Qi refers to the Dayton and other děng ancient bamboo slips (the book). Number, the same degree, or position generally high: the same. Equality. Equal. Equivalent. Equivalent. Par. In amount or degree level: grades. Other times. Ranking. Dengerxiazhi. Especially the steps of the stage. Species, type: such a thing. Most people said the same seniority: I'll wait. Haier. Said the deficiencies cited, or used to enumerate Shawei: Beijing, Shanghai and other places. Designate, to be: wait. Wait. Until the time: When I finish it. With the "arbitrage." Stroke: 12; radicals: bamboo; stroke number: 314314121124
Detailed Explanation
Etc. děng 【Name】 (Knowing. From bamboo, and the temple sound. Temple and other levels of government also Cao, Temple who brochure complex plot of land, and the temple is also sound. The original meaning: a neat brochure) 〗 〖Orderlybambooslips with the original meaning And so on, Jane is also homogeneous. - "Said the text" Grade; generational 〖class; grade〗 Third-order disabilities. - "Lu Zhao-class" Therefore, both His Majesty and other barbarians. - "Historical Records Liuhou family." Solitude: "Words such as generation also." Said the same with the food the same name. - "Rites by small rooms" Please yourself up third. - "Three Kingdoms" Another example: Excellent; other cases (grade difference, the difference between high and low status); other child (Song of the Guards; specimens, samples); decile (rank birthright); substandard products (poor quality, the products are not included in the class ); other column (grade level); so do not (level) 〗 〖Flightofstepsleadingtothehouse step First-lowering. - "The Analects of Confucius Xiangdang" Type; like 〖sort; shape〗 Yao has and so on. - "Easy copulative." Note: "category also" Yeah, really a snow, there is so different things. - Yuan Guan Hanqing "Snow in Midsummer" Another example: these people; and other peers, such as chou (similar) Dengzai〗 〖smallsteelyard. Scales weighing gold, silver and precious items. Such as: other child (Dengzi. Small scale); other scales (Dengzi and scale) Etc. děng 【Activity】 The same, so as〗 〖equate To other nations. - "Zhou Tai Zongbo." Note: "I still Qi, also." And can not wait. - "Huainanzi main operation." Note: "with the people." I have a method, when such high or low, spreading the wealth around. - "Mirror" Another example: such as (the equivalent of; as); equal; sizes; other head (head Qi, Qi, etc.); such as London (peer; similar people) Wait, wait wait〗 〖 Driving back to the mid-parents, etc.. - Fan Chengda "State Bridge Poem" One Husband, please speak to discuss these matters, professionals, etc., tertiary and so on. - "Water Margin" Another example: waiting for the bus (waiting); and others (for another); such as the necessary fuel (compared to financial difficulties needed) 〗 〖Delay delay. Such as: other days look Difference and other times〗 〖differentiate Wait for it to work. - "Secretary Zhou Xun." Note: "I still spreads." Then music and other legislation. - "YueJi." Note: The "spreads." Another example: other column (hierarchical); so bad, so kill the (arithmetic); and other services (different services) 〗 〖Weigh measure. Such as: equal (measure; comparison) Etc. děng 【Form】 Level, equal amount equal〗 〖 And so on, to Qi. - "Ya-Guang Gu release four" Wei said that there are other. - "Zuo wengong fifteen years" Fu and other treasures were, goods flow as well. - "Xunzi Fu country" Etc. děng 【Help】 Used in the personal pronouns or noun a person behind that plural-s〗 〖 Chendeng unscrupulous, please resign. - "Historical Biographies of Lian Po Lin Hsiang-ju" Another example: I, etc.; them; men are After the Shawei 〖list etc.〗 Infants with Jin Qiang Fan Kuai Ji Jaap four letters sword shield steps. - "Shi Ji Xiang Yu Ji" Another example: the Yangtze River, Yellow River, Heilongjiang, four large rivers That cited deficiencies (which can be stacked with)〗 〖andsoon Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and so unhappy. - "Three Kingdoms" Another example: the purchase of pens, paper Etc. děng Vice】 【 , Same as same〗 〖 This death will die, give plan also die, die, die State or Down. - "Historical Records Chenshe family" Those without the law, and can not wait. - "Huainanzi main technique" Another example: other barbarians (and other peers. Equal status of people) Geometric progression děngbǐjíshù 〗 〖Geometricseries geometric, shaped like a + ar + ar2 + ar3 + ... the series Other arm balance děngbìtiānpíng 〗 〖Equal-armbalance a simple balance, the balance arm from the middle of the points of support to the ends of equal distance between the weighing plate Equilateral triangle děngbiānsānjiǎoxíng 〗 〖Equilateraltriangle triangle three sides are equal Arithmetic děngchā 〗 〖Gradationofdifference: grade difference 〗 〖Equaldifference: equal to the difference Arithmetical progression děngchājíshù 〗 〖Arithmeticseries arithmetic progression, form, such as a + (a + d) + (a +2 d) + (a +3 d) + ... Other times děngcì 〗 〖Grade level hierarchy Products according to quality grading times So bad děngcuī Other times〗 〖hierarchy Wait děngdài 〖Wait; await〗 not act, and things appear until the desired Waiting for a favorable opportunity Wait until děngdào 〗 〖That time when the conjunction Wait till that time, I graduated from the University Etc. děngděng 〗 〖Andsoon: that cited deficiencies Novels, plays, short stories, travel documentaries, etc. 〗 〖Waitaminute: Wait a minute Etc. děngdì 〖Ofsuchasize; sobig〗 also be equal. So big I do not know me you have a LU staff outside Beijing, and so rich. - "Water Margin" Dengerxiazhi děng'érxiàzhī 〗 〖Lowerdown down by this and other another, means something worse than a And the distribution of various libraries, to indiscriminately minli. Dengerxiazhi, The Road to Jie You have enough to eat. - Liu Chang Song Poems "Lupu notes" Equal děngfēn Equal division of〗 〖equallydivide Equal parts, and so left out děngfèn, děngfènr 〖Anequallydividedpartofsth.〗 Out by the same number of left out in the Contour děnggāoxiàn 〗 〖Contourline equal elevation on the ground connection points imagination - also means a map or chart on the line represents the corresponding Equal sign děnghào 〗 〖Equal-sign that mathematically or logically equivalent equal sign "=" Waiting děnghòu 〖Wait; await〗 wait Wait command Wait for the train Level děngjí 〖Grade; rank〗 compete with distinction by a different standard Equivalent děngjià 〖Ecuivalence; ofequalvalue〗 different commodities equal to the value or price Plasma děnglízǐtǐ 〗 〖An ionized plasma gas (as in stellar atmosphere), contains an equal number of positive ions and electrons, it is a good conductor of electricity and affected by magnetic fields and different from ordinary gas Equal děngliàng 〗 〖Equal volume or equal to the number of So minus the same amount, then thanks to a number of zero Equate děngliàng-qíguān 〖Equate; putonapar〗 means different things to use the same standard, the same treatment Published or made his discussion of "motivation", who know him "impure", and university professors never regard to par the. - Lu Xun, "Not Gossip (c)" So the necessary fuel děngmǐxiàguō 〗 〖Awaiturgentlynecessarycondition no stocks to describe family, living in poverty. Analogy just passively wait for the conditions are ripe, but not actively create conditions at work Also some decent outside the home also flies to an increase of neatly serve the government can also, unlike other meters hack. - "Dream of Red Mansions" Full-length děngshēn 〗 〖Alargenumberof with a person's height or weight equivalent, to describe more than the number of Full-length books Full-length gold Prolific Equation děngshì 〗 〖Equation with an equal sign (=) links the two numbers, two numbers with a type or a type that into the formula Isokinetic děngsù The same speed〗 〖uniformvelocity Equivalent děngtóng 〗 〖Equatewith the same as Substandard děngwài 〗 〖Substandard: the quality of sub-standard, not included in the grade Loaded with canned food 〗 〖Offgrade: and below the standard level is different from External goods Aimlessly děngxián 〖(Treat) lightly; random; careless〗: easy; casual Laughter complex next year, Moon spring lightly degrees. - Tang Bai "Pipa (and order)" 〗 〖Ordinary: ordinary, common If the fire burned lightly. - Ming Yu Qian "lime Yin" Another example: Wei Chao Feng mean to offer him that the house, do not lightly call someone to discuss. - "Early carved Pai An Jing Qi" 〗 〖Fornoreason: unprovoked; no reason to Mo lightly, white boy head. - Song Yuefei "Azolla" Lightly ground turmoil Isosceles děngyāo 〗 〖Isosceles with two equilateral Isosceles triangle Isosceles triangle děngyāosānjiǎoxíng 〗 〖Isoscelestriangle trilateral triangle has equal sides Isosceles trapezoid děngyāotīxíng 〗 〖Isoscelestrapezoid two non-parallel sides equal trapezoid Equal děngyú 〖Equalto; equivalentto〗 same, no difference So that each coefficient is equal to zero
More Simple Explanation
Other (knowing. From bamboo, and the temple sound. Temple and other levels of government also Cao, Temple who brochure complex plot of land, and the temple is also sound. The original meaning of neat brochure) with the original meaning, etc. Jane is also homogeneous. - "Said the text" level; generational order third persons. - "Lu called class" so and so are His Majesty Yi. - "Historical Records Liuhou family." Solitude is also made by other generations. "Said the same with the food the same name. -" Between less the Rites "Please yourself up third. -" Three Kingdoms "Another example is excellent; other cases (grade difference, the difference between high and low status); and other sub- (Song of the Guards; specimens, samples); decile (rank birthright); substandard products (poor quality, not included in the class of products); other column (grade level); so do not (grade) level
More Detailed Explanation
So deng Radical total bamboo radical strokes 06 strokes 12 Etc. class; grade; rank; wait; when; Etc. děng (1) (Knowing. From bamboo, and the temple sound. Temple and other levels of government also Cao, Temple who brochure complex plot of land, and the temple is also sound. The original meaning of neat brochure) (2) With the original meaning of [orderly bamboo slips] And so on, Jane is also homogeneous. - "Said the text" (3) Grade; generational [class; grade] Third-order disabilities. - "Lu Zhao-class" Therefore, both His Majesty and other barbarians. - "Historical Records Liuhou family." Solitude is also made by other generations. " Said the same with the food the same name. - "Rites by small rooms" Please yourself up third. - "Three Kingdoms" (4) Another example is excellent; other cases (grade difference, the difference between high and low status); other child (Song of the Guards; specimens, samples); decile (rank birthright); substandard products (poor quality, not included in the level of product) ; other column (grade level); so do not (level) (5) Steps [flight of steps leading to the house] First-lowering. - "The Analects of Confucius Xiangdang" (6) Type; look [sort; shape] Yao has and so on. - "Easy copulative." Note class also " Yeah, really a snow, there is so different things. - Yuan Guan Hanqing "Snow in Midsummer" (7) Is so, who; other peers, such as chou (similar) (8) Dengzi [small steelyard]. Scales weighing gold, silver and precious items. If other children (Dengzi. Small scale); other scales (Dengzi and scale) Etc. děng (1) The same, so as [equate] To other nations. - "Zhou Tai Zongbo." Note, also still together. " And can not wait. - "Huainanzi main operation." Note the same also. " I have a method, when such high or low, spreading the wealth around. - "Mirror" (2) And if so for (the equivalent of; as); equal; sizes; other head (head Qi, Qi, etc.); such as London (peer; similar people) (3) Wait, wait [wait] Driving back to the mid-parents, etc.. - Fan Chengda "State Bridge Poem" One Husband, please speak to discuss these matters, professionals, etc., tertiary and so on. - "Water Margin" (4) Another example is the other car (waiting); and others (for another); such as the necessary fuel (compared to financial difficulties needed) (5) Delay [delay]. A few days look like, etc. (6) Difference and other times [differentiate] Wait for it to work. - "Secretary Zhou Xun." Note still spreads. " Then music and other legislation. - "YueJi." Note spreads. " (7) Another example is the other column (hierarchical); so bad, so kill the (arithmetic); and other services (different services) (8) Measure [weigh]. If the same amount (measured; comparison) Etc. děng Level, equal amount [equal] And so on, to Qi. - "Ya-Guang Gu release four" Wei said that there are other. - "Zuo wengong fifteen years" Fu and other treasures were, goods flow as well. - "Xunzi Fu country" Etc. děng (1) Used in the personal pronouns or noun a person behind that plural [-s] Chendeng unscrupulous, please resign. - "Historical Biographies of Lian Po Lin Hsiang-ju" (2) Again I waited; them; men are (3) After listing Shawei [etc.] Infants with Jin Qiang Fan Kuai Ji Jaap four letters sword shield steps. - "Shi Ji Xiang Yu Ji" (4) Another example of the Yangtze, Yellow River, Heilongjiang, four large rivers (5) That cited deficiencies (which can be stacked with) [and so on] Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and so unhappy. - "Three Kingdoms" (6) Another example is the purchase of pens, paper Etc. děng (1) , Same as [same] This death will die, give plan also die, die, die State or Down. - "Historical Records Chenshe family" Those without the law, and can not wait. - "Huainanzi main technique" (2) Another example is the so Yi (such as peers. Equal status of people) Geometric progression děngbǐ jíshù [Geometric series] geometric series, shaped like a + ar + ar2 + ar3 + ... the series Other arm balance děngbì tiānpíng [Equal-arm balance] a simple balance, the balance arm from the middle of the points of support to the ends of equal distance between the weighing plate Equilateral triangle děngbiān sānjiǎoxíng [Equilateral triangle] three sides of the triangle are equal Arithmetic děngchā (1) [Gradation of difference]: grade difference (2) [Equal difference]: the difference is equal Arithmetical progression děngchā jíshù [Arithmetic series] arithmetic progression, form, such as a + (a + d) + (a +2 d) + (a +3 d) + ... Other times děngcì [Hierarchy] grade level Products according to quality grading times So bad děngcuī [Hierarchy] and other views Wait děngdài [Wait; await] do not act, and things appear until the desired Waiting for a favorable opportunity Wait until děngdào [When] said that the conjunction of time Wait till that time, I graduated from the University Etc. děngděng (1) [And so on]: that cited deficiencies Novels, plays, short stories, travel documentaries, etc. (2) [Wait a minute]: Wait a minute Etc. děngdì [Of such a size; so big] will be equal. So big I do not know me you have a LU staff outside Beijing, and so rich. - "Water Margin" Dengerxiazhi děng érxiàzhī [Lower down], etc. Further down from this means something worse than a And the distribution of various libraries, to indiscriminately minli. Dengerxiazhi, The Road to Jie You have enough to eat. - Liu Chang Song Poems "Lupu notes" Equal děngfēn [Equally divide] by the same amount Equal parts, and so left out děngfèn, děngfènr [An equally divided part of sth.] By the same out of envy in the number of Contour děnggāoxiàn [Contour line] is equal to the points on the ground elevation to imagine the connection - also means a map or chart on the line represents the corresponding Equal sign děnghào [Equal-sign] that is equal to or logically mathematically equivalent symbol = " Waiting děnghòu [Wait; await] wait Wait command Wait for the train Level děngjí [Grade; rank] compete with distinction by a different standard Equivalent děngjià [Ecuivalence; of equal value] of different commodities equal to the value or price Plasma děnglízǐtǐ [Plasma] an ionized gas (as in the stellar atmosphere), contains an equal number of positive ions and electrons, it is a good conductor of electricity and affected by magnetic fields and different from ordinary gas Equal děngliàng [Equal] equal to the quantity or number So minus the same amount, then thanks to a number of zero Equate děngliàng-qíguān [Equate; put on a par] refers to is not the same thing with the same standard, the same treatment Published or made his discussion of motive ", who knows he is not pure," and university professor never regard to par the. - Lu Xun, "Not Gossip (c)" So the necessary fuel děngmǐxiàguō (1) [Await urgently necessary condition] described no food stocks at home, living in poverty. Analogy just passively wait for the conditions are ripe, but not actively create conditions at work Also some decent outside the home also flies to an increase of neatly serve the government can also, unlike other meters hack. (2) - "Dream of Red Mansions" Full-length děngshēn [A large number of] with a person's height or weight equivalent, to describe more than the number of Full-length books Full-length gold Prolific Equation děngshì [Equation] with the equal sign (=) links the two numbers, two numbers with a type or a type that into the formula Isokinetic děngsù [Uniform velocity] at the same speed Equivalent děngtóng [Equate with] the same as Substandard děngwài (1) [Substandard]: sub-standard quality, not included in the grade Loaded with canned food (2) [Offgrade]: and below the standard level is different from External goods Aimlessly děngxián (1) [(Treat) lightly; random; careless]: easy; casual Laughter complex next year, Moon spring lightly degrees. - Tang Bai "Pipa (and order)" (2) [Ordinary]: ordinary, common If the fire burned lightly. - Ming Yu Qian "lime Yin" (3) Another example Wei Chao Feng mean to offer him that the house, do not lightly call someone to discuss. - "Early carved Pai An Jing Qi" (4) [For no reason]: gratuitous; no reason to Mo lightly, white boy head. - Song Yuefei "Azolla" Lightly ground turmoil Isosceles děngyāo [Isosceles] has two equilateral Isosceles triangle Isosceles triangle děngyāo sānjiǎoxíng [Isosceles triangle] three sides equal on both sides of the triangle in Isosceles trapezoid děngyāo tīxíng [Isosceles trapezoid] two non-parallel sides equal trapezoid Equal děngyú [Equal to; equivalent to] the same, no difference So that each coefficient is equal to zero Etc. děng ㄉ ㄥ (1) Qi refers to the Dayton ancient bamboo (the book). (2) Number, the same degree, or status generally Takaso ~. Ping ~. ~ On. ~ The same. ~ Value. ~ View of the amount of Qi. (3) In amount or degree level ~ level. ~ Times. ~ S. ~ And under. (4) Especially the steps of the stage. (5) Species, type the ~ thing. (6) Most people that I have the same seniority ~. Seoul ~. (7) Said the deficiencies cited, or used to enumerate Sha Wei, Beijing, Shanghai ~ land. (8) Waiting, waiting to be ~. ~ To be. (9) Until the time ~ I finished. (10) With the arbitrage. " Zheng code mbds, u7b49, gbkb5c8 12 number of strokes, radical bamboo, stroke order number 314 314 121 124
Kangxi Dictionary
Not set on 【】 【Rhymes Rhyme Duo Kenqie 【】】 【Ji Yun Yun will be Kenqie】】 【Sea board sound. Class also, than also, generation also. Yao Yi Xi Ci】 【have other, Gu Yue material. Li Song Li】 【can not afford to see the same. And Qi as well. Zuo Shu】 【Spring divide day and night, etc., that of Japan. Another level also. 】 【Ritual in mind the equal status and so carry on. Official】 【Zhou Chun Yu for six to Switzerland to other nations. Hidden five】 【Zuo Ming poor, identified other columns. Also known as the amount of weight. Mencius】 【such as the king of BES. Records of the century】 【Si Yue Xia said: Yin Yu Gun etc who did not. 】 【Articles and other ???? sea, to be also. Also】 【said Wen Qi ???? also. From the bamboo from the Temple. Temple, officials of other levels are also Cao. Also make】 【words such as Mu-fat tree. Wang Bao Tong Yue】 【Cha fat burning and so on. Also well-so by the Buddhist books. Also Guangyun】 【more】 change cut 【Ji Yun Hai hit cut. Qi also. Also fill in the cut leaf. Ming-Han Yu Xu Guogong Shinto ???? 【】 Po Yang An Osaka, IMC for and so on. And kill the word leaf. Slaughter, Awards in cutting.
Explain Word
ID: 2882 Jane is also homogeneous. From the bamboo from the Temple. Temple, officials of other levels are also Cao. Duo Kenqie