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Traditional Chinese:  ( ???? ???? ???? )Pinyin: yōng, bīng, yǒngHeader: 扌手
Total Strokes: 8Extra Strokes: 5UTF-8: E6 8B A5
UTF-16: 62E5UTF-32: 000062E5GB 2312: 5121
Cangjie: QBQFour Corner Code: 5702One word full code: yong1shouyong
One word double code: yosoyoOne word single code: ysyCharacter structure: Left-(middle)-right
Level of decomposition: 5Strokes: 一亅一丿????一一丨Stroke sequence: 12135112
Stroke Description: horizontal, vertical, horizontal, downwards-left, turning, horizontal, horizontal, verticalOthers' sequence: 12135112
Structure of components: 扌((一亅)一)用(月(⺆(丿????)二(一一))丨)
Simple Explanation
  Fan (Fan) yōng hold: embrace. Around: Qianhuhouyong. Elected, love: support. Support. Gathered a: crowded. Surrounded. Have: have. Cover: Fan cover (also known as "stasis shield"). Congestion (s?). Stroke: 8; radicals: Rolling; stroke ID: 12135112
Detailed Explanation
  (Phonetic. From the hand, Yong sound. Original meaning: hold)
  〗 〖Hug with the original meaning
  Behind closed doors, gather sounding drum. Public fear, pro-pillar and the song. - Chinese Liu Xiang "Biographies for Women"
  Another example: People Tree (hug a child; surrounded by trees); Fan vector (gift of ancient pot-line vote, the base vector and hold those who voted); Fan Club (Club hold master); owned holding (hugging); owned knees (knees )
  〗 〖, Surrounded by environ
  Owned by Zhu Jiang. - Qing Hou "strong regret Hall Collection"
  Swarm. - Qing Shao-heng, "Green left the door draft"
  Ant villagers owned. - "Guangdong Military Affairs in mind"
  Another example: Qianhuhouyong; old professor, a group of people hold out; People saved (surround); owned homes (hall side of the house)
  〗 〖Surround surrounded
  Looking isolated city, according to the contract owner of Castle Peak. - Kim Dong Jie Yuan, "Romance of West Chamber"
  Flag photo turned Divine Restoration, coiling owned stone. - Liu Yazi "title Taiping War History"
  Another example: People column (surrounded by towering columns); owned furnace (fireplace heating); People with (screen surround)
  Support; sticking hold〗 〖
  Fan Kuai that shield into the army with the sword of the door. - "Shi Ji Xiang Yu Ji"
  People to the PDG. - Song Hu Tsai, "Cong hidden words Tiaoxi fishing"
  Fan the fire to enter. - Song Wang "You praise Zen Mountain in mind"
  Yong Min Hao Ma ago. - Ming Gao Qi "book Bo chicken thing"
  Zhang Yong Huang Gai feather fan. - Qing Shao-heng, "Green left the door draft"
  Another example: People 篲 (to welcome the guests and cleaning); owned the book (with book; carefully read; also refers to the piles of addiction); owned primary (held hostage by the sovereign)
  〗 〖Gather together
  This operation has been owned millions of the public. - "Three Kingdoms Shu old"
  Another example: squad (master, gathered the army); owned collection (aggregation)
  Support〗 〖support. Such as: Yong Li (support the Emperor or the princes of the throne); Yong-woo (owned right, Yong Yu. Support help; bless); support the armed forces (local support of the army)
  〗 〖Crowd congestion
  Non-idlers look around, crowded noisy. - "Blessings of life on the Ministry of the book Legal Advisors"
  Another example: Yong households (packed in a room)
  〗 〖Security guard. Such as: People all (security guard)
  〗 〖Wrap wrap
  Owned by quilt cover. - Ming Lian "send Dongyang Horse Health Order"
  Another example: People item (bib); Yong Gao ratio (ratio of sitting Gao. Teach. Gao ratio: tiger); owned quilt, owned by (Banwo to protect the lower body is wrapped); Fan Cover (muffled coverage)
  Links "obstruct." 〗 〖Block block
  And Yong shut unreasonable. - "Records of North Biography"
  People do not repeat it. - "Three Kingdoms Xiahou Shang Biography"
  I pass every Fan Kui. - Tangqiu chien "Foolish Old Man Fu"
  Another example: People stop (block, block); owned Road (road block); owned stagnation (Liu Zhi; block; slack)
  〗 〖Cover to cover
  Women go out, cover their faces will be owned. - "In the Book of Rites"
  Another example: People cover (cover); Fan cover (cover)
  〗 〖Have possession
  Yongzhou owned land. - Han Jia Yi "on the Qin"
  Tens of thousands of public owned. - "Han Guang Su Jian Chuan"
  Fan million of the public. - "Three Kingdoms"
  Another example: People squatting (tenure position); owned system (control); squad (master, gathered the army)
  〗 〖Cultivate cultivate. Such as: People filling (cultivated irrigation); owned land (in the earth around the base of plant stems)
  〖Throwone'sarmsaroundsb., Holdinone'sarms; hug; embrace〗 hug, said my dear
  Elected〗 〖support, support
  〗 〖Protect: support; protection
  Support of the people
  〗 〖Clusterround: surrounded
  Huarong and other support for the Song Jiang
  〗 〖Support: The leaders, political parties, policies and measures in favor of and fully supports
  Support the reform
  〗 〖Takecareof: care; Care
  Lu Hui-Chu Niang exceedingly support allotments. - "Eight Cave"
  〗 〖Bodyguard: Guardian; attendants
  I support you only do one, Paul was he was in life in, for no such trouble, also not been taken to. - "Journey to the West"
  Fan coma
  〖Sweep; cleanup〗 door sweep broom. "Wisdom" also as "Hui", said respectfully to greet guests or elderly
  Such as Yan, the king was a pioneer in comet owner, please list his disciples, Block and by the industry. - "Mencius, Xun Qing Historical Biography." Solitude: "that the worth sweeping broom and is owned by Yi Mei line, and those who fear the dust, so also for the King."
  〖Crowd; pushandsqueeze〗 or travel so tightly packed together
  Crowded downtown
  Crowd in
  Crowdinto〗 〖〗 〖people crowded into the
  Said something to prices in the early morning crowd in the store to a group of customers
  People gather
  〗 〖Gatherround together
  Billboard owner before a group of people together
  〗 〖Supportthearmyandgivepreferentialtreatmenttothefamiliesofrevolutionarysoldiersandmartyr support the people's army and give preferential treatment to families of revolutionary soldiers
  Yong Yak
  Ancient military attache〗 〖takenflagwithyak'stailandcontroledsomelandbyancienemilitaryofficer authoritarian party holds Yak Festival
  Yong Yak miles. - Southern Liang Qiu late "and the Uncle of the book"
  〖Jam; congest〗: blocking, blocking
  River congestion
  Port congestion gradually
  〗 〖Cluster: clustering; crowded filled
  Congestion thorns
  〖Possess; have; own〗 possession; held
  〗 〖Supportthegovernmentandcherishthepeople troops supporting the government, protect the people
More Simple Explanation
  Embrace (phonetic. From the hand, Yong sound. The original meaning of hold) with the original meaning behind closed doors, gather sounding drum. Public fear, pro-pillar and the song. - Chinese Liu Xiang, "Biography of Women" and if owned tree (hugging a child; surrounded by trees); Fan vector (gift of ancient pot-line vote, the base vector and hold those who voted); Fan Club (Club hold master); owned hold (hug); owned knees (knees) are surrounded by Zhujiang owned. - Qing Hou "strong regret Hall Collection," swarm. - Qing Shao-heng, "Green left the door draft," the villagers owned ants. - "Guangdong Military Affairs in mind," and if Qianhuhouyong; old professor, a group of people hold out; People saved (surround); owned homes (hall side of the house) surrounded by back isolated city, according to the contract owner of Castle Peak. - Kim Dong Jie Yuan, "Romance of West Chamber" flag turned according to Divine Restoration, coiling owned stone. - Liu Fan (Fan) yōng ⒈ hold, holding ~ hold. ~ Column and singing. ~ Fire to enter (hold fire to enter.) ⒉ sit around ~ furnace. Before the call after ~. ⒊ blocking, more people come together ~ crowded. Lined the streets to all people ~. ⒋ hold ~ there. ⒌ security, security ~ health. ⒍ favor, loyal love, trying to support ~ care. ~ Wear. ~ Army is excellent. ~ Protect socialism.
More Detailed Explanation
  Yong yong
  Radical Radical Rolling 03 total strokes 08 strokes
  crowd; embrace; support;
  (Phonetic. From the hand, Yong sound. The original meaning of hold)
  With the original meaning of [hug]
  Behind closed doors, gather sounding drum. Public fear, pro-pillar and the song. - Chinese Liu Xiang "Biographies for Women"
  Another example is owned tree (hugging a child; surrounded by trees); Fan vector (gift of ancient pot-line vote, the base vector and hold those who voted); Fan Club (Club hold master); owned holding (hugging); owned knees (knees)
  Surrounded by [environ]
  Owned by Zhu Jiang. - Qing Hou "strong regret Hall Collection"
  Swarm. - Qing Shao-heng, "Green left the door draft"
  Ant villagers owned. - "Guangdong Military Affairs in mind"
  Another example Qianhuhouyong; a group of people hold out the old professor; People saved (surround); owned homes (hall side of the house)
  Surrounded by [surround]
  Looking isolated city, according to the contract owner of Castle Peak. - Kim Dong Jie Yuan, "Romance of West Chamber"
  Flag photo turned Divine Restoration, coiling owned stone. - Liu Yazi "title Taiping War History"
  Another example is the owner column (surrounded by towering columns); owned furnace (fireplace heating); People with (screen surround)
  Support; sticking [hold]
  Fan Kuai that shield into the army with the sword of the door. - "Shi Ji Xiang Yu Ji"
  People to the PDG. - Song Hu Tsai, "Cong hidden words Tiaoxi fishing"
  Fan the fire to enter. - Song Wang "You praise Zen Mountain in mind"
  Yong Min Hao Ma ago. - Ming Gao Qi "book Bo chicken thing"
  Zhang Yong Huang Gai feather fan. - Qing Shao-heng, "Green left the door draft"
  Another example is owned 篲 (to welcome the guests and cleaning); owned the book (with book; carefully read; also refers to the piles of addiction); owned primary (held hostage by the sovereign)
  Aggregation [gather]
  This operation has been owned millions of the public. - "Three Kingdoms Shu old"
  Another example is the squad (master, gathered the army); owned collection (aggregation)
  Support [support]. If Yong Li (support the Emperor or the princes of the throne); Yong-woo (owned right, Yong Yu. Support help; bless); support the armed forces (local support of the army)
  Crowded [crowd]
  Non-idlers look around, crowded noisy. - "Blessings of life on the Ministry of the book Legal Advisors"
  Another example is owned households (packed in a room)
  Security [guard]. If owned all (security guard)
  Wrap [wrap]
  Owned by quilt cover. - Ming Lian "send Dongyang Horse Health Order"
  Another example is owned items (bib); Yong Gao ratio (ratio of sitting Gao. Teach. Gao than the tiger); owned quilt, owned by (Banwo to protect the lower body is wrapped); Fan Cover (muffled coverage)
  General obstruct. "Obstruction [block]
  And Yong shut unreasonable. - "Records of North Biography"
  People do not repeat it. - "Three Kingdoms Xiahou Shang Biography"
  I pass every Fan Kui. - Tangqiu chien "Foolish Old Man Fu"
  Another example is the owner contain (block, block); owned Road (road block); owned stagnation (Liu Zhi; block; slack)
  Cover [cover]
  Women go out, cover their faces will be owned. - "In the Book of Rites"
  Another example is the People cover (cover); Fan cover (cover)
  Possession of [have]
  Yongzhou owned land. - Han Jia Yi "on the Qin"
  Tens of thousands of public owned. - "Han Guang Su Jian Chuan"
  Fan million of the public. - "Three Kingdoms"
  Another example is owned squatting (tenure position); owned system (control); squad (master, gathered the army)
  Cultivate [cultivate]. If owned irrigation (irrigated cultivation); owned land (in the earth around the base of plant stems)
  [Throw one's arms around sb., Hold in one's arms; hug; embrace] cuddle, that my dear
  [Support] elected, support
  [Protect]: help; protection
  Support of the people
  [Cluster round]: surrounded
  Huarong and other support for the Song Jiang
  [Support]: on the leaders, political parties, policies and measures in favor of and fully supports
  Support the reform
  [Take care of]: care; Care
  Lu Hui-Chu Niang exceedingly support allotments. - "Eight Cave"
  [Bodyguard]: Guardian; attendants
  I support you only do one, Paul was he was in life in, for no such trouble, also not been taken to. - "Journey to the West"
  Fan coma
  [Sweep; clean up] to get sweeping door. Hui, "also for Hui," said respectfully to greet guests or elderly
  Such as Yan, the king was a pioneer in comet owner, please list his disciples, Block and by the industry. - "Mencius, Xun Qing Historical Biography." Solitude whom that sweeping, broom and is owned by Yi Mei line, and those who fear the dust, so the King also. "
  [Crowd; push and squeeze] or travel so tightly packed together
  Crowded downtown
  Crowd in
  [Crowd into] [people] into the crowded
  Said something to prices in the early morning crowd in the store to a group of customers
  People gather
  [Gather round] together
  Billboard owner before a group of people together
  [Support the army and give preferential treatment to the families of revolutionary soldiers and martyr] support the people's army and give preferential treatment to families of revolutionary soldiers
  Yong Yak
  [Taken flag with yak's tail and controled some land by anciene military officer] the ancient festival jerk authoritarian military officer holding a party
  Yong Yak miles. - Southern Liang Qiu late "and the Uncle of the book"
  [Jam; congest]: blocking, blocking
  River congestion
  Port congestion gradually
  [Cluster]: clustering; crowded filled
  Congestion thorns
  [Possess; have; own] possession; held
  [Support the government and cherish the people] the military support of the government, protect the people
  yōng ˉ ㄩ ㄥ
  Hold ~ hold.
  After calling around before ~.
  Elected, love ~ wear. ~ Care.
  Gathered a ~ crowded. Cluster ~.
  A ~ a.
  Shelter ~ cover (also known as stasis shield "). ~ Cyprus (sè).
  Zheng code dld, u62e5, gbkd3b5
  8 number of strokes, radical Rolling, stroke order number 12135112
Kangxi Dictionary
D concentrate  】 【Tang Yun Yun in Long cut 【】 【_set_】 Committee Yong Yun will cut, ???? Yong rising tone. 】 【Say this for ???? text. Hold also. Li Yu algae】 【Stanford beam and band, handling those problems, and then close it, go, you owned it. 【】 Stanford I also sparse, apart from that belted group and those with the vertical. Income support that the convergence in the hand, hold that the owner is also in the arms. 【Former Han Yong tree Jaap infant transmission side that holds the South Chi NB Yong tree for the children, face disobey also, Yong hold of, so has the hold of the plane back to Chi. Yongduyueyong. And support also. Former Han Ji】 【great-grandfather owned Gotti coma. 【Note】 now finally holding broom also. And David also, the group from also. Also 【Mailyard statement also sparse】 Yong Yong-supported, but also for the owner. Support support, are _set_ out any meaning. 】 【Ji Yun and cut in the volume, tone Yong. Cover also. Women in the】 【out ceremony, will cover the surface owner. 【Note】 owned, is also still impaired. Or for ????. Have also been ????.

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