Po Lake Pó 【Name】 〗 〖Pocounty Jiuxian Name Poyang Yuzhang County, from Yap, fan sound. - "Said the text" The Spring and Autumn Fan Yi Chu, Qin Fan County home, renamed the Western Han Dynasty Fan Yang, Han before making the Poyang. Jiangxi Province, where this rule Wave Anodic East. Such as: Po Hu (Lake of the province said. In northern Jiangxi is China's largest freshwater lake)
Po <name> Jiuxian name Poyang Yuzhang County, from the Yi, Fan sound. - "Said the text" This is the Spring and Autumn Fan Yi Chu, Qin Fan County home, renamed the Western Han Dynasty Fan Yang, Han before making the Poyang. Jiangxi Province, where this rule Wave Anodic East. If Po Hu (Lake of the province said. In northern Jiangxi, is the largest freshwater lake) po pó Lake, now a "Wave Anodic Lake." It is one of the Great Lakes, in Jiangxi Province. Po pán 1. Po I, Zhao Warring States Period. In the current magnetic County, Hebei Province. Po pí 1. Han county. Tengzhou City, Shandong Province, in this environment.
Po po Radical Radical Fu 03 total strokes 14 strokes Po Lake pó <Name> (1) Jiuxian name [po county] Poyang Yuzhang County, from Yap, fan sound. - "Said the text" (2) The Spring and Autumn Fan Yi Chu, Qin Fan County home, renamed the Western Han Dynasty Fan Yang, Han before making the Poyang. Jiangxi Province, where this rule Wave Anodic East. If Po Hu (Lake of the province said. In northern Jiangxi is China's largest freshwater lake) Po Lake pó po ㄛ 〔〕 ~ Yang Lake Lake name, in China's Jiangxi Province. Zheng code pfky, u9131, gbkdbb6 14 number of strokes, radical Fu, stroke order number 34312342512152
酉集下 Under the unitary _set_ 【廣韻】【集韻】蒲波切【韻會】【正韻】蒲禾切,????音婆。【說文】鄱陽豫章縣,今屬饒州。 又【集韻】蒲麋切,音陴。縣名。在魯。 又蒲官切,音盤。趙地名。
Guangyun 【】 【】 Ji Yun Yun Po Rinpoche will 【】 【】 Yun Po Wo is cut, ???? sound woman. Poyang Yu Chang Wen】 【said County, this is Raozhou. Also】 【Ji Yun Po moose cut, sound parapet. County. In Lu. And Po official cut, audio disk. Zhao names.
編號:4090 ID: 4090 鄱陽,豫章縣。從邑番聲。 薄波切
Poyang, Yu Zhang County. Fan noise from Yap. Thin Rinpoche