Hunger (hunger ② hunger) jī hungry: hunger. Hungry. Hunger drive (the old means food, clothing and running.) Hunger and food drink. Hunger and cold. Beggars (Yu refused to take a much-needed time to refine choice). Castles in the air. Poor harvest or no harvest crops: famine. Hunger (famine). Hungry and full stroke: 5; radicals: Shi; stroke order number: 35535
Hungry Hungry jī 【Name, moving】 (Phonetic. From food, a few (jī) sound. Original meaning: famine, grain-free income) 〗 〖Badhavest with the original meaning Hunger, as hunger Valley unfamiliar. - "Said the text" Not familiar with that grain of hunger. - "Seven patients Mozi" Funeral hunger reduction. - "Poetry Xiaoya not stop the rain" Qi taste great famine, the road took the lives of uncountable too. - "Said Han Fei top right outside the reserve," Hunger made regularly through the years, the king of the elderly people turn almost gully. - "Under King Hui of Liang Mencius" No seasons, the great famine of the world. - "Huainanzi Astronomy" Shandong hunger today, people Shu-phase food. - "Han Yi Feng Biography" Another example: famine; hungry hungry (hunger); hunger was a time (too critical of people at relief, End depth); hungry vagrant (who flee from famine); hungry years (famine) 〗 〖Action: pass "hungry." Hungry, hungry 〖hungry; famishing; starving〗 Lebanon is not hungry is not cold. - "King Hui of Liang on Mencius" Ning January hunger, no one was hungry late. - "Hill said Huainanzi training" Cattle trapped people hungry date high. - Tang Bai "Mai Tanweng" Hungry and Dayton prostrate. - Tangliu Zong Yuan "snake say" Britain prostrate rain frost and dew hungry. - Qing Hong Liangji "Zhiping articles" Name Hungry Hungry jī 【Name, moving】 ("Hunger" and "hunger," the difference is that "hunger" means the hungry, "hunger" means the famine. Is not mixed with the pre-Qin to later gradually General. "Hunger", "hungry" are now reduced to "hungry ") 【Activity】 〖Hungry hungry; famishing; starving〗 Hunger, hungry too. From the food, laughing. - "Said the text" Hunger for music. - "Poetry Chen Fengheng door." Annotation: "Hunger is less than in the food also." Families often industry, although hunger is not hungry. - "Han Fei played the evil" Or by the hunger. - Han Jia Yi "sparse storage of product" Cao Jun and the hunger epidemic. - "Mirror" Another example: fire, hunger (hungry, such as the fire in the belly); hunger and die of hunger (starve the people. With the hungry, die of hunger); hunger drive (forced by hunger, go back and forth to make a living); fire burning hunger (hunger is difficult forbearance. If fire in the belly) Through "hunger." Famine, grain-free collection〗 〖badhavest Hunger-year-old in the spring. - "Han Feizi" Year over year is not Gordon, who exhausted with hunger. - "Han Chang Fen Biography" 〗 〖Jistate ancient name West cutting hunger country, destroy it. - "Shi Ji Yin Ji" Name Hunger to death jībì 〗 〖Bestarvedtodeath starved to death Death or for loss of road hunger. - "Guangdong Military Affairs in mind" Hungry Yushi jībùyùshí 〗 〖Disorder anorexia name refers to the feeling of hunger and do not want to eat, sick in the stomach and kidney. Empty stomach caused by hot who should Liujunzi Tonga berberine; for kidney, stomach and virtual fire by those who advised and cinnamon, Schisandra; not entirely due to fever heat with knowledge hungry after eating those big veins more virtual can be used ginseng BHT Beggars jībùzéshí 〖Relishplainfood; Allfoodisdelicioustothestarving.Beggarscan 'tbechoosers. (Saying) Hungerfindsnofaultwiththecookery. (Saying) Thehungrycannotbefastidiousaboutfood.〗 As hunger, can not attend the _select_ion of food. Metaphor of emergency situations, attend to consider _select_ing Hunger and thirst meal jīcān-kěyǐn 〗 〖Foodforhungerandwaterforthirsty hunger is eating, thirst is water. Describe the living arrangements as needed Four more after the gold and silver objects with a carry-out. Shall not hunger from food to drink, stay the night Travelling, meandering to Quzhou. - "Beijing Jade Goddess of Mercy of the popular novel grind" Hunger jī'è 〖Hunger; starvation〗 hungry Freedom from Hunger Hungry jīhán 〗 〖Coldandhunger hunger and cold, lack of food and want, more for the difficult situation He died in the cold and hunger Suffer hunger and cold jīhán-jiāopò 〖Bepoverty-stricken; behungryandpinchedwithcold; liveinpesteringhungerandcold; suffercoldandhunger; bemiserablefromcoldandhunger〗 the cold starvation, the extreme poverty Famine jīhuāng 〖Cropfailuredistitution; famine〗: famine Severe famine 〖Beinfinancialdifficulties; behardup; beshortofmoney〗: metaphor economic difficulties Famine Port〗 〖〗 〖debt: debt that La famine 〗 〖Trouble: trouble; scourge Unexpectedly short miscalculated, married a Kuok, came up big famine. - Qing Li Baichuan "The Wizard of Oz" 〖Quarrel; dispute; conflict〗: quarrel; theory; contradictions When he turned to night, when we shop together to fight like a famine. - "The Tale of Heroes" Intestinal hungry fire jīhuǒ-shāocháng 〗 〖One'sstomachsingingwithhunger hunger strong sense of the gastrointestinal there Huoshaohuoliao Famine jījǐn 〖Famine; cropfailure; distitution〗 famine; years of famine. Poor grain harvest is called "hunger." Vegetables and vegetable miss a meal called "Jin" Consequent to famine. - "The Analects of Confucius advanced" Hungry jīmín 〖Refugeesoffamine; starvingmasses〗 hungry people in the famine Hunger Rang jīráng 〖Yearofbadharvest; blankyear〗 hunger, famine. Rang, harvest Rang of a hungry world. (Where partial refers to the years of famine.) - Han Yi, "On the product storage sparse"
Hunger (phonetic. From food, laughing. The original meaning of famine, grain-free income) with the original meaning of hunger, who are not good for the hungry valley. - "Said the text" not familiar with that grain of hunger. - "Mo seven suffering from" drop mourning famine. - "Poetry Xiaoya not stop the rain" Come taste the great famine, the road took the lives of uncountable too. - "Han Fei top right outside the reserve, said" hungry issued regularly through the years, the king of the elderly people turn almost gully. - "Mencius under King Hui of Liang," not four seasons, the great famine of the world. - "Huainanzi astronomical" now Shandong famine, people Shu-phase food. - "Han Yi Feng Biography" Another example is the famine; hungry hungry (hunger); hunger was a time (too critical of people at relief, End depth); hungry vagrant (who flee from famine); hungry years (famine) hunger (hunger) jī ⒈ hungry, with the "full" relative ~ hungry tough. ~ Gut rumbled. ~ Not a chooser. ⒉ famine, poor harvest years ~ shortage. ~ Years old.
Hunger ji Radical Radical Shi total strokes 05 strokes 03 Hungry be hungry; famine; starve; Hungry (1) Hungry jī (2) (Phonetic. From food, a few (jī) sound. The original meaning of famine, grain-free income) (3) With the original meaning of [bad havest] Hunger, as hunger Valley unfamiliar. - "Said the text" Not familiar with that grain of hunger. - "Seven patients Mozi" Funeral hunger reduction. - "Poetry Xiaoya not stop the rain" Qi taste great famine, the road took the lives of uncountable too. - "Said Han Fei top right outside the reserve," Hunger made regularly through the years, the king of the elderly people turn almost gully. - "Under King Hui of Liang Mencius" No seasons, the great famine of the world. - "Huainanzi Astronomy" Shandong hunger today, people Shu-phase food. - "Han Yi Feng Biography" (4) Another example is the famine; hungry hungry (hunger); hunger was a time (too critical of people at relief, End depth); hungry vagrant (who flee from famine); hungry years (famine) (5) [Action]: pass hungry. "Hungry, hungry [hungry; famishing; starving] Lebanon is not hungry is not cold. - "King Hui of Liang on Mencius" Ning January hunger, no one was hungry late. - "Hill said Huainanzi training" Cattle trapped people hungry date high. - Tang Bai "Mai Tanweng" Hungry and Dayton prostrate. - Tangliu Zong Yuan "snake say" Britain prostrate rain frost and dew hungry. - Qing Hong Liangji "Zhiping articles" (6) Name Hungry (1) Hungry jī (2) (Hunger "and hunger," the difference is that hunger "refers to the hungry, hungry" means the famine. Is not mixed with the pre-Qin to later gradually General. Hunger, "hunger" now are reduced to hunger ") (3) Hungry [hungry; famishing; starving] Hunger, hungry too. From the food, laughing. - "Said the text" Hunger for music. - "Poetry Chen Fengheng door."笺 Hunger, insufficient food also. " Families often industry, although hunger is not hungry. - "Han Fei played the evil" Or by the hunger. - Han Jia Yi "sparse storage of product" Cao Jun and the hunger epidemic. - "Mirror" (4) Another example is the hunger of fire (hungry, such as the fire in the belly); hunger and die of hunger (starve the people. With the hungry, die of hunger); hunger drive (forced by hunger, go back and forth to make a living); hunger and the fire burned (hungry . such as the fire in the belly) (5) Through hunger. "Famine, the crops will not close [bad havest] Hunger-year-old in the spring. - "Han Feizi" Year over year is not Gordon, who exhausted with hunger. - "Han Chang Fen Biography" (6) Ancient name of [ji state] West cutting hunger country, destroy it. - "Shi Ji Yin Ji" (7) Name Hunger to death jībì [Be starved to death] starve to death Death or for loss of road hunger. - "Guangdong Military Affairs in mind" Hungry Yushi jībùyùshí [Anorexia] disease name refers to the feeling of hunger and do not want to eat, sick in the stomach and kidney. Empty stomach caused by hot who should Liujunzi Tonga berberine; for kidney, stomach and virtual fire by those who advised and cinnamon, Schisandra; not entirely due to fever heat with knowledge hungry after eating those big veins more virtual can be used ginseng BHT Beggars jībùzéshí [Relish plain food; all food is delicious to the starving. Beggars can't be choosers. (Saying) hunger finds no fault with the cookery. (Saying) the hungry cannot be fastidious about food.] By hunger, can not attend the _select_ion food. Metaphor of emergency situations, attend to consider _select_ing Hunger and thirst meal jīcān-kěyǐn [Food for hunger and water for thirsty] hunger is eating, thirst is water. Describe the living arrangements as needed Four more after the gold and silver objects with a carry-out. Shall not hunger from food to drink, stay the night Travelling, meandering to Quzhou. - "Beijing Jade Goddess of Mercy of the popular novel grind" Hunger jī è [Hunger; starvation] hungry Freedom from Hunger Hungry jīhán [Cold and hunger] hunger and cold, lack of food and want, more for the difficult situation He died in the cold and hunger Suffer hunger and cold jīhán-jiāopò [Be poverty-stricken; be hungry and pinched with cold; live in pestering hunger and cold; suffer cold and hunger; be miserable from cold and hunger] in the cold starvation, the extreme poverty Famine jīhuāng (1) [Crop failure distitution; famine]: famine Severe famine (2) [Be in financial difficulties; be hard up; be short of money]: analogy economic difficulties Famine (3) [Debt] [port]: refers to the debt La famine (4) [Trouble]: trouble; scourge Unexpectedly short miscalculated, married a Kuok, came up big famine. - Qing Li Baichuan "The Wizard of Oz" (5) [Quarrel; dispute; conflict]: quarrel; theory; contradictions When he turned to night, when we shop together to fight like a famine. - "The Tale of Heroes" Intestinal hungry fire jīhuǒ-shāocháng [One's stomach singing with hunger] hunger strong sense of the gastrointestinal there Huoshaohuoliao Famine jījǐn [Famine; crop failure; distitution] Famine; years of famine. Poor grain harvest is called hunger. "Miss a meal of vegetables and vegetable called Jin" Consequent to famine. - "The Analects of Confucius advanced" Hungry jīmín [Refugees of famine; starving masses] hungry people in the famine Hunger Rang jīráng [Year of bad harvest; blank year] hunger, famine. Rang, harvest Rang of a hungry world. (Where partial refers to the years of famine.) - Han Yi, "On the product storage sparse" Hungry (② hunger hunger) jī ㄐ ㄧ ˉ (1) Hungry ~ hungry. ~ People. ~ Drive (the old means food, clothing and running.) ~ Meal drink. ~ The pressure of the cold. ~ Do not choose food (Yu refused to take the time needed fine-_select_ive). Huabing charge ~. (2) Poor crop harvest or no harvest ~ shortage. ~ Jin (famine). Zheng code oxqd, u9965, gbkbca2 5 number of strokes, radical Shi, stroke order number 35535
〔〕 ???? ???? Ancient jade articles】 【century clothing cut, sound machine. 【】 Valley unfamiliar text that is hungry. Several more from the food. I note the word hunger details.