Look kàn make eye contact thing: to see. Reading. Line. Observe, judge: see a doctor. Watch. Optimistic (based on market conditions, it is estimated some good sales of goods). See through (or know a thorough understanding of the profound. Also known as "see through", "see through"). Sell out to expediency. Access, visit them: to see. To see friends. Take care, treatment: value (zh Qiu g). Undervalued. View. Think, that: views. First try to see its results: definitive answers. Beware, be careful: Do not run, look hurt too much. Arrangements: see tea. Look wine. Look seat. View glance look as consultants look to see kān ㄎ ㄢ ˉ looking guard, watch: care. Into custody. Porter. See Green (caretaker is not yet ripe fruit crops.) View glance look as the look looking Gu stroke: 9; radicals: Head; Stroke Number: 311325111
See kān 【Activity】 Guardian 〖lookafter; takecareof; tend〗 Was originally an old military custody. - "Tales" Another example: Look slope (guardian of crops); see Ling (tomb of Emperor guards); see Yang (guardian, care); Miser (miser); see chicken (chicken hatching); to see apron coins (one of the few money ); see the graves of play drawn Feng (twisters. eat ghosts; property to obtain a ghost. analogy is very mean, mean) Take into custody, surveillance to prevent escape〗 〖keepundersurveillance. Such as: live to see him, do not let this kid go! See kàn See site kāncháng 〗 〖Guardthethreshingfloorduringtheharvestseason harvest threshing floor guard Watch kānguǎn 〗 〖Guard: guard and Management Custody of prisoners 〖Attendto; lookafter〗: care Personal baggage left unattended Care kānhù 〗 〖Nurse: nursing; care Caring for patients 〗 〖Watch: do not sleep at night to take care of the patient At his bedside care, until the morning 〗 〖Hospitalnurse: old refers to the nurse Housekeeping kānjiā 〖Lookafter (or mind) thehouse〗 care portals, but also refers to the left maintenance of the daily work in the workplace Housekeeping kānjiā 〖Outstanding (ability); special (skill)〗 refers to a person's expertise or special skills Housekeeping play Special skill Porter kānmén 〗 〖Guardtheentrance: When the guard 〗 〖Lookafterthehouse: guard house Guard kānshǒu 〖Guard; watch〗: responsible for guarding, custody Doors are wide open, no one is watching Tend〗 〖: Monitoring Tied him a lifeline, this lifeline was watching over the ship 〗 〖Mind: to nurse Shepherd watching his flock Guard kānshǒu 〖Watchman; turnkey; warder〗: old said the custody of prison inmates who By guards do not pay attention, a little sneak 〗 〖Caretaker: refers to the temporary treatment of transitional national government Take into custody kānyā 〗 〖Detain the temporary detention Detain prisoners See kàn 【Activity】 (Knowing. Xiaozhuan shape, the above is the "hand" the deformation of the word, here is the "eye", meaning hand over his eyes afar. Original meaning: hand plus the amount of cover present and afar) 〗 〖Lookintothedistance with the original meaning See, Xi also. (Xi, Wang also said the text 。)--" " Very thick waterfall hanging Maekawa. - Li Bai "望庐山瀑布" Another example: an elegant evergreen tree look good Visit; greetings 〖callon; visit〗 Xun Jubo distance friends illness. - "Shi Conduct" Another example: Look Manager (sniffing); housekeeping (dialect. Visiting; to visit family); see as the (visiting; greetings) Look; watch 〖lookat; watch〗 Look out the fire with. - "Folk Song and Ballad Mulan" See red and damp at dawn. - Tandoori Fu "Rain in Spring Night" The old woman went out to see. - Tandoori just "stone trench Officials" To see what his wife was unhappy. - Tandoori just "smell the government troops close Henan and Hebei" Another example: look at (seeing); see mirror (mirror); watching movies; watch a movie; look not in the least (see not pleasing to the eye); see Joe (misunderstanding, look down); see Street (a street open windows, with Ge sub, you can watch the street) Food, prepared 〖manage; prepare〗 Emergency cooking in rice look off. - Fan Chengda "Tian ask a guest to stay the line" Another example: See (in preparation, clean up); see sitting (sitting arrangements; care to sit down); see live (serving; care); look fast (for a monk's diet); see children sitting in the (theater seating arrangements to help the audience people); billboards Niang (dialect. refers to the shop waitress) 〗 〖Estimate estimate Jun Ying up to see the new moon to be circular. - Li Bai's "Farewell" Another example: Look at the small (discrimination, look down); see long (far-sighted, far-sighted); see Hou (care, to see conditions) See see〗 〖 Rong-year-old, try and visit all children. Road side to see more children plum broken branches, taken from all children walking, the only fixed-jung. - "Shi magnanimity" Read read〗 〖 Yan Zhongjun stripped Dongyang, began to see the Buddhist scriptures. - "Shi Literature" Another example: reading; read newspapers Observation; View 〖observe; watch; lookcarefullyat〗 To see God incognito. - "Shi technical solutions" Wait to see the gap, like complex for the chaos. - "Three Kingdoms weeks bream Biography" That 〖consider; deem; think〗. Example: You see this program work? Attendants; care, food〗 〖takecareof. Such as: watching TV (to take care of, look); Kanqu (see; care, care); looking to take (care; care; observation; estimate); see when (see, care) Watch〗 〖viewandadmire. Such as: see playing (see play); see shed (temporary structures in the stands); see Street (you can watch the street window) Hear, smell 〖listen; hear〗 Nan Yue, the tired term for Ciguan, try that and the king to see. - Liu Chong Song "top floor" Identify 〖lookfor; _select_〗 The arrival of my official, but also look for him to see the house adult child care, a good move to take small. - "Golden Lotus" Beware 〖lookout; becarefully〗 You'd go to strike, there are tigers, watching you eat. - "Dream of Red Mansions" Another example: Look at wild eyes (distracted; not concentrate) See kàn 【Help】 "See how" omitted, the verb or verbs used in the back, that try Zhao can be said: "that is, carefully search a search to see 。"--" Tales" See kān Kanban kànbǎn 〗 〖Signboard or signboards Underestimate kànbiǎn 〗 〖Belittle people look down on Do not underestimate the people See a doctor kànbìng 〖(Ofadoctor) examineapatient〗: doctors to treat patients The doctor went out to see a doctor 〖(Ofapatient) seeadoctor〗: patients seek medical treatment Tomorrow I go to see a doctor Look no kànbudé 〗 〖Shouldnotsee: Can not see I do not like this 〗 〖Notworthseeing: not worth watching Too bad, look no But see kànbuguò Can'tbearthesightof〗 〖〗 〖port: could not bear to sit The child is so rude, I really do, however, that gave him a Also said "do not see the past" Frown kànbuguàn 〖Dislike; hatetosee〗 offensive We hate to see such waste Unseen kànbujiàn 〖Beunabletosee; beinvisible〗 can not see Despise kànbuqǐ 〖Lookdownupon; belittle; despise〗 despise, look down Not see kànbuqīng 〗 〖Cannotseeclearly can clearly see Despise, disdain kànbushàng; kànbushàngyǎn 〗 〖Cannotsuitforone'sidea: bear watching; substandard has meaning 〗 〖Detest: hate He moves frivolous, people look down Look tea kànchá 〗 〖Takechargeofthetea greeting old family served tea to the guests As kànchéng 〗 〖Regardas: or to think ... as have some characteristics or identity 〖〗 This is stupid as the cause of 〗 〖Takefor: as ... as Do you think me a fool See kànchū 〖See; makeout; perceive〗 know, understand; seen; awareness; discovery; aware We see a silhouette in the dark See through kànchuān 〗 〖Seethrough thing or person seen on a thorough Treat kàndài 〖Treat; regard; lookupon〗 treatment; as Treat her as their own side Think highly of kàndeqǐ 〖Thinkhighlyof; thinkmuchof; haverespectfor〗 attention Intellectuals during the Cultural Revolution who think highly of O Put kàndiē 〗 〖Bebearish decline in value or index View kànfǎ 〗 〖Opinion: the holding of the objective view of things, ideas Of course this is only my personal opinion 〗 〖Vision: views and see the way or method Tried to view his subject with a comprehensible form shown Sell out to expediency kànfēng-shǐduò 〖Trimone'ssails; adaptoneselftocircumstances〗 watching the wind rudder control. Analogy with the situation, change direction, adjust measures Optimistic kànhǎo 〗 〖Bebullish: good prospects or hope that a larger Still optimistic about the stock market 〗 〖Thinkhighlyof: value Many artists are optimistic about her Tell me kànguān 〖〗 Old novel reader said the book's readers; storyteller person audience See kànjiàn 〖See; sight to see with the eyes〗; by looking at and understanding He opened his eyes and saw the sun streaming in through the window See kànkan 〖Examine; havealook〗: See, look, check Soldiers, let me see your passport 〗 〖Gradually: Gradually Sore feet look Tuiruan 〗 〖Beaboutto: the present, about Look Youhuanqiumu It seems kànlái 〖Itappears; itlooksasif〗 roughly determine His face appears almost gray It seems kànlái 〗 〖Seemingly can see or determine to the extent it Now it seems things are not that bad, you say Missed kànlòu 〗 〖Overlook because of rash caused by oversight or lack of careful Some interesting arguments have been ignored, better display the lessons of past experience also missed See through kànpò 〖Seethrough; bedisillusionedwith〗 see through, see through Disillusioned kànpò-hóngchén 〖Bedisillusionedwiththemortalworld; seethroughthevanityoflife〗 old novel and drama is often called the Red heart of the dead. The old saying that when the monks, priests who are just as disillusioned monk. Now often refers to the future of the country and the people lose confidence in the ideals and institutions are not interested in thinking disillusioned Line kànqí 〗 〖Eyesrightdress: when the entire team to specify the standards aligned human Left line 〖Followtheexample; emulate〗: the example of a person or a person Line to the advanced workers 〗 〖Keeppacewith: keep up the pace ... Do not want to line social life and neighbors Looks kànqǐlái 〗 〖Appear: clear System view of history, people seem to always be a make contributions, is the true creator of major events 〗 〖Look: It seems like Her lips look dry coke instead of natural See pro- kànqīn 〖(Ofarrangedmarriage) thefirstdate〗 [dialect]: the object relative to look at marriage Underestimate kànqīng 〗 〖Discount: contempt; look down Although the value of light experience 〗 〖Underestimate: the estimated lower than the real or actual We can not underestimate the power of their own 〖Despise; thinklittleof〗: contempt See kànqīng 〗 〖Seeclearly: clearly see; see 〗 〖Realize: clear understanding He saw the nature of the problem Man talking kànrén-shuōhuà 〗 〖Besubservient that do not play by the rules, deal with the problem vary Man they say, there is no reason to say Man under the dish kànrén-xiàcài 〗 〖Besnobbish analogy to different people in different ways to treat To see the day kànrìzi 〗 〖Pickupanauspiciousday old refers to the _select_ion of auspicious days, the general look or check your feng shui almanac Started to build a house to see the day Fancy kànshang 〖Havealikingfor; pickfor; takeafancyto〗 like; satisfied She took a fancy to this style Reading kànshū 〗 〖Readabook study Of death kànsǐ 〗 〖Regardsb.asfixed people do not look at the development of Stands kàntái 〖Bleachers, stand side of building or around the venue for spectators to watch the game or performance of the units (especially the auditorium, playground) Spectacle kàntou 〗 〖Sth.worthseeingorreading appreciate the worth seeing places or things worth reading This exhibition is no spectacle Visit kànwàng 〖Payavisit; callon〗 greetings to the elders or relatives Fortune teller kànxiàng 〖Readfortunebyfaceorpalm; visitphysiognomist〗 a superstitious activities, observation of people's physical appearance, bones, or the palm lines to determine the fate of the good or bad Laugh at kànxiàohua 〖Haveagoodlaughatsb.〗 Being treated as joke Evidently kànyàngzi 〖Look; appear; seem〗 view; look Doctor kànyīshēng 〗 〖Seeadoctor [dialect]: seeking medical treatment Call kànzhǎng 〗 〖Bebullish prices showed an upward trend that Fancy kànzhòng 〖Havealikingfor; pickfor; _set_tleon〗 Italian feeling after observing Still did not fancy the porthole Value kànzhòng 〖Value; thinkhighlyof; regardasimportant〗: attention Value of practical experience 〗 〖Overestimate: his estimates are too high Value of the problem As kànzuò 〖Regardas; consider; lookuponas〗 as Wheat as the city people leek Block watch kànzuò 〗 〖Prepareaseatfortheguest old orders to customers or audience find their seats, but also refers to the family say hello to the guests seat As kànzuò 〖Lookuponas; regardas; consider〗 as Do not put other people's patience as a sign of weakness
See <action> guard was originally an old military custody. - "Tales of" Another example is to see Singapore (guardian of crops); see Ling (tomb of Emperor guards); see Yang (guardian, care); Miser (miser); see chicken (chicken hatching); to see apron coins ( one of the few money); see the graves of play drawn Feng (twisters. eat ghosts; property to obtain a ghost. analogy is very mean, mean) take into custody, surveillance, to prevent escape to see <action "(knowing. Xiaozhuan shape, above the hand "word of deformation, the following is present," meaning hand over his eyes afar. the original meaning of the hand plus the amount of cover present afar) look the same original meaning, Xi also. (Xi, Wang also said 。)--" text "distance to see kān ⒈ guard, surveillance ~ door. ~ Family dog. ~ Shou (formerly known as the prison guards). ~ Tube. ~ Charge. ⒉ ① care. ② old said the nurse. Look to see kàn ⒈ observed ~ book. ~ Reported. View ~. Review ~. ~ TV. ~ Terrain. ~ Tongue. <Argument> Diagnosis and Treatment ~ disease. ⒉ visit, inquire ~ look. ~ Friend. ~ Patients. ⒊ take care, ~ to be treated any differently. Special ~ weight. ⒋ think that I ~ is this a good way. ⒌ insights, knowledge, thorough understanding of the ~ method. ~ Thoroughly. ⒍ try to observe the results to talk about ~. Look ~. Ask soon ~. ⒎ beware, be careful ~, bumped! ⒏
看 kan
部首 目 部首筆畫 05 總筆畫 09
看 behold;glom;look;look at;looky;see;
同本義 [look into the distance]
又如這棵雅緻的常青樹很好看 (4)
探望;問候 [call on;visit]
瞧;觀看 [look at;watch]
料理,準備 [manage;prepare]
估量 [estimate]
又如 看小(歧視, 看不起);看長(看得遠,有遠見);看候(照看,察看情況)
觀察;察看[observe;watch;look carefully at]
看顧;照料,料理 [take care of]。如看視(照顧,看待);看覷(看;照料,照顧);看取(照看;照顧;觀察;估量);看當(看待,照料)
觀賞 [view and admire]。如看耍(觀看玩耍);看棚(臨時搭建的看臺);看街(可以觀賞街景的窗戶)
聽,聞 [listen;hear]
物色 [look for;_select_]
當心 [look out;be carefully]
看 kàn
[signboard] 即招牌
[belittle] 看不起人
[(of a doctor)examine a patient]∶醫生給病人治病
大夫出去看病 去了
[(of a patient)see a doctor]∶病人找醫生治病
[should not see]∶不能看 這個樣子我看不得
[not worth seeing]∶不值得看 太差勁,看不得
[can't bear the sight of] [口]∶不忍坐視
kàn bu guàn
[dislike;hate to see] 厭惡
kàn bu jiàn
[be unable to see;be invisible] 不能看見
[look down upon;belittle;despise] 輕視,小看 看不清
kàn bu qīng
[cannot see clearly] 不能清晰地看見
kànbushàng;kànbushàng yǎn
[cannot suit for one's idea]∶看不過眼;不合己意
[take charge of the tea] 舊時招呼傢裏人給客人端茶
[regard as]∶認為或把…看作[具有某種特性或身分]
[take for ]∶視…為
[see;make out;perceive] 瞭解,明白;看出來;覺察;發現;意識到
[see through] 對事或人看得透徹
[treat;regard;look upon] 對待;視為
[think highly of;think much of;have respect for] 重視
[be bearish] 價值或指標下降的趨勢
[trim one's sails;adapt oneself to circumstances] 看着風嚮掌握船舵。比喻隨着形勢轉變方向,調整對策
[be bullish]∶以為前景不錯或希望較大
[think highly of]∶看重
[reader] 舊小說中稱該書的讀者;說書的人稱聽衆
[see;sight] 用眼看到;通過看而瞭解
看看 kànkɑn
[examine;have a look]∶查看,細看,檢查
[be about to]∶眼前,即將
[it appears;it looks as if] 粗略地判斷
[seemingly] 就所能看到或判定的範圍來說
[overlook] 因輕率或缺乏細心而引起疏漏
[see through;be disillusioned with] 看穿,看透
[be disillusioned with the mortal world;see through the vanity of life] 舊小說與戲麯中常稱繁華的人世為紅塵。舊說那些當和尚、道士的人都是由於看破紅塵纔出傢的。現在常指對國傢與個人前途失掉信心,對理想、事業不感興趣的思想為看破紅塵
[eyes right dress]∶整隊時,以指定人為標準排齊
[follow the example;emulate]∶以某人或某種人為榜樣
[keep pace with]∶跟上…的步伐
[(of arranged marriage) the first date] [方]∶相看婚姻對象
[despise;think little of]∶輕視
[see clearly]∶清晰地看見;看清楚
[be subservient] 指不按規矩辦事,處理問題因人而異
[be snobbish] 比喻對不同的人用不同的方式對待
kàn rìzi
[pick up an auspicious day] 我國舊指選定吉日,一般請風水先生看或查黃歷
[have a liking for;pick for;take a fancy to] 喜歡;感到滿意
[read a book] 讀書
[regard sb. as fixed] 不用發展的眼光看待人
[bleachers,stand] 建築在場地旁邊或周圍,供觀衆看比賽或表演的臺(多指運動場上的觀衆席)
[sth.worth seeing or reading] 值得觀看欣賞的地方或值得閱讀的東西
[pay a visit;call on] 到長輩或親友處問候
[read fortune by face or palm;visit physiognomist] 一種迷信活動,觀察人的相貌、骨骼或手掌的紋路來判斷人的命運的好壞
[have a good laugh at sb.] 被人當作笑料
kàn yàngzi
[look;appear;seem] 看來;看起來
kàn yīshēng
[see a doctor] [方]∶求醫治病
[be bullish] 指價格顯示上升趨勢
[have a liking for;pick for;settle on] 觀察後感覺中意
[value;think highly of;regard as important]∶重視
[regard as;consider;look upon as] 當做
[prepare a seat for the guest] 舊時吩咐給顧客或觀衆找座位,也指招呼傢裏人給客人準備座位
[look upon as;regard as;consider] 當做
守護 [look after;take care of;tend]
看押,監視以防逃跑 [keep under surveillance]。如看住他,別讓這小子跑了!
[guard the threshing floor during the harvest season] 收穫季節看守打𠔌場
[attend to;look after]∶照管
[hospital nurse]舊指護士
[look after(或 mind)the house] 看管門戶,也指留在工作單位維持日常工作
[outstanding(ability);special(skill)] 指一個人的專長或特殊本領
[guard the entrance]∶當門衛
[look after the house]∶看守房子
[detain] 臨時拘禁
kàn ㄎㄢ╝
behold;glom;look;look at;looky;see;
kān ㄎㄢˉ
See kan Head Radical 05 Radical total strokes 09 strokes See behold; glom; look; look at; looky; see; Look; Gu; view; glance; see; visual; Wang; Look 2 kàn <Action> (1) (Knowing. Xiaozhuan shape, above the hand, "the word of the deformation, the following is present," meaning hand over his eyes afar. The original meaning of his hand plus the amount of cover present and afar) (2) With the original meaning of [look into the distance] See, Xi also. (Xi, Wang also said the text 。)--" " Very thick waterfall hanging Maekawa. - Li Bai "望庐山瀑布" (3) Another example is an elegant evergreen tree look good (4) Visit; greetings [call on; visit] Xun Jubo distance friends illness. - "Shi Conduct" (5) Another example see Li (sniffing); housekeeping (dialect. Visiting; to visit family); see as the (visiting; greetings) (6) Look; see [look at; watch] Look out the fire with. - "Folk Song and Ballad Mulan" See red and damp at dawn. - Tandoori Fu "Rain in Spring Night" The old woman went out to see. - Tandoori just "stone trench Officials" To see what his wife was unhappy. - Tandoori just "smell the government troops close Henan and Hebei" (7) Another example is watching (watched); see mirror (mirror); watching movies; watch a movie; look not in the least (see not pleasing to the eye); see Joe (misunderstanding, look down); see Street (an open window to the street , equipped with a Ge sub, you can watch the street) (8) Food preparation [manage; prepare] Emergency cooking in rice look off. - Fan Chengda "Tian ask a guest to stay the line" (9) Another example is a look (to prepare, pack); see sitting (sitting arrangements; care to sit down); see live (serving; care); look fast (for a monk's diet); see children sitting in the (theater seating arrangement to help the audience people); billboards Niang (dialect. refers to the shop waitress) (10) Measure [estimate] Jun Ying up to see the new moon to be circular. - Li Bai's "Farewell" (11) Another example is to see small (discrimination, look down); see long (far-sighted, far-sighted); see Hou (care, to see conditions) (12) See [see] Rong-year-old, try and visit all children. Road side to see more children plum broken branches, taken from all children walking, the only fixed-jung. - "Shi magnanimity" (13) Read [read] Yan Zhongjun stripped Dongyang, began to see the Buddhist scriptures. - "Shi Literature" (14) Another example is reading; read newspapers (15) Observation; look [observe; watch; look carefully at] To see God incognito. - "Shi technical solutions" Wait to see the gap, like complex for the chaos. - "Three Kingdoms weeks bream Biography" (16) That [consider; deem; think]. If you see this program work? (17) Attendants; care, food [take care of]. Such as watching TV (to take care of, look); Kanqu (see; care, care); looking to take (care; care; observation; estimate); see when (see, care) (18) Watch [view and admire]. If you can play (watch the play); see shed (temporary structures in the stands); see Street (you can watch the street window) (19) Hear, smell [listen; hear] Nan Yue, the tired term for Ciguan, try that and the king to see. - Liu Chong Song "top floor" (20) Identify [look for; __select__] The arrival of my official, but also look for him to see the house adult child care, a good move to take small. - "Golden Lotus" (21) Beware [look out; be carefully] You'd go to strike, there are tigers, watching you eat. - "Dream of Red Mansions" (22) Another example is to see wild eyes (distracted; not concentrate) See kàn <Help> To see how "omitted, the verb or verbs used in the back that give it a try Zhao can say is that road, and then look carefully search for a search. "-" Tales " See kān Kanban kànbǎn [Signboard] that signs Underestimate kànbiǎn [Belittle] look down on people Do not underestimate the people See a doctor kànbìng (1) [(Of a doctor) examine a patient]: doctors to treat patients The doctor went out to see a doctor (2) [(Of a patient) see a doctor]: the patient to seek medical treatment Tomorrow I go to see a doctor Look no kànbudé (1) [Should not see]: can not see I do not like this (2) [Not worth seeing]: not worth watching Too bad, look no But see kànbuguò (1) [Can't bear the sight of] [port]: could not bear to sit The child is so rude, I really do, however, that gave him a (2) Also said not see the past " Frown kàn bu guàn [Dislike; hate to see] disgust We hate to see such waste Unseen kàn bu jiàn [Be unable to see; be invisible] can not see Despise kànbuqǐ [Look down upon; belittle; despise] contempt, look down Not see kàn bu qīng [Cannot see clearly] is not clearly see Despise, disdain kànbushàng; kànbushàng yǎn (1) [Cannot suit for one's idea]: could not bear watching; substandard has meaning (2) [Detest]: hate He moves frivolous, people look down Look tea kànchá [Take charge of the tea] old greeting family served tea to the guests As kànchéng (1) [Regard as]: or to think ... as [have some characteristics or identity] This is stupid as the cause of (2) [Take for]: as ... as Do you think me a fool See kànchū [See; make out; perceive] know and understand; seen; awareness; discovery; aware We see a silhouette in the dark See through kànchuān [See through] on the things or people see thorough Treat kàndài [Treat; regard; look upon] treatment; as Treat her as their own side Think highly of kàndeqǐ [Think highly of; think much of; have respect for] attention Intellectuals during the Cultural Revolution who think highly of O Put kàndiē [Be bearish] decline in value or index View kànfǎ (1) [Opinion]: the holding of the objective view of things, ideas Of course this is only my personal opinion (2) [Vision]: views and see the way or method Tried to view his subject with a comprehensible form shown Sell out to expediency kànfēng-shǐduò [Trim one's sails; adapt oneself to circumstances] looked at the wind rudder control. Analogy with the situation, change direction, adjust measures Optimistic kànhǎo (1) [Be bullish]: good prospects or hope that a larger Still optimistic about the stock market (2) [Think highly of]: value Many artists are optimistic about her Tell me kànguān [Reader] said the old fiction book readers; storyteller person audience See kànjiàn [See; sight] with eyes to see; by looking at and understanding He opened his eyes and saw the sun streaming in through the window See kànkɑn (1) [Examine; have a look]: See, look, check Soldiers, let me see your passport (2) [Gradually]: Gradually Sore feet look Tuiruan (3) [Be about to]: the present, about Look Youhuanqiumu It seems kànlái [It appears; it looks as if] to determine a rough His face appears almost gray It seems kànlái [Seemingly] to determine the scope can see it or Now it seems things are not that bad, you say Missed kànlòu [Overlook] recklessly or omissions caused by a lack of careful Some interesting arguments have been ignored, better display the lessons of past experience also missed See through kànpò [See through; be disillusioned with] see through, see through Disillusioned kànpò-hóngchén [Be disillusioned with the mortal world; see through the vanity of life] the old fiction and drama often known as the Red heart of the dead. The old saying that when the monks, priests who are just as disillusioned monk. Now often refers to the future of the country and the people lose confidence in the ideals and institutions are not interested in thinking disillusioned Line kànqí (1) [Eyes right dress]: when the entire team to specify the standards aligned human Left line (2) [Follow the example; emulate]: example of a person or a person Line to the advanced workers (3) [Keep pace with]: keep up the pace ... Do not want to line social life and neighbors Looks kànqǐlái (1) [Appear]: clear System view of history, people seem to always be a make contributions, is the true creator of major events (2) [Look]: It seems like Her lips look dry coke instead of natural See pro- kànqīn [(Of arranged marriage) the first date] [side]: the object relative to look at marriage Underestimate kànqīng (1) [Discount]: contempt; look down Although the value of light experience (2) [Underestimate]: lower than the estimate of the real or actual We can not underestimate the power of their own (3) [Despise; think little of]: contempt See kànqīng (1) [See clearly]: clearly see; see (2) [Realize]: clear understanding He saw the nature of the problem Man talking kànrén-shuōhuà [Be subservient] that do not play by the rules, deal with the problem vary Man they say, there is no reason to say Man under the dish kànrén-xiàcài [Be snobbish] analogy to different people in different ways to treat To see the day kàn rìzi [Pick up an auspicious day] refers to the _select_ed auspicious day of the old, the general look or check your feng shui almanac Started to build a house to see the day Fancy kànshɑng [Have a liking for; pick for; take a fancy to] like; satisfied She took a fancy to this style Reading kànshū [Read a book] to study Of death kànsǐ [Regard sb. As fixed] who do not look at the development of Stands kàntái [Bleachers, stand] building next to or around the venue for spectators to watch the game or performance of the units (especially the auditorium, playground) Spectacle kàntou [Sth.worth seeing or reading] should watch the appreciation of the place or something worth reading This exhibition is no spectacle Visit kànwàng [Pay a visit; call on] to the elders or relatives greetings Fortune teller kànxiàng [Read fortune by face or palm; visit physiognomist] a superstitious activities, observation of people's physical appearance, bones, or the palm lines to determine the fate of the good or bad Laugh at kànxiàohuɑ [Have a good laugh at sb.] Being treated as joke Evidently kàn yàngzi [Look; appear; seem] appears; look Doctor kàn yīshēng [See a doctor] [side]: seeking medical treatment Call kànzhǎng [Be bullish] that show an upward trend in prices Fancy kànzhòng [Have a liking for; pick for; _set_tle on] observed after feeling Italian Still did not fancy the porthole Value kànzhòng (1) [Value; think highly of; regard as important]: attention Value of practical experience (2) [Overestimate]: estimates are too high for him Value of the problem As kànzuò [Regard as; consider; look upon as] as Wheat as the city people leek Block watch kànzuò [Prepare a seat for the guest] old orders to customers or audience find their seats, but also refers to the family say hello to the guests seat As kànzuò [Look upon as; regard as; consider] as Do not put other people's patience as a sign of weakness Look 1 kān <Action> (1) Guardian [look after; take care of; tend] Was originally an old military custody. - "Tales" (2) Another example is to see Singapore (guarding crops); see Ling (tomb of Emperor guards); see Yang (guardian, care); Miser (miser); see chicken (chicken hatching); to see apron coins (one of the few money) ; to see the graves of play drawn Feng (twisters. eat ghosts; property to obtain a ghost. analogy is very mean, mean) (3) Take into custody, surveillance to prevent escape [keep under surveillance]. If you can hold him, do not let this kid go! See kàn See site kāncháng [Guard the threshing floor during the harvest season] harvest threshing floor guard Watch kānguǎn (1) [Guard]: probation and Management Custody of prisoners (2) [Attend to; look after]: care Personal baggage left unattended Care kānhù (1) [Nurse]: care; care Caring for patients (2) [Watch]: do not sleep at night to take care of the patient At his bedside care, until the morning (3) [Hospital nurse] refers to the old nurse Housekeeping kānjiā [Look after (or mind) the house] care portals, but also refers to the left maintenance of the daily work in the workplace Housekeeping kānjiā [Outstanding (ability); special (skill)] refers to a person's expertise or special skills Housekeeping play Special skill Porter kānmén (1) [Guard the entrance]: When the guard (2) [Look after the house]: guard house Guard kānshǒu (1) [Guard; watch]: responsible for guarding, custody Doors are wide open, no one is watching (2) [Tend]: Monitoring Tied him a lifeline, this lifeline was watching over the ship (3) [Mind]: good care of Shepherd watching his flock Guard kānshǒu (1) [Watchman; turnkey; warder]: old said the custody of prison inmates who By guards do not pay attention, a little sneak (2) [Caretaker]: refers to the temporary treatment of transitional national government Take into custody kānyā [Detain] the temporary detention Detain prisoners Look 1 kàn ㄎ ㄢ ╝ (1) Make eye contact or things ~ see. ~ Book. ~ Qi. (2) Observe, judge ~ disease. View ~. ~ Good (according to market conditions, it is estimated some good sales of goods). ~ Through (thorough deep understanding or awareness. Also known as see through "see through"). ~ Wind vane. (3) Access, visit them ~ hope. ~ Friend. (4) Take care, treatment ~ re (zhòng). ~ Light. ~ To be. (5) Think that the ~ method. (6) First try to see the results of doing it ~. (7) Beware, be careful not run, ~ hurt too much. (8) Arrangements ~ tea. ~ Wine. ~ Block. Zheng codes mdl, u770b, gbkbfb4 9 number of strokes, radical head, strokes No. 311325111 behold; glom; look; look at; looky; see; Look; Gu; view; glance; see; visual; Wang; Look 2 kān ㄎ ㄢ ˉ Guardian, surveillance ~ care. ~ Charge. ~ Door. ~ Green (caretaker is not yet ripe fruit crops.) Zheng codes mdl, u770b, gbkbfb4 9 number of strokes, radical head, strokes No. 311325111
Tang Yun】 【bitter cold cut 【Ji Yun Yun will】 【】 【】 Qiu Yun is cold cut, ???? Music Education. 【】 Xi Wen also said. 【】 As too liberal. Wu Zhou Chuan】 【bream wait to see the gap. 【】 ???? Emperor back to the candle according to Jin Ping Fu, the Mimi to see two phases. Sung Chi】 【another banquet the day before the ceremony, Royal Palace that the independent review to see per game. Geography and History 【Liao action heavy Dongdan country New Nanjing, north or south, the city for the property inspection, _set_ Nanshi morning, evening _set_ of Taipei. Another name. See Court】 【name. Tang Yun and 【】 【bitter sun_set_ cut】 【Ji Yun Yun Hui sun_set_ will cut】】 【Rhymes eradicates dry cutting, ???? Journal falling tone. Meaning the same. Kennedy cut another bitter leaf, audio led. Wu Mai 【】 by far Sauvignon Blanc poetry sleeves do not move the spring and fall down rather re-watch. Italy saw the May Road, Kingsgate has nine off. Guan, audio Juan. Austin and bitter leaf cutting, led by falling tone. Zhe Yi Ting Yong 【】 miles thinking mountain dream poetry see, to stop the county to be back to see. Wen】 【said head from the hands. Xu said: head and look to hand shade too. Heavy paper for ????. Popular for 㸔.