Charge yā the instrument, contract or sign a mark: his mark. Sign charge. The property as a guarantee to the people: rent deposit. Deposit. Yadang (d Er g). Mortgage. Detention: see (k Phoi) charge. Custody. Charge gap. Follow care: escort. Escort. With the "pressure" for "betting", "charge team", "rhyme." Name. Stroke: 8; radicals: Rolling; stroke ID: 12125112
Charge yā 【Activity】 (Phonetic. From the hand of a sound. Original meaning: to sign, in the documents, a mark or sign the contract to do by faith) 〗 〖Sign with the original meaning Then charge a piece of paper documents. - "Tales" Another example: take charge of the word (pressed flowers); charge contract (a contract); charge list (in the official statement on the signature); charge Chile (signed decree); charge text (signature); monogram (signature); charge Department (Signed; his mark) Mortgage, pawn pawn〗 〖 Charge for the time being four hundred and twenty silver. - "Dream of Red Mansions" Another example: charge month (rental housing when the first two months of rent paid to the landlord, of which one month's rent as advance); charge land (old fields as collateral); Yakuan (the language of business. To goods or securities, etc. bank or banks as collateral to borrow); charge of the (mortgage term); charge price (the price of pawn or pledge); charge Paul (extrusion on bail) Detention, imprisonment〗 〖takeintocustody. Such as: custody fan (specially Budao runners); Yasi (Song to help local officials handle the case of Du, lawsuits and other things Shuli); detention (detention; detention) 〗 〖Sendunderescort escort With a flail on the charge positive 旦. - "Snow in Midsummer" Another example: the water charges (water transport escorts); charge fat (escort) 〖Bet stake; bet〗. Such as: bet (bet bet); betting (within the meaning of speculation on the direction of Po bet) 〗 〖Accompany accompany. Such as: charge Yan (charge feast); charge with (accompany passengers to make); charge dinner (accompanied by guests, presided over the banquet) 〗 〖Takechargeof charge Book by six points six Cao charge. - "New Book of Tang Guan Zhi a hundred" Another example: Walled charge Mrs. (Yazhaifuren); charge class (Baiguan North Korea will be out when the first bit in the class of officials) Through "pressure." Extrusion press〗 〖 Newborn child, it took charge of its head so flat stone. - "Jinshu Dong Chen Yi Han Biography" Charge yā 【Name】 As by faith in the documents, contracts signed on the signature〗 〖name or symbol. Such as: A charge Q drawn kill gave Betting yābǎo 〖Stake; gamblewithdiceunderabowl〗 guess Po bet on the direction referred to - also as "bets" Charge difference yāchāi 〗 〖Businessonsendingunderescort: undertake escort missions 〗 〖Personsendingunderescort: the person responsible for escorting tasks Guard, yāchē 〖Escortatrain, truck, etc.〗 Appears to prevent items lost or other errors and attendant care, care. Also as "pressure train" Ya Dang yādàng 〖Pawnsth.〗: Collateral to borrow money to get clothes to the pawnshop 〗 〖Smallpawnshop: small pawn shop Team charge yāduì 〗 〖Bringuptherearandsupervise behind with the protection or supervision of the team Escorted yāfù 〗 〖Send people to the use of armed force to a destination, especially the delivery of executed or delivered to penalize sites To a criminal taken to his death Escort yājiè 〗 〖March: escorting prisoners or prisoners of war 〗 〖Sendawayunderescort: old refers to the supervision and delivery of property Deposit yājīn 〖Deposit; cashpledge〗 money as collateral Bottle deposit is the Pentagon Ban charge yājìn 〖Lockup; putinprison〗 detention; detention Yakuan yākuǎn 〗 〖Borrowmoneyonsecurity: The goods or securities as collateral and other loans to the bank or banks 〗 〖Loanonsecurity: The goods or securities as collateral to banks and other banks to borrow is exhausted or Lease charges yāqì 〗 〖Contractmadetodefinetheitemsasapledge: Mortgage Contract 〗 〖Aloanonsecurity: _set_ about rent deposit Lease their land charge Escort yāsòng 〖Turnsb.overto; escort; sendunderescort〗 escort escort Gold and silver bear escort Yang, Wu Gang by outwitting birthday. - "Water Margin" Gland yātou 〗 〖Security [dialect]: what to do with mortgage Oshio yāwěi 〖Sign; makeone'scrossonadocument〗 in the instrument, his mark at the end of the contract Escort yāyùn 〗 〖Escortgoodsintransportation transport goods along with supervision, care Rhyme yāyùn See〗 〖rhyme "rhyme" Charge account yāzhàng 〗 〖Offersth.assecurityforaloan borrow an item used as collateral when Asking him to leave valuables as a charge account for the lead. - "Five Seven Chivalrous justice" Rent deposit yāzū 〗 〖Rentdeposit rental deposit paid
Charge (shaped sound. From the hand of a sound. The original meaning of the signing, in the documents, a mark or sign the contract to do by faith) then charge with the original meaning of a piece of paper documents. - "Tales of" Another example is the charge of the flower characters (pressed flowers); charge contract (a contract); charge list (in the official statement on the signature); charge Chile (signed decree); charge text (signature); monogram (signature); charge Department (signature; initialed) mortgage, charge four hundred and twenty silver pawn for the time being. - "Dream of Red Mansions" Another example is the monthly charge (rental housing when the first two months of rent paid to the landlord, of which one month's rent as advance); charge land (old fields as collateral); Yakuan (the language of business. To such goods or securities as collateral to the bank or banks loans); charge of the (mortgage term); charge price (the price of pawn or pledge); charge Paul (extrusion bail) custody, detention in custody yā ⒈ instruments, sign the contract or a mark to make the certificate signed ~. Painting ~. ⒉ the property secured by ~ Submitted by Kim. Arrived ~. ~ ⒊ arrest detention. In ~. ⒋ supervision, care ~ operation followed. ~ Car. ⒌ through "pressure." Hold him down, wrote a poem with rhyme stones ~. ~ Yun. Charge jiǎ 1. Adjuvant. Charge xiá 1. 通 "sex." After another. 2. Pass "sex." Close, intimate. 3. Tong "pen." Cartridge. 4. Tong "pen." Testimonies; correction. See "Inspection charge."
押 ya
部首 扌 部首筆畫 03 總筆畫 08
押 give as security; detain; escort; pawn; pledge; signature;
押 yā
同本義 [sign]
抵押,典當 [pawn]
拘禁,關押 [take into custody]。如押番(專司捕盜衙役);押司(宋時協助地方官辦理案牘、官司等事的屬吏);拘押(拘禁;關押)
押送 [send under escort]
下註 [stake;bet]。如押註(押上賭註);押寶(猜測寶上所指的方向下註)
陪伴 [accompany]。如押燕(押宴);押伴(陪伴客使);押宴(陪伴賓客,主持宴會)
執掌 [take charge of]
通壓”。擠壓 [press]
押 yā
作為憑信而在公文、契約上所簽的名字或符號 [signature]。如阿q畫了押就給斃了
[stake;gamble with dice under a bowl] 猜測寶上所指的方向下註--亦作壓寶”
[business on sending under escort]∶擔負押送任務
[person sending under escort]∶擔負押送任務的人
[escort a train,truck,etc.] 為防止物品丟失或出現其他差錯而隨車看管、照料。也作壓車”
[pawn sth.]∶拿衣物嚮當鋪抵押借錢
[small pawnshop]∶小當鋪
[bring up the rear and supervise] 跟在隊伍後面保護或監督
[send] 用武裝強製把人送到某一目的地,尤指交付處死或交付給懲罰地點
[send away under escort]∶舊指監督運送財物
[deposit;cash pledge] 用作抵押的錢
[lock up;put in prison] 關押;拘禁
[borrow money on security]∶用貨物或有價證券等作抵押嚮銀行或錢莊藉款
[loan on security]∶用貨物或有價證券等作抵押而嚮銀行或錢莊藉得的款子
[contract made to define the items as a pledge]∶抵押契約
[a loan on security]∶定約押租
[turn sb.over to;escort;send under escort] 押解護送
[security] [方]∶做抵押用的東西
[sign; make one's cross on a document] 在文書、契約的末尾畫押 押運
[escort goods in transportation] 運輸貨物時隨同監督、照管
[rhyme] 見壓韻”
[offer sth. as security for a loan] 借錢時用某種物品作抵押 叫他把細軟留下作押賬為當頭。--《七俠五義》
[rent deposit] 租賃時支付的保證金
押 yā ㄧㄚˉ
Bet ya Radical Radical Rolling 03 total strokes 08 strokes Charge give as security; detain; escort; pawn; pledge; signature; Charge yā (1) (Phonetic. From the hand of a sound. The original meaning of the signing, in the documents, a mark or sign the contract to do by faith) (2) With the original meaning of [sign] Then charge a piece of paper documents. - "Tales" (3) Another example is the word charge of the flowers (pressed flowers); charge contract (a contract); charge list (in the official statement on the signature); charge Chile (signed decree); charge text (signature); monogram (signature); charge Department ( signature; his mark) (4) Mortgage, pledge [pawn] Charge for the time being four hundred and twenty silver. - "Dream of Red Mansions" (5) Another example is the monthly charge (rental housing when the first two months of rent paid to the landlord, of which one month's rent as advance); charge land (old fields as collateral); Yakuan (the language of business. To goods or securities, and so do mortgage loan to the bank or banks); charge of the (mortgage term); charge price (the price of pawn or pledge); charge Paul (extrusion on bail) (6) Detention, imprisonment [take into custody]. Such as the charge fan (specially Budao runners); Yasi (Song to help local officials handle the case of Du, the lawsuit and other things Shuli); detention (detention; detention) (7) Escort [send under escort] With a flail on the charge positive 旦. - "Snow in Midsummer" (8) Another example is the charge of water (water transport escorts); charge fat (escort) (9) Bet [stake; bet]. Such as the bet (bet bet); betting (within the meaning of speculation on the direction of Po bet) (10) Accompany [accompany]. Such as the charge Yan (charge feast); charge with (accompany passengers to make); charge feast (to accompany guests, presided over the banquet) (11) Charge [take charge of] Book by six points six Cao charge. - "New Book of Tang Guan Zhi a hundred" (12) Another example is Mrs. Walled charge (Yazhaifuren); charge class (Baiguan North Korea will be out when the first bit in the class of officials) (13) Through pressure. "Squeeze [press] Newborn child, it took charge of its head so flat stone. - "Jinshu Dong Chen Yi Han Biography" Charge yā As by faith in the documents, contracts signed on the name or symbol [signature]. A charge q, such as painting kill gave Betting yābǎo [Stake; gamble with dice under a bowl] guess Po bet on the direction referred to - have to make bets, " Charge difference yāchāi (1) [Business on sending under escort]: undertake escort missions (2) [Person sending under escort]: the task of the person responsible for escorting Guard, yāchē [Escort a train, truck, etc.] In order to prevent items lost or have other errors and attendant care, care. Also pressure car " Ya Dang yādàng (1) [Pawn sth.]: Take the clothes to the pawn shop to borrow money secured (2) [Small pawnshop]: a small pawn shop Team charge yāduì [Bring up the rear and supervise] the back with the team protection or supervision in Escorted yāfù [Send] to send men to use armed force to a destination, especially the delivery of executed or delivered to penalize sites To a criminal taken to his death Escort yājiè (1) [March]: escorting prisoners or prisoners of war (2) [Send away under escort]: old refers to the supervision and delivery of property Deposit yājīn [Deposit; cash pledge] as collateral for the money Bottle deposit is the Pentagon Ban charge yājìn [Lock up; put in prison] detention; detention Yakuan yākuǎn (1) [Borrow money on security]: use of goods or securities as collateral and other loans to the bank or banks (2) [Loan on security]: use of goods or securities as collateral to banks and other banks to borrow is exhausted or Lease charges yāqì (1) [Contract made to define the items as a pledge]: mortgage contracts (2) [A loan on security]: _set_ about rent deposit Lease their land charge Escort yāsòng [Turn sb.over to; escort; send under escort] escort escort Gold and silver bear escort Yang, Wu Gang by outwitting birthday. - "Water Margin" Gland yātou [Security] [party]: to do something with the mortgage Oshio yāwěi [Sign; make one's cross on a document] in the instrument, his mark at the end of the contract Escort yāyùn [Escort goods in transportation] when the cargo together with supervision and care Rhyme yāyùn [Rhyme] See rhyme " Charge account yāzhàng [Offer sth. As security for a loan] to borrow money secured by an item Asking him to leave valuables as a charge account for the lead. - "Five Seven Chivalrous justice" Rent deposit yāzū [Rent deposit] to pay a deposit when leasing Charge yā ㄧ ㄚ ˉ (1) The instrument, the contract signature or a mark drawn on the ~. Sign ~. (2) The property as a guarantee to the people ~ rent. ~ Gold. ~ When (dàng). Code ~. (3) Detention see (kān) ~. Arrests ~. ~ Ban. (4) ~ Sent to follow the care. ~ Yun. (5) With the pressure "for betting", charge teams "rhyme." (6) Name. Zheng code dkib, u62bc, gbkd1ba 8 number of strokes, radical Rolling, stroke order number 12125112
Wu Tang Yun】 【A】 【cut 【Ji Yun Yun Yun will】 【】 B is a cut, ???? sound pressure. Department also. People today are also made by the Department of text charge. 【Return】 monogram text refers to also. Shangguan】 【Tang Zhongshushing Scheeren hundred to six points six charges Shang Cao, the prime minister to decide cases with the Department Naizou Sato. 】 【Tongdian rounding in the book that the six charges. And Ouyang Xiu said: Popular name to cursive monogram. 】 【Ji Yun and press as well. One arrest has said tube. Article Shangguan】 【Tang morning sessions, two charges of imperial supervisor classes. And Yaya, Guan Ming. Tangwu Chen Ya officer. Rhyming Poetry said they charge. Charges were made, the pressure also. Also with the pressure through. Han Yu】 【bet it will Taixie City inner gates. Tang Yun and 【】 【】 【Ji Yun Yun will cut】 ???? ancient sex, a tone. Fu also. Yun】 【inspection beam is also increased. 【_Set_】 【rhyme and rhyme will be a cut】 ???? jurisdiction, audio sex. Meaning the same. 【Fax】 stupid before the Han Yang Xiong Di inspection charge. 【Note】 check charge, still implicit, including also, the words are also moving charge by the prosecution. Also with the sex pass. Han Gong-fu before interest 【】 Yuxi re-trace the mass remanded. 【Note】 consequential to the well.