Ai (Ai) āi an artificial radioactive element. Stroke count: 14; radical: Guoqi; strokes Number: 31115412513534
Detailed Explanation
Ai Ai āi [Name] Man-made radioactive element, atomic number 99 (can be generated by neutron bombardment of plutonium)〗 〖einsteinium - element symbol Es
More Simple Explanation
Ai artificial radioactive element, atomic number 99 - the element symbol es, helium can be used to obtain the nuclear bombardment of uranium and other methods, there are radioactive.
More Detailed Explanation
Ai ai Radical Radical Guoqi total strokes 14 strokes 05 Ai einsteinium; Ai (1) Tiao āi (2) Man-made radioactive element, atomic number 99 (bombarding plutonium with neutrons to produce) [einsteinium] - element symbols es Ai (Tiao) āi ㄞ ˉ An artificial radioactive element. Zheng code psjr, u953f, gbkefcd Number of 14 strokes, radical Guoqi, stroke order number 31115412513534