午集中 Afternoon focus 【唐韻】徒朗切【集韻】【韻會】待朗切【正韻】徒黨切,????唐上聲。與蕩同。【說文】滌器也。 又【廣韻】滌盪,搖動貌。 又【集韻】【韻會】大浪切【正韻】徒浪切,????唐去聲。【增韻】推盪也。【易·繫辭】八卦相盪。【註】言運化之推移也。【釋文】諸家作蕩,唯王肅音唐黨切。 又【類篇】動也。【左傳·昭二十六年】震盪播越。【史記·樂書】音樂者,所以動盪血脈也。 又滌也。一曰放也。【前漢·藝文志】盪意平心。又【丙吉傳】????伺胡組郭徴卿,不得令晨夜去皇孫敖盪。【註】放也。又【爾雅·釋訓】盪盪,僻也。【疏】弗思之僻也。【前漢·郊祀志】求之盪盪,如繫風捕景。 又大貌。【揚雄·河東賦】參天地而獨立兮,廓盪盪其亡雙。 又直盪,官名。見【隋書·百官志】。 又直盪,旗名。見【宋史·儀衞志】。 又跳盪,軍名。【唐書·百官志】矢石未交,陷堅突衆敵,因而敗者曰跳盪。 又漢宮名。【三輔黃圖】駘蕩宮。又作駘盪,云春時景色駘蕩也。【註】蕩,盪字同。 又【韻會小補】通作湯。【前漢·天文志】四星若合,是謂大湯。【註】猶盪滌也。 又姓。見【姓苑】。 又【集韻】大浪切【正韻】徒浪切,????音宕。亦動也。 又【廣韻】【正韻】????徒郞切,音唐。盪突,亦作傏????,通作唐突。 又【廣韻】吐郞切【集韻】他郞切,????音湯。亦盪突也。又【隋大業末童謠】上山喫鹿獐,下山喫牛羊。忽聞官軍至,提刀向前盪。又【鄭熊·番禺記】廣俗,壻未見妻之父母,先飲一大杯,曰盪風。今俗有盪風冒雪之語。 又【廣韻】【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】????他浪切,湯去聲。亦滌器也。 又行也。【論語】奡盪舟。【註】陸地行舟也。
[] Tang Yun Yun only Langqie [_set_] [will] be Langqie rhyme [rhyme] is only the party cut, ???? Don Shangsheng. And swing the same. [Text] wash device that also. And [Rhyme] wash, shake appearance. And [_set_] [Yun Yun Tai will] cut [is] only wave-cut rhyme, ???? Tang falling tone. [Rhyme] by also pushing swing. Easy copulative] [gossip swing phase. [Note] also made transportation of the passage of time. [Explanation] for various home swing, the only sound Tang Wang Su party cut. [Class chapter] but also moving. Twenty-six years] [Zuo Zhao shocks broadcast more. Music Books] [Records music are so turbulent blood also. And wash well. A release also said. [Former Han Yi Wen Zhi intended to be fair to] swing. And [pass] ???? wait Bing Ji Guo Zhi-Qing Hu Group, shall not render Ao Chen Huang Sun night to swing. [Note] release also. And [training] Ya release sway, secluded also. [] Firth of secluded are sparse. Han Zhi Jiao Si [former] seeking the sway, the wind caught the case of King. Big appearance. [Yang Xiong Dong Fu] Come participate in world and independent, double-profile death of its sway. Straight swing, Guan Ming. See [Sui Dynasty Baiguan Chi]. Dang straight, the flag name. See [Sung Yi Wei Chi]. And Tiaodang, the military name. [] Hu Shi Shi Tang Baiguan Chi unpaid, Kennedy suddenly public enemy trap, which said Tiaodang losers. And Palace name. [Map] tired swing Sansuke yellow house. And as tired swing, spring, when the cloud scenery tired swing also. [Note] swing, swing the same word. They will be small [up] through rhyme for soup. [Former Han astronomical annals] where a four-star, is that the big soup. [Note] still clean up also. Another name. See [name] Court. And [_set_] Yun Yun Tai-cut [is] only wave-cut, ???? sound dang. Also moving also. And [Rhyme] [rhyme] ???? only Lang is cut, sound Tang. Sudden swing, but also for Tang ????, pass for the abruptly. They cut [Rhyme] [spit Lang Lang cut his _set_ rhyme], ???? sound soup. Also swing suddenly also. And the end of nursery rhymes] [Sui eat deer mountain deer, cattle and sheep down to eat. Juventa to government troops, put a knife forward swing. And [Zheng] Bear in mind, Panyu, Guangzhou customs, Xu seen his wife's parents, to drink a large glass, said swing style. Dang wind this trek of vulgar language. Another _set_ of rhyme [Rhyme] [] [] [rhyme will rhyme] ???? He waves are cut, soup falling tone. Also wash device also. And the line also. [Analects] haughty boating. [Note] boats sailing on land also. |