Shòu granted to, and: granted. Authorization. Mandate. Award. Flag. Endowed. Inspired. Education, passed: Tuition. By the number of strokes: 11; radicals: Rolling; stroke order number: 12134434554
Award shòu 【Activity】 (Knowing. From the hand, from the subject, by the sound. Original meaning: to give; to) With this? 〖Award; confer; give〗 Granted, I have. - "Said Wen." Press, "grant" should be the newcomer characters. Is to teach him. - "O-long Zhou" Professor Guo offer prisoners. - "Twenty years of public Zuo Xi." Note: The "number of people." Today will be granted. - "Lu Mandarin language." Note: "and the people." Jun words when hit, even with isolated together, the days are lonely monarch granted. - "Mirror" The proposed amendment of the testimonies in the court to grant the in Yousi, not to invade officer. - Song Wang, "A Sima Jian Yi book" Another example: giving and receiving (transfer; delivery and acceptance); grant soldiers (the weapons to soldiers); granted Guanting (official; Yamen); Professor Yu (Yu Gui given); grant room (the family to the bride); grant Award ( reward); granted Jane (Jane Sapporo given); grant of a discretionary; grant bit (grant position); granted governance (granted the throne) Return, refund 〖return〗 Son guilty of granting sub-_set_ Bi. - "Mandarin Jin four." Note: The "award, but also people." 〗 〖Appoint appointed Now say then that should be granted Jia Yucun Tianfu, a piece on arrival to the case details of life under the lawsuit. - "Dream of Red Mansions" S rank? Granted are (the appointment of officers); granted by (appointments); empowerment (appointment of talented people) Teach 〖instruct; teach〗 Book of the practice of their grant sentence readers. - Han Yu Tang "Spirit" By Yi Li World Without Ling, Ling Li, grant that I refused. - Hou, "Ma Ling Biography" Another example: grant by (taught by the book); granted Church (the Church taught school room) Married (wife), especially in the past as the son married women take〗 〖. Such as: grant room Pass "by." Accept〗 〖accepted Example, women who granted power, and the autumn offering work. - "Code of women Zhou Tian Guan Gong" Zaibai grant dollars. - "Adam Zhou MC" Benefit the public did not, wengong granted it. - "Han Fei difficult two" Pollination shòufěn 〗 〖Pollination pistil stamen pollen pass Awards shòujiǎng 〖Award (orgive) aprize〗 awarded prizes, awards Award ceremony Insemination shòujīng 〗 〖Impregnate: to become pregnant 〗 〖Inseminate: The semen intercourse or other means to enter (the female reproductive tract) Teach shòukè 〖Givelessons; giveinstruction teach〗 Taught three times a week Mandate shòumìng 〗 〖Giveorders: Head of State orders Mandate of the cabinet 〗 〖Devoteone'slifeto: contribution to the life Threatened mandate Authorization shòuquán 〗 〖Authorize a person or an institution commissioned by the delegated Time service shòushí 〗 〖Telltime: Hong Kong Observatory reported by radio signals the most accurate time 〗 〖Issuealmanac: Government enacted calendar Professor Room shòushì 〗 〖Getmarried wife The first grant shòushǒu 〗 〖Bebeheaded means surrender or be killed Qinchu one, to the provisional Korea, South Korea will be granted first. - "Four policy Qin Warring States" Give and accept shòu-shòu 〗 〖Giveandaccept delivery and acceptance Private deals Give and accept not pro- shòushòu-bùqīn 〖(Inancienttimes) couldnotcommunicatebetweenmanandwoman〗 means between men and women can not be used by hand-delivery items Men and women give and accept not pro, Li Ye. - "Lou on Mengzi" Honours shòuxūn 〗 〖Conferordersormedals awarded the medal in a public ceremony or other mark of honor Honours for meritorious staff Tuition shòuyè 〗 〖Teach: teaching school, skills Tuition disciples 〗 〖Giveestate: given industry Total dictate industry Shou Yi shòuyì 〗 〖Passontechnicalskills teach skills Shoutu 授艺 Inspired shòuyì 〖Instructsecretly;〗 own or implied intent to tell people, let other people done it This is not my idea, that he inspired me to do Grant shòuyǔ 〖Award; confer; give; grant award〗 Grant shòuyǔ 〖Compliment; award; confer solemnly given〗 Was awarded the honorary degree Awarded a doctorate Awarded the Gold Award Grant staff Weixian shòuzhí-wéixián Award〗 〖orderatitletothetalent only a virtuous people jobs
Grant (knowing. From the hand, from the subject, by the sound. The original meaning of giving; to) grant with the weir, to also. - "Said Wen." Press, grant "should be the newcomer characters. Is to teach him. -" O-long Zhou, "Professor Guo offer prisoners. -" Twenty-eight public Zuo Xi. "Note the number of people." Today will be granted. - "Lu Mandarin language." Note and also. "Jun words when hit, even with isolated together, the king granted solitary days also. -" Mirror "and the proposed amendments of the testimonies in the court to grant the in Yousi, not to invade officer. - Song Wang "A Sima Jian Yi book" Another example is the giving and receiving (transfer; delivery and acceptance); grant soldiers (the weapons to soldiers); granted Guanting (official; Yamen); Professor Yu (Yu Gui given); grant room (the family to bride); grant Award (prize); Professor Jane (given Jane Sapporo); granted shòu ⒈ to grant, to the appointment of ~ to. ~ I. to work ~ officer. ~ right. ~ Awards. ⒉ teach, teach ~ classes. say ~. Biography ~. ⒊ ① reorganization under the command ~ command. ② sacrificed their lives, Threatened ~ life. ⒋
Grant shou Radical Radical Rolling 03 total strokes 11 strokes Award award; confer; give; instruct; teach; Award shòu (1) (Knowing. From the hand, from the subject, by the sound. The original meaning of giving; to) (2) With the weir [award; confer; give] Granted, I have. - "Said Wen." Press, grant "should be the newcomer characters. Is to teach him. - "O-long Zhou" Professor Guo offer prisoners. - "Twenty years of public Zuo Xi." Note the number also. " Today will be granted. - "Lu Mandarin language." Note and also. " Jun words when hit, even with isolated together, the days are lonely monarch granted. - "Mirror" The proposed amendment of the testimonies in the court to grant the in Yousi, not to invade officer. - Song Wang, "A Sima Jian Yi book" (3) Another example is the giving and receiving (transfer; delivery and acceptance); grant soldiers (the weapons to soldiers); granted Guanting (official; Yamen); Professor Yu (Yu Gui given); grant room (the family to the bride); grant Award (prize ); Professor Jane (given Jane Sapporo); grant of a discretionary; grant bit (grant position); granted governance (granted the throne) (4) Return, your money back [return] Son guilty of granting sub-_set_ Bi. - "Mandarin Jin four." Note granted, it is also. " (5) The appointment of [appoint] Now say then that should be granted Jia Yucun Tianfu, a piece on arrival to the case details of life under the lawsuit. - "Dream of Red Mansions" (6) Si S rank is granted (the appointment of officers); granted by (appointments); empowerment (appointment of talented people) (7) Teach [instruct; teach] Book of the practice of their grant sentence readers. - Han Yu Tang "Spirit" By Yi Li World Without Ling, Ling Li, grant that I refused. - Hou, "Ma Ling Biography" (8) Another example is the grant by the (teaching through the book); granted Church (the Church taught school room) (9) Married (wife), especially in the past as the son married women [take]. If granted Room (10) Pass by. "Accepted [accept] Example, women who granted power, and the autumn offering work. - "Code of women Zhou Tian Guan Gong" Zaibai grant dollars. - "Adam Zhou MC" Benefit the public did not, wengong granted it. - "Han Fei difficult two" Pollination shòufěn [Pollination] pass on the pollen stamens pistil Awards shòujiǎng [Award (or give) a prize] awarded the prize, a certificate Award ceremony Insemination shòujīng (1) [Impregnate]: to become pregnant (2) [Inseminate]: sexual intercourse or use other methods to enter the semen (the female reproductive tract) Teach shòukè [Give lessons; give instruction] to teach Taught three times a week Mandate shòumìng (1) [Give orders]: Head of State orders Mandate of the cabinet (2) [Devote one's life to]: contribution to the life Threatened mandate Authorization shòuquán [Authorize] a person or an agency commissioned by the delegated Time service shòushí (1) [Tell time]: Hong Kong Observatory reported by radio signals the most accurate time (2) [Issue almanac]: The Government enacted calendar Professor Room shòushì [Get married] wife The first grant shòushǒu [Be beheaded] refers to the surrender or be killed Qinchu one, to the provisional Korea, South Korea will be granted first. - "Four policy Qin Warring States" Give and accept shòu-shòu [Give and accept] the delivery and acceptance Private deals Give and accept not pro- shòushòu-bùqīn [(In ancient times) could not communicate between man and woman] is not between men and women older means delivery by hand goods Men and women give and accept not pro, Li Ye. - "Lou on Mengzi" Honours shòuxūn [Confer orders or medals] in a public ceremony, awarded the medal or other honorary signs Honours for meritorious staff Tuition shòuyè (1) [Teach]: to teach school, skills Tuition disciples (2) [Give estate]: given industry Total dictate industry Shou Yi shòuyì [Pass on technical skills] teach skills Shoutu 授艺 Inspired shòuyì [Instruct secretly; hint to] own or implied intent to tell people, let other people done it This is not my idea, that he inspired me to do Grant shòuyǔ [Award; confer; give; grant] to grant Grant shòuyǔ [Compliment; award; confer] solemnly given Was awarded the honorary degree Awarded a doctorate Awarded the Gold Award Grant staff Weixian shòuzhí-wéixián [Order a title to the talent] granted to post only a virtuous people Award shòu ㄕ ㄡ ╝ (1) To, and ~ to. ~ Right. ~ Life. ~ Award. ~ Flag. ~ Title. ~ Italian. (2) Education, passed ~ industry. Zheng code dpwx, u6388, gbkcada 11 number of strokes, radical Rolling, stroke number 12134434554
卯集中 D concentrate 【唐韻】殖酉切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】是酉切,????受上聲。【說文】予也。【廣韻】付也。 又【集韻】承呪切,音壽。義同。【詩·鄭風】還,予授子之粲兮。【禮·麯禮】男女不親授。【史記·留侯世傢】沛公殆天授。【前漢·翟方進傳】當大都授時。【註】總集諸生,大講授也。 又姓。漢有授異眾。 【集韻】或作????。唐武後改作????。武後造授字,以????爲正,????、????、????????譌。
Tang Yun】 【yield unitary cut 【】 【Ji Yun Yun Yun will】 【】 is unitary being cut, ???? by the rising tone. 【】 To say that the text also. Guangyun】 【pay also. Also】 【Ji Yun Cheng RECOMMENDED cut, sound life. Meaning the same. Zheng Feng】 【poetry also, to the acceptors of the charm Xi. Li Song Li】 【Qinshou men do not. 【】 Motive Scots Records Liuhou Tianshou family. Former Han Fang Zhai 【】 When passed into most timing. 【Note】 The total _set_ of all students, great teaching too. Another name. Professor Han has different public. 【_Set_】 or for ???? rhyme. Empress Wu Tang converted ????. Empress Wu made the word granted to ???? is positive, ????, ????, ???? ???? E.
編號:7871 ID: 7871 予也。從手從受,受亦聲。 殖酉切
I have. From the hand from the subject, also by voice. Yield unitary cut