戌集下 Xu _set_ under 【廣韻】【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】????如招切,音蕘。【玉篇】多也,飽也,豐也,厚也,餘也。又益也,賸也。【禮·麯禮】大饗不問卜,不饒富。【註】富之言備也。備而已,勿多於禮也。【前漢·????平傳】平娶張氏,資用益饒。又對漢王曰:大王能饒人以爵邑。 又俗謂寬恕曰饒。【杜甫·立秋後詩】日月不相饒,節序昨夜隔。 又國名。【前漢·地理志】北海郡縣饒侯國。 又縣名。【前漢·地理志】屬西河郡。莽曰饒衍。【後漢·郡國志】安平國饒陽,故名饒。 又州名。本楚番邑,吳置鄱陽郡,隋攺饒州,以物產富饒也。 又姓。【風俗通】漢有饒武,爲漁陽太守。 又【廣韻】【集韻】【韻會】人要切【正韻】實照切,????音邵。義同。
【】 【Ji Yun Guang Yun Yun will】 【】 【】 ???? rhyme, such as strokes are cut, sound Rao. 【】 Jade articles and more also, full also, Feng also, thick too, I have. And benefits are, left too. 】 【Great Xiang Li Li Qu Bu do not ask, do not memorable. 【Note】 rich words are also prepared. Equipment only, not more than the ceremony also. 【Fax】 Former Han ???? Ping Zhang Ping married, owned by Yi Rao. Han Wang said again: king can forgive the Jazz town. Rao said that the forgiveness and vulgar. Du Fu's poetry】 【after the beginning of autumn sun and the moon does not phase Rao, Sequence of every night. And country names. Geography】 【Former Han Hou Rao North Sea counties. Another county. Geography】 【Former Han River County case. Mang Yan Rao said. After the Han Chi】 【Anping Guo Raoyang gun, hence the name Rao. And a state. The Fan Yi Chu, Wu _set_ Poyang County, Sui Yi Raozhou to abundant resources also. Another name. 】 【Su Tung Wu Han have spare for Yuyang Prefecture. Also Guangyun】 【【】 【Ji Yun Yun will】 people to cut Rhymes】 【cut real photos, ???? sound Shao. Meaning the same. |