Huan huán See huàn 轘 House huányuán 〗 〖Strategicroads: Situation advantageous way All soldiers must first review the main map Huan House of known risk. - "Pipe" 〗 〖HuanyuanMountain: the Huan House Hill, Yanshi County in Henan Province, southeast, southwest Gong Xian, Dengfeng County, Northwest, Song won the dangerous mountain road loop, called Huan House Road Luan's grazing ban to Stuart who, in the final by taking Yan, to designate the various Huan House. - "Zuo Zhuan" 〗 〖Huanyuanpass: Off name, House Mountain in Henan Huan Huan House of risk, excessive water car. - "_Set_ rhyme." Huan huàn [Move] Julie〗 〖executionbytearingthebodyapartwithseveralcarts. Mercedes-Benz car to the Quartet and with the Department of the human body will be torn, Julie used the ancient Chinese people as a punishment Huan Huan, Julie people. - "Said Wen." Huan Zhu Li doors. - "Zuo Xuan Gong eleven years." Huangaoqumi. - "Zuo Huan eighteen years." Another example: Huan punishment (that is, Julie. Ancient form of torture); Huan body (the car tearing the body); Huan split (car tear the body); Huan drugs (Julie or poison) See huán
1.古代酷刑,用車肢解人體。 2.[轘轅]山名;古關名。在今河南省偃師縣東南。
1 ancient torture, mutilation car. 2. [Huan House] Yamana; ancient customs were. Yanshi County, Henan Province in the southeast today.
酉集下 Under the unitary _set_ 【廣韻】【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】????鬍慣切,音患。【說文】車裂人也。【周禮·秋官·條狼氏】誓馭曰車轘。【左傳·桓十八年】齊人轘高渠彌。 又【集韻】轘轅,地名。在緱氏縣。 又【廣韻】【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】????鬍關切,音還。義同。
[Rhyme] [] [_Set_ rhyme rhyme rhyme will] [is] ???? Hu used to cut, sound risk. [Paper] Julie said people. Zhou [Adam's] oath of wolf car Huan Yu said. Eighteen years] [Zuo Huan Qi Huan high drainage Mi. And [_set_] Huan Yun House, place names. The GOU's County. Another _set_ of rhyme [Rhyme] [] [] [rhyme will rhyme] ???? Hu is concerned, sound also. Meaning the same.
編號:9557 Code: 9557 車裂人也。從車瞏聲。《春秋傳》曰:“轘諸慄門。” 鬍慣切
Julie people. Lonely voice from the car. "Spring and Autumn Biography", saying: "Huan Zhu Li doors." Hu used to cut