
簡異體: 繁異體:  (???? ???? ????)拼音: jìn部首: 辶辵總筆畫: 11部外筆畫: 8
UTF-8: E9 80 B2UTF-16: 9032UTF-32: 00009032GB 12345: 2988Big 5: B669倉頡: YOG
四角碼: 3030.1一字全碼: jin4zhuichuo一字雙碼: jizucu一字單碼: jzc漢字結構: 圍閤結構漢字層次: 6
筆畫: 丿丨丶一一一丨一丶????㇏筆順編號: 32411121454筆順讀寫: 撇竪捺橫橫橫竪橫捺折捺他人筆順: 32411121454
部件組構: 隹(亻(丿丨)(丶三(一二(一一))丄(丨一)))辶(丶廴(????㇏))

  Into jìn see "into." Stroke: 11; radicals: Chuo; stroke order number: 32411121454
  1.嚮前;嚮上移動。 2.行。 3.長步。 4.促,增強。 5.出仕。 6.引,舉薦。 7.提陞;提拔。 8.奉獻,送上。 9.靠近。 10.超過。 11.入。 12.收入的錢財。一說通「賮」。又賭博之財。 13.房屋分成的前後層次。 14.效。 15.通「峻」。高。 16.通「盡」。 17.通「餕」。祭祀後食其餘。 18.姓。
酉集下 Under the unitary _set_  〔古文〕????????【唐韻】【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】????卽刃切,音晉。【說文】登也。【玉篇】升也。【廣韻】前也。【禮·麯禮】遭先生於道,趨而。【表記】君子三揖而。【註】人之相見,三揖三讓,以升賔階。【書·盤庚】乃登厥民。【疏】延之使前而告之也。 又【正韻】薦也。【禮·儒行】推賢而達之。 又【正韻】效也。【禮·樂記】禮減而,以爲文。【註】自勉強也。【易·乾卦】君子德修業,欲及時也。 又近也。【禮·檀弓】兄弟之子猶子也。蓋引而之也。 又士。【禮·王製】大樂正論造士之秀者,以告於王,而升諸司馬,曰士。【註】士,可而受爵祿也。 又特。【後漢·和帝紀】賜諸侯王公將軍特。【註】諸侯功德優盛,朝廷所敬異者賜位特。 又與餕同。【禮·祭統】百官徹之。【註】同餕。 又【字彙補】與盡同。【列子·黃帝篇】竭聰明,智力。 又通作薦。【列子·湯問篇】穆王薦之,張註薦當作。 又【集韻】徐刃切【正韻】齊切。????與贐同。會禮也。【前漢·高帝紀】蕭何爲主吏主。【註】主賦斂禮錢也。師古曰:本作贐,聲轉爲。 又葉資辛切,音津。【揚子·太????經】陽引而,物出溱溱。考證:〔【唐韻】【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】????郎刃切,音晉。〕 謹照原文郎改卽。〔【列子·湯問篇】王薦而問之。【註】薦,猶也。〕 謹照原文改穆王薦之,張註薦當作。〔【史記·高帝紀】蕭何爲主吏主。【註】主賦斂禮錢也。師古曰,,本作贐,聲轉爲。〕 謹按所引係前漢書註,則正文亦當引前漢書。史記改前漢。

  Ancient 〔〕 【???? ????】 【Ji Yun Tang Yun Yun will】 【】 【】 ???? Rhymes calipering cutting edge, sound Jin. 【】 Board also said the text. Jade articles】 【rise also. Guangyun】 【practice before. 】 【Ceremony by Mr. Qu Lai Road, and into the trend. Token】 【gentleman bowed and into the third. 【Note】 people of each other, bowed three for three, to rise Bin bands. Pangeng】 【book is registered into the dedication the people. Extension of the sparse】 【divisions of the former also. Also recommended are】 【Rhymes. Li Ru-line】 【Yin and pushed into the Tat. Rhymes】 【effect they have. Hutchison】 【ritual into the ceremony by which to enter an article. 【Note】 since barely. Yi Qian】 【virtue and duration gentleman, For in a timely manner also. So close too. Li Tan Gong】 【brother is also the son of Jewish children. Cover and into the lead also. And Scholars. 】 【Ceremony of King who made great music being on the show were to sue the king, and rose all Sima, said Chin. 【Note】 Scholars, may then also be Peerage. Also provides a progress. Han Ji Dili】 【given after the kings and princes into the general characteristics. 【Note】 Rossmax merit princes, who give different position towards the Ting Suojing special enter. Also the same with the remains of a meal. Li Ji】 【Baiguan into thorough the system. 【Note】 into the same remains of a meal. Also make】 【words and do the same. Posts】 【Liezi exhaust wise Emperor, into the intelligence. And pass on as recommended. Posts】 【Q Mu Tang Liezi recommended, Zhang Jian as injection into the. Also】 【Ji Yun Yun Xu is】 【cutting edge into the cut together. ???? with farewell presents the same. Ceremony will be also. 】 【Former Han Ji Xiao-based officials Gotti main input. 【Note】 Master Fu money grabbing ceremony. Master the ancient saying: into this for Comfort Care Concern Group, turned into sound. And leaf-owned Xinqie, audio and Tianjin. 【】 Yang Yangtze too ???? cited by the forward, Qin Qin things out. Research: 〔【】 【Ji Yun Tang Yun Yun will】 【】 【】 ???? Yun Lang is cutting edge, sound Jin. 〕 Would like to change according to the original calipering Lang. Tang Wen Chapter 〔】 【Liezi recommended and asked the king. 【Note】 recommended, Utah into the well. 〕 Would like to change according to the original Mu Jian, Zhang Jian as progress note. 〔】 【Records Ji Xiao-based officials Gotti main input. 【Note】 Master Fu money grabbing ceremony. Old Master said, into the for Comfort Care Concern Group, turned into sound. 〕 Cited by Department of honor before the Han note, the text would also be conducted before the Han cited. Historical change before the Hon.
編號:1112 ID: 1112  登也。從辵,閵省聲。 卽刃切

  Gordon also. From Chuo, 閵 provincial sound. Calipering cutting edge

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