Hold; grasping. Made after "take" take〗 〖
Helena, who also. From the hand, slave sound. - "Said the text"
Take, seize too. - "Cang Jie articles"
Junior mind when Na Yun, who will study at the cold quiet sit-ming uh. - Li "To the wine line"
Ye Qian charge of the instruments are combined, bring me unanimous backing. - Meng Hanqing "magic co-Lo"
Another example: Nashi (steward; power); get air (the air, grasping the air); good (do whatever certainty; good); Nayun (metaphor ambitious, skill strength); get to (seize)
〗 〖Fight fight
Bear and Tiger rose and grab hold. - Zhang Heng "Xijing fu." Note: "Competing is also held."
Another example: take the war (fighting); take grab (fighting); take the fight (fight)
With the "take." Arrest; catch catch〗 〖
Magistrate to get the neighborhood when the Office of thousand survey asked. - "Water Margin"
Another example: Take the (catch); take the study (the capture of inquiries); get to visit (the capture of visits); Nahuo (capture, reappear); Helenians (Utah Buyi, Detective)
Implicated; link 〖draw; connect〗
Take unresolved disaster, war-endless. - "Later Han Feng Yan Biography"
Another example: Take soldiers (led his troops); Nayun grab Stone (old trees, the majesty of the root disk rock crevices)
卯集中 D concentrate 【唐韻】【集韻】【正韻】女加切【韻會】奴加切,????音呶。【說文】牽引也。【增韻】攫也。【史記·霍去病傳】漢匈奴相紛拏。【註】相牽也。【漢書註】亂相持搏也。一作挐。 又拘捕罪人曰拏。俗作拿。 又【揚子·方言】拏,揚州會稽之語也。或謂之惹。 又【正韻】女居切,音袽。【前漢·嚴安傳】禍拏而不解。【註】拏,相連引也,女居反。 又揉也。【楚辭·招魂】稻粢穱麥,拏黃粱些。 【韻會】拏屬舌音,泥字母。舊韻女加切,乃屬齒音,蓋由吳音所呼,女字入泥母故也。今依七音更定奴加切。◎按《說文》拏挐音同義別。韻會拏入麻韻,挐入魚韻。六書故,集韻,正韻,讀書通皆合爲一。考之經史傳註,兩字通用,????有二音,義亦相通,从合可也。互詳挐字註。
【】 【Ji Yun Tang Yun Rhymes】 【】 【female Gatchen will】 Nujia Qie Yun, ???? sound bawl. Wen also said】 【traction. By Yun】 【grab too. 【Fax】 Han Hun Huo Records Fun-phase take. 【Note】 phase pull also. 【Note】 chaos Han stroke is also locked in a stalemate. One for the take. Sinner said they get arrested. Popular for holding. And dialects】 【Yangtze take, Yangzhou Hueiji Language also. Or that the mess. Rhymes】 【another woman living cut, sound old rags. 【Fax】 Former Han Yan An evil get the puzzled. 【Note】 Helena, is also connected to lead, anti-female home. And rubbing also. Evocation】 【Chu Jue wheat rice millet, get some yellow beam. 】 【Rhyme will take is retroflex, mud letters. Old female Gatchen rhyme, it is an dental, cover the call by the Wu sound, female characters into the mud it is also the mother. This was _set_ by Qi Yin Nu Jiaqie. ◎ Press "said the text" Do not Take it sound synonymous. Ma Yun Yun will get into, get into the fish rhyme. Liu Shu, Ji Yun, Rhymes, reading through all combined into one. After examination of the history of mass injection, the word universal, ???? two sound and meaning are the same, from the joint can be also. Details of each other to get the word Note.
编号:7837 ID: 7837 牽引也。从手奴聲。 女加切
Traction also. The sound from the hand of slavery. Female Gatchen