Grab (grab) qiǎng wins, hard to take: robbery. Snatch. Hurry, hurry, first: the first to. Preemption. Buy. Sights. Scrape: grinding scissors grab a kitchen knife. Blame or sarcastic face: dress down his meal. glom, grablootrobsnatchwrench grab (grab) qiāng touch, hit: screaming in pain. With the "closure" ①. glom, grablootrobsnatchwrench grab (grab) chēng 〔〕 chaotic grab throw into confusion the way, such as "fragmented grab grab fortune, was the world hole remorse." (Grab) glom, grablootrobsnatchwrench stroke: 7; radicals: Rolling; stroke order number: 1213455
Grab Grab qiāng 【Activity】 Collision; touch; touch 〖knock; hit〗 Feiqiangyufang Zhidun. - "Happy Excursion." Note: "Breakthrough also" Rob, stab also. - "Han Yang Xiong Chuan" Note To grab the first place. - "Warring Wei Ce" Grab call stricken. - "Strange Cricket" Another example: looting ground (touch the ground. Refers to kowtow for mercy); rush to call days (in the first collision, the Beihu heaven. Described in an agony); grab kneeling (one knee bent Bangui Ceremony) Pushing, shoving〗 〖push. Inverse; top; block 〖goagainst; disobey; keepoff〗. Such as: tack Trauma, injury wound〗 〖 Reduction of gold from the foot injury, the first turn grab Corolla. - Tang Bai "ransom chicken" poem Place 〖taketheplaceof; beinplaceof〗. Such as: grab for the (false generation of test) Red; break rush〗 〖 Climb out of a bucket the size of snow may also wish to snake. - "Water Margin" See qiǎng Tack qiāngfēng 〗 〖Headreach wind. Facing the wind; block the wind Grab Grab qiǎng 【Activity】 (Phonetic. From the hand position in the sound. Original meaning: to snatch) With the original meaning 〖seize; snatch; rob; loot〗 Snatch sound. - "Yu Chu preface poem Autumn Sound" Snatch cattle. - "Guangdong Military Affairs in mind" Another example: caught fire (looting); grab line (competing with the industry, the idea that love of competition); robbed me of things he can not get rich; robbery (robbery, robbery cases); grab Abduction (robbery looting) Quickly; surprise 〖rush; viefor〗. Such as: grab fall (autumn harvest crops surprise) Preemptive; first to 〖forstall; trytobethefirsttodosth.〗. Such as: grab the head as reported (first to the good news. The first report was in the examination, it may be gratuities); grab Wo (a children's game); grab life (curse Hu Ben run around); grab three (mora of a provision three boxing matches with a wine to drink); get water (Race); Qiangbu (walked quickly; tight-step) 〖Scrape or wipe the object surface scrape; ruboff〗. Such as: rob grinding knives scissors Dress down; reproveorsatirizesb.tohisface〗 〖blunt words. Such as: grab asked (questioned) See qiāng Dress down qiǎngbái 〗 〖Reprimand that person to blame, scolding, irony and sarcasm, then Rush back qiǎngbèi 〖(Traditionalopera), awayofsomersaultlandingonone'sback〗 opera performances or flutter action. Actor ramp flapping body forward to the potential roll to back and left shoulder. Used for military drama that was kicked while lying on the ground Speedily cross qiǎngdù 〗 〖Hurry quickly through speedilycross Snatch qiǎngduó 〖Snatch; wrest; seize violent rapacity〗 Snatch sound. - "Yu Chu preface poem Autumn Sound" Snatch cattle. - "Guangdong Military Affairs in mind" Robbery, burning of houses Rob workers qiǎnggōng 〗 〖Shockwork lose time, speed up the process to be completed in advance or in a timely manner Attacking qiǎnggōng 〗 〖Afrestalledattack fully prepared to grab the enemy before the attack Panic buying qiǎnggòu 〗 〖Rushtopurchase needs and not rushing to buy items If grab qiǎnghuà 〗 〖Forestallotherspeakers rush to speak before the others Marriage by capture qiǎnghūn 〗 〖Carryoffawomanandmarryherbyforce robbery married women; Bride Get the building qiǎngjiàn 〗 〖Rushtobuild speed up to the task ahead or the timely completion of construction Robbery qiǎngjié 〖Rob; loot; plunder〗 predatory violence Bank robbery Robbery qiǎngjié'àn 〗 〖Caseofrobery the case on the robbery Robber qiǎngjiéfàn 〖Robber; pillager; holdupman; plunderer; marauder〗 see the "looters" Rescue qiǎngjiù 〖Rescue; save; salvage〗 surprise ambulance in an emergency situation Rescue patients Plunder qiǎnglüè 〗 〖Robbery loot 抢拍 qiǎngpāi 〗 〖Fightforvantagepointintakingnewspicture seize the opportunity, seize the shooting Certainly important to a good lens 抢拍 Bride qiǎngqīn 〗 〖Takeawomanformarriagebyforce a minority in the marriage customs, the woman forcibly taken away by the married man Rob moisture qiǎngshāng 〗 〖Rush-plantwhilethesoilisdamp when taking advantage of better pay close attention to planting soil moisture Undercut qiǎngshēngyi 〗 〖Undercut: competitors〗 〖cheaper than sold, as long as the lower wages or job, or who serve less pay 〗 〖Hustle: make every effort to ensure that the business Motor boats undercut the quayside Race against time qiǎngshíjiān 〗 〖Againsttime that tried to approach, meet or exceed the existing time record Rescuers frantically race against time to rescue up the miners buried Grab City qiǎngshì 〗 〖Rushinmarketsupplies be the first to market in order to better prices Rush in the harvest qiǎngshōu 〗 〖Rushintheharvest raid crops harvested when mature race against time Sought qiǎngshǒu 〗 〖Shoppingrush [dialect]: I still made popular; selling Tickets are highly sought after World Cup Hot demand qiǎngshǒuhuò 〗 〖Shopping-rushgoods people rushing to buy the goods Is the seasonal demand on it! Beach qiǎngtān 〗 〖Managetogetashipstrandedtopreventitfromsinking in danger in order to escape the vessel, and managed to force, resting by the beach in shallow water Beach qiǎngtān 〗 〖Forestall the first to occupy the time, place, or the advantages of the market U.S. agricultural products this year marks the landing, harvest crops, but difficult to sell at high prices Grab opera qiǎngxì 〗 〖Upstage appropriation or exceed the performance part of the entitlement Chimpanzees actually play with people grab First to qiǎngxiān 〗 〖First to forestall, grab the front Another anticipated the space Rescue qiǎngxiǎn 〗 〖Rushtodealwithanemergency dangerous rescue Rescue team qiǎngxiǎnduì 〗 〖Emergencysquad danger of organized rescue teams quickly Repair qiǎngxiū 〗 〖Rushtorepair time after the accident or the result of tight and high speed to mobilize people to seize the time to repair Rush to transport qiǎngyùn 〗 〖Rush-transport race against time to step up transport Seize qiǎngzhàn 〗 〖Racetocontrol grab the front of the enemy occupation of favorable terrain or in combat operations in key locations Seize the high ground Plant crops qiǎngzhòng 〗 〖Rush-plant planting campaign race against time Plant crops rice Plant crops qiǎngzhòng 〗 〖Hurry rush-planting planting blitz Try to get the first word in qiǎngzuǐ 〗 〖Trytobeatothersinbeingthefirsttotalk [dialect]: to speak before others grab 〗 〖Rush-eat: rob
Grab collision; touch; touch Feiqiangyufang Zhidun. - "Happy Excursion." Note conflict also "robbed, stabbed also. -" Han Yang Xiong Chuan "Note to grab the first place. -" Warring Wei policy "panic stricken call. -" Strange Cricket "Again grab ground (touch the ground. refers to kowtow for mercy); rush to call days (in the first collision, the Beihu heaven. described in an agony); grab kneeling (one knee bent Bangui ceremony) push, shoving inverse; top; block trauma, injury foot injury from the reduction of gold, the first turn grab Corolla. - Tang Bai "redemption" chicken instead of red poetry; break out of a grab bucket size, snow may also wish to grab (grab) qiǎng ⒈ wins, wins hard to get ~ . ~ ball. ~ robbery. ⒉ Sign and striving for the first time ~. ~ save. ~ income ~ species. ⒊ scrape (remove the surface layer) ~ chopper. ~ pigskin. grab (grab) qiāng ⒈ through "closure." inverse, opposite direction. ⒉ touch, hit ~ wall. the head ~ to. grab qiàng 1. with the "gun." caulking in gold and silver utensils and other accessories. See "grab gold." 2. with the "choke." due to stimulation of tracheal foreign body causing an inverse cough. grab chéng 1. See "grab throw into confusion." grab chēng 1. See "mix grab." 2. beautiful, beautiful.
抢 qiang
部首 扌 部首笔画 03 总笔画 07
抢 glom, grab;loot;rob;snatch;wrench;
撞;碰;触 [knock;hit]
推,搡 [push]。
逆;顶;挡 [go against;disobey;keep off]。如抢风
创伤,伤 [wound]
代替 [take the place of;be in place of]。如抢替(冒名代考)
冲;闯 [rush]
[headreach] 逆风。面向着风;挡住风
同本义 [seize;snatch;rob;loot]
赶紧;突击 [rush;vie for]。如抢秋(突击收获秋熟作物)
抢先;争先 [forstall;try to be the first to do sth.]。如抢头报(抢先报喜。第一个报科举得中的,可多得赏钱);抢窝(一种儿童游戏);抢命(骂人胡奔乱跑);抢三(猜拳的一种规定,三拳两胜喝一次酒);抢水(竞渡);抢步(疾步;紧步)
刮掉或擦掉物体表层 [scrape;rub off]。如磨剪子来抢菜刀
抢白;言词生硬 [reprove or satirize his face]。如抢问(责问)
[reprimand] 当面说责备、训斥、讽剌与挖苦的话
[(traditional opera),a way of somersault landing on one's back] 戏曲表演的跌扑动作。演员身体向前斜扑,就势翻滚,以左肩背着地。多用于武戏,表示受到踢打而倒地
[speedily cross] 抓紧时间快速渡过
[snatch;wrest;seize] 以暴力强取
[shock work] 抓紧时日、加快进程,以提前或及时完工
[a frestalled attack] 抢在敌人充分准备前发起攻击
[rush to purchase] 抢着购买需要和不需要的物品
[forestall other speakers] 抢在他人之前发言
[carry off a woman and marry her by force] 抢劫妇女成婚;抢亲
[rush to build] 加快速度以提前或及时完成建筑任务
[rob;loot;plunder] 以暴力掠夺
qiǎngjié àn
[case of robery] 关于抢劫的案件
[robber;pillager;holdup man;plunderer;marauder] 见抢劫者”
[rescue;save;salvage] 在危急情况下突击救护
[loot] 抢劫
[fight for vantage point in taking news picture] 不失时机,抓紧拍摄
[take a woman for marriage by force] 少数民族中的一种婚姻风俗,由男方将女方强行抢走成亲
[rush-plant while the soil is damp] 趁着墒情较好时抓紧播种
qiǎng shēngyi
[undercut]∶比[竞争者] 更廉价出售,或求职只要更低工资,或服侍人只要更低报酬
qiǎng shíjiān
[against time] 指企图接近、达到或超过已有的时间记录
[rush in market supplies] 抢先应市,以求好的价格
[rush in the harvest] 庄稼成熟时抢时间突击收割
[shopping rush] [方]∶犹言热门;畅销
[shopping-rush goods] 人们抢着购买的货物
[manage to get a ship stranded to prevent it from sinking] 为使处于险境中的船只脱险,而设法使其强行、搁靠于浅水海滩上
[forestall] 抢先占领时间上、地点上或市场上的优势
[upstage] 将演出据为己有或超出应享部分
[forestall] 争先,抢在前面
[rush to deal with an emergency] 抢救险情
[emergency squad] 有组织的迅速抢救险情的队伍
[rush to repair] 事故发生后或因时间紧而动员人们抓紧时间高速度地修理
[rush-transport] 争分夺秒,加紧运输
[race to control] 抢在敌人前面占领有利地形或重要地点的作战行动
[rush-plant] 抢时间突击种植
[rush-planting] 抓紧时间的突击种植
[try to beat others in being the first to talk] [方]∶抢在别人之前发言
qiǎng ㄑㄧㄤˇ
glom, grab;loot;rob;snatch;wrench;
qiāng ㄑㄧㄤˉ
glom, grab;loot;rob;snatch;wrench;
chēng ㄔㄥˉ
Grab qiang Radical Radical Rolling 03 total strokes 07 strokes Grab glom, grab; loot; rob; snatch; wrench; Grab 1 (1) Grab qiāng (2) Collision; collision; touch [knock; hit] Feiqiangyufang Zhidun. - "Happy Excursion." Note conflict also " Rob, stab also. - "Han Yang Xiong Chuan" Note To grab the first place. - "Warring Wei Ce" Grab call stricken. - "Strange Cricket" (3) Another example is the rush to (touch the ground. Refers to kowtow for mercy); rush to call days (in the first collision, the Beihu heaven. Described in an agony); grab kneeling (one knee bent Bangui Ceremony) (4) Pushing, shoving [push]. (5) Inverse; top; block [go against; disobey; keep off]. Such as tack (6) Trauma, wound [wound] Reduction of gold from the foot injury, the first turn grab Corolla. - Tang Bai "ransom chicken" poem (7) Instead of [take the place of; be in place of]. Such as grab for the (false generation of test) (8) Red; break [rush] Climb out of a bucket the size of snow may also wish to snake. - "Water Margin" See qiǎng Tack qiāngfēng [Headreach] wind. Facing the wind; block the wind Grab 2 (1) Grab qiǎng (2) (Phonetic. From the hand position in the sound. The original meaning of snatch) (3) With the original meaning [seize; snatch; rob; loot] Snatch sound. - "Yu Chu preface poem Autumn Sound" Snatch cattle. - "Guangdong Military Affairs in mind" (4) Again caught fire (looting); grab line (competing with the industry, the idea that love of competition); robbed me of things he can not get rich; robbery (robbery, robbery cases); grab Abduction (robbery looting) (5) Quickly; surprise [rush; vie for]. Such as grab autumn (autumn harvest crops surprise) (6) Preemptive; first to [forstall; try to be the first to do sth.]. Grab the head as reported (first to the good news. The first report was in the examination, it may be gratuities); grab Wo (a children's game); grab life (curse Hu Ben run around); grab three (mora of a provision, Three boxing matches with a wine to drink); get water (Race); Qiangbu (walked quickly; tight-step) (7) Scrape or wipe the object surface [scrape; rub off]. Such as grinding knives scissors rob (8) Dress down; words blunt [reprove or satirize his face]. Such as grab asked (questioned) See qiāng Dress down qiǎngbái [Reprimand] face that blame, scolding, irony and sarcasm, then Rush back qiǎngbèi [(Traditional opera), a way of somersault landing on one's back] opera performances or flutter action. Actor ramp flapping body forward to the potential roll to back and left shoulder. Used for military drama that was kicked while lying on the ground Speedily cross qiǎngdù [Speedily cross] to hurry quickly through Snatch qiǎngduó [Snatch; wrest; seize] the violent rapacity Snatch sound. - "Yu Chu preface poem Autumn Sound" Snatch cattle. - "Guangdong Military Affairs in mind" Robbery, burning of houses Rob workers qiǎnggōng [Shock work] lose time, speed up the process to be completed in advance or in a timely manner Attacking qiǎnggōng [A frestalled attack] fully prepared to grab the enemy before the attack Panic buying qiǎnggòu [Rush to purchase] and not rushing to buy the items needed If grab qiǎnghuà [Forestall other speakers] ahead of the others to speak before Marriage by capture qiǎnghūn [Carry off a woman and marry her by force] robbery, married women; Bride Get the building qiǎngjiàn [Rush to build] speed up to the task ahead or the timely completion of construction Robbery qiǎngjié [Rob; loot; plunder] the violent looting Bank robbery Robbery qiǎngjié àn [Case of robery] on the robbery case Robber qiǎngjiéfàn [Robber; pillager; holdup man; plunderer; marauder] See looters " Rescue qiǎngjiù [Rescue; save; salvage] attack ambulance in an emergency situation Rescue patients Plunder qiǎnglüè [Loot] robbery 抢拍 qiǎngpāi [Fight for vantage point in taking news picture] seize the opportunity, seize the shooting Certainly important to a good lens 抢拍 Bride qiǎngqīn [Take a woman for marriage by force] of a minority in the marriage customs, the woman forcibly taken away by the married man Rob moisture qiǎngshāng [Rush-plant while the soil is damp] taking advantage of the moisture better pay close attention to planting time Undercut qiǎng shēngyi (1) [Undercut]: over [competitor] sold cheaper, as long as the lower wages or job, or who serve less pay (2) [Hustle]: to make every effort to ensure that the business Motor boats undercut the quayside Race against time qiǎng shíjiān [Against time] that tried to approach, meet or exceed the existing time record Rescuers frantically race against time to rescue up the miners buried Grab City qiǎngshì [Rush in market supplies] to be the first to market in order to better prices Rush in the harvest qiǎngshōu [Rush in the harvest] crops are harvested when mature race against time surprise Sought qiǎngshǒu [Shopping rush] [party]: I still made popular; selling Tickets are highly sought after World Cup Hot demand qiǎngshǒuhuò [Shopping-rush goods] people rushing to buy the goods Is the seasonal demand on it! Beach qiǎngtān [Manage to get a ship stranded to prevent it from sinking] In order to escape the vessel in danger of, and managed to force, resting by the beach in shallow water Beach qiǎngtān [Forestall] the first to occupy the time, place, or the advantages of the market U.S. agricultural products this year marks the landing, harvest crops, but difficult to sell at high prices Grab opera qiǎngxì [Upstage] will perform some of appropriation or exceed entitlements Chimpanzees actually play with people grab First to qiǎngxiān [Forestall] comes first, ahead of the front Another anticipated the space Rescue qiǎngxiǎn [Rush to deal with an emergency] rescue danger Rescue team qiǎngxiǎnduì [Emergency squad] danger of organized rescue teams quickly Repair qiǎngxiū [Rush to repair] After the accident, or because time and time to mobilize people to seize the repair of high speed Rush to transport qiǎngyùn [Rush-transport] race against time to step up transport Seize qiǎngzhàn [Race to control] ahead of the enemy occupation of favorable terrain in front of key locations or operations Seize the high ground Plant crops qiǎngzhòng [Rush-plant] race against time growing spot Plant crops rice Plant crops qiǎngzhòng [Rush-planting] seize the time of the assault planting Try to get the first word in qiǎngzuǐ (1) [Try to beat others in being the first to talk] [party]: to speak before others grab (2) [Rush-eat]: rob Grab 1 (Rob) qiǎng ㄑ ㄧ ㄤ (1) Wins, hard to get ~ robbery. ~ Wins. (2) Hurry, hurry, first to ~ first. ~ Accounts. ~ Purchase. ~ Attack. (3) Scrape grinding scissors ~ chopper. (4) ~ White person to blame or satirical him up. Zheng code doyy, u62a2, gbkc7c0 7 number of strokes, radical Rolling, Stroke No. 1213455 glom, grab; loot; rob; snatch; wrench; Grab 2 (Rob) qiāng ㄑ ㄧ ㄤ ˉ (1) Collision, hit ~ to call days. (2) With the berm "①. Zheng code doyy, u62a2, gbkc7c0 7 number of strokes, radical Rolling, Stroke No. 1213455 glom, grab; loot; rob; snatch; wrench; Rob 3 (Rob) chēng ㄔ ㄥ ˉ 〔〕 Chaos ~ throw into confusion the way, such as fragmentation ~ ~ Xi, by the World hole remorse. " Zheng code doyy, u62a2, gbkc7c0 7 number of strokes, radical Rolling, Stroke No. 1213455
卯集中 D concentrate 【唐韻】【正韻】七兩切【集韻】【韻會】此兩切,????鏘上聲。突也。又爭取也。今律法有白晝搶奪。或作摤。又【唐韻】七羊切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】千羊切,????音鏘。拒也。亦突也。【戰國策】布衣之怒,亦以頭搶地耳。【前漢·揚雄·校獵賦】角搶題注。【註】搶,猶刺也。眾獸以角搶地。 又集也,飛掠也。【莊子·逍遙遊】決起而飛,搶榆枋。 又【唐韻】初兩切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】楚兩切,????倉上聲。亦突也。又著也。 又【集韻】鋤庚切,音傖。搶攘,亂貌。【前漢·賈誼傳】國制搶攘。 又千剛切,音倉。搶搪,鋸也。 又【韻會】楚耕切,音鎗。欃槍,或作攙搶。彗星也。【司馬相如·大人賦】㩜攙搶以爲旌。 又【字彙補】此亮切,鏘去聲。吳楚謂帆上風曰搶,今舟人曰掉搶。【庾闡·揚都賦】艇子搶風,榜人逸浪。
Tang Yun 【】 【】 seventy-two Rhymes cut 【】 【Ji Yun Yun will】 these two cut, ???? Qiang rising tone. Sudden too. And for also. A day to snatch this law. Or for Cheng. Tang Yun and 【】 【_set_ of seven sheep cut Yun Yun will】 【】 【】 thousand sheep rhyme is cut, ???? sound Qiang. Refused also. Has suddenly also. Warring】 【Wrath commoner been drawn up to the first rush to the ear. 【Before】 Han Yang Xiong Fu school hunting horn grab the caption. 【Note】 rob, still sting too. To rush to corner all the animals. Also _set_ is also, flyby also. 【】 Decision Xiaoyao from the fly, grab Yu Fang. And Tang Yun】 【both cut early】 【【Ji Yun Yun Yun will】 【】 Chu are both cut, ???? warehouse rising tone. Has suddenly also. And the well. Also】 【Ji Yun Kang hoe cut, sound rude. Grab throw into confusion, chaos appearance. Former Han Yi Chuan】 【Nations grab throw into confusion. And thousands of newly cut, sound positions. Sugar rush, saw too. They will】 【Chu Yun Geng cut, sound gun. Comet gun, or for mix robbed. Comet also. Sima Fu 【】 㩜 mix as adults grab that banner. Also make】 【words cut this light, Qiang falling tone. Wu Chu said that the fan grab the upper hand, people said this boat out robbed. Du Fu Yu】 【espoused child tack boat, Bangren Yat waves.