卯集中 D concentrate 【唐韻】而沼切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】爾紹切,????音繞。【說文】煩也。【廣韻】亂也。【書·胤征】俶擾天紀。【前漢·曹參傳】以齊獄市爲寄,愼勿擾也。 又馴也,順也,安也。【書·臯陶謨】擾而毅。【註】馴擾而果毅。又【周官】司徒掌邦敎,敷五典,擾兆民。【周禮·地官·大司徒】以佐王安擾邦國。【註】擾亦安也。言饒衍之。又【夏官·職方氏】河南曰豫州,其畜宜六擾。【註】馬牛羊豕犬雞。【疏】六擾,與爾雅六畜,周禮六牲,一也。【左傳·昭二十九年】董父實甚好龍,乃擾畜龍。【疏】順龍所欲而畜養之。 又【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】????如招切,音饒。義同擽。【周禮·六擾釋文】徐邈,劉昌宗讀饒。【前漢·高帝紀贊】劉累學擾龍。【註】師古又讀饒。 又【集韻】乃老切,音惱。亦煩也。 又叶忍九切,柔上聲。【李尤平樂觀賦】飛丸躍劒,沸渭回擾。巴渝隈一,踰眉相受。本从????。《說文》作????。又????。考證:〔【左傳·昭二十九年】董父實甚好龍,乃擾畜龍。【註】順龍所欲而畜養之。〕 謹照原書註改疏。
【】 And the Marsh cut Tang Yun Yun 【_set_】 【】 【rhyme will Rhymes】 Er Shaoqie, ???? sound around. Wen also said】 【trouble. Guangyun】 【revolt. Chu Yin Zheng】 【book disturbing day discipline. 【Fax】 Former Han Tsao Yu Shi Qi was sent to, Shen if you're well. And trainer also, Junya, was secure. 【Books】 interference and Yi Gao Yao mo. 【Note】 tame interference and Guo Yi. Also the official】 【week Teaching with Stuart palm state, deposited five Code, scrambling Zhao Min. Zhou Tai Situ 【】 local officials scrambling to Zoe Wang Bangguo. 【Note】 interference is also secure. Yan Rao made it. Also】 【Fang Xia Henan official said Yuzhou, the animal should be six interference. 【Note】 horse hog cattle dog chicken. Shu】 【six interference, and Ya domestic animals, Zhou six animals, the one also. 【】 Dong Zuo Zhao twenty-nine very good parent real dragon, the dragon is disturbed animal. 】 【Sparse along the keeper of the dragon Suoyu. Also 【Ji Yun Yun will】 【】 【】 ???? rhyme, such as strokes are cut, sound Rao. Meaning with Li. 【Explanation】 Zhou Xu Miao six interference, Liu Changzong Reading Rao. 【Sponsor】 Former Han Ji Liu tired Gotti learn interference dragon. 【Note】 teacher read the ancient and Rao. Yun】 【_set_ is another old cut, sound angry. Have trouble too. Also leaves nine bear cut, soft Shangsheng. Fu Li Yau-ping optimistic 【】 fly balls jump 劒, boiling Wei back interference. Bayu Okuma one phase by more than eyebrows. This from the ????. "Said the text" as ????. And ????. Research: twenty-nine years 〔】 【Zuo Zhao Dong real father is very good dragon, the dragon is disturbed animal. 【Note】 Shun Long Suoyu the keeper of it. Note〕 would like to change according to the original sparse. |