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Traditional Chinese:  ( ???? ???? )Pinyin: cháHeader: 艹䒑
Total Strokes: 9Extra Strokes: 6UTF-8: E8 8C B6
UTF-16: 8336UTF-32: 00008336GB 2312: 1872
GB 12345: 1872Big 5: AFF9Cangjie: TOD
Four Corner Code: 4490.4One word full code: cha2caorenmuOne word double code: cacaremu
One word single code: ccrmCharacter structure: Top-(middle)-bottomLevel of decomposition: 4
Strokes: 一丨丨丿㇏一丨丿㇏Stroke sequence: 122341234Stroke Description: horizontal, vertical, vertical, downwards-left, downwards-right, horizontal, vertical, downwards-left, downwards-right
Others' sequence: 122341234
Structure of components: 艹(十(一丨)丨)人(丿㇏)木(十(一丨)八(丿㇏))
Simple Explanation
  Tea chá evergreen shrub, leaves oblong, serrate, the processing system for the beverage is tea; the end of autumn flowering, white; seeds oil extraction; dense wood for carving: tea. Farmers. Especially a "tea": tea. Black tea. Tea. Tuo. Longjing tea. Oolong tea. With tea brewed into a beverage: tea. Road carefully. Refreshments (tea, snacks). Tea party. Dr. Tea (Pengcha good people, but also refers to the person selling tea or a tea house waiter.) Gossip. Refers to some of the beverage: tea. Seasoned millet mush. Nectar. Especially a "tea": tea. Evening tea. Stroke: 9; radicals: Lv; Stroke Number: 122341234
Detailed Explanation
  〗 〖Teatree tea. Theaceae (Theaceae) a shrub with lanceolate leaves and fragrant white flowers. Such as: tea garden (planting tea gardens); tea households (farmers planted tea. Also refers to the tea)
  Tea. Processed by the tea leaves for the bubble to take beverages 〖tea; tea-leaf〗
  Fuliang the previous month to buy tea. - Tang Bai "Pipa (and order)"
  Another example: Chashi (tea market)
  Cook with tea, beverages made of cooked or fried tea〗 〖
  Chinese Sencha, with ginger salt. - Su Shi, "Su Shi Zhi Lin"
  Man thinking at an expert tea thirsty. - Song Su Shi, "Huan Xisha"
  Another example: cafe (selling tea and tea _set_ for the seats); Tea House (Tea Board son, Tea Board. Refers to the tea house)
  Some of the system by evaporation or grinding the paste and mix thoroughly〗 〖food supplies. Such as: almond tea; seasoned millet mush
  The name of some drink〗 〖certainkindsofsoftdrink. Such as: tea
  Dowry in lieu of that old engagement〗 〖bretrothalpresents. Such as: Three Six tea ceremony; by tea; tea, red (engagement time to send the gifts, also known as "the next tea" or "tea _set_")
  Tea; water〗 〖drinktea. Such as: tea, then (tea talk)
  Dr. Tea
  〗 〖Waitersinanold-timeteahouse tea folks early vernacular middle finger
  Dr. Tea was brought a pot of tea
  Tea plantation
  〗 〖Teaplantation planting large areas of tea
  〗 〖Teaspoon teaspoon tune beverages
  〗 〖Teaceremony make tea art tea
  〖Refreshment; tea-cake〗 tea and cakes
  Tea Food
  〗 〖Ordinaryfoodanddrink tea, wine, rice, vegetables and soup in general. Refers to food
  Tea Food here are also of man
  〗 〖Roominwhichtheboiledwaterareplaced: put cakes and sweetmeats, where boiling water
  〖Waiter; boy; bellboy; bellhop; hotelpage〗: formerly known as teahouses, hotels, trains, theaters, etc. The supply of tea and the workers do chores
  Mug, mug
  chágāng, chágāngzi
  A mug〗 〖usually metal or ceramic drinking cup, generally do not take along, but the handle, a cylindrical
  〗 〖Teahouse where tea drinks and snacks, general seating
  Dark brown
  〗 〖Darkbrown as deep as the tea-brown water
  〗 〖A teapot for the tea and Zhencha mouth containers with used
  Camellia, tea flowers
  cháhuā, cháhuār
  〗 〖Camellia buds of various tea tree
  Tea party
  〗 〖Teaparty a reception with refreshments
  Tea table
  〗 〖Teatable put together for tea or tea with a small table
  Tea Mirror
  〖Glassesmadeofquartz; tawnyglasses〗 or brown with citrine glass glasses
  Tea _set_
  〖Tea_set_s; tea-things; teaservice〗 make tea utensils used in tea
  Dry tea
  〗 〖Sasanguacake the seeds of Camellia oil extraction was pressed into the pie when the dregs of fertilizer do
  〗 〖Teahouse located in the floor of the tea - more than the name used as a tea house
  Tea halogen children
  〖Strongconcentrateoftea (tobedilutedbeforedrinking)〗 concentrated strong that the tea, watered down after drinking. Also refers to the tea juice for mouthwash
  Tea dust
  〗 〖Teadust was fine tea powder
  Tea grower
  〗 〖Teagrower to plant tea, collecting tea farmers living
  Tea money
  〗 〖Paymentforteainateahouse: drinking tea in the tea money paid
  〗 〖Tip: refers to the tip
  Dark brown
  〖Darkbrown; tawny〗 a little red chestnut brown than orange to light brown
  〗 〖Teahouse premises selling tea, more tea used as the name of child or children cafes
  〗 〖Teaorboiledwatersuppliedfreetothepublic plus bubble tea into the water or boiled water
  Tea supply station
  Tea stalls
  〗 〖Tea-stall sold them the tea stall
  Tea kiosk
  〗 〖Tea-kiosk or small kiosk selling tea in the room
  Saucer, tea nursery
  chátuō, chátuōr
  〗 〖Saucer bowl or cup mat in children under the small cap
  〖Teabowl; largeteacup〗 no hand in the bowl used for holding tea. A kind of dish and cover the bowl is called porcelain tureen Cup
  Tea stain
  〗 〖Teastain attached to the tea, especially on the brown material on the wall
  〖Tea; tea-leaf〗 tea leaves, buds and internode, the process can be used for beverages or cooking
  Boiled eggs
  〗 〖Eggboiledintea plus tea and boiled eggs, seasoning
  Tea oil
  〗 〖Tea-seedoil: see "tea seed oil"
  〗 〖Teaoil: The essential oils obtained from black tea
  〖Overacupofteaorafterameal - atone'sleisure〗 drinking tea after a meal. Refers to nothing else
  Gossip often see a few pages of light readings
  Tea garden
  〖Teagarden; teaplantation〗 tea plantations
  Brick tea
  Bricktea〗 〖China to tea, tea stems, sometimes accompanied by tea, tea dust pressed into the block
  Tea seed oil
  〗 〖Tea-seedoil obtained from the tea sub, mainly for cooking oil, pomades, and used to make soap - also known as "tea oil"
  〗 〖Teahouse: the premises selling tea
  〗 〖Seatsinateahouseorteagarden: place tea _set_ sold seats
More Simple Explanation
  Tea tea tea. Processed by the tea leaves for hot beverages before taking on Fuliang to buy tea. - Tang Bai "Pipa (and order)," Another example Chashi (tea market) with tea cook, cooking, or fried Chinese Sencha drink made with ginger salt. - Su Shi, "Su Shi Chi Lin" Man thinking at an expert tea thirsty. - Song Su Shi, "Huan Xisha" Another example is the cafe (selling tea and tea _set_ for the seats); Tea House (Tea Board son, Tea Board. Refers to the tea house) some by evaporation or grinding of the system of food supplies and mix thoroughly Some drink tea chá ① shrubs. Serve the tea leaves after processing. ② brew into a tea to drink with. ③ the name of some drink milk ~ oil ~. ④ that tea tree oil ~ oil. 【】 Chinese writer Lao She Teahouse of the play. The play of a teahouse in Beijing for the stage, summed up a half-century old China was dying in the process, reveals the necessity to find another way out. 】 【Dark brown and slightly red yellow black color. French writer Alexandre Dumas La Traviata】 【novel (later adapted by the author for the script.) Work through a tragedy of suffering love of prostitutes, exposed the hypocrisy of bourgeois morality. Tea】 【title. Tang Lu Yuzhuan. Discusses the characteristics of tea, quality, origin, plucking, cooking methods and utensils to drink. Is the first specialized book on tea. Cha】 【dark green and yellowish color. 【Staple】 means rest or free time. Also for Chayu drink. 】 【Chayu see 【staple】 drink. Tea chá ⒈ ⒉ brew into a tea to drink with your drink ~. ⒊ the name of some drink cream ~. Almond ~. ⒋ brown ~ color glass.
More Detailed Explanation
  Cha cha
  Radical Radical Lv 03 total strokes 09 strokes
  Tea [tea tree]. Theaceae (theaceae) a shrub with lanceolate leaves and fragrant white flowers. Such as tea garden (planting tea gardens); tea households (farmers planted tea. Also refers to the tea)
  Tea. Processed by the tea leaves for the bubble to take beverages [tea; tea-leaf]
  Fuliang the previous month to buy tea. - Tang Bai "Pipa (and order)"
  Another example Chashi (tea market)
  Cook with tea, beverages made of cooked or fried [tea]
  Chinese Sencha, with ginger salt. - Su Shi, "Su Shi Zhi Lin"
  Man thinking at an expert tea thirsty. - Song Su Shi, "Huan Xisha"
  Another example is the cafe (selling tea and tea _set_ for the seats); Tea House (Tea Board son, Tea Board. Refers to the tea house)
  Some by evaporation or grinding and mix thoroughly by the system's food supplies [paste]. Such as the almond tea; seasoned millet mush
  The name of some drink [certain kinds of soft drink]. Such as tea
  Dowry in lieu of that old engagement [bretrothal presents]. Six tea ceremony such as the three; by tea; tea red (when to send engagement gifts, also known under the tea "or tea _set_")
  Tea; drink [drink tea]. Words such as tea (tea talk)
  Dr. Tea
  [Waiters in an old-time teahouse] Teahouse of the man the middle finger of early vernacular
  Dr. Tea was brought a pot of tea
  Tea plantation
  [Tea plantation] planted large areas of tea
  [Teaspoon] tone beverages tsp
  [Tea ceremony] the art of tea make tea
  [Refreshment; tea-cake] tea and cakes
  Tea Food
  [Ordinary food and drink] tea, wine, rice, vegetables and soup in general. Refers to food
  Tea Food here are also of man
  [Room in which the boiled water are placed]: put cakes and sweetmeats, where boiling water
  [Waiter; boy; bellboy; bellhop; hotel page]: formerly known as teahouses, hotels, trains, theaters, etc. The supply of tea and the workers do chores
  Mug, mug
  chágāng, chágāngzi
  [Mug] A usually metal or ceramic drinking cup, generally do not take along, but the handle, a cylindrical
  [Teahouse] selling tea and dim sum place, general seating
  Dark brown
  [Dark brown], like the water so deep brown tea
  [Teapot] a use for tea and Zhencha vessels with spout
  Camellia, tea flowers
  cháhuā, cháhuār
  [Camellia] all kinds of tea tree buds
  Tea party
  [Tea party] a reception with refreshments
  Tea table
  [Tea table] put together for tea or tea with a small table
  Tea Mirror
  [Glasses made of quartz; tawny glasses] or brown with citrine glass glasses
  Tea _set_
  [Tea _set_s; tea-things; tea service] make tea utensils used in tea
  Dry tea
  [Sasangua cake] the seeds of Camellia oil extraction was pressed into the pie when the dregs of fertilizer do
  [Teahouse] located in the floor of the tea - more than the name used as a tea house
  Tea halogen children
  [Strong concentrate of tea (to be diluted before drinking)] concentrated strong that the tea, watered down after drinking. Also refers to the tea juice for mouthwash
  Tea dust
  [Tea dust] was fine tea powder
  Tea grower
  [Tea grower] to plant tea, collecting tea farmers living
  Tea money
  [Payment for tea in a teahouse]: drinking tea in the tea money paid
  [Tip]: refers to the tip
  Dark brown
  [Dark brown; tawny] a little red chestnut brown than orange to light brown
  [Teahouse] premises selling tea, tea and more children used the name of children or cafe
  [Tea or boiled water supplied free to the public] plus bubble tea into the water or boiled water
  Tea supply station
  Tea stalls
  [Tea-stall] sold them the tea stall
  Tea kiosk
  [Tea-kiosk] kiosk or sale of tea in the small room
  Saucer, tea nursery
  chátuō, chátuōr
  [Saucer] bowl or cup mat in children under the small cap
  [Tea bowl; large teacup] free hand in the bowl used for holding tea. A kind of dish and cover the bowl is called porcelain tureen Cup
  Tea stain
  [Tea stain] is particularly attached to the tea its brown material on the inner wall
  [Tea; tea-leaf] tea leaves, buds and internode, the process can be used for beverages or cooking
  Boiled eggs
  [Egg boiled in tea] tea and condiments plus boiled eggs
  Tea oil
  [Tea-seed oil]: see tea seed oil "
  [Tea oil]: The essential oils obtained from black tea
  [Over a cup of tea or after a meal - at one's leisure] drinking tea after a meal. Refers to nothing else
  Gossip often see a few pages of light readings
  Tea garden
  [Tea garden; tea plantation] tea plantation
  Brick tea
  [Brick tea] China to tea, tea stems, sometimes accompanied by tea, tea dust pressed into the block
  Tea seed oil
  [Tea-seed oil] was prepared by the tea sub, mainly for cooking oil, pomades, and used to make soap - also known as tea oil "
  [Teahouse]: premises selling tea
  [Seats in a teahouse or tea garden]: place tea _set_ sold seats
  chá ㄔ ㄚ
  Evergreen shrub, leaves oblong, serrate, the processing system for the beverage is tea; the end of autumn flowering, white; seeds oil extraction; dense wood for carving ~ tree. ~ Farmers.
  Especially tea, "Green ~ § ~. Flowers ~. Da ~. Longjing ~. Oolong ~.
  With tea brewed into a drink ~ water. ~ Rice. ~ Point (tea, snacks). ~ Words will. ~ Dr. (Pengcha good people, but also refers to the person selling tea or a tea house waiter.) ~ More than a meal.
  Refers to some of the drinks ~ soup. Surface ~. If ~.
  Especially tea "as early as ~. Late ~.
  Zheng code eof, u8336, gbkb2e8
  9 number of strokes, radical Lv, stroke order number 122341234
Kangxi Dictionary
Application _Set_  Direct Gatchen】 【Ji Yun Yun】 【is hoe Gatchen, ???? Chacheng level tone. Popular ???? Guangyun】 【word. Hidden leaf spring, can Yin. Ming also will】 【rhyme. This for tea, or for ????, today for tea. 【】 One said Lu Yu Tea tea, second is-Jia, third is She, Si Yue Ming, Wu Yue Chuan. Natural History】 【Yin Zhen tea is less sleep. Also herbal】 【Camellia. 【Note】 The Leaf Tea, it was tea name. Also Chaling names. Geography】 【Former Han Chaling Changsha. CNS through】 【cited "Wei Weng _set_," said: the beginning of tea, the word tea, such as "Spring" Let tea, "Han Dynasty" tea hills and the like. Lu, Yan Morohito, though already into the sound of tea, perhaps a word Zhe Yi Wen. However, Lu Yu, Lu same after tea as the tea is then easily. The word from people from the wood from the Cottage. ○ Click "Han Chronology" tea hills. Teacher ancient Note: Tu Tu sound. "Geography" Chaling from the people from the wood. Teacher ancient Note: Anti-Yi extravagance, but also audio plus anti-husband. The Han had tea, tea word, not to Lu Yu Yi tea for tea after the beginning also.

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