1. Together. ① grains savings. ② accumulation of things. (2) accumulation, stacked. 3. Underlay; contains. 4 sub-heap; battlements. 5. More. 6 habits; Sekihisa had become of. 7. Hysteresis plot; block. 8. Smoldering in the heart. 9 Chinese terms. Refers to the internal organs had become Sekihisa disease. 10. Mathematical terms. All the result of multiplying the number of known product of these numbers. 11. Quantifier. Pile for the plot. 12. Suriko clothes. 13-pass "stains." 14-pass "performance." Meritorious. 15. Through "trace." Traces.
午集下 Afternoon _set_ under 【廣韻】子昔切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】資息切,????音跡。【說文】聚也。【增韻】累也。堆????也。【易·大有】大車以載,積中不敗也。又【升卦】積小以高大。【詩·周頌】積之栗栗。【禮·月令】仲秋命有司,趣民多積聚。【前漢·食貨志】積貯者,天下之大命也。 又【儀禮·士冠禮】皮弁服素積。【鄭註】積猶辟也,以素爲裳,辟蹙其要中。 又【集韻】則歷切,音績。亦聚也。 又【廣韻】【集韻】【韻會】子智切【正韻】資四切,????音恣。聚也,儲蓄也。【詩·大雅】乃積乃倉。【周禮·天官·小宰】掌其牢禮委積。【註】委積,謂牢米薪芻給賓客道用也。又【大司徒】令野修道委積。【註】少曰委,多曰積,皆所以給賓客。 又叶恣此切,音子。【詩·周頌】有實其積,萬億及秭。
[Rhyme] [sub-_set_ of former cut would rhyme rhyme] [] [] data rates are cut rhyme, ???? sound track. [Text] that together also. [] Tired also by rhyme. Heap ???? also. [Great] carts to easily upload, the plot in the undefeated also. Diagram [l] has a small plot to tall. [Song] plot of the poem Lili Zhou. [Li] Zhongqiu make life on Si, the accumulation of interesting people and more. [Chinese Food and Money] before storage by the plot, and the world of the Daming also. Another instrument Inverness Rites] [leather clothes Bian prime plot. [Note] Zheng provision of the plot still has to prime the skirts, the provision of Organisation in its to. [Rhyme] is another _set_ of calendar-cut, sound performance. Also poly also. Another _set_ of rhyme [Rhyme] [] [] sub-Chi Yun will cut [is] owned four rhyme cut, ???? sound pleases. Together also, savings also. [Poetry] is the plot is Daya positions. Zhou Tian Guan [kill] a small ceremony in prison committee of its positive charge. [Note] appointed the plot, that the prison meters salary Chu Road to the guests use it. [Stuart] has a large plot so wild a religious committee. [Note] less said committee, said more than plot, so to all guests. And pleases the cut leaves, audio sub. [Song] has real poetry week its product, trillion and trillion.