Red chì red, darker than the color of vermilion: Ferricyanide. Deficit. In good faith, loyalty: sincere (very sincere). Zeal. Newborn baby (newborn baby innocence, also refers to the ancient people.) Utter devotion. All empty: empty-handed. Chidi miles. Bare: barefoot (bare feet). Stroke: 7; radicals: red; stroke order number: 1213234
(Knowing. Oracle, the big (man) from the fire. People in the fire, was roasted red. One said, "fire" as the red. The original meaning: the color of fire, that is red)
〗 〖Red with the original meaning
Red, Southern color too. - "Said the text"
Red by the fire and color too. - "Five Books Hongfan Biography"
The Sechi. - "Su asked the wind theory." Note: "Red is where the heart color also."
Red knife. - "Book Gu Ming." Zheng Note: "When Zhou King Wu punish knife red for decoration."
Sechi pepper well. - "Arts for the People kind of pepper"
Fu trapped in the red. - "Yi Gua storm." Zheng Note: "Zhu said deep red."
Day, are red like crimson. - Yao Nai, "Goldenthal Hill in mind." Another example: Red Knife (Red in the sword blade); Chi Yi (red dress); red pill (red bullets); scorching sun (red; the sun); Akaishi (red stone); red mud (red mud)
Loyalty; really pure 〖loyal; pure〗
Push Chixin in the world. - Southern Liang Qiu late "and the Uncle of the book"
Another example: Chixin (loyalty); Red Zhong (sincerity of intention); red love (truly mind)
〗 〖Bare naked
When the flow stream barefoot step on stones, water, wind and acoustic shock shock garment. - Han Yu Tang "poems rocks"
Another example: red peel (light body); Chi Baba (naked; no cover); barefoot large Luo cents (the legendary TAO LI); red bar naked (naked)
Empty; do; nothing 〖empty; extreme〗
Jin drought, Chidi three years. - "Han Fei ten off"
Shi Jun bare down on the older dodder. - Su Shi, "free range just keep Gyeongju"
Another example: red dripping (naked, naked); red for nothing (nothing); Red Sasa (described left free)
Ancient times the color red for the south, due south to Red Guide〗 〖side. Such as: Chidi (mythology the god of the South. On behalf of that Han emperor Liu Bang); red side (guide side); red bit (Guide to Party); red days (South-day)
Divination by fire at home that the Chinese and German king, fire Sechi, due to the Han Dynasty by means〗 〖HanDynasty. Such as: red de (referring to the Han dynasty, air transport)
"Pure" for short. 〗 〖Baby means the baby. Such as: red swaddling clothes (referring to babies); pure soldier (refers to children and senior citizens. Cangtou: originally referred to the old servant, this means the elderly)
〗 〖Blood means the blood. Such as: red Jin-Jin (the way the blood flow); red smell (stench of bloody gas)
Communist Party〗 〖communistparty
He is also a big discussion here, the red, in more than four students were arrested. - Lu Xun's "Letter To Li Jiye"
Get rid of, remove〗 〖Zhumie
The troubles also! About to happen Chek my family now! - "Liao Xiao-cui"
Another example: red group (Zhumie the whole family); Red punish (Heaven)
Red Back
〗 〖Nakedback light back; optical backbone; bare upper body
Red Cliff
Chibi〗 〖China passed the famous Battle of Red Cliff ancient ruins, located in northwest Hubei Province Puqi County
〗 〖Barebacked with the "red back"
〗 〖Gointobattlestrippedtothewaist described fierce tenacity, but also ripped camouflage bad analogy, openly all kinds of evil
Zhulao Gong is shirtless, pick up the guillotine hard. - Liang Bin, "Talking about the creation of Red Flag"
〗 〖Absolutesincerity: very frank
Zeal meet
〗 〖Sincere: sincere
Absolute sincerity
Frank and sincere〗 〖absolutesincerity
Sincere heart
Utter devotion
〗 〖Utterdevotion sincere faithful heart, very loyal to describe
That encourage people to utter devotion to the war
〗 〖Theequator: the largest circumference around the earth, by means of the country near the equator
Equatorial Diaogong to shoot a tiger, coconut dare Dragon dagger. - Ye Poetry
〗 〖Celestialequator: celestial equator, Earth's equatorial plane and the celestial circle formed by the intersection
〖Landmadebarrenbyseveredroughtorpests, etc.〗 Bare land; barren after famine
Jin drought, Chidi three years. - "Han Fei ten off"
Oath to become fertile fields Akachi
Akachi miles
〗 〖Athousandliofbarrenland year drought, crops, weeds foes withered and died, the earth desolate stretch
Red bare
〗 〖Bestark-naked [dialect]: naked; naked
Chi Hou
〖Reconnoitre; scout reconnaissance chaotic situation〗; reconnaissance soldiers
Canton is also far from scouts. - "Historical Biography of General Li"
〗 〖Barefoot barefoot
Barefoot doctor
〗 〖Barefootdoctor after a short training in rural China is not out of agricultural production, and can treat minor ailments and minor injuries for a number of medical personnel of public health work
Pure gold
〗 〖Puregold pure gold
Red mouth white tongue
〗 〖Talknonsense [dialect]: refers to the nonsense, nonsense
Please do not red mouth white tongue chaos rogue others
〗 〖Dispute: still made by non-
May 5 noon book, to do to eliminate red mouth white tongue. - "Beijing popular novel"
Red mouth tongue virus
〗 〖Sharptongue the vicious slander very words
Thirteen degrees eclipse Bird House, Bird accommodation owner is not aware of, and greed to any others, the line red mouth tongue virus, worm to eat it on the head, not pecking to kill. - Lu with the "eclipse Poetry"
〖Bare; naked no clothes on〗
〗 〖So ... bare naked, bare or no cover
His bare back to the red sun
〖Naked; undisguised〗
No hidden or disguised
Up from the face of stark reality the fundamental
Extreme poverty
〖Inabjectpoverty; utterlydestitute〗 too poor to nothing, very poor
Extreme poverty, such as washing
Red hot
〖Fervid; ardent〗 〖〗 very hot weather
Do not shower naked too long, careful cold
So the two unarmed people to eat two to drink, take nothing
〗 〖Terra-cotta clay calcined
〗 〖Sincereloyalty: sincere heart; loyalty
〗 〖Thepeople: People
〖Theinnocenceofchildhood; utterpurity〗 pure and innocent heart. Yuzhong Cheng enthusiasm to more than
Deficit〗 〖the excess of expenditure over income, accounted for when the red pen to write, hence the name the fiscal deficit
〗 〖Barefoot barefoot
Red (knowing. Oracle, the big (man) from the fire. People in the fire, was roasted red. One that fires "for the red. The original meaning of the color of fire, that is red) with the original meaning of red, the South and color too. - - "said the text" red by the fire and color too. - "Five Books Hongfan Biography" The Sechi. - "Su asked the wind theory." Note those red heart color also. "red knife. - "Book Gu Ming." Note to punish Zhou Zheng Wu Wang is decorated with red when the knife. "Sechi pepper well. -" Arts for the People kinds of pepper "trapped in the red Fu. -" Yi Gua storm. "Zheng said Note Zhu deep red." Day, is red like crimson. - Yao Nai, "Goldenthal Hill in mind." Another example is the red knife (blade of the sword red); Chi Yi (red dress); red pill (red bullets); scorching sun (red; the sun); Akaishi (red stone); red mud (red
Radical Radical Red 07 total strokes 07 strokes
(Knowing. Oracle, the big (man) from the fire. People in the fire, was roasted red. One that fires "for the red. The original meaning of the color of fire, that is red)
Red, Southern color too. - "Said the text"
Red knife. - "Book Gu Ming." Note to punish Zhou Zheng Wu Wang is decorated with red when the knife. "
Day, are red like crimson. - Yao Nai, "Goldenthal Hill in mind." Another example is the red knife (blade of the sword red); Chi Yi (red dress); red pill (red bullets); scorching sun (red; the sun); Akaishi (red stone); red mud (red mud)
Loyalty; really pure [loyal; pure]
Push Chixin in the world. - Southern Liang Qiu late "and the Uncle of the book"
Another example is the Chi Xin (loyalty); Red Zhong (sincerity of intention); red love (truly mind)
Bare [bare]
When the flow stream barefoot step on stones, water, wind and acoustic shock shock garment. - Han Yu Tang "poems rocks"
Another example is the red strip (light body); Chi Baba (naked; no cover); barefoot large Luo cents (the legendary TAO LI); red bar naked (naked)
Empty; do; nothing [empty; extreme]
Jin drought, Chidi three years. - "Han Fei ten off"
Shi Jun bare down on the older dodder. - Su Shi, "free range just keep Gyeongju"
Pure "for short. Refers to the baby [baby]. Such as the red swaddling clothes (referring to babies); pure soldier (refers to children and senior citizens. Cangtou originally referred to the old servant, this means the elderly)
Get rid of, Zhumie [remove]
Another example is the red group (Zhumie the whole family); Red punish (Heaven)
[Naked back] halo; optical backbone; bare upper body
[Chibi] transfer to the famous Chinese ancient Battle of Red Cliff site, located in northwest Hubei Province Puqi County
[Bare backed] with the red back "
[Go into battle stripped to the waist] described the brave and indomitable, also be used to disguise bad guys ripped off, all kinds of evil openly
Zeal meet
[Sincere]: good faith
Absolute sincerity
[Absolute sincerity] sincere and honest
Sincere heart
Utter devotion
[Utter devotion] faithful hearts sincere, very loyal to describe
That encourage people to utter devotion to the war
[The equator]: the greatest circumference around the earth, by means of the country near the equator
Equatorial Diaogong to shoot a tiger, coconut dare Dragon dagger. - Ye Poetry
[Celestial equator]: celestial equator, Earth's equatorial plane and the celestial circle formed by the intersection
[Land made barren by severe drought or pests, etc.] Bare land; barren after famine
Jin drought, Chidi three years. - "Han Fei ten off"
Oath to become fertile fields Akachi
Akachi miles
[A thousand li of barren land] the year of drought, crops, weeds foes withered and died, land of desolation everywhere
Red bare
[Be stark-naked] [side]: naked; naked
Chi Hou
[Reconnoitre; scout] chaotic situation reconnaissance; reconnaissance soldiers
Canton is also far from scouts. - "Historical Biography of General Li"
[Barefoot] barefoot
Barefoot doctor
chìjiǎo yīshēng
[Barefoot doctor] After a short training in rural China is not out of agricultural production, and can treat minor ailments and minor injuries for a number of medical personnel of public health work
Pure gold
[Pure gold] pure gold
Red mouth white tongue
[Talk nonsense] [side]: refers to the nonsense, nonsense
[Dispute]: I still made a non-
His bare back to the red sun
Up from the face of stark reality the fundamental
[In abject poverty; utterly destitute] was nothing poor and extremely poor
[Naked]: do not wear clothes, naked body
[A perosn who has nothing]: that no worries
One naked
[Bare-handed] empty hands
So the two unarmed people to eat two to drink, take nothing
[Terra-cotta] calcined clay
[Sincere loyalty]: sincere heart; loyalty
[Red core]: refers to the goods, plants, fruit red inside
[The people]: the people
[The innocence of childhood; utter purity] pure and innocent heart. Yuzhong Cheng enthusiasm to more than
[Deficit] the excess of expenditure over income, accounted for when the red pen to write, hence the name the fiscal deficit
[Barefoot] barefoot
In good faith, loyalty ~ Cheng (very sincere). ~ Chen. ~ Child (innocence of newborn babies, also refers to the ancient people.) ~ Bile loyalty.
7 number of strokes, radical red, stroke number 1213234
〔〕 Ancient Tang Yun Chi 【】 【】 【Ji Yun Yun Yun will】 【】 ???? Chang stone is cut, sound feet. Southern Culture】 【that color also. Jade articles】 【vermilion also. Gua】 【Yi said that the big dry red. Yang Sheng Shu】 【whichever is the color also. Jue Gong Yu Gong】 【book but colored soil. Emperor Club】 【Shu Guang Wu Zhang, Oriental Celadon, Southern red, western white, black north, take on the loess. Li Song Li】 【horse Chariot. 【Note】 The construction of the monthly child is positive, physical Meng Sechi. And Col Paul Kang】 if pure. 【】 Child born Red sparse, it is made pure. Also 【Notes】 Chidi before thousands of miles of Chinese Five Elements. 【Note】 said space to do nothing red. Yun will】 【undressed and said red body, see the flesh too. Biographies of Mencius and Records】 【Dubbed the Red County Chinese Shenzhou. And rhyme will】 【red county, that ki counties. 【Fax】 Chek Jin Shucheng County Public sui According to Tatsumi. And water names. Posts】 【Ch. almost Chishui travel north of the Yellow Emperor. Burson-Marsteller】 【Kunlun true, Chishui out its southeast corner. And six red. CNS through】 【dice this alias. 【Li Dong Li Lang presented in the poem】 micro Huangxi Zhao Zhuang dream re-throw six-printed in red. Another name. Spring and Autumn Annals】 【red wing for the mortar. Biographies of Various Immortals】 【red ax, Palestinians. 】 【Ji Yun and cut seven tracks, audio Qi. Adam】 【Zhou Chi Ba's. 【Note】 Red Ba, Yan Huo still pull well. Chi Shu】 【pull, remove them also. Also make】 【Yun Ye Chile slightly cut. 【】 Zhang Yi Guo Pu hideous like the mountain, surprised by the house. A beast like a leopard, Jue color except red. Home, only Luoqie. Wen】 【said for ????.
編號:6551 ID: 6551 南方色也。從大從火。凡赤之屬皆從赤。 昌石切
Southern color as well. From the large from the fire. Where are all from the red of the red. Chang Ishikiri