
简异体:  ()繁异体:  ()拼音: qīn部首: 总笔画: 17部外笔画: 8
UTF-8: E9 A1 89UTF-16: 9849UTF-32: 00009849Big 5: EF48仓颉: CMBC四角码: 8118.6
一字全码: qin1jinye一字双码: qijiye一字单码: qjy汉字结构: 左(中)右汉字层次: 7笔画: 丿㇏一一丨丶丿一一丿丨????一一一丿㇏
笔顺编号: 34112431132511134笔顺读写: 撇捺横横竖捺撇横横撇竖折横横横撇捺他人笔顺: 34112431132511134
部件组构: 釒(????(丿㇏)(干(一十(一丨))䒑(丷(丶丿)一)))頁(丆(一丿)貝(目(冂(丨????)三(一二(一一)))八(丿㇏)))

  Qin qīn nodded: "Welcome to the door, Qin's it." Shake (head): "Qin their aging, the song-law; holding his hand, the festive dance." Stroke count: 17; radical: page; stroke order number : 34112431132511134
  1.點頭;搖頭。 2.下巴上曲貌。也作「顩」。

  1 nod; shook his head. 2 song on the chin appearance. Also as "Han."
  qīn 1.低头;摇头。谓微动其头。 2.通"顩"。下巴骨微向前伸貌。

  Qin qīn 1. Bow; shook his head. That the micro-its head. 2-pass "Han." Jaw forward slightly stretched appearance.
戌集下 Xu _set_ under  【唐韻】【集韻】【韻會】????五感切,音撼。【說文】低頭也。引【左傳襄二十六年】迎於門之而已。今本作頷。杜註:頷,搖其頭也。 又【廣韻】欽錦切【集韻】丘甚切,????音坅。同顩。 又【廣韻】去金切【集韻】【韻會】祛音切【正韻】驅音切,????音欽。【廣韻】曲頤之貌。【前漢·揚雄傳】頤折頞。考證:〔【左傳·襄十二年】衞侯入迎于門者,之而已。【註】,搖其頭也。亦作頷。〕 謹按事在襄公二十六年,今照說文原文改爲引左傳襄二十六年迎於門之而已。今本作頷。杜註頷搖其頭也。

  Tang Yun [] [] [rhyme rhyme _set_] ???? will cut the five senses, sound shake. [Text] that is also down. Cited twenty-six years] [Ying Zuo Xiang Qin in the door of it. Today this as jaw. Du Note: maxillary, shake his head too. And [Rhyme] [Chin Kam-cut _set_ of rhyme] Qiu Shiqie, ???? sound Qin. With Han. And metal cutting [Rhyme] to [_set_] [Yun Yun Qu tone will] cut [is] driven rhyme sound cut, sound ???? Chin. [Rhyme] Qu Yi's appearance. [Previous] Qin Yi Chuan Han Yang Xiong off junction of nose and forehead. Research: [[years] Wei Hou Xiang Zuo Ying in the door into the person, Qin's it. [Note] Qin, shake his head too. Also for the jaw. ] Would like to do in Xianggong by 26 years the original text of this talk about the twenty-six years to lead Zuo Xiang Qin's welcome at the door only. Today this as jaw. Du Note jaw to shake his head too.
编号:5627 Code: 5627  低頭也。从頁金聲。《春秋傳》曰:“迎于門,之而巳。” 五感切

  Bow also. Jinsheng from the page. "Spring and Autumn pass' reads:" Welcome to the door, Qin's Ersi. "Cutting the five senses

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