Sent qiǎn send, send, send: sending. Removal. Difference (ch Mol) removal. Transfer (di View my Bookbag Help) removal. Repatriated (sent back to the original place). Severance (s Er.) Diction (speaking, writing use words.) Troubleshooting, vent: dispel boredom. Pastime. Qian Xing (x Xiao g). Sent arms. Stroke: 13; radicals: Chuo; stroke order code: 2512125151454
Send qiǎn 【Activity】 (Phonetic. From Chuo (chuò). Original meaning: release) 〗 〖Release with the original meaning Removal, vertical also. - "Said the text" The date of dispatch read eulogy. - "Zhou Tai Shi." Note: "that the Temple of the court, lay the line too large." Sent a large funeral decorated cars. - "Zhou towel car" Books sent to policy. - "Rites both Xi Li" Sent a car as fast. - "Book of Rites Miscellanies." "Funeral offerings contained in the body of the cars." By removal of a vehicle. - "Book of Rites Tan Gong." Note: "the ministers who give horsemen, trusted by a removal truck." Press, specializing in using the word old Xiong Li. Another example: send prisoners of war (the repatriation prisoners); the repatriation (return of Judah) Camp. Sent 〖send; dispatch〗 So Sui Qian Feng Zhao phase, such as bi west to Qin. - "Historical Biographies of Lian Po Lin Hsiang-ju" The right to agree not to Yuqian quality. - "Three Kingdoms Biography of Zhou Yu" Note Naiqian to Ericsson for the King of Qi Zhang, Zheng Chu hit the soldiers. - "Records of the Historian Huaiyin Hou Biography" May not sent. - Chinese Liu Xiang "Biographies for Women" The final removal of the king. With its prefect Jiqian to people, look to the blog. - "Peach Blossom Spring" Li Jincheng removal. - "Mirror Tang Ji" Another example: assignment (deployment; sent); sent (assigned to the outside to work); emissary (to send messengers); sent someone to call the doctor; removal price (sent servants); Qianguan (dispatch officer); removal workers (sent staff); Qian Jun (send troops) Relegated; exile 〖relegate; exile〗 Gompertz and son guilty of seeking the removal of the drunk. - "Twenty years of public Zuo Xi" Sending back so the gun. - "Han hole-by-light" Royal displeasure and sent the crown prince. - "Talking" Another example: sending back (relegation, release or abandon that go off); sent Exile (exiled to remote areas); removal penalty (Qing exile prisoners to remote places very hard labor punishment); removal exclusion (Chizhu); removal made (referring to exile prisoners serving sentences in the border areas); removal stream (exiled, deported) Send; sent 〖send; dismiss〗 The removal of laughter. - Xiu Song, "recorded the Country Life" Solid-law is not sent. - Ming Cui milling "Wong Su Huan words in mind three things the public Ao" Information and removal of thick. - Qing Zhou Rong "line Elderly Biography" Stop the time of removal in winter. - Qing Fang Bao "Prison Diary" Another example: removal date (pass the time, recreation); sent the book (letters); removal hair (pass, distraction); sent leisure (leisure pass); removal married (married); Ziqian (distraction gloomy and console myself) Ancient times, a husband and wife jumped off〗 〖castoffone'swifeandsendherhome. Such as: send the line (that his wife abandoned by her husband left off) 〗 〖Express express But since the day, sad day, solitude, try to send Yu Zhong. - "Dream of Red Mansions" Another example: send sad (to express grief); removal For (excluding desires); Qianchu (Utah excluded); sent evil (crime) 〗 〖Use apply. Such as: removal with (use, use) Rain ended the day sunny 〖clearup (afterrain)〗. Such as: removal day (long period of rain to lunch pause) So, let 〖let; allow〗. Such as: removal order (still directs); removal call (still called) Diction qiǎncí 〗 〖Choiceofword words, the use of the words Phrasing Repatriation qiǎnfǎn 〗 〖Repatriate prisoners of war captured belligerent to which they return to their own Repatriation of prisoners of war Divert qiǎnmèn 〗 〖Dispelboredom resolve boredom, vent their stuffiness Severance qiǎnsàn 〗 〖Dismiss: severely Qianzou Severance squire 〗 〖Disband: the dissolution of a group; especially the dissolution of a military organization Severance of an army Repatriate qiǎnsòng 〗 〖Sendback put people away with the mandatory Sent back to countries of origin
Sent <action> with the original meaning of removal, vertical also. - "Said the text" read the day of removal Lei. - "Zhou Tai Shi." Note that the Temple of the court, lay the line too large. "Send large funeral decorated cars. -" Zhou towel car "books sent in policy. -" Both the evening ritual ceremony "as the prison sent a car. -" Book of Rites Miscellanies. "Funeral offerings contained in the body the cars. "severance car a ride. - "Book of Rites Tan Gong." Note the ministers who give traveling, trusted by a removal truck. "According to this ancient post on the use of the word Xiong Li. Another example is the removal prisoners (the repatriation prisoners); the repatriation (return of Judah) to send. So then sent Zhao Bong Bi phase, such as the West sent to Qin. - "Historical Biographies of Lian Po Lin Hsiang-ju" means the right to not Yuqian quality. - "Three Kingdoms Biography of Zhou Yu" Note Naiqian to Ericsson for the King of Qi Zhang, Zheng its removal qiǎn ⒈ difference , sent bad ~. send ~. ~ soldiers. ~ will. ⒉ sent to kill ~ sent. ~ back. ~ to. ⒊ dissipated, remove ~ bored. Consumers ~. Pai ~. ⒋ <Ancient> that was being demoted in the official ~ in. repatriated qiàn 1. ancient burial thing. 2. refers to the removal policy. 3. buried in ancient times when the memorial.
Removal qian Radical Radical Chuo total strokes 13 strokes 03 Send dispatch; dispel; send; Send qiǎn <Action> (1) (Phonetic. From Chuo (chuò). The original meaning of the release) (2) With the original meaning [release] Removal, vertical also. - "Said the text" The date of dispatch read eulogy. - "Zhou Tai Shi." Note that the Temple of the court, lay the line too large. " Sent a large funeral decorated cars. - "Zhou towel car" Books sent to policy. - "Rites both Xi Li" Sent a car as fast. - "Book of Rites Miscellanies." Offerings contained in the body of the funeral cars. " By removal of a vehicle. - "Book of Rites Tan Gong." Note the ministers who give traveling, trusted by a removal truck. "According to this ancient post on the use of the word Xiong Li. (3) Another example is the removal prisoners (the repatriation prisoners); the repatriation (return of Judah) (4) Camp. Sent [send; dispatch] So Sui Qian Feng Zhao phase, such as bi west to Qin. - "Historical Biographies of Lian Po Lin Hsiang-ju" The right to agree not to Yuqian quality. - "Three Kingdoms Biography of Zhou Yu" Note Naiqian to Ericsson for the King of Qi Zhang, Zheng Chu hit the soldiers. - "Records of the Historian Huaiyin Hou Biography" May not sent. - Chinese Liu Xiang "Biographies for Women" The final removal of the king. With its prefect Jiqian to people, look to the blog. - "Peach Blossom Spring" Li Jincheng removal. - "Mirror Tang Ji" (5) Another example is the assignment (deployment; sent); sent (assigned to the outside to work); emissary (to send messengers); sent someone to call the doctor; removal price (sent servants); Qianguan (dispatch officer); removal workers (sent staff ); Qian Jun (send troops) (6) Relegated; exile [relegate; exile] Gompertz and son guilty of seeking the removal of the drunk. - "Twenty years of public Zuo Xi" Sending back so the gun. - "Han hole-by-light" Royal displeasure and sent the crown prince. - "Talking" (7) Another example is sending back (relegation, release or abandon that go off); sent Exile (exiled to remote areas); removal penalty (Qing exile prisoners to remote places very hard labor punishment); removal exclusion (Chizhu); removal guilty (of exiled prisoners serving sentences in the border areas); removal stream (exiled, deported) (8) Send; send [send; dismiss] The removal of laughter. - Xiu Song, "recorded the Country Life" Solid-law is not sent. - Ming Cui milling "Wong Su Huan words in mind three things the public Ao" Information and removal of thick. - Qing Zhou Rong "line Elderly Biography" Stop the time of removal in winter. - Qing Fang Bao "Prison Diary" (9) Another example is the removal date (pass the time, recreation); sent the book (letters); removal hair (pass, distraction); sent leisure (leisure pass); removal married (married); Ziqian (distraction gloomy and console myself) (10) Ancient times, a husband and wife jumped off [cast off one's wife and send her home]. Such as the removal line (that his wife abandoned by her husband left off) (11) Express [express] But since the day, sad day, solitude, try to send Yu Zhong. - "Dream of Red Mansions" (12) Another example is the removal sad (to express grief); removal For (excluding desires); Qianchu (Utah excluded); sent evil (crime) (13) Use [apply]. If sent by (used, use) (14) Rain ended the day sunny [clear up (after rain)]. Such as the removal day (long period of rain to lunch pause) (15) So, so [let; allow]. Such as the removal order (still directs); removal call (still called) Diction qiǎncí [Choice of word] words, the use of the words Phrasing Repatriation qiǎnfǎn [Repatriate] belligerents captured prisoners of war returned to their country of their Repatriation of prisoners of war Divert qiǎnmèn [Dispel boredom] resolve boredom, vent their stuffiness Severance qiǎnsàn (1) [Dismiss]: severely Qianzou Severance squire (2) [Disband]: the dissolution of a group; especially the dissolution of a military organization Severance of an army Repatriate qiǎnsòng [Send back] to put people away with the mandatory Sent back to countries of origin Send qiǎn ㄑ ㄧ ㄢ (1) Send, send, send send ~. ~ Sent. Difference (chāi) ~. Transfer (diào) ~. ~ Return (sent back to the original place). ~ Bulk (sàn). ~ Word (speak, write articles to use words.) (2) Troubleshooting, vent ~ boring. Consumers ~. ~ Hing (xìng). ~ Pregnant. Zheng code wjay, u9063, gbkc7b2 13 number of strokes, radical Chuo, stroke number 2512125151454
酉集下 Under the unitary _set_ 【廣韻】【集韻】去演切【正韻】驅演切,????音繾。【說文】縱也。【廣韻】送也。【儀禮·旣夕】書遣於策。【註】遣,猶送也。 又【正韻】祛也,逐也,發也。【左傳·僖二十三年】姜氏與子犯謀,醉而遣之。【前漢·孔光傳】遣歸故郡。 又【廣韻】去戰切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】詰戰切,????繾去聲。【廣韻】人臣賜車馬曰遣車。【正韻】將葬而祭曰遣奠。旣祭,乃包牲體,載之以車,隨柩而行,曰遣車。【禮·檀弓】遣車一乗。【註】人臣賜車馬者,乃得有遣車。
Guangyun 【】 【】 to play cut Ji Yun Yun】 【drive speech is cut, ???? tone loving. Wen also said】 【vertical. Guangyun】 【sent also. Ji Xi】 【ritual book sent in the policy. 【Note】 removal, still send too. Rhymes】 【cured and also, by also, hair too. Zuo Xi】 【Chiang and twenty-three years to seek child offenders, drunk and removal of. Former Han hole 【】 sending back-light so the county. Guangyun】 【go to war and cut 【Ji Yun Yun will】 【】 【】's long battle rhyme is cut, ???? loving falling tone. Guangyun】 【give the ministers said traveling removal vehicles. Rhymes】 【said removal will lay buried Erji. Ji Ji, is the package offerings body, _set_ out in the car, with the bier and the line, said removal vehicles. Li Tan Gong】 【sent a car ride. 【Note】 ministers who give traveling, trusted by a removal vehicle.
編號:1144 ID: 1144 縱也。從辵????聲。 去衍切
Vertical also. From Chuo ???? sound. Cut to the derivative