Name of the ancient weapons, that spear. Also as "lance"〗 〖longspear. Such as: Shuoer (referring to lance made with feathers on tassels)
Cut the corner of Guang Yun】 【【】 【Ji Yun Yun Yun will】 【】 color angle is cut, ???? tone moon. Burson-Marsteller】 【spear also. Release Name】 【husband eight feet long spear said Shuo, immediately held, made the Shuoshuo be killed also. 】 【Jin Shu Chuan Liu Huan Jing Tao Mai plays Malaysia 㕔 prior to Shuo Yin Zhongkan proposed. Step that the King Road, said: more than Shuo Ma, Jing Li inadequate. 【Notes】 Shuo Wei Song instruments, spears also. Substantia nigra wood blade to make clouds. Also 䂍 Shuo, Tang Jinwu the General Executive. Song system, Lu Bu out of the eight leading. 【Wang Wei and his wife pen array map question】 paper who is also BN. The author, knife Shuo also. Mexico, who is also a metal cap. Hong those of water, city also. Mind those generals. Yun】 【_set_ also for the lance Shuo.