Tam (Tam) dān shoulder and pick: fetch water. Assume, is responsible for: shoulder. Served. Play. Magnanimous (a. forgive; b. assume responsibility). Bear responsibility. Risk. Tam (Tam) dàn pick something appliances, the use of bamboo and wood made of: pole. Something of a challenge: the burden. Heavy responsibilities. Chinese System of a unit of weight, a load equal to one hundred pounds. Quantifiers, into a bear for something: a fetch water. Tam dǎn with the "dust." Stroke: 8; radicals: Rolling; stroke ID: 12125111
(Phonetic. From the hand, Zhan sound. Original meaning: The hands are)
〗 〖Carryonashoulderpole with the original meaning
Dan, what are. From the person, Zhan sound. To said negative back to the shoulder, saying, Dan. - "Said Wen." Word is considered as "Dan."
Tam, negative as well. - "Word Forest"
Bear bag line to take pay. - Cao Cao "bitter cold line"
Fushudantuo. - "A policy of Qin Warring States"
〗 〖Carryonone'sback bear. Such as: Tam large umbrella for stalls (carrying an umbrella)
Bear, bear〗 〖takeupon
I bear sad too. - Qing Lin Chueh people "with his wife and the book"
Another example: sharing (shoulder part); bear (bear); Tam Fu (play; support); Tam Du (the ability to take responsibility); Tam stakeholders (Tam dry discipline. Responsible)
See dàn
〖Assure; guarantee; vouchfor〗 that is responsible to ensure that guarantees nothing will be done or
My honor this is true
Take the blame
〗 〖Taketheblame assume fault
Bear a heavy, heavy bear children
dānchénzhòng, dānchénzhòngr
〗 〖Shoulderresponsibility [dialect]: take responsibility
In the end he was a child, does not bear a heavy
If he was not at home, you have to worry much heavy ah
〗 〖Takeup commitments; burden
We must bear up this glorious task
The feelings I can not afford to bear
Bear the responsibility
〗 〖Mouth
〖Forgive; pardon〗: not to care about; forgive
〗 〖Takeon: refers to the responsibility
Do not worry! All have my magnanimous
〖Takeon; beartheburden; assumetheresponsibility〗 shoulder; commitment
A leading role
〖Takeup; beresponsiblefor; bechargedwith〗 〖assume their duties, obligations or tasks〗
Assume the responsibility to maintain order
〗 〖Delay delay delay
〖Stretcher; litter〗 means seeing the patient, the wounded simple appliances, shelves, canvas or rope middle Bengzhuo
〗 〖Frightened anxious
Do not let your mother you always fear
〖Feelalarmed; beinastateofaxiety〗 describe the fear, is fear of the state
Hugh listen to fortune-telling nonsense, leaving a family business wide sea. Fear to venture Longtan doing business. - "Water Margin"
Tam name, name of child Tam
dānmíng, dānmíngr
〖Bear; resumeaname bear a reputation〗
Tam notoriety
Bear in name
〖Taketheofficeof; holdthepostof; takechargeof; assumetheofficeof〗 play a position, work
By Tam
〗 〖Takeon commitment; stand
Worried by the suffering
〖Worry; feelanxious〗 heart worries; do not trust
Mother worried that I may not live long day
Fears for his safety
Another day as I fear thy concern. - Qing Lin Chueh people "with his wife and the book"
Basidiomycetes〗 〖basidium specific conidiophores, they are either not separated (such as non-separated basidiomycete subclass) or separated or branched, sometimes spores from a spore or a similar structure (if every subclass of basidiomycetes) from developed to produce a fixed number (eg 4) of the basidiospores
Pole and hung on two things〗 〖carryingpoleandtheloadsonit
Come to ten feet feet bearing the burden. - "Songs of the South sad when life." Note: "Holland said Tam."
Tam has standing interpretation of oil peddler. - Xiu Song, "recorded the Country Life"
Another example: Tiaodan; Tam battle (baggage burden. Also to "bear feet", "Dan stick"); Tam head (two cargo Tam; a pick things); traveling salesman
〗 〖Sedan chair. Such as: Dan Yu (shoulder public opinion)
Responsibilities 〖burden; load〗. Such as: the burden of (a heavy burden, heavy duty metaphor)
Chinese unit of weight. The old system was a load of one hundred pounds, this is a city with hundreds Jin Tam 〖aunitofweight (= 50kilograms)〗
However, road Yin Wen poetry, his family does not sigh unsecured stone. - Li Qi, "Do not beam 锽"
Used to pick things into account〗 〖aloadof. Such as: a load of firewood; two bear m
See dān
Dan dan noodles
〖AhotspicynoodleaseateninSichuan; Sichuannoodleswithpepperysauce〗 [dialect]: an add onions, ginger, mustard, sesame, spicy noodles and other spices. Result in Chengdu, Chongqing and other places selling this pasta is named Tiaodan
〗 〖Acarryingpoleandtheloadsonit: pole and hung on the general term for two things
The heavy burden of daily work
Tam (phonetic. From the hand, Zhan sound. Loaded with the original meaning) with the original meaning of Dan, what are. From the person, Zhan sound. To said negative back to the shoulder, saying, Dan. - "Said Wen." Words have also been worried. "Tam, negative as well. -" Word Forest "bear bag line to take pay. - Cao Cao" bitter cold of the lines of "negative book bear sack. -" Qin Warring States policy a "can not bear and if Shoulder hand can not be mentioned; Tam wear (face it head) bear bear bear bear my sad too. - Qing Lin Chueh people "with his wife and the book" Another example is the sharing (shoulder part); bear (bear); Tam Fu (play; support); Tam Du (the ability to take responsibility); Tam stakeholders (Tam dry discipline. responsible) Tam flat low in the two things that worry dān ① ~ water with the hands are. ② bear; responsible for ~ office. See also dàn. 【Tarry delay】 【】 see. dàn ① bear the burden, with the pole of a challenge to pick something. metaphor of the tasks Shining ~, shoulder re ~. ② City bear. weight 50 kg. ③ classifiers. be used as Tam's what a ~ food. See also dān. Tam dǎn 1. strike. 2. whisk. Tam jiē 1. move. Tam shàn 1. guise.
Dan bear
Radical Radical Rolling 03 total strokes 08 strokes
dan; picul;
Tam 2
Flat low in the two things [carrying pole and the loads on it]
Xi feet to ten feet of negative stare. - "Songs of the South sad when life." Zhuheyuedan. "
Tam has standing interpretation of oil peddler. - Xiu Song, "recorded the Country Life"
Another example Tiaodan; Tam battle (baggage burden. Also for bear feet ", Tam stick"); Tam head (two cargo Tam; a pick things); traveling salesman
Responsibilities [burden; load]. Such as the burden (a heavy burden, heavy duty metaphor)
Chinese unit of weight. The old system was a load of one hundred pounds, this is a city with hundreds Jin Tam [a unit of weight (= 50 kilograms)]
However, road Yin Wen poetry, his family does not sigh unsecured stone. - Li Qi, "Do not beam 锽"
Used to pick things into account [a load of]. If a bear firewood; two bear m
See dān
Dan dan noodles
[A hot spicy noodle as eaten in sichuan; sichuan noodles with peppery sauce] [side]: an add onions, ginger, mustard, sesame, spicy noodles and other spices. Result in Chengdu, Chongqing and other places selling this pasta is named Tiaodan
[A carrying pole and the loads on it]: flat low in the general term for two things
[Load; burden]: unaffordable, it is difficult responsibility
The heavy burden of daily work
Tam 1
(Phonetic. From the hand, Zhan sound. Loaded with original meaning)
With the original meaning of [carry on a shoulder pole]
Dan, what are. From the person, Zhan sound. To said negative back to the shoulder, saying, Dan. - "Said Wen." Words have also been worried. "
Tam, negative as well. - "Word Forest"
Bear bag line to take pay. - Cao Cao "bitter cold line"
Fushudantuo. - "A policy of Qin Warring States"
Another example can not bear the shoulder, the hand can not be mentioned; bear to wear (face it head)
Bear [carry on one's back]. If Tam large umbrella for stalls (carrying an umbrella)
Bear, bear [take upon]
I bear sad too. - Qing Lin Chueh people "with his wife and the book"
Another example is the sharing (shoulder part); bear (bear); Tam Fu (play; support); Tam Du (the ability to take responsibility); Tam stakeholders (Tam dry discipline. Responsible)
See dàn
[Assure; guarantee; vouch for] that is responsible for, or guarantee to ensure that no problems do
My honor this is true
Take the blame
dān bùshi
[Take the blame] bear the fault
Bear a heavy, heavy bear children
dān chénzhòng, dān chénzhòngr
[Shoulder responsibility] [side]: take responsibility
In the end he was a child, does not bear a heavy
If he was not at home, you have to worry much heavy ah
[Take up] commitment; burden
We must bear up this glorious task
The feelings I can not afford to bear
Bear the responsibility
[Forgive; pardon]: not to care about; forgive
[Take on]: refers to the responsibility
Do not worry! All have my magnanimous
[Take on; bear the burden; assume the responsibility] shoulder; commitment
A leading role
[Take up; be responsible for; be charged with] assume [duties, obligations or tasks]
Assume the responsibility to maintain order
[Delay] delay, delay
[Stretcher; litter] refers to seeing the patient, the wounded simple appliances, shelves, canvas or rope middle Bengzhuo
[Anxious] frightened
Do not let your mother you always fear
[Feel alarmed; be in a state of axiety] described the fear, is fear of the state
Hugh listen to fortune-telling nonsense, leaving a family business wide sea. Fear to venture Longtan doing business. - "Water Margin"
Tam name, name of child Tam
dānmíng, dānmíngr
[Bear; resume a name] bear some sort of reputation
Tam notoriety
Bear in name
[Take the office of; hold the post of; take charge of; assume the office of] a position to play, work
By Tam
[Take on] commitment; stand
Worried by the suffering
[Worry; feel anxious] heart worries; do not trust
Mother worried that I may not live long day
[Care; be afraid of; be anxious about; worry about; be concerned about] are worried and disturbed
Fears for his safety
Another day as I fear thy concern. - Qing Lin Chueh people "with his wife and the book"
[Basidium] Basidiomycetes specific conidiophores, they are either not separated (such as non-separated basidiomycete subclass) or separated or branched, sometimes spores from a spore or a similar structure (if every subclass of basidiomycetes) from developed to produce a fixed number (eg 4) of the basidiospores
Tam 1
dān ㄉ ㄢ ˉ
Shoulder and pick ~ water.
Assume, is responsible for ~ negative. ~ Ren. ~ As. ~ To be (a. forgive; b. assume responsibility). ~ Task. ~ Risk.
Zheng code dka, u62c5, gbkb5a3
8 number of strokes, radical Rolling, stroke order number 12125111
dan; picul;
Tam 2
dàn ㄉ ㄢ ╝
Pick something appliances, the use of bamboo and wood made of flat ~.
Something of a challenge ~ son. Yong pick re ~.
Chinese System of a unit of weight, a load equal to one hundred pounds.
Quantifiers, for one thing into Tam ~ water.
Zheng code dka, u62c5, gbkb5a3
8 number of strokes, radical Rolling, stroke order number 12125111
dan; picul;
Tam 3
dǎn ㄉ ㄢ
With the Shan. "
Zheng code dka, u62c5, gbkb5a3
8 number of strokes, radical Rolling, stroke order number 12125111
Tang Yun】 【Dry cutting multi-party dry】 【Ji Yun cut, ???? sound of Tan. And Qie the same. Jade articles】 【whisk well. 【Burson hit a well. Also】 【Ji Yun Qiu Jieqie, audio and abandon. And mortgage pass. Move also. Chu Yuan You】 【intended to bear Jiao Zi Sui. 【Note】 Tam Jiao Zhu, Xuan move also. (Tam) 【Ji Yun Tang Yun】 【】 【】 are willing to cut rhyme will Rhymes】 【are blue cut, ???? bile level tone. The same with Dan. Said back negative, said Tam shoulder. 】 【Shiming Tam, Ren also, any force that can win. Yi Xi Ci 【】 is negative and negative by thinning those responsible to things. Su Qin Warring】 【win tie up shoe raise one's foot, the negative book bear pouch. And bear left, place names. Yizhou Yu Ren】 【IA record with left Tam Road, North County, in Chengdu, the West, from North to who be on the left shoulder, right shoulder are not degrees. Wu and Tam, mountain name. In the northwest of Chengdu. Shu Chi Chuan 【Note】 primary first wife Wu Gu Shu Wang, hair and Death in Tam Kwok soil buried in Chengdu, high Qi Zhang, Xiao Yue Wu worried too. Went to the sound. 【】 【Ji Yun Tang Yun Yun will】 【】 【】 ???? are being indiscriminately cut rhyme. That the negative also. Chuang Zuo】 【Twenty-two years relaxation in the burden. 【Note】 temporary anti-D. When they】 【Ji Yun Yan cut, audio age support. False also. 【System】 stick ritual mourning those four, He also, Jazz too. Or we can say the main worry. 【】 No mourning rituals and stick by what MG, bear the Lord. 【Note】 leave them with sticks, respect for the main also. Youyi age support cut, brilliant sound. Meaning the same.