New Zealand (New Zealand) niǔ utensils hung on to the institution or part of: New Zealand scale. Chops. For fastening clothing bulb, the shape of flakes or other thing: buttons. Manipulation of the machine keys; key: the button. Hub. Ties. Just finished the fruit and other fruit: melons New Zealand children. Stroke: 7; radicals: Si; stroke ID: 5515211
Button Button niǔ 【Name】 (Phonetic. From Shito (mì), ugly sound. From the Shito, and silk related. Original meaning: refers to the solvable Results) With the original meaning 〖aknotthatcanbeundonebyapull; slipknot〗 New Zealand, the Department also. Said knot can be a solution. - "Said Wen." Press association said end and unsolvable. And New York. - "Book of Rites Tamamo." Shu: "Take place at the turn of Results." Results crown conical cap made hairpin spring New York. - "Jijiupian" Another example: New York (for fastening the knot of clothing) The fundamental metaphor of things, the key 〖pivot; key〗 Yu Shun the New Zealand also. - "Zhuangzi Human World" Another example: the button; hub New Zealand trip. Utensils used for guidance and help, or Department of rope parts〗 〖buttonloop Extension of New Zealand. - "Zhou Bian division." Note: The "small nose in force, the hairpin may be consistent also." Another example: Scale New York; chops 〗 〖Button buttons. Such as: New Gate (_set_s of buttons holes, climbing New Zealand children); New Door children (New Door) Phonology term refers to the consonant or consonant. Such as "consonant" also known as "Vocal"〗 〖initialconsonant Name Link niǔdài 〖Link; tie〗 role that contact from the person or thing Urban transport sector is a link exchange Kink niǔjié 〗 〖Button [dialect]: the knots formed by the strips; cloth buttons to form He put on dalian, fasten your kink 〗 〖Vitallinkbetweencontradictions: the central link of things are contradictory metaphor Both the conflict was finally solved knot Buttons niǔkòu 〗 〖Button for fastening on clothing or sheets of small spherical objects New York [City] Niǔyuē NewYork〗 〖〗 〖city U.S. cities. Western Hemisphere's most populous city. America's largest cultural center and the land of pleasure. The United Nations headquarters in the city Niuzi niǔzi 〗 〖Button button
New Zealand (phonetic. From Shito, ugly sound. From the Shito, and silk related. The original meaning refers to the solvable knot) with the original meaning of New Zealand, the Department also. Said knot can be a solution. - "Said Wen." Press association said end and unsolvable. And New York. - "Book of Rites Tamamo." Sparse place with a knot at the turn. "Crown conical cap made hairpin spring Results New. -" Jijiupian "Another example is New York (for fastening the knot of clothing) metaphor of the fundamental things, the key to the New Zealand also Yu Shun. -" Zhuangzi Human World " Another example is the button; hub of New Zealand trip. utensils used to guide and support components or extension of New York Department of rope. - "Zhou Bian division." Note the small nose in force, the hairpin may be consistent also. "Another example is the scale New York; India and New Zealand niǔ ⒈ button objects can be brought to the part or system hanging scales ~. India ~. ⒉ fastening clothing thing ~ buttons. ~ Plastic buckle. ⒊ bound with the tape. <Yu> link, simply or key ~ band. Shu ~.
New niu Si radical radical total strokes 07 strokes 03 Button handle; knob; tie; Button (1) Button niǔ (2) (Phonetic. From Shito (mì), ugly sound. From the Shito, and silk related. The original meaning refers to the solvable Results) (3) With the original meaning of [a knot that can be undone by a pull; slipknot] New Zealand, the Department also. Said knot can be a solution. - "Said Wen." Press association said end and unsolvable. And New York. - "Book of Rites Tamamo." Sparse place with a knot at the turn. " Results crown conical cap made hairpin spring New York. - "Jijiupian" (4) Another example is New York (for fastening the knot of clothing) (5) The fundamental metaphor of things, key [pivot; key] Yu Shun the New Zealand also. - "Zhuangzi Human World" (6) Another example is the button; hub (7) New Zealand trip. To guide and support the Department of objects or parts of rope [button loop] Extension of New Zealand. - "Zhou Bian division." Note the small nose in force, the hairpin may be consistent also. " (8) Another example is the scale New Zealand; chops (9) Buttons [button]. Such as the New Gate (_set_s of buttons holes, climbing New Zealand children); New Door children (New Door) (10) Phonology term refers to the consonant or consonant. Such as the initials "also known as the sound of New York" [initial consonant] (11) Name Link niǔdài [Link; tie] refers to the role from the contact person or thing Urban transport sector is a link exchange Kink niǔjié (1) [Button] [side]: the knots formed by the strips; cloth buttons to form He put on dalian, fasten your kink (2) [Vital link between contradictions]: the central link of things are contradictory metaphor Both the conflict was finally solved knot Buttons niǔkòu [Button] for fastening clothes or sheets of small spherical objects New York [City] niǔyuē [New york [city]] U.S. cities. Western Hemisphere's most populous city. America's largest cultural center and the land of pleasure. The United Nations headquarters in the city Niuzi niǔzi [Button] Button Button (New York) niǔ ㄋ ㄧ ㄡ (1) Objects can be brought or hung on the part of the scale ~. India ~. (2) For fastening clothing bulb, flakes, or other shape of things ~ buckle. (3) Manipulation of the machine keys; key power ~. Shu ~. ~ Band. (4) Fruit and other fruits of melon ~ just children. Zheng code zxed, u7ebd, gbkc5a6 Number of strokes 7, Si radicals, stroke order number 5515211
未集中 Not concentrate 【廣韻】女久切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】女九切,????音忸。【說文】係也。一曰結而可解。【博雅】束也。【急就篇註】紐謂結之䰎。【周禮·夏官·弁師】朱裏延紐。【註】小鼻在武上,筓所貫也。【儀禮·旣夕禮】紐前䞓後緇。【註】紐,所以聯帷荒。【禮·玉藻】幷紐約用組三寸,長齊於帶。疏組謂帶交結處。【莊子·人閒世】禹舜之所紐也。【音義】崔雲:係而行之曰紐。????文雲:本也。【楚辭·九歎】情素潔於紐帛。【註】結,束也。 又姓。【隋書·孝義傳】紐回,字孝政,河東安邑人。 又【韻補】葉碾與切。【陳琳·大荒賦】建皇極以連衡兮,布辰機而結紐。陽幹曜於乾門兮,隂氣伏於地戸。考證:〔【禮·玉藻】弟子縞帶,幷紐約用組。【疏】紐謂帶之交結之處。〕 謹按原文以用組三寸爲句,三寸字應增今。省去弟子縞帶四字。改爲幷紐約用組三寸,長齊於帶。疏組謂帶交結處。〔【楚辭·九歎】情素結於紐帛。〕 謹照原文結改潔。
【Guangyun】 【_set_ of women for a long time cutting rhyme rhyme will】 【】 【】 woman nine Rhymes cut, ???? tone blush. Department of Culture】 【that also. Said knot can be a solution. Burson-Marsteller】 【beam also. Note】 【Jijiupian 䰎 New York that the knot. 【Normal】 Zhou Xia Bian Zhu in the official extension of New Zealand. 【Note】 a small nose in arms, and Ji are consistent also. Ji Xi Lai】 【ritual before 䞓 New York after the Buddhists. 【Note】 New Zealand, the United curtain shortage. 【】 Bing Li Yu algal group in New York with three inches long and homogeneous in the band. Sparse group with a knot at that. World】 【Zhuangzi were busy New York is also the Shun Yu. 【】 Vigor in sound and meaning: the line of the said Department of New York. ???? text says: This too. Sigh】 【Love Su Jie Chu nine funeral in New York. 【Note】 knot, bundle also. Another name. New Zealand Suishu Xiao Yi Chuan】 【back, the word filial governance, east Yasumura people. Also make】 【Yun grind and cut leaves. Da Huang Fu】 【Chen Lin Jian Huang Xi pole to even the balance, cloth e machine and Results New Zealand. Yang Yao at The Door Come dry, chi fell on Kobe. Research: 〔】 【ceremony Tamamo stripe with his disciples, Bing New York with the group. Shu】 【New York at the turn of that statement with the Department. 〕 Would like to use the group by three inches to the original sentence, the word should be added three inches today. Eliminating the need for disciples of onyx with four characters. Three inches to Bing in New York with a group of long homogeneous in the band. Sparse group with a knot at that. Nine Songs】 【〔Qingsu sigh silk knot in New York. 〕 Would like to change the cleaning according to the original statement.
紐 Button 係也。一曰結而可解。從糸醜聲。女久切
System also. Said knot can be a solution. From the Shito ugly sound. Female long cut