
简异体: 繁异体:  (???? ????)拼音: cāng, shī部首: 艹䒑总笔画: 13部外笔画: 10
UTF-8: E8 92 BCUTF-16: 84BCUTF-32: 000084BCGB 12345: 1852Big 5: BB61仓颉: TOIR
四角码: 4460.7一字全码: cang1caocang一字双码: cacaca一字单码: ccc汉字结构: 上(中)下汉字层次: 7
笔画: 一丨丨丿㇏丶????一一丿丨????一笔顺编号: 1223445113251笔顺读写: 横竖竖撇捺捺折横横撇竖折横他人笔顺: 1223445113251
部件组构: 艹(十(一丨)丨)倉(人(丿㇏)(丶(彐(????二(一一))丿))口(冂(丨????)一))

  Cang cāng see "The Wild." Stroke: 13; radicals: Lv; stroke order code: 1223445113251
  1.草色,引申為青黑色。 2.灰白色,多指頭髮斑白。 3.淺青色。 4.通「倉」。倉猝。 5.姓。 6.﹝奔﹞野外的廣闊景色。引申為近郊。
  蒼shī 1.草名。

  Cang shī 1. Grass name.
申集上 Application _Set_  〔古文〕????????【唐韻】七岡切【正韻】千剛切,????音倉。【說文】草色也。【易·說卦傳】震爲筤竹。【臨川吳氏註】,深靑色。【詩·王風】悠悠天。【禮·玉藻】大夫佩水玉。【疏】似水之而雜有文。 又【博雅】茂也。【書·益稷篇】至于海隅生。【傳】然生草木。 又老也。【詩·秦風】蒹葭。【釋文】物老之狀。 又【前漢·陳勝傳】頭。【註】士卒靑帛巾。 又【綱目集覽】黃,急遽貌。 又姓。【通志·氏族略】氏。【註】《風俗通》云:八愷,舒之後。 又【韻會】采朗切,倉上聲。莽,寒狀。一曰近郊之色。【莊子·逍遙遊】適莽者,三飡而反。【唐書·韋述傳】卒犇逼。【白居易詩】寒銷春茫。 亦作倉。【禮·月令】駕倉龍,服倉玉。【史記·蕭望之傳】倉頭廬兒。 【直音】作字从艸作。考證:〔【書·益稷謨】至于海隅生。〕 謹照益稷不稱謨,謨改篇。

  〔〕 ???? ???? Ancient Tang Yun】 【Rhymes】 【seven thousand Gangqie just cut, ???? sound positions. Wen】 【that grass too. 】 【Yi Chuan Shuo Gua Zhen, Cang young bamboo bamboo. 【Note】 Cang Wu Lin Chuan, deep Celadon color. Wang Feng】 【lengthy poem heaven. Li Yu algae】 【Big Fupei beryl. Things】 【sparse and mixed with the dark green text. And liberal arts】 【Mao also. Books Yi Ji articles】 【As Haiyu common people. 【Fax】 gray natural raw vegetation. Old and too. Qin Feng Jian Jia Poem】 【gray. 【Explanation】 matter of like the old. Also before the Han Sheng Chuan】 【soldier. 【Note】 his soldiers Celadon silk towel. Also browse】 【schema _set_ greenish yellow, sharp appearance. Another name. Annals】 【Tsang's little clan. 【Note】 "custom links" goes: Eight Chan, Cang Shu later. And rhyme will】 【mining Langqie, warehouse rising tone. Mangcang, cold-like. Said, the color of a suburb. 【】 Appropriate Mangcang Xiaoyao those, three Can the opposite. 【Fax】 Tang Wei Cang Death Ben mentioned force. Bai poem】 【vast Cold Spring sales. Also for the positions. 【Order】 riding position on ritual dragon jade clothing warehouse. 【】 Records Xiao Chuan Wang Lu children head positions. 【Music】 straight for the dark green. Cang for word from the Cottage. Research: 〔】 【Books Yi Ji Mo Hai Yu As the common people. According to Yi Ji〕 do not like to say mo, mo to change articles.
编号:539 Number: 539  艸色也。从艸倉聲。 七岡切

  Cottage color too. The sound from the Cottage positions. Seven 冈切

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