Discussion Discussion tǎo 【Activity】 (Knowing. From the words, from the inch. Words, words. Inches, and his testimonies. With the words and testimonies for Treatment. Original meaning: to denounce) With the original meaning 〖denounce; condemn〗 Discussion, the government himself. - "Said the text" Discussion, is also implicated. - "Jade articles" Qijun daily basis to discuss the training of people. - "Zuo Venerable years" Chen Chu to discuss rebellion. - "Zuo Xianggong five years" Crusade; bane 〖sendarmedforcestosuppress; kill〗 Bor is king left Qing Shi to Wang Ming discuss it. - "Implicit public nine-Zuo" Route Expeditionary Chen Yi asked. - Another "Inst" Route Expeditionary Division Governor. - Sun "yellow Gang seventy-two Martyrs birthplace order" Another example: a crusade (troops crusade); discussion cover (cover crusade catch. Cover catch, caught by people not well prepared); discussion II (conquered rebellious princes of infidelity); Route Expeditionary (crusade treason or thieves); discussion disorder ( conquest random things); discussion finishes (crusade against) Explore 〖makeathoroughinquiry; probeinto〗 Shishu discussion. - "The Analects" Another example: real discussion (to find out; implementation); discuss study (of the truth of things); discuss cable (seminar to explore) Request〗 〖askfor Discuss any shame Yan. - "Zuo Xi male and three years" Another example: needle and thread to discuss (discuss pocket money; rely on people to live; the subject of temperance); discussion luck (to congratulate the property owner obtain the name of Geely); to discuss the spring (look for the spring, Tan Chun; old said divining) 〗 〖Begfor begging. Such as: discussion points on the (to discuss human; about feelings); to discuss fire (asking for a light); begging (begging for money to the people, etc.) Interest or profits received〗 〖get. Such as: discussion Choi (won applause); discuss good (to win the goodwill of docile); discuss wildfires (accounting for other cheap) Heaven's kill〗 〖 Discussion, is also implicated. - "Jade articles" Is small Qinwu Yang-year-old child, and discuss killing two Howard. - Liu, "Tong District sent Biography" 〗 〖Marryawoman married. Such as: discussion pro (get married); a wife 〗 〖Incur incurred. Such as: discussion mouth teeth (Jalan tongue); discuss gas (into trouble; boring); agreeable pity; annoying; hate To discuss security tǎobǎo 〗 〖Getabail for the grantor Begging for food tǎochī 〗 〖Begforfood people want to eat; begging Discussion at the end to discuss Dier tǎodǐ, tǎodǐr 〗 〖Inquireaboutdetails inquire about the detailed and comprehensive information; Snoop ins and outs Crusade tǎofá 〗 〖Sendarmedforcestosuppress troops conquest Beg for food tǎofàn 〖Begforfood; beabeggar〗 begging bowl Please tǎohǎo 〖Ingratiateoneselfwith; fawnonsb.; Curryfavorwithsb.〗: Away to get a good impression or pleasant person to meet Where he boasts that his behavior is always to please the housewives in the region 〖Haveone'slabourrewarded; berewardedwithafruitfulresult〗: getting good results Thankless Repay tǎohuán 〗 〖Getsth.back to come back (the money owed, things, etc.) Bargain tǎojià-huánjià 〖Closeabargain; bargain〗 business transaction or negotiation before the prices or conditions to dispute, negotiation After some bargaining, developed a compromise Ask for advice tǎojiào 〗 〖Askforadvice ask for advice Discussion tǎolùn 〖Discuss; talkover〗 opinion on something or another that demonstrated Cabinet held an emergency meeting to discuss the draft law Discussed m tǎomǐ 〗 〖Begforfood begging Look for a bargain tǎopiányi 〖Seekundueadvantage; trytogainsthattheexpenseofothers; lookforabargain〗 dice against others Discussion Ping tǎopíng 〗 〖Putdown counter-insurgency; put down Tao Qi tǎoqǐ 〖Tooptobeg; begalmsfrom〗 begging to be Choose the easy way tǎoqiǎo 〖Choo_set_heeasywayout; actartfullytoobtainwhatonewants〗 tricks, effortless and want to achieve their goals Qiao discussion tǎoqiào 〗 〖Begforwitty deliberately giving the impression that playful behaviors Beg for mercy tǎoráo 〖Begformercy; askforforgivenness〗 ask for forgiveness Discuss interference tǎorǎo 〗 〖Thanksfortheentertainment courtesy, that by the hospitality Unpleasant tǎorénxián 〖Disagreeable; annoying〗 people dislike, dislike A living tǎoshēnghuó 〗 〖Seekliving: their livelihoods 〗 〖Driftalongaimlessly: live; survive Annoying tǎoxián 〖Disagreeable; incurhatred; goagainstthestomach〗 annoying aversion; hate Hate tǎoyàn 〖Loathe; bedisgustedwith〗: dislike He hated snakes 〖Disagreeable; disgusting; repugnant〗: disturbing; seem discouraging Hate the weather 〖Behardtohandle; troublesome〗: things difficult This is a nasty disease Creep tǎoyànguǐ 〗 〖Varmint: annoying, annoying people, mean people 〗 〖Creep: a nasty, boring, objectionable or insignificant person I never want to see that bastard Debt collection tǎozhài 〖Demandrepaymentofadebt; dun〗 people to lend the money back Tao Zhang tǎozhàng 〗 〖Demandrepaymentofaloan: debt collection 〗 〖Collectbillsoverdue [dialect]: Request to buy things the money owed
Discussion <action "(knowing. From the words, from the inch. Words, words. Inches, and his testimonies. With the words and testimonies for Treatment. The original meaning of condemnation) to discuss with the original meaning, the government himself. - "Said the text" seek, also implicated. - "Jade articles," his lord of the day did not discuss the training of people. - "Venerable Zuo years," Chen Chu to discuss rebellion. - "Zuo Xianggong five-year" crusade; bane Bor is king left Qing Shi to Wang Ming discuss it. - "Hidden Zuo nine public," Chen Yi Route Expeditionary care. - Another "Inst" Route Expeditionary Governor Division. - Sun "yellow Gang seventy-two Martyrs birthplace order" and if conquered (troops crusade); discussion cover (cover crusade catch. Cover catch, caught by people not well prepared); discussion II (conquered rebellious vassal infidelity ); Route Expeditionary (discussed tǎo ⒈ conquest, attack ~ cutting. levy ~. sound ~. ⒉ inquiries, regulation review ~. ~ discipline. ⒊ explore, research exploration ~. Research ~. ⒋ obtain ~ debt. ~ price bargaining . ⒌ demand, request, beg ~ Rao. ~ teach. ~ rice. ⒍ provoke, cause ~ people dislike. from ~ bitter to eat. ~ people like.
讨 tao
部首 讠 部首笔画 02 总笔画 05
讨 mooch;
讨 (1)
同本义 [denounce;condemn]
讨伐;诛戮 [send armed forces to suppress;kill]
探究 [make a thorough inquiry;probe into]
索取 [ask for]
乞求 [beg for]。如讨分上(讨人情;讲情面);讨火(借火);乞讨(向人要钱要饭等)
得到利益或利润 [get]。如讨彩(博得喝采);讨乖(博取乖顺的好感);讨野火(占别人便宜)
诛杀 [kill]
娶 [marry a woman]。如讨亲(娶亲);讨老婆
招致 [incur]。如讨口牙(惹口舌);讨气(惹祸;令人厌烦);讨人怜;讨人厌;讨厌
[get a bail] 寻求保人
[beg for food] 向人要饭吃;讨饭
[inquire about details] 打听出详细和全面的情况;探听底细
[send armed forces to suppress] 出兵征伐
[beg for food;be a beggar] 向人乞讨饭食
[ingratiate oneself with;fawn on sb.;curry favor with sb.]∶为得到好感或讨人喜欢而去迎合某人
[have one's labour rewarded;be rewarded with a fruitful result]∶得到好效果
[get sth. back] 要回来(欠下的钱、东西等)
[close a bargain;bargain] 生意成交前或谈判中就价格或条件争执、协商
[ask for advice] 求教
[discuss;talk over] 就某事相互表明见解或论证
[beg for food] 乞食
tǎo piányi
[seek undue advantage;try to gain sthat the expense of others;look for a bargain] 占别人的便宜
[put down] 平叛;平定
[toop to beg;beg alms from] 乞要
[choose the easy way out;act artfully to obtain what one wants] 取巧,不费力而想达到目的
[beg for witty] 言谈举止故意使人觉得俏皮
[beg for mercy;ask for forgivenness] 请求宽恕
[thanks for the entertainment] 客套话,指受招待
[disagreeable;annoying] 让人厌恶,嫌弃
tǎo shēnghuó
[seek living]∶谋求生计
[drift along aimlessly]∶过活;活下来
[disagreeable;incur hatred;go against the stomach] 惹人厌烦嫌恶;讨厌
[loathe;be disgusted with]∶厌恶
[be hard to handle;troublesome]∶事情难办
[demand repayment of a debt;dun] 要回借给人的钱财
[demand repayment of a loan]∶讨债
[collect bills overdue] [方]∶索取买东西欠的钱
讨 (討)
tǎo ㄊㄠˇ
Discussion tao Radical Radical Yan 02 total strokes 05 strokes Discussion mooch; Discussion (1) Discussion tǎo <Action> (2) (Knowing. From the words, from the inch. Words, words. Inches, and his testimonies. With the words and testimonies for Treatment. The original meaning of condemnation) (3) With the original meaning [denounce; condemn] Discussion, the government himself. - "Said the text" Discussion, is also implicated. - "Jade articles" Qijun daily basis to discuss the training of people. - "Zuo Venerable years" Chen Chu to discuss rebellion. - "Zuo Xianggong five years" (4) Crusade; dispatch [send armed forces to suppress; kill] Bor is king left Qing Shi to Wang Ming discuss it. - "Implicit public nine-Zuo" Route Expeditionary Chen Yi asked. - Another "Inst" Route Expeditionary Division Governor. - Sun "yellow Gang seventy-two Martyrs birthplace order" (5) Another example is the crusade (troops crusade); discussion cover (cover crusade catch. Cover catch, caught by people not well prepared); discussion II (conquered rebellious princes of infidelity); Route Expeditionary (crusade treason or thieves); discussion disorder (conquest random things); discussion finishes (crusade against) (6) Inquiry [make a thorough inquiry; probe into] Shishu discussion. - "The Analects" (7) Another example is the discuss real (to find out; implementation); discuss study (of the truth of things); discuss cable (seminar to explore) (8) Request [ask for] Discuss any shame Yan. - "Zuo Xi male and three years" (9) Another example is the discuss sewing (discussed pocket money; rely on people to live; the subject of temperance); discussion luck (in brown obtain property on behalf of the owner of Geely); to discuss the spring (look for the spring, Tan Chun; old said divining) (10) Beg [beg for]. Such as the discussion points on the (discussion favor; about feelings); discuss fire (asking for a light); begging (begging for money to the people, etc.) (11) Be of interest or profit [get]. Like to discuss color (won applause); discuss good (to win the goodwill of docile); discuss wildfires (accounting for other cheap) (12) Heaven [kill] Discussion, is also implicated. - "Jade articles" Is small Qinwu Yang-year-old child, and discuss killing two Howard. - Liu, "Tong District sent Biography" (13) Married to [marry a woman]. Such as the discussion pro (get married); a wife (14) Lead to [incur]. If discussion mouth teeth (Jalan tongue); discuss gas (into trouble; boring); agreeable pity; annoying; hate To discuss security tǎobǎo [Get a bail] for the grantor Begging for food tǎochī [Beg for food] to the people to eat; begging Discussion at the end to discuss Dier tǎodǐ, tǎodǐr [Inquire about details] inquire about the detailed and comprehensive information; Snoop ins and outs Crusade tǎofá [Send armed forces to suppress] sent troops to conquest Beg for food tǎofàn [Beg for food; be a beggar] begging bowl Please tǎohǎo (1) [Ingratiate oneself with; fawn on sb.; Curry favor with sb.]: Away to get a good impression or a pleasant person to meet Where he boasts that his behavior is always to please the housewives in the region (2) [Have one's labour rewarded; be rewarded with a fruitful result]: get a good result Thankless Repay tǎohuán [Get sth. Back] to come back (the money owed, things, etc.) Bargain tǎojià-huánjià [Close a bargain; bargain] business deal or negotiation before the prices or conditions to dispute, negotiation After some bargaining, developed a compromise Ask for advice tǎojiào [Ask for advice] ask for advice Discussion tǎolùn [Discuss; talk over] to a matter of opinion or arguments with each other that Cabinet held an emergency meeting to discuss the draft law Discussed m tǎomǐ [Beg for food] beg for food Look for a bargain tǎo piányi [Seek undue advantage; try to gain sthat the expense of others; look for a bargain] cheap against others Discussion Ping tǎopíng [Put down] suppression of the rebellion; put down Tao Qi tǎoqǐ [Toop to beg; beg alms from] beg to Choose the easy way tǎoqiǎo [Choose the easy way out; act artfully to obtain what one wants] tricks, effortless and want to achieve their goals Qiao discussion tǎoqiào [Beg for witty] deliberately giving the impression that playful behaviors Beg for mercy tǎoráo [Beg for mercy; ask for forgivenness] ask for forgiveness Discuss interference tǎorǎo [Thanks for the entertainment] out of courtesy, that by the hospitality Unpleasant tǎorénxián [Disagreeable; annoying] people to hate, dislike A living tǎo shēnghuó (1) [Seek living]: for their livelihoods (2) [Drift along aimlessly]: live; survive Annoying tǎoxián [Disagreeable; incur hatred; go against the stomach] annoying aversion; hate Hate tǎoyàn (1) [Loathe; be disgusted with]: dislike He hated snakes (2) [Disagreeable; disgusting; repugnant]: disturbing; seem discouraging Hate the weather (3) [Be hard to handle; troublesome]: things difficult This is a nasty disease Creep tǎoyànguǐ (1) [Varmint]: annoying, annoying people, mean people (2) [Creep]: a nasty, boring, objectionable or insignificant person I never want to see that bastard Debt collection tǎozhài [Demand repayment of a debt; dun] to return the money lent to people Tao Zhang tǎozhàng (1) [Demand repayment of a loan]: debt collection (2) [Collect bills overdue] [Party]: Request to buy things the money owed Discussion (Discussion) tǎo ㄊ ㄠ (1) Inquire into, treatment examination ~. (2) Conquest, attack ~ cutting. Sound ~ (Declaration of offense to be attacked.) (3) Research, inquire Research ~. Exploration ~. (4) Request ~ also (huán). (5) Request, the request ~ teach (jiào). ~ Rao. (6) Jalan ~ tired. ~ People like. (7) ~ Wife to marry. Zheng code sds, u8ba8, gbkccd6 5 number of strokes, radical Yan, stroke order number 45124
Hao Tang Yun】 【he cut 【Ji Yun Yun will】 【】 【】 soil Yun Hao is cut, ???? hundred Shangsheng. Wen】 【that rule also. From the statement from the inch. Xu said】 【inch, law also. Upon resignation cutting crime, it is from the statement. Agree. Gao Yao mo】 【days to discuss the book guilt. Shu】 【discuss governance guilty, so must evil. Zuo Xuan years】 【Qijun daily basis to discuss the training of people. 【Note】 discussion, the government himself. Also Guangyun】 【punish too. 【Class】 Killer articles. Rhymes】 【blame also. And in addition also. Hidden four】 【Gongyangzhuan what it said were, Route Expeditionary the speech also. 【Note】 discussed, in addition to also. Jade articles and 【】 to the water. 【】 Gentleman ritual ceremony in the ceremony also, there is also along the discussion. 】 【Sparse and slightly to the order also. 【Class】 find another article also. Yun】 【???? exploration well. Rhymes】 【find also. 【】 Shishu discussion Analects of Confucius. 【Note】 discussion, look for study also. After the charge transfer】 【Hanwang pick things to discuss the situation. 【Three Kingdoms book】 Yuan Shao and Zan discuss trouble finding the source. And mixed well. Meng Qin Feng】 【cutting a poem Court. 【Fax】 Meng, Yu is also discussed.笺】 【discussion, miscellaneous too. Complex Yu of the text in the picture cutting. And Guan Ming. 【Old Tang job Shangguan】 Sadamoto the end of the _set_ Zhaotao so. 【Notes】 Zhao Tao Jin Shibai Guan Huai-Xiang Fu Division to move, taken away from the crusade. And leaves his mouth cut, Tou rising tone. Jiao Shi Yi Lin】 【silk string together three crossbow, not conducive to counseling. City does not keep the weak, Guo-jun by discussion.
討 Discussion 治也。从言从寸。他皓切
Rule also. From the statement from the inch. He cut Hao