Sign (sign ③ ⑥ sign sign) qiān personally write or draw on the symbolic name: signature. Signature. Sign. Issued. Sign. Signed. Sign charge. Signed. Write brief comments: endorsement. Was signed. Visa. Made of wood and other objects with a thin stick or flakes: toothpick children. Books for signs in the paper or other objects for signs of things: bookmarks. Label. Cursory stitched up. Used for divination or gambling, or small slender bamboo stick: Qian Tong. Divination. Stroke: 13; radicals: bamboo; stroke order code: 3143143414431
Sign Sign qiān 【Activity】 (Phonetic. From bamboo, unanimous voice. The original meaning: signed monogram) 〗 〖Signone'snameon with the original meaning. Such as: would you please sign words; contracts; Qianya Fang (official documents marking the place); sign any (signed by the person appointed; officials) Text intended to have simple advice〗 〖makebriefcommentsonadocument. Such as: sign Jie (stickers to write key points); sign posted (Remarks of the note attached to the body) Cursory tack stitched together〗 〖. Such as: the cuff sign Lead, guide〗 〖lead. Such as: sign together (guided rendezvous); sign Creek (watershed berm and opened for the construction of the irrigation channel) 〗 〖Callup order requisition. Such as: Check military (wartime requisition troops) Thorn; plug〗 〖stick. Such as: sign nails (planting) Sign Sign qiān 【Name】 Old official arrested prisoners to forced labor sheet certificate, the use of bamboo and wood made〗 〖bambooslips. Such as: Zhu sign; fire sign; sign Army (Kim Won a case of when the war, many soldiers forced the Han Chinese strong men, because of non-regular forces, only the hard labor, known as the "sign the military"); sign solution (with signature card escort ); signed ticket (old official certificate to the forced labor of prisoners arrested) A document system〗 〖akindofdocument Sign the child 〖pick, slenderpointedpiecesofbamboo, woodorironwire〗. A wood or wire made with tapered stick. Also used as a quantifier, Utah strings. Such as: sign dike (waterproof bamboo pile dikes) Sign Qian, signed qiān 【Name】 Logo, tag label〗 〖 Sign, inspection also. - "Said the text" Hutchison said knowledge signature. With the prosecution think alike. - "Popular Culture" Another example: bookmarks; signed title (the label books); sign chip (indicated in ancient times drip timer pointer); label; floating sign; sign Zhi (label and slipcase); sign-axis (plus a label to facilitate seizure scroll); signed card (label) Arrow〗 〖bambooslip leakage, when the ancient clepsydra bamboo stick on the record, on the scale. Such as: signed to raise (more chips, more ancient times the bamboo stick into account); signature sound (even when the reports of ancient night, throwing to the sound of more sign) Ancient official arrest and punish offenders akindofdocument〗 〖certificate. Made with bamboo, and other marks on the text. Such as: sign sparse (sign was and sparse playing); signed ticket (catch people's instrument); signed report (issued by the inspection after the award of vocational rehabilitation certificate) God temple bamboo used for divination Luck, Luck of its good and bad fortune written on the words (mostly in the form of poetry)〗 〖bambooslipsusedfordivination. Such as: divination; sign of God (God bamboo used for good and bad fortune); poem (a temple for divination verses compiled by asking good and bad); signed formula (Utah poem); sign spectroscopy (Utah poem) Coated with adhesive on the back, with the pressure when the wet surface of a particular piece of paper attached〗 〖sticker. Such as: air-mail check With the tip of the digging tools tick〗 〖pick. Such as: toothpicks; sign the child (that is, stick in children. Sharp slender shafts) Sign Sign qiān 【Activity】 Inscribed the name signed on the Simple advice or sign〗 〖Sapporo. Such as: sign Kee (Department of slip on title); signed title (title of book covers); sign supplement (supplementary issue) Piercing; into〗 〖stick. Such as: sign claws (with the bamboo stick fingers or toes of the cruel barbed penalties) Note: "Kuei-Qian Tang Yin" and "Qian", not "signed" Signed qiāndìng 〖Sign; write contracts or orders〗〗 〖signed Signed a contract for the sale Issue qiānfā 〖Signandissue (adocument, certificate, etc.)〗 Person in charge of examination and approval signature issue, that is responsible for Signature qiānmíng 〗 〖Sign write their own names, especially for the consent, approval, responsibility or obligation to write down the name of the Signature qiānmíng 〗 〖Handwritten signature name With a signed photo Issuing process qiānpī 〗 〖Sign the approval signature Issuing process bill into law Sign qiānshōu 〗 〖Signin something〗 〖signed acknowledgment Signature qiānshǔ 〖Sign; subscribe〗 in the document, the Treaty, to sign vouchers, etc. Joint Communique Slip on qiāntiáo 〗 〖Note: Simple and clear of note 〗 〖Bookmark: bookmark or similar means hard film strip Qian Tong qiāntǒng 〗 〖Lotpot divination or gambling equipment used in cheese prod Check charge qiānyā Sign〗 〖old signed his mark in the instrument Visa qiānzhèng 〗 〖Visa from the appropriate authorities (such as a passport holders wishing to enter the country) endorsement in the passport that has been checked, passport holders to obtain an entry permit Visa ; Also refers to documents through the passport or visa Endorsement qiānzhù 〗 〖Write comments in the document lists the views or concerns on Endorsement on the stock options Signature qiānzì 〗 〖Sign autographs I want you to sign all
Sign (type sound. From bamboo, unanimous voice. The original meaning of signature monogram) with the original meaning of simple words to be stitched together with comments cursory argument, ordered the requisition guided puncture; plugged old official to sign the sheet to the forced labor of prisoners arrested by the certificate , the use of bamboo and wood made to sign (signature) qiān ⒈ handwritten signature or symbol ~ name of the painting. ~ Charge. ⒉ focus or write brief comments ~ Note. ⒊ old man arrested official certificate Zhu ~. Fire ~. ⒋ made with thin strips of wood or other flakes teeth ~ son. Bamboo ~ children. ⒌ slice for signs marked ~ children. Book ~. ⒍ superstition or gambling use Slice ~ pray God seeking self-deception. ⒎ cursory stitched up.
Sign qian Radical Radical Bamboo 06 total strokes 13 strokes Sign autograph; endorse; label; lot; sign; sticker; tack; Sign (1) Sign qiān (2) (Phonetic. From bamboo, unanimous voice. The original meaning of signature monogram) (3) With the original meaning [sign one's name on]. If you sign a word; contracts; Qianya Fang (official documents marking the place); sign any (signed by the person appointed; officials) (4) Text intended to have simple advice [make brief comments on a document]. If signed Jie (stickers to write key points); sign posted (Remarks of the note attached to the body) (5) Cursory stitched together [tack]. If the cuff sign (6) Lead, guide [lead]. If signing together (guided rendezvous); sign Creek (built for the diversion berm and opened the irrigation channel) (7) Ordered the requisition [call up]. If signed Army (wartime requisition troops) (8) Thorn; plug [stick]. If signed nails (planting) Sign (1) Sign qiān (2) Old official arrested prisoners to forced labor sheet certificate, the use of bamboo and wood made of [bamboo slips]. If Zhu sign; fire sign; sign Army (Kim Won a case of when the war, many soldiers forced the Han Chinese strong men, are due to non-military, only hard labor, known as the sign Army "); sign solution (with signature card escort); Check ticket (old official certificate to the forced labor of prisoners arrested) (3) System of a document [a kind of document] (4) Sign sub [pick, slender pointed pieces of bamboo, wood or iron wire]. A wood or wire made with tapered stick. Also used as a quantifier, Utah strings. If signed embankment (waterproof bamboo pile dikes) Sign (1) Residue of oil making, sign qiān (2) Identify, label [label] Sign, inspection also. - "Said the text" Hutchison said knowledge signature. With the prosecution think alike. - "Popular Culture" (3) Another example is the bookmark; signed title (the label books); sign chip (indicated in ancient times drip timer pointer); label; floating sign; sign Zhi (label and slipcase); sign-axis (plus a label to facilitate seizure reel); signed card (label) (4) Drain Arrow [bamboo slip], when the ancient clepsydra bamboo on the record, on the scale. If signed to raise (more chips, more ancient times the bamboo stick into account); check sound (Ancient Light reported more when the throw to the sound of more sign) (5) Ancient official arrest and punish offenders certificate [a kind of document]. Made with bamboo, and other marks on the text. If signed sparse (sign was and sparse playing); signed ticket (catch people's instrument); signed report (issued by the inspection after the award of vocational rehabilitation certificate) (6) God temple bamboo used for divination Luck, Luck of its good and bad fortune written on the words (mostly in the form of poetry) [bamboo slips used for divination]. Such as divination; sign of God (God bamboo used for good and bad fortune); poem (a temple for divination verses compiled by asking good and bad); signed formula (Utah poem); sign spectroscopy (Utah poem) (7) Coated with adhesive on the back with a stick when the pressure of a particular wetting the surface of the paper [sticker]. Such as air-mail check (8) With the tip of the digging tools tick [pick]. Such as toothpicks; sign the child (that is, stick in children. Sharp slender shafts) Sign (1) Sign qiān (2) Inscribed the name signed on the Simple advice or Sapporo [sign]. If signed Kee (Department of slip on title); signed title (title of book covers); sign supplement (supplementary issue) (3) Piercing; into the [stick]. If signed claws (with the bamboo stick fingers or toes of the cruel barbed penalties) Note Tang Yin Kuei residue of oil making "the residue of oil making" no sign " Signed qiāndìng [Sign; write] signed the [contract or order] Signed a contract for the sale Issue qiānfā [Sign and issue (a document, certificate, etc.)] Person in charge of examination and approval signature issue, that is responsible for Signature qiānmíng [Sign] to write their own names, especially for consent, approval, responsibility or obligation to write down the name of the Signature qiānmíng [Signature] handwritten name With a signed photo Issuing process qiānpī [Sign] signature approval Issuing process bill into law Sign qiānshōu [Sign in] signed it received [something] Signature qiānshǔ [Sign; subscribe] in the document, the Treaty, to sign vouchers, etc. Joint Communique Slip on qiāntiáo (1) [Note]: simple and clear a note (2) [Book mark]: refers to a hard film strip bookmark or similar Qian Tong qiāntǒng [Lot pot] divination or gambling equipment used in cheese prod Check charge qiānyā [Sign] old signed his mark on the instrument Visa qiānzhèng (1) [Visa] by the appropriate authorities (such as a passport holders wishing to enter the country) endorsement in the passport that has been checked, passport holders to obtain an entry permit Visa (2) ; Also refers to documents through the passport or visa Endorsement qiānzhù [Write] in the document lists the views or concerns on the endorsement Endorsement on the stock options Signature qiānzì [Sign] autograph I want you to sign all Sign (Signed ③ ~ ⑥ signed) qiān ㄑ ㄧ ㄢ ˉ (1) Name of person to write or draw the symbol ~ name. ~ Words. ~ To. ~ Hair. ~ Closed. ~ Department. ~ Charge. ~ _Set_. (2) Write brief comments ~ Note. ~ Was. ~ Card. (3) Made of wood and other objects with a thin stick or flakes teeth ~ children. (4) Books for signs in the paper or other objects for signs of what the book ~. Standard ~. (5) Cursory stitched up. (6) Used for divination or gambling, or small slender bamboo stick ~ tube. Find ~. Zheng code mobv, u7b7e, gbkc7a9 13 number of strokes, radical bamboo, stroke number 3143143414431
未集上 Not set on 【集韻】千廉切,音籖。【博雅】簽、籯,籠也。 又【篇海】簽書文字也。
Yun】 【_set_ cut thousands of inexpensive, sound Qian. Burson-Marsteller】 【sign, slender basket for chopsticks, cage too. Sea】 【articles and a book signing the text also.