Gem ornament of scabbard běng 【Name】 Ancient Near the mouth of the scabbard wear ornaments〗 〖decorationontheupperpartofthesheathofasword
琫 古代佩刀鞘上近口处的饰物
琫běng 1.佩刀鞘上近口处的饰物。
FY, on the ancient Near the mouth of the sheath wear ornaments FY běng 1. Wear on the sheath near the mouth of ornaments.
琫 beng
部首 王 部首笔画 04 总笔画 12
琫 běng
古代佩刀鞘上近口处的饰物 [decoration on the upper part of the sheath of a sword]
琫 běng ㄅㄥˇ
FY beng Radical Wang radical strokes 12 strokes 04 total Gem ornament of scabbard běng Ancient Near the mouth of the scabbard wear ornaments [decoration on the upper part of the sheath of a sword] Gem ornament of scabbard běng ㄅ ㄥ Decorate the top of the ancient sheath. Zheng code ccbi, u742b, gbkac65 12 number of strokes, radical king, stroke order number 112 111 134 112
午集上 Lunch Set 【唐韻】【正韻】邊孔切【集韻】【韻會】補孔切,????音玤。【說文】佩刀上飾。天子以玉,諸侯以金,从玉,奉,意兼聲。【徐曰】刀削上飾也。琫之言捧也,若捧持之也。上謂首也。【釋名】刀室口之飾曰琫。琫,捧也,捧束口也。【詩·小雅】鞞琫有珌。【傳】鞞,容刀鞞也。琫上飾,珌下飾。又【大雅】鞞琫容刀。【傳】上曰琫,下曰鞞。【疏】古之言鞞,猶今之言鞘也。禮內則註遰刀鞞,琫上飾,珌下飾。毛傳言下曰鞞者,又因琫爲在上之飾,下則指鞞之體言也。【韻會】按說文詩傳皆言鞞,刀鞞也,琫上飾,珌下飾。爾雅刀室謂之鞞鞛。鞛與琫同。故亦言鞛上飾,鞞下飾。如公劉詩毛傳是也。左傳,藻率鞞鞛。杜註:鞞,刀削上飾。鞛下飾。蓋誤以鞞鞛爲上下飾也。諸韻今皆註爲刀下飾,蓋承用杜註,而未詳說文詩傳之義也。考證:〔【說文】佩刀下飾。〕 謹照原文下改上。
Tang Yun 【】 【】 side hole is cut Yun Yun 【_set_】 【】 fill holes will be cut rhyme, ???? sound Bang. 【】 Sword decorated paper said. The jade emperor, princes to gold, from jade, Feng, meaning and sound. Xu said】 【decorated also sliced. FY, holding the words also, if both hands hold of also. First on that also. Release Name】 【knife room decorated mouth said FY. FY, and holding a can, and holding a beam port also. Poetry Xiaoya】 【Bibengyoubi. 【Fax】 scabbard, knife scabbard capacity also. FY, adorned, decorated under the pil. And Daya】 【knife scabbard FY capacity. 【Fax】 on the said FY, under the said scabbard. The words of the ancient Shu】 【scabbard, sheath words still have this. Note Di Li knife in the scabbard, FY, adorned, decorated under the pil. Under Mao said scabbard by rumors, because of the ornaments in the previous FY, the next statement refers to the body also scabbard. Will】 【Yun Man Sze Chuan Jie Yan supposedly scabbard, knife scabbard also, FY, adorned, decorated under the pil. Ya knife room that the scabbard Beng. Beng and FY same. Hence made Beng adorned, decorated scabbard under. Mao Chuan Liu as the public is also. Zuo, algae rate scabbard Beng. Du Note: scabbard, decorated with sliced. Beng under the ornaments. Beng cover the upper and lower error in scabbard decorated also. Note this rhyme are all decorated for the sword, used by Du bearing cap, said details of the text but not the meaning of poetry has passed. Research: 〔】 【that the text under the decorated sword. 〕 Would like to change the following according to the original.
编号:127 Number: 127 佩刀上飾。天子以玉,諸矦以金。从玉奉聲。 邊孔切
Saber adorned. The jade emperor, Zhu Hou gold. Jade Feng from the sound. Side hole cut