Tíng yarn, spindle, spinning or volume sliver of the appliances. Small bamboo, also refers to small bamboo or small branch. Small hairpin. Cage. Competition. Old with the "stalk of grass", stem: "to spindle strike clock, (how can) made its voice Kazuya?" Stroke: 12; radicals: bamboo; stroke number: 314314312154
Spindle tíng 【Name】 Yarn, spinning sliver of the equipment or volume. Usually with a small bamboo or sorghum stems made little〗 〖utensilofwindingsilkyarn Bamboo pole, so the yarn, who called the Yue Su vulgar head. Bamboo pole that those around it quite like gate. - Errors in Exploring, "said Wen Tong training _set_ sound"
筳luò 1.竹籠。用以盛杯盤,也可用以熏衣。又稱篝。 2.竹簍。 3.通"絡"。縛,纏繞。
Spindle luò 1. Bamboo cages. To Sheng cup, also used to smoke clothing. Also known as the cage. 2. Bamboo basket. 3. Pass "network." Tie, winding.
未集上 Not set on 【廣韻】特丁切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】唐丁切,????音庭。【說文】繀絲管也。【正字通】繀,著絲於莩車也。今紡絲銓曰筳子。 又小竹。【東方朔·答客難】以蠡測海,以筳撞鐘。 又楚人結草折竹卜曰筳篿。【屈原·離騷】索藑茅以筳篿兮。【註】筳,小折竹也。【文選註】筳,竹算。 又【玉篇】籠也。 又【集韻】湯丁切,音㕔。【揚子·方言】緪、筳,急也。 又【集韻】待鼎切,音挺。屋梁也。
Te Dingqie 【_set_】 【Rhyme Rhyme Rhyme will】 【】 【】 Tang Dingqie Rhymes, ???? sound tribunal. Cui Wen】 【said fiber tube also. 【Link】 Sui orthography, with the wire in the die of hunger cars. Sub-spindle spinning Quan said today. And bamboo. Difficult to answer】 【Dongfang Shuo to jin sea to spindle ringing bells. And Chu Jiecaozhezhu Boyuetingtuan. Cable Qiong Yuan Li Sao】 【Mao to spindle Tuan Xi. 【Note】 bamboo pole, bamboo is also a small discount. 【Note】 bamboo pole _Select_ed Works, bamboo counted. And jade articles】 【cage also. Also】 【Ji Yun Tang Dingqie, audio 㕔. Yangtze dialect】 【Geng, spindle, anxious too. Yun】 【_set_ to be another ding cut, quite sound. Beams also.
編號:2890 ID: 2890 繀絲筦也。從竹廷聲。 特丁切
Sui silk tube as well. Ting from the sound of bamboo. Te Dingqie