Vote piào banknotes, currency: banknotes. Tickets. Ticket. Printed or written evidence: notes. Ticket. Stock. Tickets. Votes. Non-professional acting: opera tickets. Fancier. Quantifier, equivalent to "grant": a consignment. Kidnapped by bandits who pledged to do: kidnap children. Threatened to kill children. ㄧ ㄠ ˉ votes piāo ㄆ ancient with "Gone with the Wind", with the wind swinging flying. Stroke: 11; radicals: show; stroke order number: 12522111234
Votes piāo 【Form】 (Knowing. Original meaning: Fire Fly) 〗 〖Blazingfire with the original meaning Sight, such as tired out. - "Tai Xuan Shen." Note: The "flying light is." Through "Gone with the Wind." Light the way give〗 〖actrashly However, vote passed away. - "Han Chi Ritual." Note: "Light the intention." Another example: counting votes (light); votes natural (light give the appearance) Votes piāo 【Activity】 〗 〖Wave rock Vote Kunlun. - "Han Yang Xiong pass down." Note: "I still made shake also." Another example: votes suddenly (uncertain); votes in light (sway) See piào Votes piào 【Form】 Swift; nimble 〖fast; agile〗 To vote Yao Xiaowei. - "Huo Han Chuan." Note: "Jinji appearance." School Wu vote poultry. - "Han Yang Xiong Chuan" Another example: votes Yong (swift action brave); votes Jian (agile strong); votes birds (light disease of birds); ticket thief (thieves rapidly); votes in light (light disease) 〗 〖Boldandpowerful brave. Such as: tickets Shuai (brave chief); votes will (brave generals); votes male (brave strong person) Votes piào 【Name】 Certificate printed or written ticket〗 〖paper. Such as: tickets; ticket; meal ticket; food stamps; cloth votes; vote lead (lead the ticket and salt); tickets Abstract (excerpt written on scraps of paper) 〗 〖Ballot paper by secret ballot. Such as: voting; tellers; Billing Notes or other forms of paper money 〖bill; banknote〗. Such as: wool votes; none; angle vote; votes vote (note); votes Yang (notes) Old refers to the non-professional performances of opera 〖amateurperformance (ofBeijingopera, etc.)〗. Such as: playing votes; fancier Warrants or debentures of all〗 〖certificate. Such as: stocks; ticket paper (passbook, certificate of deposit); check book (note book); votes according to (instrument license and other documents) 〗 〖Old robber who said the rush to do hostage〗 〖apersonheldforransombybrigands. Such as: kidnap children Votes piào 【Content】 Called a vote for a〗 〖aticket. Such as: a ticket goods; one vote business; one vote trading Votes piào 【Activity】 〗 〖Writeaticket write tickets. Such as: counting posts (notes prepared for the vote); tickets issued (issuance of ticket writing); ticket writing (drafting of votes signed); votes to sign (to be proposed in this chapter tab) See piāo Ticket piào'é 〖Nominalvalue; denomination face value〗 Vote traffickers piàofànzi Dealerofticket〗 〖used improper means to resell at a higher price car tickets, tickets or other securities (such as stamps), etc., who profits from Box office piàofáng Port〗〗 〖〖boxoffice: theaters, stations, terminals and other places selling tickets - also known as "ticket" 〗 〖AclubforamateurperformersofBeijingopera: old refers to the practice premises fancier party Box office piàofángjiàzhí 〗 〖Boxofficeearnings that staged theater movie theater ticket revenue. Can also refer to the audience put on film, theater, etc. Welcome to the extent Ticket bandit piàofěi 〗 〖Kidnapper kidnapping of bandits that specializes in old Ticket stub piàogēn 〗 〖Stub found in the hands of the share of bills to sign bills, notes that the stub Ticket Number piàohào 〗 〖Exchangeshop old that banks operated by Shanxi merchants. The main business of the exchange. Also known as "vote Zhuang" Demand Draft piàohuì 〗 〖Draftremittance issued by a bank or post office to collect bills and money remittances, exchange method Live votes piàohuó 〗 〖Workforlove refers to unpaid work Notes piàojù 〗 〖Bill: According to the law made in accordance with the prescribed form and showing proof obligation to pay money 〗 〖Note: the delivery of goods or the documents issued Par piàomiànzhí 〖Parvalueofcertificate, etc.〗 Notes and notes in the amount indicated Votes piàoshù 〗 〖Poll votes; Votes The highest number of votes was elected as the most popular person Ballot box piàoxiāng 〗 〖Ballotbox ticket or ballot for such use into the box Vote piàoxuǎn 〗 〖Votebyballot vote Fancier, fancier children piàoyǒu, piàoyǒur 〗 〖Amateuractors said amateur drama, opera actor Ticket piàozhèng A right〗 〖ticket certificate, certificate, or signs, such as the Pass, take public transport tickets or debt instruments Chuang votes piàozhuāng 〗 〖Exchangeshop store for money business Note piàozi 〖Papermoney; bank-note; bill〗: notes 〗 〖Ticket: Certificate; tickets
Vote (knowing. The original meaning of the fire fly) with the original meaning of sight if tired out. - "Tai Xuan Shen." Note also fly light. "Gone with the Wind pass." Natural light give the appearance ticket death. - "Han Chi Ritual." Note the intention of light. "Another example is the vote in (light); votes natural (light give the appearance) ticket <move> shake votes Kunlun. -" Han Yang Xiong handed down. "Words still shaking Note also." Another example is the vote suddenly (uncertain ); ticket light (sway) votes <form> swift; nimble as the votes Yao Xiaowei. - "Huo Han Chuan." Note Jinji appearance. "School-Wu ticket poultry. -" Han Shu Biography of Yang Xiong, "and if votes Yong (swift action brave); votes Jian (agile strong); votes birds (light disease of birds); votes thief (votes piào ⒈ can be used for certificate paper food ~. Car ~. Unit ~. Film ~. plane ~. ⒉ money ~ son. ~ children. note ~. ⒊ acting non-professional nature ~ friends. playing ~. ⒋ be robbers who kidnap for ransom tie ~. votes piāo 1. fire fly, fire Jumping 2.. shake. 3. light lift appearance. See "votes then."
Vote piao 05 shows the total radical radical strokes 11 strokes Votes ticket; writ; 1 vote piāo (1) (Knowing. The original meaning of the fire fly) (2) With the original meaning of [blazing fire] Sight, such as tired out. - "Tai Xuan Shen." Note also fly light. " (3) Through floating. "Lift light the way [act rashly] However, vote passed away. - "Han Chi Ritual." Note the intention of light. " (4) Another example is the vote in (light); votes natural (light give the appearance) Votes piāo <Action> (1) Shake [wave] Vote Kunlun. - "Han Yang Xiong pass down." Note also still made by shaking. " (2) Another example is the vote suddenly (uncertain); votes in light (sway) See piào 2 votes piào <Form> (1) Swift; nimble [fast; agile] To vote Yao Xiaowei. - "Huo Han Chuan." Note Jinji appearance. " School Wu vote poultry. - "Han Yang Xiong Chuan" (2) Another example is the vote Yong (swift action brave); votes Jian (agile strong); votes birds (light disease of birds); ticket thief (thieves rapidly); votes in light (light disease) (3) Brave [bold and powerful]. If votes Shuai (brave chief); votes will (brave generals); votes male (brave strong person) Votes piào <Name> (1) Certificate printed or written paper [ticket]. If tickets; ticket; meal ticket; food stamps; cloth votes; vote lead (lead the ticket and salt); tickets Abstract (excerpt written on scraps of paper) (2) Secret ballot paper [ballot]. Such as voting; tellers; Billing (3) Notes or other forms of paper money [bill; bank note]. If Mao votes; none; angle vote; votes vote (note); votes Yang (notes) (4) Old refers to the non-professional performances of opera [amateur performance (of beijing opera, etc.)]. If playing votes; fancier (5) All warrants or debentures of the [certificate]. Such as stock; ticket paper (passbook, certificate of deposit); check book (note book); votes according to (instrument license and other documents) (6) [Old] do grab robbers, said the hostages were [a person held for ransom by brigands]. Such as kidnap children Votes piào <Volume> Called a vote for the one [a ticket]. If a ticket goods; one vote business; one vote trading Votes piào <Action> Votes to write [write a ticket]. If ticket posts (notes prepared for the vote); tickets issued (tickets issued written); ticket writing (drafting of votes signed); votes to sign (to be proposed in this chapter tab) See piāo Ticket piào é [Nominal value; denomination] par Vote traffickers piàofànzi [Dealer of ticket] used improper means to resell at a higher price car tickets, tickets or other securities (such as stamps), etc., who profits from Box office piàofáng (1) [Box office] [port]: cinemas, stations, terminals and other places selling tickets - also known as the Box Office " (2) [A club for amateur performers of beijing opera]: old refers to the practice premises fancier party Box office piàofáng jiàzhí [Box office earnings] refers to the staged theater movie theater ticket revenue. Can also refer to the audience put on film, theater, etc. Welcome to the extent Ticket bandit piàofěi [Kidnapper] old bandits that specializes in kidnap Ticket stub piàogēn [Stub] exists in the hands of the share of bills to sign bills, notes that the stub Ticket Number piàohào [Exchange shop] old that banks operated by Shanxi merchants. The main business of the exchange. Also called the vote Zhuang " Demand Draft piàohuì [Draft remittance] with a bank or post office to send and receive money remittance instruments, foreign exchange methods Live votes piàohuó [Work for love] refers to the unpaid labor Notes piàojù (1) [Bill]: according to the law made in accordance with the prescribed form and showing proof obligation to pay money (2) [Note]: the documents issued or delivery of goods Par piàomiànzhí [Par value of certificate, etc.] Notes and notes by the amount indicated Votes piàoshù [Poll] number of votes; Votes The highest number of votes was elected as the most popular person Ballot box piàoxiāng [Ballot box] or ballot for tickets, etc. into the box with Vote piàoxuǎn [Vote by ballot] vote Fancier, fancier children piàoyǒu, piàoyǒur [Amateur actors] said the amateur drama, opera actor Ticket piàozhèng [Ticket] a right certificate, certificate, or signs, such as passes, tickets for public transport or debt instruments Chuang votes piàozhuāng [Exchange shop] for money services store Note piàozi (1) [Paper money; bank-note; bill]: notes (2) [Ticket]: Certificate; tickets 1 vote piào ㄆ ㄧ ㄠ ╝ (1) Banknotes, currency notes ~. ~ Son. ~ Places. (2) Printed or written evidence ~ data. ~ Card. Unit ~. Car ~. _Select_ ~. (3) Non-professional play ~ play. ~ Friends. (4) Quantifier, equivalent to grant "a ~ goods. (5) Kidnapped by bandits who made mortgages tied ~ children. Tear ~ children. Zheng code fjbk, u7968, gbkc6b1 Stroke number 11, said radicals, stroke order number 12522111234 ticket; writ; 2 votes piāo ㄆ ㄧ ㄠ ˉ Gone with the ancient "shook flying. Zheng code fjbk, u7968, gbkc6b1 Stroke number 11, said radicals, stroke order number 12522111234
午集下 _Set_ the next afternoon 【集韻】????遙切,音摽。本作????。省作䙳。今作票。【說文】火飛也。【揚子·太????經】見票如累明,利以正於王。【註】君子之道,重明麗正,光輝宣著,故利正於王也。 又【前漢·禮樂志】票然逝旗逶蛇。【師古註】票然,輕舉意。【揚雄·羽獵賦】亶觀夫票禽之紲隃。【師古註】票禽,輕疾之禽也。 又毗召切,音驃。義同。 又【前漢·霍去病傳】爲票姚校尉。【師古曰】票,頻妙反。【服虔曰】音飄。考證:〔【揚雄·校獵賦】亶觀夫票禽之紲隃。〕 謹照原文校獵賦改羽獵賦。
【_Set_】 ???? away cut rhyme, sound invited for. This made ????. Province was 䙳. This for votes. Wen】 【said the fire fly too. The Yangtze is too ????】 【sight as tired out, Lee to being the king. 【Note】 gentleman, heavy bright and positive publicity with brilliant, so Lee is the king. Also 【Notes】 vote before the Han Ran Li, Yue Qi Wei snake death. 【Note】 votes Ancient Teachers Of course, the intention of light. Xiong Yu Fu】 【hunting Changuanfupiao Qinzhixieyu. 【Note】 votes division of ancient birds, light disease of birds also. Also called cut border, audio and Puma. Meaning the same. Former Han and Huo Chuan 【】 to vote Yao Xiaowei. 【Normal】 votes in the ancient saying, frequency wonderful counter. 】 【Fu Qian said, floating sound. Research: 〔】 【Xiong Fu School Hunting concept of Tan Yu Fu votes birds of http. According to the original school〕 like hunting birds hunting Fu Tax Reform.