Do gǎo 【Activity】 ((Gǎo) shape the sound. From the hand, loudly. Original meaning: to do, do, do, get) With the original meaning 〖do; carryon; beengagedin〗 Here's what I am doing you do not come, you are not revolution, is nonsense. - "Pan Tiger" Another example: do a not bad; engage in price (negotiate price) Carried out; carried〗 〖carryon. Such as: engaging in sports 〗 〖Goin secretly use. Such as: up to no good; tricks and intrigue 〗 〖Drawup development. Such as: put forward a plan 〗 〖Produce production. Such as: engaging in nuclear weapons 〗 〖Play play. Such as: engaging in pattern; politics Make〗 〖earned. Such as: Gao Qian Managed to get get〗 〖. Such as: you go to give us something to eat out So ... to become - become〗 〖followed by complement. Such as: mess; clear; confused; do pass; ruined Engage in law gǎofǎ 〖Wayofdoingsth.〗〗 〖Mouth: ways and means to transact Dude, you do not do method can be wonderful ah Dirty tricks gǎoguǐ 〖Playtricks; domischief〗 interfere. Secretly using tricks Secret dirty tricks the enemy, we must pay attention Good job gǎohǎo 〖Makeagoodjobof; dowell〗 by friendly attentions and gifts to obedience, so helpful; to soften Pull into a number of business and do a good job because he was walking around a relationship Invigorate gǎohuó 〖Enliven; revitalize; liberalize〗 measures or actions taken to make things dynamic Be sure to invigorate the economy Ruin gǎokuǎ 〖Overthrow; destrory〗: the failure or damage; serious injury Because a failure of leadership, a plant has been almost ruined him 〗 〖Getdown: the physical, mental or emotional feeling tired Although it does not ruin us, brought us very tired Engage in double-dealing gǎoliǎngmiànpài 〗 〖Double-dealing by engaging with the public face of all the action is incompatible or in conflict; sometimes outside of the expense that eats betrayal He is always carry out his double-dealing, you may have to pay attention ah! Mess gǎoluàn 〗 〖Endupinamess: too difficult to separate the mixed or hybrid The yarn mess 〖〗 Un_set_tle: to make confused Messing up his account of our thoughts To seek a balance gǎopínghéng 〗 〖Stabilize the opposite balance of power resulting from uniform distribution They seek a balance between the major powers Engage in health gǎowèishēng 〖〗 Sanitize clean sanitation; organize personal hygiene Former engage in health work Could I gǎoxiǎodòngzuò 〖Makepettymoves; getuptolittletricks〗 honorable attitude is not used, but some people secretly carry out activities detrimental to Some people just by discussing other people, playing tricks for the industry Engage in dirty gǎozāng 〗 〖Step to step to the muck to dirty or throwing things; dirty; confused messy, not neat or messy bear To engage in dirty floor Mess gǎozāo 〖Makeamessofsth.; Botch; beinamess〗 mistakes or bad judgments as to not spoil Messed up
Out <action> form of sound. From the hand, loudly. Original meaning to do, do, do, get you with the original meaning of the things here I could not, and you do not revolution, is nonsense. - "Pan Tiger" and if not do a bad; engage in price (negotiate price) for; carried out secretly develop the production to play with to try to get to ... become earned - followed by complement engage gǎo do, do, get ~ good job. ~ To ~ to seriously. ~ Clear right and wrong. Engage qiāo 1. Cross attack. 2. Wands.
搞 gao
部首 扌 部首筆畫 03 總筆畫 13
搞 carry on; do; get; get hold of; make; produce; set up; start;
搞 gǎo
同本義 [do;carry on;be engaged in ]
進行;開展 [carry on]。如搞運動
暗中使用 [go in]。如搞鬼;搞陰謀詭計
擬訂 [draw up]。如搞個計劃
生産 [produce]。如搞核武器
玩弄 [play]。如搞花樣;搞政治
掙 [make]。如搞錢
設法得到 [get]。如你去給我們搞點吃的來
使…變成--後面接補語 [become]。如搞糟;搞清楚;搞混;搞通;搞臭
[way of doing sth.] [口]∶處理事務的方式方法
[play tricks;do mischief] 搗鬼。暗中使用詭計
[make a good job of;do well] 通過友好的獻殷勤及禮物使順從、使樂於助人;使軟化
[enliven;revitalize;liberalize] 采取措施或行動使事物具有活力
[get down]∶使身體上、精神上或情緒上感到疲憊
gǎo liǎngmiànpài
[double-dealing] 所搞的種種行動與公開的面目是不相容的或者是相抵觸的;有時它表示吃裏扒外的背叛行為
[end up in a mess]∶使交織或混雜得難於分開
gǎo pínghéng
[stabilize] 使相反的力量均勻分佈而産生平衡
gǎo wèishēng
[sanitize] 打掃環境衛生;整理個人衛生
gǎo xiǎodòngzuò
[make petty moves;get up to little tricks] 不是用光明磊落的態度對人,而是暗地裏進行一些對別人不利的活動
[muck] 踏來踏去地弄髒或亂扔東西;弄髒;弄得凌亂、不整潔或狼藉不堪
[make a mess of sth.;botch;be in a mess] 由於犯錯誤或蹩腳的判斷而弄糟
搞 gǎo ㄍㄠˇ
Engage gao Radical Radical Rolling total strokes 13 strokes 03 Do carry on; do; get; get hold of; make; produce; _set_ up; start; Do gǎo <Action> (1) ((Gǎo) shape the sound. From the hand, loudly. The original meaning to do, do, do, get) (2) With the original meaning [do; carry on; be engaged in] Here's what I am doing you do not come, you are not revolution, is nonsense. - "Pan Tiger" (3) Again do a not bad; engage in price (negotiate price) (4) Carried out; carry [carry on]. Engage in sports such as (5) Secretly using [go in]. If dirty tricks; tricks and intrigue (6) Development [draw up]. If put forward a plan (7) Production [produce]. Such as engaging in nuclear weapons (8) Play [play]. Such as engaging in pattern; politics (9) Earn [make]. If 搞钱 (10) Managed to get [get]. If you go to give us something to eat out (11) So ... into a - followed by complement [become]. Such as the mess; clear; confused; do pass; ruined Engage in law gǎofǎ [Way of doing sth.] [Port]: ways and means to transact Dude, you do not do method can be wonderful ah Dirty tricks gǎoguǐ [Play tricks; do mischief] interfere. Secretly using tricks Secret dirty tricks the enemy, we must pay attention Good job gǎohǎo [Make a good job of; do well] by friendly attentions and gifts to obedience, so helpful; to soften Pull into a number of business and do a good job because he was walking around a relationship Invigorate gǎohuó [Enliven; revitalize; liberalize] to take measures or actions to make things dynamic Be sure to invigorate the economy Ruin gǎokuǎ (1) [Overthrow; destrory]: the failure or damage; serious injury Because a failure of leadership, a plant has been almost ruined him (2) [Get down]: the physical, mental or emotional feeling tired Although it does not ruin us, brought us very tired Engage in double-dealing gǎo liǎngmiànpài [Double-dealing] are engaging the face of all the action is incompatible with the public, or is inconsistent; sometimes outside of the expense that eats betrayal He is always carry out his double-dealing, you may have to pay attention ah! Mess gǎoluàn (1) [End up in a mess]: too difficult to separate the mixed or hybrid The yarn mess (2) [Un_set_tle]: so confused Messing up his account of our thoughts To seek a balance gǎo pínghéng [Stabilize] the opposite balance of power resulting from uniform distribution They seek a balance between the major powers Engage in health gǎo wèishēng [Sanitize] clean environmental sanitation; organize personal hygiene Former engage in health work Could I gǎo xiǎodòngzuò [Make petty moves; get up to little tricks] not by honorable attitude, but some people secretly carry out activities detrimental to Some people just by discussing other people, playing tricks for the industry Engage in dirty gǎozāng [Muck] to step to step to dirty or throwing things; dirty; confused messy, not neat or messy bear To engage in dirty floor Mess gǎozāo [Make a mess of sth.; Botch; be in a mess] the mistakes or bad judgments and mess Messed up Do gǎo ㄍ ㄠ To do, get dry, do ~ well. ~ Pass. ~ Ghost. ~ Trick. Zheng code dsjl, u641e, gbkb8e3 13 number of strokes, radical Rolling, stroke number 1214125125251
卯集中 D concentrate 【集韻】【韻會】????丘交切,同敲。橫撾也。或作摮。 又【集韻】口到切,音犒。相違也。與靠同。
【】 【Ji Yun Yun Yau will】 ???? pay cut, with the knock. Laos is also horizontal. Or for Ao. And Yun】 【_set_ Koudao cut, give a bonus audio. Contrary also. And by the same.