jiǎnyìtǐ:  (kuākuà)fányìtǐ:  (kuà ???? ???? ????)pīnyīn: kuà, kù, kuā, kuǎ
bùshǒu: zǒngbǐhuà: 13bùwàibǐhuà: 6
UTF-8: E8 B7 A8UTF-16: 8DE8UTF-32: 00008DE8
GB 2312: 3171GB 12345: 3171Big 5: B8F3
cāngjié: RMKMSsìjiǎomǎ: 6412.7yīzìquánmǎ: kua4zukua
yīzìshuāngmǎ: kuzukuyīzìdānmǎ: kzkhànzìjiégòu: zuǒ(zhōng)yòu
hànzìcéngcì: 5bǐhuà: 丨????一丨一丨一一丿㇏一一????bǐshùnbiānhào: 2512121134115
bǐshùndúxiě: shù, zhé, héng, shù, héng, shù, héng, héng, piě, nà, héng, héng, zhétārénbǐshùn: 2512121134115
bùjiànzǔgòu: ⻊(口(冂(丨????)一)止(⺊(丨一)丄(丨一)))夸(大(一人(丿㇏))亏(一丂(一????)))
   tái tuǐ xiàng qián huò xiàng bàng dòng yuè guòmài guò kuà jìn kuà kuà
   liǎng jiǎo fēn zài de liǎng biān zuò zhe huò zhe kuà xiǎo hái kuà zhe mén jiàn
   chāo guò shí jiànhuò zhī jiān de jiè xiàn kuà yuè kuà nián kuà guó gōng
   zài bàng biān kuà yuàn
   tóng kuà
   huà shù: 13;
   shùn biān hào: 2512121134115

  Forward or sideways across kuà move across the leg, crossed: stride. Entered. Span. Ride, legs on both sides of points in the objects of the sitting or standing: Kuama. Children cross the threshold. Over time or the boundaries between regions: Crossing. Beyond the year. Transnational corporations. Attached to the next: campus-wide. Old with "hip." Stroke: 13; radicals: foot; stroke order code: 2512121134115
  【 dòng
  ( xíng shēngcóng , kuā shēngběn : mài , yuè guò )
   tóng běn step;stride
   kuà , héng héngshuō wén》。 duàn zhù :“ wèi liǎng jiān , yòu suǒ yuè 。”
   kuà guóhéng héngguó · jìn
   kāng wáng kuà zhīhéng héngzuǒzhuàn · zhāo gōng shí sān nián
   yòu : kuà jìn mén ; kuà guò xiǎo gōu ; kuà niè ( kuà ; kuà ); kuà xùn ( kuà dào huò dàoxùnde fāng wèi ); kuà huǒ ( kuà guò huǒ duīwéi zhòngmín ); kuà zōng ( kuà yuè )
   chāo guò〖 gobeyond〗
   nǎi lǎn qín zhì , kuà zhōu héng héng zhāng héng jīng
   yòu : kuà zào ( 'ér shèng guò qīn ); kuà ( chāo yuè shì ); kuà nián ( cóng jiù nián dào xīn nián chū de shí jiān )
   〖 bestride〗
   yòu : kuà zhàn cǎo yuán ; kuà ( chéng chéng xiān ); kuà qīng niú ( xiāng chuán lǎo qīng niú chū hán guān xiān )
   héng shàng〖 span〗
   kuà héng héngwén xuǎn · zhāng héng · jīng
   yòu : kuà jiē lóu ( lián jié jiē dào liǎng bàng lóu fáng 'ér héng kuà zài jiē dào shàng kōng de lóuyòu chēng guò jiē lóu ); kuà suǒ ( kuà yuàn , zhèng yuàn bàng biān de yuàn ); kuà hóng ( zhǐ gǒng xíng qiáo )
   kuà〖 carryonthearm〗
   zhì shēn dào zuò qián lǐng liǎo tiē , liǎo zhǎnglǎo , bèi shàng bāo guǒ , kuà liǎo jiè dāo chán zhànghéng héngshuǐhǔzhuàn
   yòu : kuà cài lán ; kuà dāo ( kuà zhe yāo dāo )
   zhàn 〖 occupy〗
   kuà zhōu lián jùn zhě shèngshǔhéng héngsān guó zhì · zhū liàng chuán
   ruò kuà yòu jīng
   yòu : kuà dǎo ( zhàn yòu ); kuà ( yòu ); kuà yòu ( yòu )
   jiān yòu〖 haveboth〗。 : kuà zhōu lián jùn ( zhǐ zhàn yòu shù zhōujùn de ); kuà niè ( jiān yòu ); kuà biān ( jiān yòu biān jìng liǎng fāng de jiè guàn )
  【 míng
   zhǐ liǎng tuǐ zhī jiāntōngkuà”〖 hip〗
   néng , ; néng , chū kuà xiàhéng hénghàn shū · hán xìn chuán
   yòu : kuà xià zhī ( cóng rén kuà xià guò de xiōng huái zhì de rén , néng rěn zhòng ); kuà xià ( liǎng tuǐ zhī jiān )
  〖 step〗
   tóng kuà
  〖 span〗 jiàn zhù zhōng , liánggǒng quàn liǎng duān de chéng zhòng jié gòu zhī jiān de
   kuà guó gōng
  〖 transnationalCompany〗 chēngduō guó gōng ”、“ guó gōng ”。 wéi lǒng duàn zhì shū chū běn duì wài jīng kuò zhāng de zhǒng zhì xíng shì , shí nián dài hòu zài shì jiè fàn wéi nèi zhǎn lái
   kuà jìn
  〖 enter;stepinto〗 jìn
   kuà jìn mén
   kuà lán sài páo
  〖 hurdlerace;hurdles〗 tián jìng yùn dòng de xiàng , sài zhě yào zài zhōng kuà yuè xiē zhì de lán jià
  〖 straddle〗 chā kāi tuǐ zhàn de dòng zuò huò shì
   kuà nián
  〖 gobeyondtheyear〗〖 rèn jìhuà suàn děng kuà zhe liǎng nián ; yuè guò nián jìn lìng nián
  〖 bestride〗 liǎng jiǎo fēn kāi kuà zài shàng
   kuà xué
  〖 cross-disciplinary〗 shǔ guān huò shè liǎng mén huò duō mén xué de ; xué jiān de
  〖 conglomerately〗 zhǐ jiān yíng tóng hángyè de chǎn pǐn huò
   kuà jīng yíng
   kuà yuè
  〖 strideacross;gobeyond〗 kuà guò ; yuè guò ; chāo yuè mǒu jiè xiàn

  (Phonetic. From the foot, boast sound. Original meaning: move, over)
  With the original meaning 〖step; stride〗
  Cross, crossing too. - "Said Wen." Duan: "that the two share a large room to be more also."
  Do not cross their country. - "Mandarin Jin"
  Kang cross it. - "Thirteen years Zuo Zhao Gong"
  Another example: step into the door; across the minor groove; cross-chase (cross step; stepping); cross Sunda (or reach across to the "Sunda" orientation); cross-fire (cross fire. As a kind of folk); cross- trace (across)
  More than〗 〖gobeyond
  Is the view of Qin, cross-week law. - Zhang Heng "Xijing fu"
  Another example: Cross lesions (metaphor son than father); cross-popular (beyond the secular); New Year (from the old to the new beginning of the end of time)
  Riding〗 〖bestride
  Another example: cross-horses to grassland; cross-Crane (Chenghe. Metaphor cents); cross blue bull (blue bull riding legend, I go out of Hangu Pass cents)
  〗 〖Span in the transverse
  Mi Fu and valleys. - "_Select_ed Works of Zhang Heng Xijing fu"
  Another example: Cross Street Building (building and linking both sides of the street across the street over the floor. Also known as Guo Jielou); across the (campus-wide, is next to the courtyard homes); cross Rainbow (a metaphor for arch bridge)
  〗 〖Carryonthearm collapse
  Zhishen to receive the law Block posted before, quit her elders, the back parcel, across the Jiedao Buddhist monk's staff. - "Water Margin"
  Another example: cross-basket; hsiang (broadsword slung)
  〗 〖Occupy occupy
  Across the state with the county were numbered. - "Three Kingdoms"
  If the cross with Jing Yi.
  Another example: Cross-dance (possession); cross, according to (It has); cross there (according to a)
  〗 〖Haveboth both. Such as: Cross-state with the county (that holds several state, county means); cross-chase (both the ground); cross-border (both consistent by the two sides of the border)
  That between his legs. Links "hip" hip〗 〖
  To death, the assassination of me; can not, under the cross. - "Han Han Xin Chuan"
  Another example: under the cross of shame (from the humiliation of others climb over the crotch. Metaphor ambitious people who can bite the bullet); cross-under (between the legs)
  〗 〖Step
  With the "cross"
  〗 〖Span buildings, beams, arches at both ends of the distance between bearing structure
  〗 〖TransnationalCompany also known as "multinational company", "International." Output for the monopoly of foreign economic expansion capital and a form of organization, fifty years after the developed world
  〖Enter; stepinto〗 into
  Stepped into the door
  〖Hurdlerace; hurdles track and field〗 a project, the game the way across to some of those special hurdle
  〗 〖Straddle straddled stand movement or posture
  Beyond the year
  〗 〖〖Gobeyondtheyear assignments, projects, budgets, etc.〗 across the two years; over one year to another year
  〗 〖Bestride feet apart across the horse
  〗 〖Cross-disciplinary, relating to or involving two or more discipline; interdisciplinary
  〗 〖Conglomerately concurrently in different sectors of an enterprise's products or business
  Cross-industry business
  〖Strideacross; gobeyond〗 across; over; beyond a certain threshold
   kuà dòng
  ( xíng shēngcóng , kuā shēngběn mài , yuè guò )
   tóng běn
   kuà , 。 --《 shuō wén》。 duàn zhù wèi liǎng jiān , yòu suǒ yuè 。”
   kuà guó。 --《 guó · jìn
   kāng wáng kuà zhī。 --《 zuǒzhuàn · zhāo gōng shí sān nián
   yòu kuà jìn mén ; kuà guò xiǎo gōu ; kuà niè ( kuà ; kuà ); kuà xùn ( kuà dào huò dào xùnde fāng wèi ); kuà huǒ ( kuà guò huǒ duīwéi zhòngmín ); kuà zōng ( kuà yuè )
   chāo guò
   nǎi lǎn qín zhì , kuà zhōu 。 -- zhāng héng jīng
   yòu kuà zào ( 'ér shèng guò qīn ); kuà ( chāo yuè shì ); kuà nián ( cóng jiù nián dào xīn nián chū de shí jiān )
   yòu kuà zhàn cǎo yuán ; kuà ( chéng chéng xiān ); kuà qīng niú ( xiāng chuán lǎo qīng niú chū hán
   kuà kuà
   tái tiáo tuǐ yuè guòxiàng qián huò wǎng bàng biān dòng guò mén kǎn。~ wǎng qián zǒu。~ dào bàng biān zhàn zhe
   。~ mén jiàn 'ér zuò。〈 yǐnjià zài shàng miànhǎi xiá qiáo
   chāo yuè liǎng zhě zhī jiān 。~ liǎng xiàn
   zài bàng biānyuàn zhè lán zài xíng chē bàng biān

  Cross <action "(phonetic. From the foot, boast sound. The original meaning of moving, over) with original meaning across, crossing too. - "Said Wen." Note that the large segment between the two shares, to be more also. "Do not cross the country. -" Mandarin Jin "Kang cross it. -" Thirteen years Zuo Zhao Gong, "and if entered the door; across the minor groove; cross-chase (cross step; stride); Cross-Sunda (or reach across the Sunda "orientation); cross-fire (cross fire. as a kind of folk); cross-track (across) more than is the view of Qin, cross-week law. - Zhang Heng "Xijing fu" Another example is cross-kitchen (metaphor son than father); cross-popular (beyond the secular); New Year (from the old to the new beginning of the end of time) to ride horses and if cross-steppe; cross-Crane (by crane. likened cents); cross blue bull (blue bull riding legend, I cross out the letter and lift one leg over kuà ⒈ forward or sideways movement ~ over the threshold. ~ big move forward. ~ to the next stand. ⒉ ~ horse riding. ~ threshold sit.    frame in the above ~ Narrows Bridge. ⒊ beyond the ~ between the two quarters. ~ counties. ⒋ attached to the next ~ yard. ~ this basket next to the bike.
   kuà kua
   shǒu shǒu huà 07 zǒng huà 13
  bestraddle; stride;
  〈 dòng
  ( xíng shēngcóng , kuā shēngběn mài , yuè guò )
   tóng běn [step;stride]
   kuà , 。 --《 shuō wén》。 duàn zhù wèi liǎng jiān , yòu suǒ yuè 。”
   kuà guó。 --《 guó · jìn
   kāng wáng kuà zhī。 --《 zuǒzhuàn · zhāo gōng shí sān nián
   yòu kuà jìn mén ; kuà guò xiǎo gōu ; kuà niè ( kuà ; kuà ); kuà xùn ( kuà dào huò dào xùnde fāng wèi ); kuà huǒ ( kuà guò huǒ duīwéi zhòngmín ); kuà zōng ( kuà yuè )
   chāo guò [gobeyond]
   nǎi lǎn qín zhì , kuà zhōu 。 -- zhāng héng jīng
   yòu kuà zào ( 'ér shèng guò qīn ); kuà ( chāo yuè shì ); kuà nián ( cóng jiù nián dào xīn nián chū de shí jiān )
   yòu kuà zhàn cǎo yuán ; kuà ( chéng chéng xiān ); kuà qīng niú ( xiāng chuán lǎo qīng niú chū hán guān xiān )
   héng shàng [span]
   kuà 。 --《 wén xuǎn · zhāng héng · jīng
   yòu kuà jiē lóu ( lián jié jiē dào liǎng bàng lóu fáng 'ér héng kuà zài jiē dào shàng kōng de lóuyòu chēng guò jiē lóu ); kuà suǒ ( kuà yuàn , zhèng yuàn bàng biān de yuàn ); kuà hóng ( zhǐ gǒng xíng qiáo )
   kuà [carryonthearm]
   zhì shēn dào zuò qián lǐng liǎo tiē , liǎo zhǎnglǎo , bèi shàng bāo guǒ , kuà liǎo jiè dāo chán zhàng。 --《 shuǐhǔzhuàn
   yòu kuà cài lán ; kuà dāo ( kuà zhe yāo dāo )
   zhàn [occupy]
   kuà zhōu lián jùn zhě shèngshǔ。 --《 sān guó zhì · zhū liàng chuán
   ruò kuà yòu jīng
   yòu kuà dǎo ( zhàn yòu ); kuà ( yòu ); kuà yòu ( yòu )
   jiān yòu [haveboth]。 kuà zhōu lián jùn ( zhǐ zhàn yòu shù zhōujùn de ); kuà niè ( jiān yòu ); kuà biān ( jiān yòu biān jìng liǎng fāng de jiè guàn )
  〈 míng
   zhǐ liǎng tuǐ zhī jiāntōng kuà” [hip]
   néng , ; néng , chū kuà xià。 --《 hàn shū · hán xìn chuán
   yòu kuà xià zhī ( cóng rén kuà xià guò de xiōng huái zhì de rén , néng rěn zhòng ); kuà xià ( liǎng tuǐ zhī jiān )
   tóng kuà
  [span] jiàn zhù zhōng , liánggǒng quàn liǎng duān de chéng zhòng jié gòu zhī jiān de
   kuà guó gōng
  [transnationalcompany] chēng duō guó gōng ”、 guó gōng ”。 wéi lǒng duàn zhì shū chū běn duì wài jīng kuò zhāng de zhǒng zhì xíng shì , shí nián dài hòu zài shì jiè fàn wéi nèi zhǎn lái
   kuà jìn
  [enter;stepinto] jìn
   kuà jìn mén
   kuà lán sài páo
  [hurdlerace;hurdles] tián jìng yùn dòng de xiàng , sài zhě yào zài zhōng kuà yuè xiē zhì de lán jià
  [straddle] chā kāi tuǐ zhàn de dòng zuò huò shì
   kuà nián
  [gobeyondtheyear][ rèn jìhuà suàn děng ] kuà zhe liǎng nián ; yuè guò nián jìn lìng nián
  [bestride] liǎng jiǎo fēn kāi kuà zài shàng
   kuà xué
  [cross-disciplinary] shǔ guān huò shè liǎng mén huò duō mén xué de ; xué jiān de
  [conglomerately] zhǐ jiān yíng tóng hángyè de chǎn pǐn huò
   kuà jīng yíng
   kuà yuè
  [strideacross;gobeyond] kuà guò ; yuè guò ; chāo yuè mǒu jiè xiàn
  kuà  wu
   tái tuǐ xiàng qián huò xiàng bàng dòng yuè guòmài guòjìn。~ 。~
   liǎng jiǎo fēn zài de liǎng biān zuò zhe huò zhexiǎo háizhe mén jiàn
   chāo guò shí jiànhuò zhī jiān de jiè xiànyuè。~ nián 。~ guó gōng
   zài bàng biānyuàn
   tóng kuà”。
   zhèng jibz, u8de8, gbkbfe7
   huà shù 13, shǒu shùn biān hào 2512121134115

  The first 07 feet of total radical strokes 13 strokes
  bestraddle; stride;
  (Phonetic. From the foot, boast sound. The original meaning of moving, over)
  With the original meaning of [step; stride]
  Cross, crossing too. - "Said Wen." Note that the large segment between the two shares, to be more also. "
  Do not cross their country. - "Mandarin Jin"
  Kang cross it. - "Thirteen years Zuo Zhao Gong"
  Another example is the stepped into the door; across the minor groove; cross-chase (cross step; stepping); cross Sunda (Sunda or reach across to the "orientation); cross-fire (cross fire. As a kind of folk); cross-track ( across)
  More than [go beyond]
  Is the view of Qin, cross-week law. - Zhang Heng "Xijing fu"
  Another example is cross-kitchen (metaphor son than father); cross-popular (beyond the secular); New Year (from the old to the new beginning of the end of time)
  Ride [bestride]
  Another example is the cross-horses to grassland; cross-Crane (Chenghe. Metaphor cents); cross blue bull (blue bull riding legend, I go out of Hangu Pass cents)
  Cross in the [span]
  Mi Fu and valleys. - "_Select_ed Works of Zhang Heng Xijing fu"
  Another example is the Cross Street Building (building and linking streets over the floor, across the street. Also known as Guo Jielou); across the (campus-wide, is next to the courtyard homes); cross Rainbow (a metaphor for arch bridge)
  Destroyed [carry on the arm]
  Zhishen to receive the law Block posted before, quit her elders, the back parcel, across the Jiedao Buddhist monk's staff. - "Water Margin"
  Another example is the cross-basket; hsiang (broadsword slung)
  Occupy [occupy]
  Across the state with the county were numbered. - "Three Kingdoms"
  If the cross with Jing Yi.
  Another example is the cross-dance (possession); cross, according to (It has); cross there (according to a)
  Both [have both]. Such as the interstate with the county (that holds several state, county means); cross-chase (both the ground); cross-border (both consistent by the two sides of the border)
  That between his legs. Through the hip "[hip]
  To death, the assassination of me; can not, under the cross. - "Han Han Xin Chuan"
  Another example is the cross of shame the next (from the humiliation of others climb over the crotch. Metaphor ambitious people who can bite the bullet); cross-under (between the legs)
  With the cross "
  [Span] buildings, beams, arches at both ends of the distance between bearing structure
  kuàguó gōngsī
  [Transnational company], also known as multi-national company ", the international company." Output for the monopoly of foreign economic expansion capital and a form of organization, fifty years after the developed world
  [Enter; step into] into the
  Stepped into the door
  kuàlán sàipǎo
  [Hurdle race; hurdles] a project of track and field, the game the way across to some of those special hurdle
  [Straddle] straddled stand movement or posture
  Beyond the year
  kuà niándù
  [Go beyond the year] [task, plan, budget, etc.] across the two years; over one year to another year
  [Bestride] feet apart across the horse
  kuà xuékē
  [Cross-disciplinary], relating to, or involving two or more discipline; interdisciplinary
  [Conglomerately] refers to an enterprise of products concurrently in different industries or business
  Cross-industry business
  [Stride across; go beyond] across; over; beyond a certain threshold
  kuà ㄎ ㄨ ㄚ ╝
  Forward or sideways movement across the leg, crossed ~ into. ~ Into. ~ Degrees.
  Ride, legs on both sides of points in the objects of the sitting or standing ~ horse. Children ~ the threshold.
  Over time or the boundaries between regions ~ more. ~ Year. ~ Multinational company.
  Attached to the side ~ hospital.
  Old with the hips. "
  Zheng code jibz, u8de8, gbkbfe7
  13 number of strokes, radical enough, stroke number 2512121134115
yǒu zhōng Centralized unitary  【 táng yùn】【 zhèng yùn huà qiē yùn】【 yùn huì huà qiē, ???? yīn kuà。【 shuō wén 。【 piānyuè 。【 zuǒ chuán · zhāo shí sān niánkāng wáng kuà zhī。【 zhùguò shàng。  yòuguǎng yùnliǎng xián 。【 shī · sòngyòu yòu huáng。【 chuán bái kuà yuē 。【 shūguō yún xián cāng jié piān yúnliǎng xián 。  yòuguǎng yùn】【 yùn】【 zhèng yùn】 ???? qiēyīn 。【 jìn kuà guó。【 zhùyóu 。【 shǐ · chuán fēi suǒ kuà hǎi nèi zhì zhū hóu zhī shù 。  yòushǐ · xiāng chuán kuà 。【 zhùsuǒ yǐn yuē kuàchéng zhī 。  yòuguǎng yùn guā qiē yùn】【 yùn huì】【 zhèng yùn guā qiē, ???? yīn kuā rén yún zuò yuē kuà 。【 lèi piān zuò 。  yòuguǎng yùn】【 yùn】【 yùn huì】【 zhèng yùn】 ???? qiēyīn kǎi kuàxíng jìn mào。  yòu yùn mǎi qiēyīn kuà kuàxíng mào

  Tang Yun 【】 【】 pain of being cut Yun Yun】 【_set_】 【dry of rhyme will be cut, ???? sound hip. Wen also said】 【crossing. 【More】 jade articles as well. 【】 Kang Zuo Zhao cross of thirteen years. 【Note】 off on it. Also Guangyun】 【leisure are the two stocks. 【Song】 with Yu Lu poetry yellow. 【Fax】 Limabaikua said Yu. Shu】 【GAVIN: thigh busy too. CJ article says: two shares is also free. Also Guangyun】 【【】 【Ji Yun Yun】 ???? hard it is cut, the sound library. Squat also. Jin】 【does not cross their country. 【Note】 still squat also. Li Si Chuan】 【Records So this non-system of feudal lords in the art across the sea also. Also 【Fax】 Records Simaxiangru cross horse. 【Note】 Solitude said: cross, by the can. And bitter gourd cut 【】 【Guang Yun Ji Yun Yun will】 【】 【】 dry melon is cut rhyme, ???? sound exaggerated. Wu Renyun said sitting cross. 【Class】 articles are also great to sit. Also 【】 【Ji Yun Guang Yun Yun will】 【】 【】 ???? bitter Waqie Rhymes, audio 㡁.䠚 cross, the line does not enter appearance. Also buy dry】 【Ji Yun cut, sound hips.䠚 cross, the line appearance.
biān hào :1351 ID: 1351   cóng kuā shēng huà qiē

  Du also. Boast sound from the foot. Pain of the cut

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