
fányìtǐ:  (qiàn ???? ???? ????)pīnyīn: qiàn, xībùshǒu: 艹䒑zǒngbǐhuà: 9bùwàibǐhuà: 6UTF-8: E8 8C 9C
UTF-16: 831CUTF-32: 0000831CGB 2312: 6071GB 12345: 6071Big 5: D37Dcāngjié: TMCW
sìjiǎomǎ: 4460.1yīzìquánmǎ: qian4caoxiyīzìshuāngmǎ: qicaxiyīzìdānmǎ: qcxhànzìjiégòu: shàng(zhōng)xiàhànzìcéngcì: 5
bǐhuà: 一丨丨一丨????丿乚一bǐshùnbiānhào: 122125351bǐshùndúxiě: héng, shù, shù, héng, shù, zhé, piě, zhé, héngtārénbǐshùn: 122125351
bùjiànzǔgòu: 艹(十(一丨)丨)西(一????(冂(丨????)儿(丿乚)一))
   hóng qiàn shā qiàn shān qiàn qún
   huà shù: 9;
   shùn biān hào: 122125351

  Qian qiàn Red: Qian yarn. Qian shirt. Qian dress. Stroke: 9; radicals: Lv; Stroke Number: 122125351
  【 míng
  ( xíng shēngcóng cǎo , shēngběn : cǎo míng ) qiàn cǎo (Rubiacordifolia) Indianmadder
   qiàn , máo sōu zuò qiànhéng héngshuō wén
   ruò qiān zhī qiànhéng héngshǐ · huò zhí lièzhuàn》。 guǎng yuē :“ míng hóng lán huā , rǎn zèng huáng 。”
   àn , zhǒng qiàn cǎo shǔ duō nián shēng cǎo běn , jīng fāng xíng , yòu , 4 méi lún shēng , cháng luǎn xíng huò cháng xīn zàng xíng , yòu bǐng , huā xiǎo , dàn huáng bái , guǒ shí qiú xíng , shú guǒ hēi , shí , gēn zhì rǎn liào yào
  【 xíng
   hóng 〖 deepred〗
   qiàn xiù pěng qióng , jiǎo dān xiá héng héng táng · shāng yǐn zhèng zèng yáng wáng sūn jiā zhēng
   : qiàn shā ( hóng shā ); qiàn shān ( hóng de shān ); qiàn hóng ( jiàng hóng ); qiàn luó ( jiàng hóng de zhì pǐn ); qiàn qún ( hóng de qún ); qiàn shòu ( hóng de yìn shòu guān jué zūn guì )
   xiān míng ; xiān yàn〖 bright〗。 : qiàn liàn ( xiān míng de yàng ); qiàn xuàn ( xiān míng xuàn ); qiàn càn ( xiān míng mào ); qiàn qiàn ( xiān míng ; xiān yàn )
   cǎo mào shèng de yàng 〖 luxuriant〗。 : qiàn qiàn ( cǎo mào shèng de yàng ); qiàn wèi ( cǎo mào shèng de yàng )
  【 dòng
   rǎn hóng〖 dyered〗
   shuí jiā qiàn cǎo qiàn de , huì luò láihéng héngxǐng shì yīn yuán chuán
   lìng jiàn
   qiàn cǎo
  〖 Indianmadder〗 tóng qiàn 1”
  〖 madder〗∶ zhǐ qiàn cǎo shǔ (Rubia) de zhǒng cǎo běn zhí zhōng de rèn zhǒng
  〖 rootofIndianmadder〗∶ zhōng yào míngbié míng huó xuè cǎowéi qiàn cǎo de gēn gēn jīng , hán gān jīngliáng xuè zhǐ xuè , xíng xuè huó luò , tán zhǐ
   yòng wài guó míng de yīn yòng
   lìng jiàn qiàn

  (Phonetic. From the Cottage, West sound. Original meaning: grass name) is "madder" (Rubiacordifolia)〗 〖Indianmadder
  Qian, Mao search also. Sin is also the word for. - "Said the text"
  If acres of Zhi Qian. - "Historical Records." Xu Guang said: "A red and blue of its flowers, dyed silk fabrics are all yellow."
  Press, a madder is a perennial herb, stems square, against the thorn, leaves 4 rounds of health, long ovate or heart-shaped, with petioles, flowers small, yellowish white, fruits spherical, ripe fruits black, edible the root system of dye and medicine can be
  Deepred〗 〖Big Red
  Sin Joan sleeve holding position, bright day since Danxia. - Tang yin "and the gift Ruyang Wang Jia-Yu Cheng Cheng prostitutes"
  Such as: Qian yarn (Hongsha); Sin T-shirt (red shirt); Sin red (dark red); Xi Luo (thin dark red silk); Sin dress (red dress); Qian Shou (printed in red ribbon. Metaphor official post honorable)
  Clear; bright bright〗 〖. Such as: Qian training (a distinct look); Qian Xuan (bright brilliant); Sin Formosa (clear appearance); Cc (sharp; bright)
  Grass look lush luxuriant〗 〖. Such as: Sisi (grass lush look); Qian Wei (lush look)
  Red〗 〖dyered
  Whose madder Qian, and will Lase come. - "Xingshi"
  See xī
  〗 〖Indianmadder: with "Qian 1"
  〗 〖Madder: that is madder (Rubia) of any of several herbs in the
  〗 〖RootofIndianmadder: Chinese name. Alias blood grass. The madder root and rhizome. Bitter, cold. Portal triad by. Cooling blood to stop bleeding, Blood Circulation vibrant, expectorant cough
  Transliteration of foreign names for the characters of women
  See qiàn
  ( xíng shēngcóng yǒu , shēngběn cǎo míng ) qiàn cǎo” (rubiacordifolia)
   qiàn , máo yún zuò qiàn。 --《 shuō wén
   ruò qiān zhī qiàn 。 --《 shǐ · huò zhí lièzhuàn》。 guǎng yuē míng hóng lán huā , rǎn zèng huáng 。”
   àn , zhǒng qiàn cǎo shǔ duō nián shēng cǎo běn , jīng fāng xíng , yòu , 4 méi lún shēng , cháng luǎn xíng huò cháng xīn zàng xíng , yòu bǐng , huā xiǎo , dàn huáng bái , guǒ shí qiú xíng , shú guǒ hēi , shí , gēn zhì rǎn liào yào
   qiàn xíng
   qiàn xiù pěng qióng , jiǎo dān xiá 。 -- táng · shāng yǐn zhèng zèng yáng wáng sūn jiā zhēng
   qiàn shā ( hóng shā ); qiàn shān ( hóng de shān ); qiàn hóng ( jiàng hóng ); qiàn luó ( jiàng hóng de zhì pǐn ); qiàn qún ( hóng de qún ); qiàn shòu ( hóng
   qiànqiàn) qiàn
  ⒈ duō jiàn rén míng

  Sin (phonetic. From You, the West Sound. The original meaning of grass name) is madder "(rubia cordifolia) Qian, Mao Yun also. The word is considered as Sin. -" Said the text "If acres Zhi Qian. -" Records of the Historian colonization Biography. "Xu Guang said a red and blue of its flowers, dyed silk fabrics are all yellow." press, a madder is a perennial herb, stems square, against the thorn, leaves 4 rounds of health, long ovate or heart-shaped, a petiole, flowers small, yellowish white, fruits spherical, cooked black fruit, edible roots can be prepared dyes and medicine Sin <form> Sin sleeves holding a large red King-chi, from the bright day Danxia. - Tang yin "and the gift Ruyang Wang Jia-Yu Cheng Cheng prostitutes" as Sin yarn (Hongsha); Sin T-shirt (red shirt); Sin red (dark red); Xi Luo (thin dark red silk); Sin dress (red dress); Qian Shou (Red Sin (Sin) qiàn ⒈ red. Qian xī ⒈ more common in names.
   qiàn qian
   shǒu cǎo shǒu huà 03 zǒng huà 09
   qiàn 1
  ( xíng shēngcóng yǒu , shēngběn cǎo míng ) qiàn cǎo” (rubiacordifolia)[indianmadder]
   qiàn , máo yún zuò qiàn。 --《 shuō wén
   ruò qiān zhī qiàn 。 --《 shǐ · huò zhí lièzhuàn》。 guǎng yuē míng hóng lán huā , rǎn zèng huáng 。”
   àn , zhǒng qiàn cǎo shǔ duō nián shēng cǎo běn , jīng fāng xíng , yòu , 4 méi lún shēng , cháng luǎn xíng huò cháng xīn zàng xíng , yòu bǐng , huā xiǎo , dàn huáng bái , guǒ shí qiú xíng , shú guǒ hēi , shí , gēn zhì rǎn liào yào
  〈 xíng
   hóng [deepred]
   qiàn xiù pěng qióng , jiǎo dān xiá 。 -- táng · shāng yǐn zhèng zèng yáng wáng sūn jiā zhēng
   qiàn shā ( hóng shā ); qiàn shān ( hóng de shān ); qiàn hóng ( jiàng hóng ); qiàn luó ( jiàng hóng de zhì pǐn ); qiàn qún ( hóng de qún ); qiàn shòu ( hóng de yìn shòu guān jué zūn guì )
   xiān míng ; xiān yàn [bright]。 qiàn liàn ( xiān míng de yàng ); qiàn xuàn ( xiān míng xuàn ); qiàn càn ( xiān míng mào ); qiàn qiàn ( xiān míng ; xiān yàn )
   cǎo mào shèng de yàng [luxuriant]。 qiàn qiàn ( cǎo mào shèng de yàng ); qiàn wèi ( cǎo mào shèng de yàng )
  〈 dòng
   rǎn hóng [dyered]
   shuí jiā qiàn cǎo qiàn de , huì luò lái。 --《 xǐng shì yīn yuán chuán
   lìng jiàn
   qiàn cǎo
  [indianmadder]∶ tóng qiàn 1”
  [madder]∶ zhǐ qiàn cǎo shǔ (rubia) de zhǒng cǎo běn zhí zhōng de rèn zhǒng
  [rootofindianmadder]∶ zhōng yào míngbié míng huó xuè cǎowéi qiàn cǎo de gēn gēn jīng , hán gān jīngliáng xuè zhǐ xuè , xíng xuè huó luò , tán zhǐ
   qiàn 1
  qiàn  yi
   hóng shā。~ shān。~ qún
   zhèng efj, u831c, gbkdce7
   huà shù 9, shǒu cǎo shùn biān hào 122125351

  Qian qian
  Radical Radical Lv 03 total strokes 09 strokes
  Qian 1
  (Phonetic. From You, the West Sound. The original meaning of grass name) is madder "(rubia cordifolia) [indian madder]
  Qian, Mao Yun also. Sin is also the word for. - "Said the text"
  If acres of Zhi Qian. - "Historical Records." Xu Guang said a red and blue of its flowers, dyed silk fabrics are all yellow. "
  Press, a madder is a perennial herb, stems square, against the thorn, leaves 4 rounds of health, long ovate or heart-shaped, with petioles, flowers small, yellowish white, fruits spherical, ripe fruits black, edible the root system of dye and medicine can be
  Big Red [deep red]
  Sin Joan sleeve holding position, bright day since Danxia. - Tang yin "and the gift Ruyang Wang Jia-Yu Cheng Cheng prostitutes"
  If Sin yarn (Hongsha); Sin T-shirt (red shirt); Sin red (dark red); Xi Luo (thin dark red silk); Sin dress (red dress); Qian Shou (printed in red ribbon. Metaphor official post distinguished)
  Clear; bright [bright]. Training, such as Sin (distinctive look); Qian Xuan (bright brilliant); Sin Formosa (clear appearance); Cc (clear; bright)
  Lush grass like [luxuriant]. If Cc (lush grass like); Qian Wei (lush look)
  Red [dye red]
  Whose madder Qian, and will Lase come. - "Xingshi"
  See xī
  [Indian madder]: with Qian 1 "
  [Madder]: refers to the case of madder (rubia) Any of several herbs in a
  [Root of indian madder]: Chinese name. Alias blood grass. The madder root and rhizome. Bitter, cold. Portal triad by. Cooling blood to stop bleeding, Blood Circulation vibrant, expectorant cough
  Qian 1
  qiàn ㄑ ㄧ ㄢ ╝
  Red ~ yarn. ~ Shirt. ~ Dress.
  Zheng code efj, u831c, gbkdce7
  9 number of strokes, radical Lv, stroke order number 122125351
shēn shàng Application _Set_  【 táng yùn】【 yùn huì】【 zhèng yùn】 ???? cāng diàn qiēyīn qiàn。【 shuō wénmáo sōu 。【 běn cǎo míng xuè míng fēng chē cǎo míng guò shān lóngjīn rǎn jiàng qiàn cǎo 。【 shǐ · huò zhí chuánqiān zhī qiàn 。【 zhù huā rǎn zēngchì huáng 。【 shù luò yáng yòu zhī qiàn yuán。【 hàn guān rǎn yuán chū zhīgōng rǎn 。  tōng zuò qiàn。【 yùnhuò zuò ???? gǎn

  Yun Tang Yun 【】 【】 【will Rhymes】 ???? Austin cut positions, sound Qian. Wen Mao said】 【search also. Herbal】 【a manner of blood, a windmill grass, over a mountain dragon, now dyed purple madder also. 【Fax】 acres Records Huo Sin goblet. 【Note】 The flowers dyed silk fabrics, red yellow too. 】 【Shu Yi Ji Qian Park of Luoyang has supported. Park Han Officials instrument】 【dye out of Chicago for the Royal stained clothing. Pass for Sin. 【_Set_】 or for ???? Gan Wan.
biān hào :384 Number: 384  máo sōu cóng cǎo shēngcāng jiàn qiē

  Mao search also. From Cottage West sound. See cutting positions

pínglún (0)