Rong róng 【Name】 The name of the Shang Dynasty ritual. Refers to the day after they carried out ritual sacrifices〗 〖offersacrificestogodsinthenextday. Such as: Rong Day (the day Rong Ji) 【Form】 Through "financial." And Le 〖harmoniousandhappy; comfortable〗 Rong Yin day, Sunday unravel. - "Venerable eight Gongyangzhuan"
Rong Shang ritual name. Refers to the day after they carried out ritual sacrifices Rong accommodation "⊥ Lok Yin Day Rong, Sun Yi. -" Eight Gongyangzhuan Venerable "Rong róng 1. Yin Ji name. 2. See" Rong Rong. "
肜 rong
部首 月 部首筆畫 04 總筆畫 07
肜 róng
商代祭祀的名稱。指祭祀之後第二天又進行的祭祀 [offer sacrifices to gods in the next day]。如肜日(肜祭之日)
通融”⊥樂 [harmonious and happy;comfortable]
róng ㄖㄨㄥˊ
chēn ㄔㄣˉ
Rong rong Radical Radical month total strokes 07 strokes 04 Rong róng (1) The name of the Shang Dynasty ritual. Refers to the day after they carried out ritual sacrifices [offer sacrifices to gods in the next day]. If Rong Day (the day Rong Ji) (2) Accommodation "⊥ music [harmonious and happy; comfortable] Rong Yin day, Sunday unravel. - "Venerable eight Gongyangzhuan" Rong 1 róng ㄖ ㄨ ㄥ (1) The name of the Chinese Shang Dynasty ritual. (2) Name. Zheng code qpd, u809c, gbkebc0 7 number of strokes, radical month, strokes No. 3511333 Rong 2 chēn ㄔ ㄣ ˉ Ship sailing look. Zheng code qpd, u809c, gbkebc0 7 number of strokes, radical month, strokes No. 3511333
未集下 Under no _set_ 【廣韻】以戎切【集韻】【韻會】餘中切【正韻】以中切,????音融。【廣韻】祭名。【爾雅·釋天】繹又祭也。商曰肜。【疏】肜者,相尋不絕之意。【書·高宗肜日傳】祭之明日又祭也。 又姓。【前漢·古今人表】肜魚氏。【註】黃帝妃。 又【韻會】癡林切【正韻】醜林切,????音琛。【正韻】船行貌。
【】 To Rong Guang Yun Yun cut 【】 【_set_】 I will be in rhyme is rhyme】 【cut to the cut, ???? sound finance. Guangyun】 【festival name. 】 【Mailyard Yi and festival days also. Yue Rong business. Rong Shu】 【who do not must find the meaning of the phase. 【Fax】 book festival Gao Rong at the Festival tomorrow and also. Another name. 【Form】 Former Han Rong ancient and modern man's fish. 【Note】 Yellow Emperor Fei. They will】 【silly rhyme is rhyme】 【Linqie ugly Linqie, ???? sound Chen. Rhymes】 【ship appearance.