
简异体: 繁异体:  ( ????)拼音: quán部首: 釒金总笔画: 14部外笔画: 6
UTF-8: E9 8A 93UTF-16: 9293UTF-32: 00009293GB 12345: 7893Big 5: BBCD仓颉: COMG
四角码: 8811.4一字全码: quan2jinquan一字双码: qujiqu一字单码: qjq汉字结构: 左(中)右汉字层次: 6
笔画: 丿㇏一一丨丶丿一丿㇏一一丨一笔顺编号: 34112431341121笔顺读写: 撇捺横横竖捺撇横撇捺横横竖横他人笔顺: 34112431341121
部件组构: 釒(????(丿㇏)(干(一十(一丨))䒑(丷(丶丿)一)))全(人(丿㇏)王(一土(十(一丨)一)))

  Quan quán see "Civil." Stroke count: 14; radical: Jin; strokes Number: 34112431341121
  1.稱重量的工具,即秤。 2.度;衡量。 3.平木器。 4.選授官職。 5.排列等第,評定高下。 6.通「詮」。卑屈。 7.姓。

  1. The weight of the tool, the scale. 2 degrees; measure. 3 flat wood. 4 elected official delegate. 5 arrangement, step, assessment compete. 6 pass, "Quan." Subservient. 7 name.
戌集上 Xu sets  【唐韻】此緣切【集韻】【韻會】逡緣切,????音詮。【說文】衡也。【廣韻】量也,次也,度也。【爾雅·釋言】也。【疏】謂量輕重也。【前漢·王莽傳】考量以。【註】,權衡也。 又【玉篇】平木器。 又三。【唐六典】吏部有三法,尚書典其一,爲尚書。侍郞分其二,爲中。以四事擇其才,曰身言書判。以三類觀其異,曰德才勞。凡流外兵部禮部舉人,郞官得自主之,曰小選。【註】尚書掌七品以上選,侍郞掌八品以下選。 又姓。漢捕羌校尉徵。 【集韻】或作輇。【莊子·外物篇】輇才諷說之徒。【註】輇量人物也。亦作硂。

  [Don] This rhyme rhyme _set_ of edge-cut [] [will] shrink rhyme cutting edge, ???? sound interpretations. [Text] value that also. [Rhyme] volume, times have, degrees also. [Ya] interpretation made by the Civil also. [Sparse] that the amount of weight also Civil. [Transfer] before the Han Wang Mang consider quan. [Note] Quan, also weighed. And jade articles] [flat wood. And three Quan. [Don] Ministry of Personnel, three 6 Code Civil Law, Shang Shudian one for the Book of Quan. Shi Lang sub-second for the Quan Dong Quan. To pick and choose only four things, said body made the book sentence. In view of its different categories, said Decai labor. Rites of War where the flow outside the lifts, Lang was independent of the government, said a small _select_ion. [Note] Book of the palm above seven items _select_ed, the following eight items Shi Lang palm election. Another name. Captain Quan Qiang Han Zheng catch. [_Set_] or for Quan rhyme. [Chuang-tzu in the material was satirical articles] Quan said of the believers. [Note] Quan amount of people also. Also for Quan.
编号:9323 Number: 9323  衡也。从金全聲。 此緣切

  Balance also. From the gold full sound. The cutting edge

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