
pīnyīn: tángbùshǒu: 扌手zǒngbǐhuà: 13
bùwàibǐhuà: 10UTF-8: E6 90 AAUTF-16: 642A
UTF-32: 0000642AGB 2312: 4434GB 12345: 4434
Big 5: B765cāngjié: QILRsìjiǎomǎ: 5006.7
yīzìquánmǎ: tang2shoutangyīzìshuāngmǎ: tasotayīzìdānmǎ: tst
hànzìjiégòu: zuǒ(zhōng)yòuhànzìcéngcì: 6bǐhuà: 一亅一丶一丿????一一丨丨????一
bǐshùnbiānhào: 1214135112251bǐshùndúxiě: héng, shù, héng, nà, héng, piě, zhé, héng, héng, shù, shù, zhé, héngtārénbǐshùn: 1214135112251
bùjiànzǔgòu: 扌((一亅)一)唐(广(丶厂(一丿))肀(⺕(????????(一一))丨)口(冂(丨????)一))
   dǎng táng fēng táng hán táng
   zhī yǎn táng sài( s?)。
   jūn yún shàng huò liào táng táng
   tóng táng 2
   huà shù: 13;
   shùn biān hào: 1214135112251

  Boring táng block, Diju: keep out the wind. Keep out the cold. Keep out hungry. Prevaricate, perfunctory: stall (s?). Evenly coated with mud or paints: enamel. Boring stove. With the "boring 2" ②. Stroke count: 13; radical: Rolling; stroke order number: 1214135112251
  【 dòng
  ( xíng shēngcóng shǒu , táng shēngběn : zhāng )
   tóng běn draw
   táng , zhāng héng héngfāng yán shí sān》。 guō zhù :“ wèi gòu zhāng 。”
   dǎng〖 keepout;wardoff〗
   dǒu shù , xiǎo lóng wěi shí nán tánghéng héng yóu 》。 yòu : táng zhù fēng ; táng ( , kàng ); táng chēng ( chù ); táng bào ( jǐn jūn qíng bào gào ); táng zhuàng ( chōng zhuàng , mào fàn ); táng ( kàng ); táng ( mào fàn ; chù ; jiē chù )
   yǎn , yìng , gān〖 performone'sdutynegligently;glossover;elaborate〗。 : táng ( yǎn ); táng chāishi ; xiān táng zhèn , děng huí lái zài shuō
   piàn , hùn〖 takepertunctorily〗
   táng wǎn jiǔ chīhéng héng míng · féng mèng lóngjǐng shì tōng yán
   táng jiǔ chī , zhǐ shì bān shì nòng fēihéng héngshuǐhǔzhuàn
   dàng ; huá〖 paddle〗
   zhǐ jiàn zhǐ chuán táng jiāng kāi héng héngshuǐhǔzhuàn
   jūn yún 〖 daub;clayover〗。 : táng ; yòng táng guò
  〖 enamel〗 zhǒng tòu míng huò bàn tòu míng de shìde chéngfèn , róng jié zài jīn shǔ huò táo biǎo miàn zuò wéi zhuāng shì huò bǎo céng , huò zuò wéi cǎi shì de
   táng sài
  〖 doone'sdutiesperfunctorily;stall;evade〗 táng yòu wàn kǒng , zhǐ sài yǐn shēn wéi yǎn ,
   táng yòu wàn xuésài , yóu chūhéng hénghuái nán · rén jiān xùn
   men yào yòng táng sài zhēn xiāng de jiě shì lái piàn
   fēi cháng de zháojí , shèn zhì wàng liǎo xiān táng sài xià , wǎng hòu zài màn màn de xiǎng bàn héng héng lǎo shè shì tóng táng

  Keep out
  (Shaped sound from the hand, Tang sound. The original meaning: Zhang)
  〗 〖Draw with the original meaning
  Boring, Zhang also. - "Dialect thirteen." Guo Note: "Zhang also said that enough."
  Resist 〖keepout; wardoff〗
  Not the number of co-Doo, dragons really hard pond. - "Journey to the West." Another example: could not keep out wind and rain; Boring resist (resist, resist); sugar support (conflict); Boring News (emergency military report); Boring collision (collision, offensive); Boring hit (against); Boring sudden (offensive; conflict; contact)
  Perfunctory, to cope with, so-so dry 〖performone'sdutynegligently; glossover; elaborate〗. Such as: Boring wiping (perfunctory); boring errand; you first boring a while, so I came back to say
  Fraud, mixed〗 〖takepertunctorily
  Boring was bowls Jiuchi. - Ming Feng Meng "Jingshitongyan"
  Fellow pond Jiuchi one place to go, but the move is to get non. - "Water Margin"
  Swing; plan〗 〖paddle
  I saw the opening to keep out bird boat. - "Water Margin"
  Evenly 〖daub; clayover〗. Such as: Boring mud; walls keep out the mud off with a fine
  〗 〖Enamel an opaque or translucent glass-like composition, sintered metal, glass or ceramic surface as a decorative or protective layer, or as a base color ornaments
  〖Doone'sdutiesperfunctorily; stall; evade〗 pond embankment that thousands of holes, only one plug. The idea was perfunctory, not responsible for the
  Don has thousands cave. Plug one, no hurry by the fish out. - "Huainanzi world training"
  We do not use the stall to explain the truth to deceive ourselves
  He is very anxious, and even forgot about the first stall, thinking of ways to slowly back again. - Lao She's "Four Generations"
   táng dòng
  ( xíng shēngcóng shǒu , táng shēngběn zhāng )
   tóng běn
   táng , zhāng 。 --《 fāng yán shí sān》。 guō zhù wèi gòu zhāng 。”
   dǒu shù , xiǎo lóng wěi shí nán táng。 --《 yóu 》。 yòu táng zhù fēng ; táng ( , kàng ); táng chēng ( chù ); táng bào ( jǐn jūn qíng bào gào ); táng zhuàng ( chōng zhuàng , mào fàn ); táng ( kàng ); táng ( mào fàn ; chù ; jiē chù )
   yǎn , yìng , gān
   piàn , hùn
   táng wǎn jiǔ chī。 -- míng · féng mèng lóngjǐng shì tōng yán
   táng jiǔ chī , zhǐ shì bān shì nòng fēi
   táng táng
   dǎng dǎng fēng
   shàng shàng。~ qiáng 。~
   yǎnzhī chāishi。~ yǎn sèzé rèn)。
   jiā gōng qiēxiāo líng jiàn de yǎn kǒngchuáng

  Boring <action> (shape the sound from the hand-Tang sound. The original meaning of sheets) with the original meaning of the sugar, Zhang also. - "Dialect thirteen." Zhang Guo Note also that enough. "Resist the Big Dipper is not a few together, dragons really hard Tong -" Journey to the West. "Another example could not keep out wind and rain; Boring resist (resist, resist); sugar support (conflict); Boring News (emergency military report); Boring collision (collision, offensive); Boring hit (against); Boring sudden (offensive; conflict; contact) perfunctory, to meet, so-so dry fraud, was mixed with sugar bowls Jiuchi - Ming Feng Meng "Jingshitongyan" fellow Tong Jiuchi one place to go, but the move is to get non. ╠ Boring táng ⒈ block, resist - the wind. ⒉ cast, painted ~ porcelain. ~ wall. ~ stove. ⒊ perfunctory, prevaricate ~ errands. ~ of duty (half-hearted Serbian responsibility, irresponsible). ⒋ eyelet machine parts processing - cutting bed.
   táng tang
   shǒu shǒu shǒu huà 03 zǒng huà 13
  evade; keepout; spreadover;
  〈 dòng
  ( xíng shēngcóng shǒu , táng shēngběn zhāng )
   tóng běn [draw]
   táng , zhāng 。 --《 fāng yán shí sān》。 guō zhù wèi gòu zhāng 。”
   dǎng [keepout;wardoff]
   dǒu shù , xiǎo lóng wěi shí nán táng。 --《 yóu 》。 yòu táng zhù fēng ; táng ( , kàng ); táng chēng ( chù ); táng bào ( jǐn jūn qíng bào gào ); táng zhuàng ( chōng zhuàng , mào fàn ); táng ( kàng ); táng ( mào fàn ; chù ; jiē chù )
   yǎn , yìng , gān [performone'sdutynegligently;glossover;elaborate]。 táng ( yǎn ); táng chāishi ; xiān táng zhèn , děng huí lái zài shuō
   piàn , hùn [takepertunctorily]
   táng wǎn jiǔ chī。 -- míng · féng mèng lóngjǐng shì tōng yán
   táng jiǔ chī , zhǐ shì bān shì nòng fēi。 --《 shuǐhǔzhuàn
   dàng ; huá [paddle]
   zhǐ jiàn zhǐ chuán táng jiāng kāi 。 --《 shuǐhǔzhuàn
   jūn yún [daub;clayover]。 táng ; yòng táng guò
  [enamel] zhǒng tòu míng huò bàn tòu míng de shìde chéngfèn , róng jié zài jīn shǔ huò táo biǎo miàn zuò wéi zhuāng shì huò bǎo céng , huò zuò wéi cǎi shì de
   táng sài
  [doone'sdutiesperfunctorily;stall;evade] táng yòu wàn kǒng , zhǐ sài yǐn shēn wéi yǎn ,
   táng yòu wàn xuésài , yóu chū。 --《 huái nán · rén jiān xùn
   men yào yòng táng sài zhēn xiāng de jiě shì lái piàn
   fēi cháng de zháojí , shèn zhì wàng liǎo xiān táng sài xià , wǎng hòu zài màn màn de xiǎng bàn 。 -- lǎo shè shì tóng táng
  táng  'āng ˊ
   dǎng fēng。~ hán。~
   zhī yǎnsài( sè)。
   jūn yún shàng huò liào。~
   tóng táng 2”②。
   zhèng dtxj, u642a, gbkccc2
   huà shù 13, shǒu shǒu shùn biān hào 1214135112251

  Boring tang
  Radical Radical Rolling total strokes 13 strokes 03
  Keep out
  evade; keep out; spread over;
  Keep out
  (Shaped sound from the hand, Tang sound. The original meaning of sheets)
  With the original meaning [draw]
  Boring, Zhang also. - "Dialect thirteen." Zhang Guo Note also that enough. "
  Resist [keep out; ward off]
  Not the number of co-Doo, dragons really hard pond. - "Journey to the West." Another example could not keep out wind and rain; Boring resist (resist, resist); sugar support (conflict); Boring News (emergency military report); Boring collision (collision, offensive); Boring hit (against); Boring sudden (offensive; conflict ; contact)
  Perfunctory, to cope with, so-so dry [perform one's duty negligently; gloss over; elaborate]. Such as sugar wiping (perfunctory); boring errand; you first boring a while, so I came back to say
  Fraud, mixed [take pertunctorily]
  Boring was bowls Jiuchi. - Ming Feng Meng "Jingshitongyan"
  Fellow pond Jiuchi one place to go, but the move is to get non. - "Water Margin"
  Swing; plan [paddle]
  I saw the opening to keep out bird boat. - "Water Margin"
  Evenly [daub; clay over]. Boring as mud; walls keep out the mud off with a fine
  [Enamel] an opaque or translucent glass-like composition, sintered metal, glass or ceramic surface as a decorative or protective layer, or as a base color ornaments
  [Do one's duties perfunctorily; stall; evade] pond embankment that thousands of holes, only one plug. The idea was perfunctory, not responsible for the
  Don has thousands cave. Plug one, no hurry by the fish out. - "Huainanzi world training"
  We do not use the stall to explain the truth to deceive ourselves
  He is very anxious, and even forgot about the first stall, thinking of ways to slowly back again. - Lao She's "Four Generations"
  Keep out
  táng ㄊ ㄤ
  Block, Diju ~ wind. ~ Cold. ~ Hungry.
  Prevaricate, perfunctory ~ plug (sè).
  Evenly coated with mud or paint ~ porcelain. ~ Stove.
  With the boring 2 "②.
  Zheng code dtxj, u642a, gbkccc2
  Number of 13 strokes, radical Rolling, stroke order number 1214135112251
mǎo zhōng D concentrate  【 táng yùn】【 yùn】 ???? láng qiēyīn táng。【 yáng · fāng yánzhāng 。  yòu táng táng tōng tōng zuò táng。  yòu yùn láng qiēyīn tāng tóng

  [] [_Set_ Yun Tang Yun] ???? only Lang cut, sound Tang. Chang [Yangtze] dialect also. They also keep out conflict. And Tang Tong. Also pass for Don. [He] has _set_ rhyme Lang cut, sound soup. Meaning the same.

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