Rank zhì organized, not chaos: order. Officials in the Ancient salary: "Husband benefits rank, common people Yi Lu." Ancient official level: Committee of constant rank. Demoted rank third. Years: seven rank birthday. Stroke: 10; radicals: Wo; stroke order code: 3123431134
Rank zhì 【Activity】 (Phonetic. From bluegrass, speechless. Original meaning: accumulation) 〗 〖Gather with the original meaning Rank, the plot also. - "Said the text" Large fits not rank Chu County. - "The Book of Rites order" Ninety days and orderly. - "Book of Rites kingship" The rank of the enemy phase grain Jun Sheng Yu, and operating matters among its grievances. - "Pipe" Another example: rank rank (the accumulation of appearance) 〗 〖Arrangeinorder sequence alignment Day rank right. - "Book of Gao Yao mo" 〗 〖Offersacrificestogodsorancestors worship Wang rank in the mountains. - "Shun Code Book" Another example: rank Wang (Wang Ji, Yuan Festival) Rank zhì 【Name】 Order; Order〗 〖order Rank, time also. - "Guang Ya" Rank, order also. - "Interpretation of words" Yin Bin out of date, rank level for the East. - "Book Yao Dian" Order cheap who get into the salt. - "Han Gu Yong Chuan" Another example: rank into (turn into use); rank (the order means the rank of compete with); rank classification (order, sequence; shift Suwei order); rank then (ordered); rank, such as (The ordered appearance ) 〗 〖Officialsalary official's salary Line of its rank and Syria. - "Zhou Gong Bo." Note: "Paul is also intrinsic." The closing Shanfu of rank. - "Zuo Zhuang nineteen years." Note: "Paul also, adjusting Valley also." Husband benefits rank, common people benefit Paul. - "Xunzi Jiang China" Another example: significant rank (Gaoguanhoulu); food rank (by receiving salaries for a living); rank clothes (Peerage and clothing levels); rank m (pension official's food); rank pension (salary) Official position or grade〗 〖rank Education of the anti-Lee, the Committee of constant rank. - "Zuo wengong six years" Another example: rank points (official position birthright); rank bit (Utah jobs); rank cases (ancestral worship of ancient palm official); rank Wang (official position and reputation); rank Zi (official and money); rank of full (official term expired); Rank ceremony (up and down the ancient debate, equal status of the ceremony) 〗 〖Normalstate normal Rank, often also. - "ELEGANCE" Rank ninety sun and the moon. - "Book of Rites." Zheng Xuan's Note: "Rank, often also have regular meals." Is said not only drunk, I do not know their rank. - "Poetry of Albany beginning of the feast" The level of ritual sequence Grand〗 〖orderofdegree Line of its rank and Syria. - "Bo Zhou Tian Guan Gong" Ritual rank, as appropriate clothing. - "Zuo Zhuang eight years" Rank Erji of the emperor. - "Thirty-one years of public Gongyangzhuan Xi" Rank zhì 【Content】 Years as a rank. 〗 〖Decade decade Has opened the seventh rank, An eye still eat three square meals. - Bai "old thinking" Another example: rank officer (standing of the officer); rank of wine (as usual give and veteran of the wine); rank board (standing beautifully fresh); rank classification (normal order); rank pay (the number required to the local administrative officials firewood) Order zhìxù 〗 〖Order: the order (rank focusing on structured, not chaotic; sequence focuses on the late, not reversed) 〗 〖Sequence: neat and orderly condition Work order Orderly zhìxù-jǐngrán 〗 〖Ordered consolidation or arrangement has been carefully They live orderly lives
Rank (phonetic. From bluegrass, speechless. The original meaning of accumulation) rank with the original meaning, the plot also. - "Said the text" big fits not rank Chu County. - "The Book of Rites that" ninety days and orderly. - "Book of kingship," the enemy of the rank-phase grain Jun Sheng Yu, and operating matters among its grievances. - "Pipe" and if rank rank (the accumulation of like) arranged in sequence order days rational. - "Book of Gao Yao mo" sacrificial look rank in the mountains. - "Shun Code Book" and if the rank Wang (Wang Ji, Yuan Festival) rank order; order of rank, time also. - "Guang Ya" rank, order also. - "Interpretation of words," Yin Bin out of date, rank level for the East. - "Book Yao Dian" cheap are too salty zhì ⒈ rank order of rank, methodical, not disorder according ~ to enter. Comply with the public ~ order. ⒉ eight or ten years ~ birth.
Rank zhi Radical Radical Wo 05 total strokes 10 strokes Rank order; Rank zhì (1) (Phonetic. From bluegrass, speechless. The original meaning of accumulation) (2) With the original meaning of [gather] Rank, the plot also. - "Said the text" Large fits not rank Chu County. - "The Book of Rites order" Ninety days and orderly. - "Book of Rites kingship" The rank of the enemy phase grain Jun Sheng Yu, and operating matters among its grievances. - "Pipe" (3) Another example of rank rank (the accumulation of appearance) (4) Sequence alignment [arrange in order] Day rank right. - "Book of Gao Yao mo" (5) Sacrifice [offer sacrifices to gods or ancestors] Wang rank in the mountains. - "Shun Code Book" (6) Another example is the rank Wang (Wang Ji, Yuan Festival) Rank zhì (1) Order; order [order] Rank, time also. - "Guang Ya" Rank, order also. - "Interpretation of words" Yin Bin out of date, rank level for the East. - "Book Yao Dian" Order cheap who get into the salt. - "Han Gu Yong Chuan" (2) Another example is the rank into (turn into use); rank (the order means the rank of compete with); rank classification (order, sequence; shift Suwei order); rank then (ordered); rank, such as (The ordered appearance) (3) Officials of the salary [official salary] Line of its rank and Syria. - "Zhou Gong Bo." Note Paul is also intrinsic. " The closing Shanfu of rank. - "Zuo Zhuang nineteen years." Note Paul also, adjusting Valley also. " Husband benefits rank, common people benefit Paul. - "Xunzi Jiang China" (4) Another example was rank (Gaoguanhoulu); food rank (by receiving salaries for a living); rank clothes (Peerage and clothing levels); rank m (pension official's food); rank pension (salary) (5) Official position or rank [rank] Education of the anti-Lee, the Committee of constant rank. - "Zuo wengong six years" (6) Another example is the rank of sub (official position birthright); rank bit (Utah jobs); rank cases (ancestral worship of ancient palm official); rank Wang (official position and reputation); rank Zi (official and money); rank of full (official term ); Rank ceremony (up and down the ancient debate, equal status of the ceremony) (7) Normal [normal state] Rank, often also. - "ELEGANCE" Rank ninety sun and the moon. - "Book of Rites." Zheng Xuan Note rank, often also have regular meals. " Is said not only drunk, I do not know their rank. - "Poetry of Albany beginning of the feast" (8) The level of ritual sequence MG [order of degree] Line of its rank and Syria. - "Bo Zhou Tian Guan Gong" Ritual rank, as appropriate clothing. - "Zuo Zhuang eight years" Rank Erji of the emperor. - "Thirty-one years of public Gongyangzhuan Xi" Rank zhì (1) Years as a rank. Years [decade] Has opened the seventh rank, An eye still eat three square meals. - Bai "old thinking" (2) Another example is the rank of officer (standing of the officer); rank of wine (as usual give and veteran of the wine); rank board (standing beautifully fresh); rank classification (normal order); rank pay (according to local administrative officials of the required number firewood) Order zhìxù (1) [Order]: order (rank focusing on structured, not chaotic; sequence focuses on the late, not reversed) (2) [Sequence]: neat and orderly condition Work order Orderly zhìxù-jǐngrán [Ordered] order or arrangement has been carefully They live orderly lives Rank zhì ㄓ ╝ (1) Organized, not chaos ~ sequence. (2) Officials in the Ancient benefits ~ Salary Husband, common people Yi Lu. " (3) Official-level committee of the often ancient ~. Derogatory ~ third. (4) ~ Birthday seven years. Zheng code mfmo, u79e9, gbkd6c8 Number of strokes 10, Wo radicals, stroke order No. 3123431134
午集下 _Set_ the next afternoon 〔古文〕豑【廣韻】直一切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】直質切,????音姪。【廣韻】次也,常也,序也。【書·堯典】平秩東作。【傳】次序東作之事以務農。【舜典】望秩于山川。【傳】如其秩次望祭之。 又【增韻】職也,官也,整也。【周禮·天官·官伯】行其秩敘。【註】秩,祿廩也。【疏】謂依班秩受祿。【左傳·文六年】委之常秩。【註】常秩,官司之常職。 又【爾雅·釋訓】秩秩,智也。【註】智慮深長。 又【爾雅·釋訓】秩秩,淸也。【註】德音淸泠。【詩·大雅】德音秩秩。【箋】敎令淸明也。 又【詩·小雅】秩秩斯干。【註】流行貌。【箋】流出無極巳也。 又【詩·小雅】左右秩秩。【註】秩秩然肅敬也。 又官名。【書·舜典】汝作秩宗。【疏】主郊廟之官,序鬼神尊????。【後漢·百官志】鄕置有秩,三老遊徼。【註】有秩,郡所置。秩百石,掌一鄕人。【風俗通】卽田閒大夫,言其官裁有秩耳。 又姓。【字彙】伊秩,複姓。 又十年爲一秩。【容齋隨筆】白公詩云:已開第七秩,飽食仍安眠。又云:年開第七秩,屈指幾多人。是時年六十二,元日詩也。 又【韻會】毛氏曰:从禾,形也。从失,聲也。本再生稻,刈而重出,後先相繼,故借爲秩序字。○按《說文》秩訓積也。引《詩》䆅之秩秩。今《詩》無此句,不取。 又【集韻】弋質切,音逸。【爾雅·釋鳥】秩秩,海雉。【註】如雉而黑,在海中山上,施乾讀。 又叶徒結切,音迭。【張衡·東京賦】元謀設而隂行,合二九而成譎。登聖皇於天階,章漢祚之有秩。 又叶直詈切,音緻。【何晏·景福殿賦】屯坊列署,三十有二。星居宿????,綺錯鱗比。辛壬癸甲,爲之名秩。【註】二,而至切。比,毗至切。秩,直詈切。考證:〔爾雅·釋訓】秩秩,淸也。【註】德音淸冷。〕 謹照原文冷改泠。
〔〕 Zhi Ancient direct all 【】 【Guang Yun Ji Yun Yun will】 【】 【】 straight Rhymes quality cut, ???? sound nephew. Guangyun】 【times also, often also, the sequence also. Yao Dian】 【book rank level for the East. 【Fax】 order of things in the East for agriculture. 【Code】 Wang Shun rank in the mountains. 【Fax】 festival of hope as they rank. Yun】 【another level also increased, the official but also the whole also. 【】 Zhou Bo-day official line of their official rank of Syria. 【Note】 rank, Paul Lin also. 】 【That depending on class rank sparse by Paul. Zuo Wen six】 【Committee of constant rank. 【Note】 constant rank, case of normal duty. And training】 【Mailyard rank rank, intellect also. 【Note】 deep intellectual consideration. And training】 【Mailyard rank rank, Qing also. 【Note】, Dean Qing Ling. German sound poetry, Daya】 【rank rank. Teaching with that memo】 【Qing ming. Poetry Xiaoya】 【rank and rank Adams dry. 【Note】 popular appearance. Promise memo】 【Pat out also. Xiaoya】 【poem about another order of rank. 【Note】 rank rank Su King also ran. And Guan Ming. 【Code】 Yu Shun book for rank cases. Suburban sparse】 【Lord of the officer, respect ???? order spirits. After a hundred Shangguan】 【Han Xiang _set_ a rank, old Mr. Yu Jiao. 【Note】 a rank, the home county. Rank hundred stone, palm one Xiang person. Tian Su Tung】 【calipering free doctor, made its official CD orderly ears. Another name. Iraq ranks】 【words, hyphenated. Another ten years as a rank. 【Notes】 white male vegetarian Yung poem: has opened the seventh rank, three square meals still sleep. Yun: In order to open the seventh, flexor how many people. Sixty years is the time, Mongol poems. They will】 【Yun Mao said: The Wo, shapes too. From the loss, the sound also. The Regeneration, Kariya and heavy out after the first one after another, so by the order of words. ○ Click "said the text" rank training product also. "Poem" 䆅 the rank order. This "poetry" No sentence, did not take. Yi Yun】 【_set_ and quality of cut, sound escape. Bird】 【Mailyard rank rank, sea pheasant. 【Note】 such as pheasant and black, Zhongshan on the sea, Shi dry reading. And leaves only knot cut, audio Diego. Zhang Heng Fu】 【Tokyo Yuanmou _set_ the yin line, together twenty-nine from deceitful. Teng-Sheng Huang in the days of bands, Zhang Han-jo of the orderly. And leaves cut straight curse, sound caused. Temple Fu】 【Ho Yan Jingfu Department of Tuen Square columns, three Shiyou Er. Star ranking places ????, Yee scale than the wrong. Jen-kuei A Xin, whom were rank. 【Note】 II, and to cut. Ratio, adjacent to the cut. Rank, straight cut curse. Research: 〔Mailyard Motto rank rank, Qing also. 【Note】, Dean Qing cold. 〕 Would like to change according to the original cold-Ling.
编号:4400 ID: 4400 積也。从禾失聲。《詩》曰:“䆅之秩秩。” 直質切
Product also. From Wo lost her voice. "Poetry" said: "䆅 the rank rank." Straight cut quality