
简异体:  ()繁异体:  (????)拼音: jiǎo, jiāo, jiào, kǎo部首: 扌手总笔画: 15部外笔画: 12
UTF-8: E6 92 9FUTF-16: 649FUTF-32: 0000649FGB 12345: 6256Big 5: E5B9仓颉: QHKB
四角码: 5202.7一字全码: jiao3shouqiao一字双码: jisoqi一字单码: jsq汉字结构: 左(中)右汉字层次: 7
笔画: 一亅一丿一丿㇏丨????一丨????丨????一笔顺编号: 121313425125251笔顺读写: 横竖横撇横撇捺竖折横竖折竖折横他人笔顺: 121313425125251
部件组构: 扌((一亅)一)喬(呑(夭(丿大(一人(丿㇏)))口(冂(丨????)一))冋(冂(丨????)口(冂(丨????)一)))

  Jiao jiǎo see "Jiao." Stroke: 15; radicals: Rolling; stroke order number: 121313425125251
  1.舉手。 2.舉;伸。 3.假託;詐稱。 4.強貌。 5.糾正。 6.取。 7.用火烤使物體彎曲。
卯集中 D concentrate  【唐韻】居少切【集韻】【韻會】舉夭切,????音矯。【說文】舉手也。 一曰擅也。與矯通。【周禮·秋官·士師】掌士之八成,五曰邦令。【註】稱詐以有爲者。【疏】,卽詐也。【前漢·武帝紀】虔史乘埶以侵蒸庶。【註】,託也。虔,固也。妄託上命,而堅固爲邪惡者也。又【高五王傳】制以令天下。【註】託天子制詔也。 又【倉頡篇】正也。【周禮·冬官考工記·弓人】幹欲孰于火而無贏,角欲孰于火而無燂。【前漢·諸侯王表】枉過其正。【註】正曲曰。 又强貌。【荀子·臣道篇】然剛折端立,而無傾側之心。 又【集韻】渠嬌切,音喬。亦舉手也。 又【唐韻】舉橋切【集韻】居妖切,????音驕。義同。又【博雅】取也。一曰選也。 又【集韻】【韻會】????嬌廟切,驕去聲。捎,略取也。互見捎字註。 又【集韻】巨天切,音趫。天,頻伸貌。【爾雅·釋獸】人曰。【註】伸引手足。 又丘祅切,音蹺。舉也。 又渠廟切,音嶠。義同。【史記·扁鵲傳】舌然而不下。 又苦浩切,音考。以火曲物也。【考工記】幹,劉昌宗說。 又【集韻】【正韻】????吉了切,音皎。撓曲也,屈也。【考工記釋文】沈讀古了反。【荀子·臣道篇】率羣臣百吏,而相與强君君。考證:〔【前漢·武帝紀】百姓所安,殊路而虔。〕 謹按原文虔二字屬下爲句,不屬上。謹改爲虔史乘埶以侵蒸庶。

  Tang Yun】 【small cut 【Home】 【Ji Yun Yun will give tender cut】, ???? tone correction. Wen also said】 【hands. Jiao said, are good at one. And Jiao Tong. Adam Judges】 【Zhou Shi palm of Bacheng, Wu Yue Jiao state order. 【Note】 says who pretends to promising. 【】 Jiao Shu, calipering fraud also. 【Before】 Jiao Han Ji Qian Shi Cheng Shu shame intrusion of steam. 【Note】 Jiao, care also. Qian, solid also. Jump to care on the life, and strong for the evil among them. Also】 【High Five Jiao Wang Chuan system to make the world. 【Note】 Chao has asked the emperor system. Also articles】 【CJ is also. 【Zhou bow Kaogongji Winter officer who】 Jiao dry like what the fire and no win, Jiao For what angle to fire without Qian. 【Form】 Former Han Wang Jiao vain princes had their being. 【Note】 song is said Jiao. And strong appearance. Posts】 【Xunzi Chen Jiao Road, just off one end of course, without tilting of the heart. Also】 【Ji Yun Jiao channel cut, audio Joe. Also raised their hands also. Also held】 【Tang Yun Yun bridge cutting】 【_Set_ Home demon cut, ???? sound arrogant. Meaning the same. Also】 【take too liberal. One also said election. Also 【】 【Ji Yun Yun Jiao Temple will】 ???? cut, arrogance falling tone. Jiao take along, take a little too. Take along cross-word note. Also】 【Ji Yun Ju-day cut, audio walk on stilts. Days Jiao, frequency extension appearance. Animal】 【Mailyard who said Jiao. 【Note】 SOR brothers. Zoroastrianism and hill cutting, audio Rocker. Move also. Temple cut another channel, sound Qiao. Meaning the same. 【Fax】 tongue Jiao Shi Ji Bian Que, however high. Bitter ho cut, sound test. Qu take things to the fire. 【】 Jiao Kaogongji dry, Liu Changzong said. Also 【】 【Ji Yun Yun】 ???? Kyrgyzstan is a cut, bright sound. Deflection also, Qu also. 【Explanation】 Kaogongji reading of the ancient anti-Shen. Rate articles】 【Xunzi Chen Road, ministers hundred officials, and Jun Jiao Jun strong phase. Research: 〔】 【ago the people of the Han Ji An, special road and Jiao Qian. 〕 Like the word according to its original Jiao Qian for the sentence, not a last. Qian Shi Cheng Jiao wish to disgrace the invasion of steamed shu.
编号:7924 ID: 7924  舉手也。从手喬聲。一曰,擅也。 居少切

  Raise their hands too. Joe sound from the hand. One said Jiao, good also. Cut a small home

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