Threat (threat) xié from armpit to make a section of the rib: Xiexia. Threatening force: coercion. Threat. Coerce. Abduction. Duress. Convergence: Xiejianchanxiao (contraction of the shoulder, the strong Yen as Mei Yue, flattering people to describe the ugly.) Threatening shoulder Dimei (obsequious appearance). Threatening shoulder tired (l Chi) foot (described fear. "Tired feet", small brisk walking). Stroke: 8; radicals: Monthly; Stroke Order Number: 35115344
Threat, threat
(Phonetic. From meat (months), SHYE (xié) sound. Original meaning: armpit where the rib section)
〗 〖Theupperpartofthesideofthehumanbody with the original meaning
Threat, the two bladder also. - "Said Wen." Press, armpit of the name also. That of the bone ribs, the body is that of making offerings.
Urgent threat in two. - "Su asked to larger theory of truth"
Shang threat shield. - "Pipe version of law." Note: The "shield or a is to the threat, said solid shield threat."
Ridge of the shoulder in the lung threat. - "Rituals"
Xie clip big iron vertebrae. - Mingwei Jubilee "big iron vertebral Biography"
The more days in the threat. - "Xu Travel Huangshan Mountain in mind"
Another example: threat Shi (from the armpit to the waist and above the site); threat to the nest (metaphor both sides); threat does not become President (a dangerous thing to describe Buddhist practice); ribs (ribs); threat clothing (women's underwear. or "socks"); threatened limb (between the threat and arm position); threat Shield (shield or name)
〗 〖Rib rib
Cao Pian total public heard the threat, want to watch his naked. - "Zuo Xi public twenty-three years." Note: The "parallel threat, suitable for dry also."
Next to the side side〗 〖
Next to the bank threatened to place more than two hundred ten feet, folk Dubbed the Shek Kwu. - "Han"
Another example: threatening disabilities (Buddhist language. Stand on both sides of the Buddha, Bodhisattva)
Coerce〗 〖hostage
Threat is that ruler. - "Book of Rites, Li Yun"
Luan Bank of China is threatened. - "Mandarin Jin." Note: "rob the people."
Another example: coerce (using coercive means to make people follow); threat Jun (abduction monarch; by abduction of the monarch); threat rights (the right to rely on. False name with the king the right to stress on the others)
Coercion, force with the power to promote 〖〗
For from the public. The public from the threat of the public who may not return. - "Zuo Zhuang eight years"
So the threat of seeking monarch. - "Han Chang Hui-Chuan." Note: "that the coercion of the people."
Prostitution and phase threat. - "Huainanzi the Classics"
Threat of force is not the end. - Mingwei Jubilee "big iron vertebral Biography"
Service wins the officer threatened. - Ming Gao Qi "book Bo chicken thing"
Another example: pollution threat (duress Erzhi stain); threat robbery (hijacking of the threat); threat and (forced to make peace); threatened suit (forcing the subject); threat reduction (forced surrender; were forced to surrender)
Links "Xi" (xī). Contraction 〖contract; shrink〗?
Yi Kun, Department of dynamic, static and dynamic provision of threat, all things grow wherever. - "Biography of Wang Mang Han"
Another example: threatening shoulder (arched shoulders, so show fear); threatening shoulder Dimei (shoulder Dishou threat. Shrink the shoulder down. Described as pretending to be respectful fear of the way); threatening shoulder tired feet (tightening of the shoulder, afraid to stand at attention . described as a very scared)
〗 〖Force threatening force; stress
〗 〖Seizesb.onbothsidesbythearms hijack threat
Be an accomplice under duress
〗 〖Beanaccompliceunderduress from those who were forced to phase; stress phase from others
The remaining threat from sin or small, salty addition to the amnesty. - "Martyrs Biography"
〖Cringeandsmileobsequiously; bowandscrape〗 arched shoulders, put on a smile. Flattering way to describe the extreme
Xiejianchanxiao, disease Zixia plot. - "Under the Mencius Tengwen Gong"
〖Compel; coerceforce; oblige the threat of forced〗
Threat system
〖Takeadvantageofsb. 'Sweaknesstoenforceobedience〗 with power control; hijack
Threats (shaped sound. From meat (months), SHYE sound. The original meaning of the part where the ribs under the arms) with the original meaning of threat, the two bladder also. - "Said Wen." Press, armpit of the name also. That of the bone ribs, the body is that of making offerings. Urgent threat in two. - "Su asked to really to big on the" soldiers are still threatened shield. - "Pipe version of law." Note the shield or the threat of in the solid shield threat said. "Ridge of the shoulder in the lung threat. -" Rituals "Xie clip big iron vertebrae. - Mingwei Jubilee" big iron vertebral mass, "the more days are the threat. -" Xu Travel Huangshan Mountain in mind "and such as the threat of Shi (from the armpit to the waist or above the site); threat to the nest (metaphor both sides); threat does not become President (a dangerous thing to describe Buddhist practice); ribs (ribs); threat clothing (women's underwear. or call socks "); threat (threat, threat) xié ⒈ both sides of the chest from armpit to the ribs to make a section of the two ~. ⒉ intimidation, forced Wei ~. ~ Force. ~ System. ⒊ convergence ~ shoulder Chanxiao (Shoulong from the shoulders, put on a smile and flatter others). ⒋ ⒌
胁 xie
部首 月 部首笔画 04 总笔画 08
胁 coerce;flank;force;
胁 (1)
同本义 [the upper part of the side of the human body]
肋骨 [rib]
旁边,边侧 [side]
胁 (1)
挟持 [coerce]
威逼,用威力促使 [force]
通翕”(xī)。收缩 [contract;shrink]犊
[force] 威吓强迫;胁迫
[seize sb. on both sides by the arms] 威胁挟持
[be an accomplice under duress] 被迫相从者;胁迫别人相从
[cringe and smile obsequiously;bow and scrape] 耸起肩膀,装出笑脸。形容极端谄媚的样子
[compel;coerce force;oblige] 威胁强迫
[take advantage of sb.'s weakness to enforce obedience] 用威力控制;挟制
胁 (脅)
xié ㄒㄧㄝˊ
Threat xie
Radical Radical month total strokes 08 strokes 04
coerce; flank; force;
Threat, threat
(Phonetic. From meat (months), SHYE (xié) sound. The original meaning of the part where the ribs under the arms)
With the original meaning of [the upper part of the side of the human body]
Threat, the two bladder also. - "Said Wen." Press, armpit of the name also. That of the bone ribs, the body is that of making offerings.
Urgent threat in two. - "Su asked to larger theory of truth"
Shang threat shield. - "Pipe version of law." Note the shield or the threat of in the solid shield threat said. "
Ridge of the shoulder in the lung threat. - "Rituals"
Xie clip big iron vertebrae. - Mingwei Jubilee "big iron vertebral Biography"
The more days in the threat. - "Xu Travel Huangshan Mountain in mind"
Another example is the threat of Shi (from the armpit to the waist and above the site); threat to the nest (metaphor both sides); threat does not become President (a dangerous thing to describe Buddhist practice); ribs (ribs); threat clothing (women's underwear. Or said the socks "); threatened limb (between the threat and arm position); threat Shield (shield or name)
Rib [rib]
Cao Pian total public heard the threat, want to watch his naked. - "Zuo Xi public twenty-three years." Note parallel threat, suitable for dry as well. "
Next to the side [side]
Next to the bank threatened to place more than two hundred ten feet, folk Dubbed the Shek Kwu. - "Han"
Another example is the threat to persons (Buddhist language. Stand on both sides of the Buddha, Bodhisattva)
Hijack [coerce]
Threat is that ruler. - "Book of Rites, Li Yun"
Luan Bank of China is threatened. - "Mandarin Jin." Note also robbed. "
Another example coerce (using coercion to make people follow); threat Jun (abduction monarch; by abduction of the monarch); threat rights (the right to rely on. False name with the king the right to stress on the others)
Coercion, with the power to promote [force]
For from the public. The public from the threat of the public who may not return. - "Zuo Zhuang eight years"
So the threat of seeking monarch. - "Han Chang Hui-Chuan." Note that the coercion of also. "
Prostitution and phase threat. - "Huainanzi the Classics"
Threat of force is not the end. - Mingwei Jubilee "big iron vertebral Biography"
Service wins the officer threatened. - Ming Gao Qi "book Bo chicken thing"
Another example is the threat of pollution (Erzhi tainted by coercion); threat robbery (hijacking of the threat); threat and (forced to make peace); threatened suit (forcing the subject); threat reduction (forced surrender; were forced to surrender)
Tong-Xi "(xī). Contraction [contract; shrink] calf
Yi Kun, Department of dynamic, static and dynamic provision of threat, all things grow wherever. - "Biography of Wang Mang Han"
Another example is the threat of shoulder (arched shoulders, so show fear); threatening shoulder Dimei (shoulder Dishou threat. Shrink the shoulder down. Described as pretending to be respectful fear of the way); threatening shoulder tired feet (tightening of the shoulder, not at attention. describe a very scared)
[Force] threatened force; stress
[Seize sb. On both sides by the arms] hijack threat
Be an accomplice under duress
[Be an accomplice under duress] from those who were forced to phase; stress phase from others
The remaining threat from sin or small, salty addition to the amnesty. - "Martyrs Biography"
[Cringe and smile obsequiously; bow and scrape] arched shoulders, put on a smile. Flattering way to describe the extreme
Xiejianchanxiao, disease Zixia plot. - "Under the Mencius Tengwen Gong"
[Compel; coerce force; oblige] threat of forced
Threat system
[Take advantage of sb. 'S weakness to enforce obedience] to use the power of control; hijack
xié ㄒ ㄧ ㄝ
From the armpit to make a section of the rib under ~.
~ Force threatening force. Wei ~. Wrap ~. ~ Hold. ~ From.
Convergence ~ shoulder Chanxiao (systolic shoulder, Yue Mei Yan intensity to describe the ugly flatter). ~ Shoulder Dimei (obsequious appearance.) ~ Shoulder tired (lěi) feet (described as fear. Tired feet ", small brisk walking).
Zheng code qyo, u80c1, gbkd0b2
8 number of strokes, radical month, stroke order number 35115344
未集下 Under no _set_ 【唐韻】虛業切【集韻】【韻會】迄業切,????音熁。【說文】兩膀也。【玉篇】身左右兩膀。【廣韻】胷脅。【增韻】腋下也。【周禮·天官·醢豚拍魚醢註】拍爲膊,謂脅也。【晉語】重耳過曹,聞其駢脅,欲觀其狀。 又【正字通】牲體,前爲代脅,中爲長脅,後爲短脅。 又【正韻】迫脅,以威力恐人也。【書·胤征】殲厥渠魁,脅從罔治。【疏】其被迫脅而從,距王師者,皆無治責其罪。又【泰誓】脅權相滅。【疏】假用在上之權命脅之。 又【詩·秦風】遊環脅驅。【傳】脅驅,愼駕具,所以止入也。 又斂也。【前漢·王莽傳】動靜辟脅,萬物生焉。【註】師古曰:脅,收斂也。 又責也。【公羊傳·莊二十五年】以朱絲營社,或曰脅之。【註】脅之,與責求同義。 又脅盾,盾名。【管子·幼官篇】兵尚脅盾。【註】象時物之閉盾,或署之於脅。 又【廣韻】許欠切【集韻】虛欠切,????音搚。妨也。 又【集韻】迄及切,音吸。脅肩,竦體也。或書作脇。
】 【Tang Yun Yun virtual industry cut 【】 【_set_】 rhyme will be cut as of industry, ???? sound Xie. Wen said the two bladder】 【too. Jade articles】 【body left and right arm. Xiong Guang Yun】 【threat. Yun】 【armpit is also increasing. 【Zhou shoot day official dolphin fish, minced meat minced meat NB shoot for the shoulder, that the threat also. 【】 Chong Er Guo Cao Jin, smell the parallel threat, Desire and the like. Also】 【CNS offerings through the body, before the generation of threat, threat for long, after a short threat. Rhymes】 【force and threat to the power of fear of people. Jian Yin Zheng】 【book Jue Qukui, ignored the threat from the government. Shu】 【threat from their forced away from the king division who are responsible for no rule against himself. And Taishi】 【Kwon Sang-off threats. Shu】 【used in the false threat of the right to life. Qin Feng】 【poetry and travel ring flooding threat. 【Fax】 threat of flooding, Shen drive with, so stop into the well. And convergence as well. 【Fax】 movement prior to the provision of Han Wang Mang threat, all things grow wherever. 【Note】 Old Master said: threat, convergence also. And responsibility as well. 【】 Gongyangzhuan village twenty-five years to Zhu silk business community, or the threat of saying. 【Note】 threat of, and to exhort synonymous. And threatened the shield, the shield name. Official papers】 【tube baby is still threatening military shield. 【Note】 a closed matter, as when the shield, or the Department of the threat. Xu Guang Yun】 【less and cut】 【Ji Yun distractions cut, ???? sound Xie. Harm also. 【_Set_】 until they rhyme and cut, sound absorption. Threatening shoulder, startled the body too. Or books for the threat.