At the same time giving something for huàn get something else from him: exchange. On the exchange. Exchange labor. Exchange of letters. Exchange. Change, Change: Transformations. More (g Yang g) change. Horses (Yu assume a duty to replace the person, including derogatory.) For-like. Ventilation. In other words (in other words). Stroke: 10; radicals: Rolling; stroke order code: 1213525134
For huàn 【Activity】 (Phonetic. From the hand, Huan (huàn) sound. Original meaning: reciprocity) 〖With the original meaning of trade; exchange; barter〗 For easy also. - "Said the text" Good at the phase change is easy. - "Gu Liang Chuanhuan Year in" Notes Another example: the silk for wine; replaced child (interchangeable); for the post (surname of the person sworn brothers exchanged written when the age, birthplace, family background and other posts) Shift, change change〗 〖 A few for several transfer. - 〖English〗 Huxley a, Yan Fu translated "Evolution and Ethics" Another example: change clothes; hands (replacement operations people); for scaffold (changing his shoes, clothing, gloves, etc.); for Yi (exchange, replacement); for the DPRK (regime change) Shift huànbān Changeshifts 〖〗: 〖〗 time and rotation of staff 〗 〖Relieveapersononduty: the people who work for top-class down to rest 〗 〖Changingoftheguard: operations to adapt to new circumstances, to adjust or create a new deployment Huancha huànchá 〖Changeofcrops; rotatecrops; croprotation〗 for plant crop of crops; update Cadres Huancha, and a do not know Replacement huàndài 〖Changeofdynasty; changegeneration〗 originally referred to the old dynasty was replaced by a new dynasty, now refers to the production of new varieties replace the old Although a variety of styles of leather sandals and new replacement fast, but the price is relatively high Takeover huànfáng 〗 〖Relieveagarrison troops originally stationed somewhere in the transfer of defense tasks, the forces transferred by the new successor Changing of the guard huàngǎng 〖Relieveasentry; relieveaguard〗 put in the position (such as the Sentry) and substitute those who on the Another child huàngèr 〖Changepositions; changeplace〗〗 〖mouth: swap the location of change (a change in your child think about) Au pair huàngōng 〗 〖Exchangelabour interchangeable work or type of work; agricultural production co-workers on the different activities of dry Huanguduotai huàngǔ-duótāi 〗 〖Becomeimmortal: Yu immortality 〗 〖Imitateperfectly: Yu imitate imitation without showing signs of He copied paintings have won for fetal bone wonders, of course, to the real thing For shoulder huànjiān 〗 〖Shifttheburdenfromoneshouldertoanother shoulders to pick another exchange, carry items; for another person to pick, carry items I'll pick you a change of the shoulder Converter huànliú 〗 〖Inversion changes from the DC to AC Horses huànmǎ 〗 〖Removeonefromhisposition replacement troops, referring to the change of responsible person Moult huànmáo 〗 〖Molt shed; off angle; molt (shell) Once or twice a year for bird feathers For pro- huànqīn 〗 〖Marryeachother'sdaughter for parents to marry their daughters to do the other's daughter, daughter, the other party no different Exchange huànqǔ 〗 〖Exchangesth.for: the method used to obtain the exchange Cattle in exchange for foreign currency 〗 〖Barter: the way of barter exchange With limited surplus for strategic materials Substitution huànrén 〖Substitution; changeofplayers〗 replaced sports field in the race to the bench players Conversion huànsuàn 〗 〖Conversion of a number of units to be converted into another number of units Converted to pounds and two kilograms Conversion Table huànsuànbiǎo 〗 〖Conversiontable a unit of measurement to be converted into other units with the value of the table New name huàntāngbùhuànyào 〗 〖Achangeinformbutnotincontent analogy only change the form without changing the substance of the Expedition to, and just add some more new warlords and the new politicians ... people say, this is a new name For posts huàntiě 〖Lettersofidentification; becomeswornbrothersbyexchangeofpapersbearingname, surname, yearofbirth.etc.〗 Old surname Friends sworn brothers, the exchange with his name, age, birthplace, family background of the post Brothers for posts Exchange of letters huànwén 〗 〖Exchangeofnotes State and national exchange of instruments Between countries on matters already agreed exchanged identical instruments Washed huànxǐ 〗 〖Changeandwash new ones, wash the old; that replacement With the two hurriedly left home for laundry For heart huànxīn 〗 〖Intimate human honest Heart to heart, one of two good good Permanent teeth huànyá Deciduous〗 〖growpermanentteeth off, give birth to permanent teeth. Most people start from the age of six to eight permanent teeth, twelve to fourteen, all-for-End In other words, huànyánzhī 〗 〖Inanotherword exchange words For-like, for satisfactory end huànyàng, huànyàngr 〖〗 Transform patterns change; change appearance Your statement that this old-fashioned for a satisfactory end Metonymy huànyù 〗 〖Metonymy a rhetorical device, used to refer to the name of a thing associated with it is another thing For about huànyuē 〗 〖Exchangeofnotes see "Exchange of Notes"
For <action "(phonetic. From the hand, Huan sound. The original meaning of reciprocity) for the same original meaning, easy too. - "Wen said," good at the phase change is easy. - "Gu Liang Chuanhuan Year in" Notes and if the silk for wine; replaced child (interchangeable); for the post (surname of the person sworn brothers exchanged written when the age, birthplace, family background and other posts) Variation and change a few for several transfer. - Another example is changing clothes; hands (replacement operations people); for scaffold (changing his shoes, clothing, gloves, etc.); for Yi (exchange, replacement); for the DPRK (regime change) for each ~ huàn ⒈ swap with each other. AC ~. ~ Take. ⒉ change, more change ~. More ~. ~ Installed. ~ No ~ soup medicine. ~ Anti-military.
换 huan
部首 扌 部首笔画 03 总笔画 10
换 barter; exchange; trade;
换 huàn
同本义 [trade;exchange;barter]
变易,改变 [change]
[change shifts]∶[工作人员] 按时轮流替换 (2)
[relieve a person on duty]∶把顶班工作的人换下来休息
[changing of the guard]∶作战中为适应新的情况,及时调整或建立新的部署
[change of crops;rotate crops;crop rotation] 换种下一茬农作物;更新
[change of dynasty;change generation] 原指旧的朝代为新的朝代所代替,现指生产新的品种取代旧的
[relieve a garrison] 原在某处驻防的部队移交防守任务,由新调来的部队接替
[relieve a sentry;relieve a guard] 把在岗位(如岗哨)上的人换下来
[change positions;change place] [口]∶互换位置,对换(你换个儿想一下)
[exchange labour] 互相调换工作或工种;农业生产上的互相帮工干不同的活
[become immortal]∶喻成仙
[imitate perfectly]∶喻善于模仿而不露出模仿痕迹
[shift the burden from one shoulder to another] 调换另一个肩膀挑、扛物品;换另一个人挑、扛物品
[inversion] 由直流电到交流电的转变
[remove one from his position] 撤换人马,指负责人的更迭
[molt] 脱毛;脱角;蜕皮(壳)
[marry each other's daughter] 父母以自己的女儿换娶对方的女儿做儿媳,对方亦然
[exchange sth. for]∶用交换的方法取得
[barter]∶以易货贸易方式交换 用有限的剩余物资换取战略物资
[substitution;change of players] 体育比赛中以替补队员换下场上的比赛队员
[conversion] 把一种单位的数量折合成另一种单位的数量
[conversion table] 把一种计量单位换算成同值的其他单位的表
huàn tāng bù huàn yào
[a change in form but not in content] 比喻只改变形式,而不改变实质内容
[letters of identification;become sworn brothers by exchange of papers bearing name,surname,year of birth.etc.] 旧时异姓朋友结拜为兄弟时,交换写着姓名、年龄、籍贯、家世的帖子
[exchange of notes]
[change and wash] 换上新的,洗涤旧的;指替换 带了两件换洗衣服匆匆离家了
[intimate] 对人以诚相待
[grow permanent teeth] 乳齿脱落,恒齿生出。一般人从六岁到八岁开始换牙,十二岁到十四岁时全部换完
[in another word] 调换一句话说
[change] 变换式样;改变样子
[metonymy] 一种修辞手段,用一个事物的名称去指与它有关联的另一个事物
[exchange of notes] 见换文”
换 huàn ㄏㄨㄢ╝
For-huan Radical Radical Rolling 03 total strokes 10 strokes For barter; exchange; trade; For huàn <Action> (1) (Phonetic. From the hand, Huan (huàn) sound. The original meaning of reciprocity) (2) With the original meaning of [trade; exchange; barter] For easy also. - "Said the text" Good at the phase change is easy. - "Gu Liang Chuanhuan Year in" Notes (3) Another example is the silk for wine; replaced child (interchangeable); for the post (surname of the person sworn brothers exchanged written when the age, birthplace, family background and other posts) (4) Shift, change [change] A few for several transfer. - [English] Huxley a, Yan Fu translated "Evolution and Ethics" (5) Another example is the change clothes; hands (replacement operations people); for scaffold (changing his shoes, clothing, gloves, etc.); for Yi (exchange, replacement); for the DPRK (regime change) Shift huànbān (1) [Change shifts]: [staff] time and rotation of (2) [Relieve a person on duty]: the people who work for top-class down to rest (3) [Changing of the guard]: war in order to adapt to new situations, to adjust or create a new deployment Huancha huànchá [Change of crops; rotate crops; crop rotation] for the next crop of crop species; update Cadres Huancha, and a do not know Replacement huàndài [Change of dynasty; change generation] originally referred to the old dynasty was replaced by a new dynasty, now refers to the production of new varieties replace the old Although a variety of styles of leather sandals and new replacement fast, but the price is relatively high Takeover huànfáng [Relieve a garrison] of the original transfer of the troops stationed somewhere in defensive duties, redeployment of troops by the new successor Changing of the guard huàngǎng [Relieve a sentry; relieve a guard] to the post (such as the Sentry) and substitute those who on the Another child huàngèr [Change positions; change place] [port]: swap the location of change (a change in your child think about) Au pair huàngōng [Exchange labour] interchangeable work or type of work; agricultural production co-workers on the different activities of dry Huanguduotai huàngǔ-duótāi (1) [Become immortal]: Yu immortality (2) [Imitate perfectly]: Yu imitate imitation without showing signs of He copied paintings have won for fetal bone wonders, of course, to the real thing For shoulder huànjiān [Shift the burden from one shoulder to another] swap to another shoulder to pick, carry items; for another person to pick, carry items I'll pick you a change of the shoulder Converter huànliú [Inversion] the change from the DC to AC Horses huànmǎ [Remove one from his position] removal of troops, that the change of responsible person Moult huànmáo [Molt] hair removal; off angle; molt (shell) Once or twice a year for bird feathers For pro- huànqīn [Marry each other's daughter] for parents to marry their daughters to do the other's daughter, daughter, the other party no different Exchange huànqǔ (1) [Exchange sth. For]: the method used to obtain the exchange Cattle in exchange for foreign currency (2) [Barter]: by way of barter exchange With limited surplus for strategic materials Substitution huànrén [Substitution; change of players] replaced sports field in the race to the bench players Conversion huànsuàn [Conversion] to a number of units converted into another number of units Converted to pounds and two kilograms Conversion Table huànsuànbiǎo [Conversion table] A unit of measurement to be converted into other units with the value of the table New name huàn tāng bù huàn yào [A change in form but not in content] analogy only change the form without changing the substance of the Expedition to, and just add some more new warlords and the new politicians ... people say, this is a new name For posts huàntiě [Letters of identification; become sworn brothers by exchange of papers bearing name, surname, year of birth.etc.] Old surname Friends sworn brothers, the exchange with his name, age, birthplace, family background of the post Brothers for posts Exchange of letters huànwén (1) [Exchange of notes] (2) State and national exchange of instruments (3) Between countries on matters already agreed exchanged identical instruments Washed huànxǐ [Change and wash] new ones, wash the old; means the replacement With the two hurriedly left home for laundry For heart huànxīn [Intimate] for honest people Heart to heart, one of two good good Permanent teeth huànyá [Grow permanent teeth] Deciduous off, give birth to permanent teeth. Most people start from the age of six to eight permanent teeth, twelve to fourteen, all-for-End In other words, huànyánzhī [In another word] exchange words For-like, for satisfactory end huànyàng, huànyàngr [Change] transform style; change the way Your statement that this old-fashioned for a satisfactory end Metonymy huànyù [Metonymy] a rhetorical device, used to refer to the name of a thing associated with it is another thing For about huànyuē [Exchange of notes] See exchange of letters " For huàn ㄏ ㄨ ㄢ ╝ (1) At the same time give something to obtain something else from him to pay ~. On ~. ~ Work. ~ Text. Against ~. (2) Change, change change ~. More (gēng) ~. ~ Ma (Yu assume a duty to replace the person, including derogatory.) ~ Like. ~ Gas. ~ Words (in other words). Zheng code drlg, u6362, gbkbbbb Number of strokes 10, Rolling radicals, stroke order number 1213525134
卯集中 D concentrate 【廣韻】【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】????胡玩切,音逭。讀若完去聲。【說文】易也。【晉書·阮孚傳】嘗以金貂換酒。 又【前漢·敘傳】項氏畔換。【註】孟康曰:畔,反也。換,易也。師古曰:畔換,强恣貌。猶言跋扈也。【左思·魏都賦】雲散叛換。【註】叛換,猶恣睢也。【集韻】作愌。 又于眷切,音院。【蘇轍·送孫提????詩】依依東軒竹,凜凜故人面。詔書遂公私,使節許新換。从手从側人从穴从廾。俗作换,非。考證:〔【左思·魏都賦】雲散叛換。【註】換,猶恣睢也。〕 謹照原文註下增叛字。
【】 【Ji Yun Guang Yun Yun will】 【】 【】 ???? Hu Yun play is cut, the sound escape. After reading, if falling tone. Wen also said】 【easily. Ruan Jin Shu Fu Chuan】 【taste for wine of gold sable. Syria has passed】 【items before the Han River's changing. 【Note】 Meng Kang said: banks, anti also. For easy also. Master the ancient saying: River for, strong pleases appearance. I still made too domineering. Zuo Wei Dufu】 【rebels for scattered clouds. 【Note】 rebellion changed, still Zisui also. 】 【_Set_ for Huan Yun. Also in the dependents cut, sound homes. Zhe Sun put ???? send 【】 Yiyi Tung Heen bamboo poetry, stern face the enemy. Edict then public and private, diplomats hope the new change. From the hand from the side from the point from the European allies. Popular for change, not. Research: Zuo Wei Dufu】 【〔rebels for scattered clouds. 【Note】 change, still Zisui also. Under the original Note〕 would like to increase according to the word rebellion.
換 For 易也。从手奐聲。胡玩切
Easy too. Huan sound from the hand. Hu to play cut