Intestinal cháng see "gut." Stroke: 13; radicals: Monthly; stroke order code: 3511251113533
1.內臟之一,呈長管形,主管消化和吸收養分。 2.內心;感情。 3.腓腸,小腿肚子。 4.詳。
腸quán 1.身曲貌。 2.见"腸发"。
Intestinal quán 1. The body song appearance. 2. See "gut development."
未集下 Under no _set_ 【唐韻】直良切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】仲良切,????音長。【說文】大小腸,藏府之二名也。【正字通】大腸長二丈一尺,廣四寸,徑一寸,當臍右迴疊十六曲,盛穀一斗,水七升半。小腸長三丈二尺,廣二寸半,徑八分分之少半,左迴疊積十六曲,容穀二斗四升,水六升三合。【白虎通】大腸,小腸,心肺府也。腸爲心肺主,心爲皮體主,故爲兩府也。【詩·大雅】自有肺腸。【書·盤庚】今予其敷心腹腎腸,歷告爾百姓于朕志。 又【釋名】暢也,言通暢胃氣也。 又【博雅】詳也。 又羊腸,太行山坂名。【戰國策】趙聞之起兵臨羊腸。【史記·趙世家】羊腸之西。【註】太行山坂通名。南屬懷州,北屬澤州。 又無腸,國名。【山海經】無腸之國,在深目東,其爲人長而無腸。 又馬腸,獸名。【山海經】讙舉之山,雒水出焉,其中多馬腸之物。【註】馬腸,人面虎身,音如嬰兒。 又魚腸,劒名。見【三國蜀志】。 又草名。【博雅】鹿腸,????蔘也。【又】馬腸,亦草名,葉似桑。見【山海經·讙舉之出註】。 又黃腸,槨名。【後漢·梁商傳】賜黃腸玉匣。【註】以栢木黃心爲槨也。又【禮·儀志】治黃腸題凑,便房如禮。
Liang Tang Yun】 【straight cut 【Ji Yun Yun will】 【】 【】 Zhongliang Rhymes cut, ???? duration. Wen】 【said large intestine, also possession of the government of the two. CNS through】 【nijo foot long large intestine, four inches wide, diameter of one inch, right-back stack when the umbilical sixteen, Sheng Gu a bucket of water a half seven liters. Thirty feet long two feet of small intestine, the second half inches wide, diameter less per eighth of a half, left back laminated sixteen, two bucket capacity of four liters Valley, triple six liters of water. Bai Hu Tong】 【large intestine, small intestine, heart and lung government also. Intestine is the main heart and lung, the heart is the main body of the skin, it is also for the two governments. Poetry Taiga】 【own lung intestine. Pangeng】 【book apply this to their confidants kidney intestine, Li told the people in Seoul I blog. 【Name】 Chang has also explained, Wei Qi is also made clear. And liberal arts】 【details also. And gut, the Taihang Mountains Sakamoto name. Zhao Wen】 【war policy from the gates of the gut. Zhao Records】 【gut of the West family. 【Note】 Taihang Osaka generic term. Southern states are pregnant, North is Zezhou. Nor the intestine, the country name. Shan Hai Jing intestine 【】 No country in the deep head east, the man long without intestine. And horse intestines, animal names. Shan Hai Jing Huan held】 【mountain, Luo Yan of water out of which Thomas intestinal thing. 【Note】 horse intestines, human face tiger body, sounds like baby. And intestine, 劒 name. See】 【Three Shu Zhi. And grass name. Burson-Marsteller】 【deer sausage, ???? ginseng too. 【】 Horse intestines and also the grass were, like mulberry leaves. See Shan Hai Jing Huan 【Note】 give the out. And yellow intestines, coffin name. 【Fax】 provider after giving the Han Liang Yu Xia Huang intestine. 【Note】 The cypress coffin is also yellow heart. 【Notes】 Taming and intestinal problems etiquette hash, then housing, such as ceremony.
编号:2600 ID: 2600 大小腸也。从肉昜聲。 直良切
Small intestine also. Yang from the sound of the meat. Good straight cut