Gambling (gambling) dǔ for injection to compete with the winning or losing property: Gambling. Bet. Casinos. Gamblers. Stroke: 12; radicals: Tony; stroke number: 253412132511
Bet Bet dǔ 【Activity】 〗 〖Gamble with the original meaning. Such as: gambling East (to host Road bet win or lose, loser host Road Zhijiu treat); bet on (gambling, sum game); gambling color (throwing dice gambling); gambling County (with county government as a bet); gambling ( together gambling); Du Shu (gambling skills); for money (the money for the winners and losers of gambling); bet Win (gambling luck); gambling stall (gambler); bet by the (post write books Dushu) Refers to more than winning; fight win or lose〗 〖bet. Such as: gambling Jockey; sum game (game); gambling vowed body (with body, soul oath); bet hard (angry; perpetrators); gambling war (also for everyone to see war. Battle); gambling articulate (more than eloquence); Dudou (a test; fight); bet turtle gas (bloom; fit of anger); bet bile (the guts of the size of the game); gambling game (game camel); gambling Hing (enjoy camel); bet that (bicker, argue); bet chess (game chess); gambling sentence (poetry competition); God of Gamblers swear (in front of the gods swear) Bookie dǔběn 〗 〖Moneytogamblewith capital for gambling, money Gambling dǔbó 〖Takechances; runrisks; gambling〗 for injection with a property dispute in a certain way of winning or losing Gambling dǔjú 〗 〖Gamblingparty gambling place or assembly Gambling dǔjù 〖Gamblingparaphernalia; gamblingdevice〗 gambling tools, equipment or equipment Gambling dǔfēng 〗 〖Thecommonpracticeofgambling the culture of gambling Gambler dǔguǐ 〗 〖Confirmedgambler gambling that is very good Gamester dǔgùn 〗 〖Stick: the casino in charge of money or get back the stick to throw the dice Taiwanese tools 〖Professionalgambler; devilforgambling〗: gambler Gambling den dǔkū 〗 〖Gambling gambling-den dark corners Pique dǔqì 〖Feelwrongedandactrashly; dosth.inarageagainstcalmerjudgment〗 dissatisfied or capricious action by the accused to represent the heart with a gas He left a fit of anger Gambler dǔtú 〖Gamblingboss; gambler〗 regular gambling Gambling den dǔwō 〗 〖Gambling-den of gambling where gamblers gather, places Swear dǔzhòu 〖Takeanoath; swear oath made〗 Bet dǔzhù 〖Wager; stake; counter〗 Gambling money as collateral Bet things; especially a sum of money or the equivalent risk Tables dǔzhuō 〗 〖Gamingtable Designed specifically for the gambling table, often placed in the slot and draw the chips Chart Play the gambling game table Gambling money dǔzī 〗 〖Moneytogamblewith money for gambling or something
Gambling (phonetic. From the shell, are sound. The original meaning of using property as a Note than winning or losing) with the original meaning of money (the money for the winners and losers of gambling); gambling operation (Gambling luck); gambling stall (gambler); bet after (post-record gambling technical books) refers to the ratio of the outcome; fight win or lose; fit of anger); bet bile (the guts of the size of the game); gambling game (game camel); gambling Hing (enjoy camel); bet that (bicker, argue); gambling bet chess dǔ ① gambling. Notes of a dispute with the property for the bad habit of winning or losing. Refers to contention win or lose fight ~ ②. 】 【Swore oath. 【Gamble gambling money as collateral.
Gambling du Radical Radical Bay 04 total strokes 12 strokes Bet bet; impone; wager; Bet (1) Bet dǔ (2) (Phonetic. From the shell, are sound. The original meaning of winning or losing than with the property for the Note) (3) With the original meaning of [gamble]. If gambling East (to host Road bet win or lose, loser host Road Zhijiu treat); bet on (gambling, sum game); gambling color (throwing dice gambling); gambling County (with county government as a bet); gambling (poly with gambling); Du Shu (gambling skills); for money (the money for the winners and losers of gambling); bet Win (gambling luck); gambling stall (gambler); bet by the (post write books Dushu) (4) Refers to more than winning; fight win or lose [bet]. If gambling Jockey; sum game (game); gambling vowed body (with body, soul oath); bet hard (angry; perpetrators); gambling war (also for everyone to see war. Battle); gambling articulate (more than eloquence); Dudou ( a test; fighting); bet turtle gas (bloom; fit of anger); bet bile (game guts size); gambling game (game camel); gambling Hing (enjoy camel); bet that (bicker, argue); bet chess (chess game ); gambling sentence (poetry competition); God of Gamblers swear (in front of the gods swear) Bookie dǔběn [Money to gamble with] for the gambling capital, property Gambling dǔbó [Take chances; run risks; gambling] for injection with a property dispute in a certain way of winning or losing Gambling dǔjú [Gambling party] gambling place or assembly Gambling dǔjù [Gambling paraphernalia; gambling device] gambling tools, equipment or equipment Gambling dǔfēng [The common practice of gambling] gambling trend Gambler dǔguǐ [Confirmed gambler] refers to the non-take advantage of gambling Gamester dǔgùn (1) [Stick]: casino in charge of money or get back the stick to throw the dice Taiwanese tools (2) [Professional gambler; devil for gambling]: gambler Gambling den dǔkū [Gambling-den] the dark corners of gambling Pique dǔqì [Feel wronged and act rashly; do a rage against calmer judgment] because of dissatisfaction or capricious action by the accused to represent the heart with a gas He left a fit of anger Gambler dǔtú [Gambling boss; gambler] regular gambling Gambling den dǔwō [Gambling-den] gamblers gambling gathering place, place Swear dǔzhòu [Take an oath; swear] made Oath Bet dǔzhù (1) [Wager; stake; counter] (2) Gambling money as collateral (3) Bet things; especially a sum of money or the equivalent risk Tables dǔzhuō (1) [Gaming table] (2) Designed specifically for the gambling table, often placed in the slot and draw the chips Chart (3) Play the gambling game table Gambling money dǔzī [Money to gamble with] the money for gambling or something Bet (Gambling) dǔ ㄉ ㄨ Note to struggle with the property for winning or losing ~ Bo. ~ Note. ~ Field. ~ Acts. Zheng code lobm, u8d4c, gbkb6c4 12 number of strokes, radical Pui, stroke order number 253 412 132 511
Tang Yun】 【【Ji Yun cut when the ancient rhyme will】 【】 【】 Dong Yun five are cut, ???? see sound. Bo Sai Man】 【that also. Burson-Marsteller】 【Yi to take also. Guangyun】 【play bet. Xie Jin Shu Chuan】 【safety and Aniko ???? Wai Acer, gambling house and beat them. And mass】 【sheep ???? and Emperor Paul Wilson, gambling County, Paul wins, make Xuancheng keep. 】 【Jade articles and gambling, 䞈 also.
賭 Bet 博簺也。从貝者聲。當古切
Bo Sai also. From the shell are sound. When the old cut