午集上 Lunch Set 【廣韻】斯氏切【韻會】想氏切,????音徙。【說文】王者印也。本作壐。【玉篇】天子諸侯印也。【釋名】璽,徙也。封物使可轉徙,而不可發也。【韻會】信也。古者尊????共之,秦漢以來唯至尊以爲稱。【左傳·襄二十九年】公在楚,季武子使公冶問,璽書追而與之。【疏】此諸侯大夫印稱璽也。【周禮·地官·司市】凡通貨賄,以璽節出入之。【註】璽節印章,如今斗檢封矣。【蔡邕·獨斷】皇帝六璽。【後漢·輿服志】璽皆玉螭虎紐。文曰皇帝行璽,皇帝之璽,皇帝信璽,天子行璽,天子之璽,天子信璽,凡六。外有大藍田玉璽。文曰:受天之命,皇帝壽昌。【正字通】又舊制,乗輿六璽,唐攺爲寶,唐末亡失,周廣順中,詔作二寶,曰皇帝承天受命之寶,皇帝神寶。初太宗刻受命元璽,以白玉爲螭首。文曰:皇天景命,有德者昌。武后攺諸璽皆爲寶,中宗卽位復爲璽。開元六年,復爲寶。初攺璽書爲寶書,再攺傳國寶爲承天大寶。 又姓。【姓譜】明有璽書。 又人名。【山海經】稷之弟曰台璽,生叔均。 又國名。【山海經】璽㬇在崑崙墟東南,在流沙中。【字彙補】抱朴子有璽產國。㬇原字从奐作。考證:〔【周禮·地官·司市】凡通貨賄,以璽節出入之。【註】璽節印章,如今斗撿封矣。〕 謹照原文撿改檢。
】 【Rhyme Rhyme Steinmann will cut 【】 want's cut, ???? sound re_set_tlement. King Wen】 【said India also. This for Xi. Jade articles】 【feudal emperor India also. Release Name】 【Xi, migration, too. Sealing material that can be Zhuanxi, and can not send too. Letter also will】 【rhyme. Who were the ancient statue ????, Qin said that since the CD Extreme. Xiang Zuo Zhuan】 【Back in the twenty-nine Chu, Ji Gong Ye Wu son to ask, pursue and seal the book with them. Dr. Shu】 【print this princes also said Xi. City】 【Zhou case where the currency to bribery in order to seal out the festival. 【Note】 Yuxi section seals, seal inspection now carry on fighting. Arbitrary】 【Yong Xi Emperor VI. 【Notes】 Later Han Yu Fu Yu-Chi Hu Xi are New Zealand. Wen said the line Xi emperor, the emperor of Xi, Xi Emperor Shun, the emperor line Xi, the emperor of Xi, Xi Shun Emperor, where six. Outside the big Lantian Xi. Wen said: by Tian Zhiming, Emperor Shouchang. 【】 And the CNS through the old system, six-Xi Cheng Yu, Tang Yi Po, Tang Bereavements, Zhou Guangshun, the Chao Bao for the second, said Edward ordered the treasures of the emperor, God Emperor Bao. Taizong ordered the beginning of Yuan Xi moment to white for the dragons. Wen said: heaven King lives, virtuous prosper. Empress Wu Yi Zhu Xi are all treasures in the calipering bit complex to seal cases. Kaiyuan six years, the complex to treasure. Book early for the treasured book Yi Xi, then David is Edward Yi Chuan Tai Po. Another name. Spectrum】 【name out there Yuxi book. And names. 】 【Shan Hai Jing Xi Ji's younger brother, said units, the Health and uncle were. And country names. 【】 Yuxi 㬇 in the Kunlun Shan Hai Jing Hui southeast, in the quicksand. 【】 Baopuzi words make a seal producing countries.㬇 for the original word from the Huan. Research: 〔】 【Zhou City, where the currency in case of bribery, in order to seal out the festival. 【Note】 Yuxi section seals, now picking up letters carry on fighting. 〕 Wish to change according to the original pick up check. |