(鱔)」。

  1. Sturgeon fish, the ancient name. 2. Eel. Also as "Shan (eel)."
亥集中 Hai focus  【唐韻】【集韻】【韻會】????張連切,音邅。【說文】鯉類也。【爾雅·釋魚】。【註】大魚。似鱏而短鼻,口在頷下,體有邪行甲,無鱗,肉黃,大者長二三丈,江東呼爲黃魚。【陸璣·草木蟲魚疏】出江海,三月中從河下頭來上,形似龍,銳頭,口在頷下,背上腹下皆有甲。今於盟津東石磧上鉤取之,大者千餘斤,可蒸爲????。又可爲鮓。魚子可爲醬。【詩·衞風】鮪發發。【前漢·賈誼傳】橫江湖之鯨。【註】師古曰:,亦作鱏。又【史記·建元以來年表】城陽頃王子封。【註】索隱曰:縣名。又【集韻】唐干切,音壇。義同。又【集韻】【正韻】????上演切,音善。同鱓。【後漢·楊震傳】有冠雀銜三魚,飛集講堂前,都講取魚進曰:虵者,卿大夫服之象也。【註】續漢書,謝承書皆作鱓。然則鱓古字通也。【顏氏家訓】後漢書云:鸛雀銜三鱓魚,多假借爲鮪之。俗之學士因謂之魚。按魏武四時食制,魚大如五斗匳,長一丈。郭璞註爾雅,長二三丈,安有鸛雀能勝一者,况三頭乎。又純灰色,無文章也。鱓魚,長者不過三尺,大者不過三指,黃地黑文,故都講云:虵,卿大夫服之象也。續漢書及搜神記亦說此事,皆作鱓字。孫卿云:魚鱉鰌,及韓非說苑,皆曰似蛇,????作字。假字爲鱓字,其來久矣。

  [Tang Yun Yun] [] [_set_] ???? Lian Yun will be cut, sound Zhan. [Text] carp that class also. [Ya] Shan release fish. [Note] big fish. Like Xun and short nose and mouth in the submandibular, the body has Xiexing A, no scales, flesh yellow, and the larger two thirty feet long, Jiangdong call for the fish. Sparse vegetation, insects, fish, [Lu] Shan-chi out of the ocean, around and under the river from mid-March, the shape of long, sharp head, mouth in the submandibular, back belly Jieyou A. Today in the Union to take the bait Jindong stone till the big more than a thousand pounds, can be steamed as ????. But also for the preserved fish. Caviar for the sauce. [Poem] Shan Wei Feng tuna Hair. [Previous] Han Jia Yi Chuan cross rivers and lakes of the Shan whales. [Note] old teacher said: Shan, also for Xun. Chronology of Historical Records Jianyuan since then [] Chengyang are closed Shan prince. [Note] Solitude reads: County name. And [_set_] Tang Yun dry cutting, sound altar. Meaning the same. Another _set_ of rhyme [rhyme] [] ???? being staged cutting, sound good. With Shan. [Later Han] has the highest bird transmission Memorial title three Shan fish, _set_ to fly before the lecture, are about to take the fish into the saying: Services Shan who Bureaucrats are like clothes. [Note] added Han, Xie Cheng Shan books are for the Shan. What, then Shanshan ancient word pass also. [Yanshijiaxun] of the Later Han says: Guanque title three Shan fish, mostly tuna under the guise of the Shan Shan. The customs of the degree of Shan for that fish. Seasons food system by Wei Wu, Shan Lian fighting fish as large as five, ten feet long. Note Ya Guo Pu, Shan thirty feet long two, security has Guanque can win a person, almost three conditions. Shan and pure gray, no article also. Shan fish, the elderly, but three feet, and the larger but three fingers, yellow to black culture, ancient capital of say Yun: Services Shan, Bureaucrats clothes as well. Renewal and Spirits Han also said the matter, are for Shan word. Sun Qing Yun: turtles Qiu Shan and Han Fei said the Court, Jieyue Shan like a snake, ???? for Shan word. False Shan Shan word word it to numbered.
编号:7555 Number: 7555  鯉也。从魚亶聲。 張連切

  Carp also. Dan sound from the fish. Lian-cut

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