
简异体: 繁异体:  ()拼音: , wú部首: 总笔画: 20部外笔画: 13
UTF-8: E8 AD B7UTF-16: 8B77UTF-32: 00008B77GB 12345: 2704Big 5: C540仓颉: YRTOE
四角码: 0464.7一字全码: hu4yanhuo一字双码: huyahu一字单码: hyh汉字结构: 左(中)右汉字层次: 8
笔画: 丶一一一丨????一一丨丨丿丨丶一一一丨一????㇏笔顺编号: 41112511223241112154笔顺读写: 捺横横横竖折横横竖竖撇竖捺横横横竖横折捺他人笔顺: 41112511223241112154
部件组构: 言(亠(丶一)二(一一)口(冂(丨????)一))蒦(艹(十(一丨)丨)隻(隹(亻(丿丨)(丶三(一二(一一))丄(丨一)))又(????㇏)))

  Care hù see "care." Stroke: 20; radicals: Introduction; stroke order number: 41112511223241112154
  1.監視;監督。 2.救助;保。 3.遮蔽;掩藏。 4.袒;包庇。 5.總領;統率。 6.侵佔。 7.辯。 8.古樂曲名。

  Care wú (ㄨ) meaning is not _set_.
酉集上 Unitary _Set_  【唐韻】【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】????胡故切,音瓠。【說文】救視也。【廣韻】助也。【增韻】擁全之也。【書·畢命序孔傳】成定東周郊境,使有保。【史記·蕭相國世家】高祖爲布衣時,何數以吏事高祖。【前漢·西域傳】凡遣使送客者,欲爲防????害也。【晉書·紀瞻傳】帝使謂瞻曰:卿雖病,但爲朕臥六軍,所益多矣。 又官名。【前漢·百官公卿表】軍都尉,秦官。又【西域傳】武帝時,西域內屬者三十六國,置使者校尉領之,宣帝攺爲都。【唐書·百官志註】龍朔閒攺左右庶子爲左右中。 又樂名。【呂覽·古樂篇】湯乃命伊尹作《大》。【周禮·春官·大司樂賈疏】作大濩。【字彙補】與頀同。 又曲名。【唐書·禮樂志】《丁都》,晉宋閒曲也。 又草名。【本草綱目】景天一名火。又薺一名生草。又【名醫別錄】神草。李時珍曰:物類志謂之門草,王筠詩,風驚門草,卽此也。 又地名。【爾雅·釋地】周有焦。【郭註】今扶風池陽縣瓠中是也。 又諸羌州名。【唐書·地理志】隴右道有卬、久川三州,俱開元十七年置。 又叶黃郭切,音穫。【庾闡·弔賈誼文】雖有惠音,莫過《韶》。雖有騰蛇,終仆一壑。

  【】 【Ji Yun Tang Yun Yun will】 【】 【】 ???? Yun Hu is so cut, sound gourd. 【】 To save that text as well. Guangyun】 【help also. Yun】 【owned by all of the well. Col complete life into a fixed sequence hole mass】 Zhou rural environment, so that protection. 【】 Records emperor Hsiao-phase state is commoner when the family, how do the number of nursing emperor to officials. 【Fax】 Former Han Dynasty envoy who see a visitor who prefer to give protection ???? harm also. Ji Jin Shu Zhan Chuan】 【so that the forward-looking Emperor said: Emily, although disease, but for I bench six military protection, the interest grew. And Guan Ming. 【Form】 Former Han Baiguan Gongqing Hujun Du Wei, Qin officer. 】 【Emperor and Western Regions, the Western region is a Third Sixteen, nursing home receive the envoy commander, Xuan Yi to have protection. 【】 Annotation Tang hundred idle Yi Longshu left and right around the retaining Bastard. Also fun name. Posts】 【Lu ancient music sheet for Tang Nai Ming Yi Yin "great care." 【Zhou Chun Jia Le Ta-Secretary for large sparse】 Hu. 【】 And Hu words fill the same. And title. Music Blog】 【Tang Shuli "small are protecting," Jin free music also. And grass name. Sedum, a Compendium of Materia Medica】 【fire protection. Grass and water chestnut, a nursing student. And doctors do not record】 【God protect the grass. Li said: Fauna of the care that the door grass Zhi, Wang Yun poem, the wind shock protection door grass, calipering this also. And names. 【】 Zhou Mailyard to focus protection. 【Note】 Guo pool this Fufeng County is also gourd. Also Zhuqiang a state. Geography】 【Tang Road in nursing at Long Yang, a long time care, care Sichuan three states, all _set_ Kaiyuan seventeen years. And Ye Huangguo cut, sound gains. Yi Wen Yu illustrates 【】 Notwithstanding the benefits hanging sound, none other than the "Shao care." Although Teng snake, and finally a servant sink.
编号:1559 ID: 1559  救視也。从言蒦聲。 胡故切

  Save as well. The sound from the word Wo. Therefore, Hu cut

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