
拼音: xiá部首: 礻示總筆畫: 10部外筆畫: 6UTF-8: E7 A5 AB
UTF-16: 796BUTF-32: 0000796BBig 5: D6C1倉頡: IFOMR四角碼: 3826.1
一字全碼: xia2shihe一字雙碼: xisihe一字單碼: xsh漢字結構: 左(中)右漢字層次: 5
筆畫: 丶????丨丶丿㇏一丨????一筆順編號: 4524341251筆順讀寫: 捺折竪捺撇捺橫竪折橫他人筆順: 4524341251
部件組構: 礻((丶????丨)丶)合((????(丿㇏)一)口(冂(丨????)一))

  Ancient emperor or princes 祫 xiá ancestral altar, the distance _set_ in the Imperial Ancestral Temple in the worship. Stroke: 10; radicals: Woo; stroke order code: 4524341251

  One of the ancient cult of the emperor nobility Ancestral〗 〖anancientsacrificialofferings. Ancestral altar _set_ in the distance is too great temple festival together. Funeral held for three years when completed, the following year are held every five years after
  How big are? Big 祫 also. Big 祫 by that? Combined offering also. - "Kung-yang"
  Another example: 祫 Festival (held in ancient feudal emperor _set_ distance ancestors ancestral temple in too large combined offering); 祫 worship (ie 祫 Festival); 祫 enjoy (祫 Festival)
  xiá 1.古代天子諸侯宗廟祭禮之一。集合遠近祖先的神主於太祖廟大合祭。三年喪畢時舉行一次,次年秂祭後又舉行一次,以後每五年一次。

  祫 xiá 1. One of the ancient emperor cult of ancestral nobility. Ancestral altar _set_ in the distance is too great temple festival together. Funeral held for three years when completed, then the following year Ren festival held once every five years later.
午集下 _Set_ the next afternoon  【唐韻】侯夾切【集韻】【韻會】轄夾切【正韻】鬍夾切,????音洽。【說文】大合祭先祖親疏遠近也。【公羊傳·文二年】大事者何,大也。大者何,合祭也。毀廟之主,????於太祖,未毀廟之主,皆升合食於太祖。【禮·王製】天子犆礿,禘,嘗,烝。○按凡合祭曰,禘嘗烝皆合祭,故皆言。據此則知天子別無祭。凡諸經傳所言皆指禘、嘗、烝之祭也。但烝、嘗二祭,止太祖及羣廟,而禘則上追太祖所自出,下及毀廟之主,其較烝、嘗爲大,故《春秋》於文二年八月之禘,書爲大事,而《公羊》釋之爲大也。互詳禘字註。

  Hou Tang Yun】 【clip】 【cut 【Ji Yun Yun jurisdiction folder will cut 【】】 Hu Yun folder is cut, ???? sound contact. Wen】 【said to rank the large combined offering ancestors also. 【Big】 Gongyangzhuan those years where the text, large 祫 also. How big 祫 who, together offering too. Destruction of the temple of the Lord, ???? in Dynasty, the temple of the Lord is not destroyed, all rise together eating at Dynasty. Emperor Li Zhi of King】 【spring imperial ancestral sacrifice, 祫 imperial ancestral sacrifice, 祫 taste, 祫 steam. All together by offering said ○ 祫, imperial ancestral sacrifice taste of steam are combined offering, so Jie Yan 祫. Accordingly the emperor know no 祫 Festival. Where are the various means by the transfer said 祫 imperial ancestral sacrifice, taste, steam the festival also. But the steam, try the second offering, and the group ended Dynasty temple, while the imperial ancestral sacrifice is on the recovery from the Dynasty, and the destruction of the temple of the Lord under their 祫 more steam, taste for large, so "spring" in the text of eight years months of the imperial ancestral sacrifice, the book for the event, and "ram" interpretation of the large 祫 also. Note details of imperial ancestral sacrifice each word.
編號:44 No: 44  大合祭先祖親疏遠近也。從示、合。《周禮》曰:“三歲一。” 侯夾切

  Ancestor Worship to rank the largest also. From the show, together. "Zhou" said: "One 祫-year-old." Clip cut Hou

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