Slow màn [Move] (Shaped sound from the heart, lengthened sound. The original meaning: mocked; for people without manners) With the original meaning 〖despise; lookdownon〗 Slow, one said fear also. - "Said Wen." Slow, lazy also. - "Guang Ya" I am far and slow it. - "Zuo Xianggong thirty-one years." Respectable not slow. - "Book of Rites Ziyi" Not simply slow and long carry. - "Lu prescription." Jun makes people slow chaos will carry on. - "Zuo Zhuang eight years." King Yin were kept, Sage slow death. - "Xunzi Jun child" Yan Jing Cheng Wang slow. - "Germany on the Spring and Autumn Annals" What is also of its slow Ruobi; Xian Xian people if this is also its Su. - "Zhuangzi is positive." Butler, is actually slower than you. - "The Scholars" Another example: slow curse (the letter I swear); slow profane (turn away; bad host); slow sex (lightly humiliated); slow, as the (lightly); slow public (neglect of official duties); slow order (mocked their superiors command) ; slow the heart (the heart of disdain) Neglect 〖slight; cold-shoulder〗 Yau's responsibility, Wei Yun and so slow. - Zhuge Liang "Inst" Another example: slow off (neglect guests) Indulgence; uncontrolled〗 〖indulge. Such as: slow Powder (not serious; irregular); slow leakage (light); slow prostitution (dissolute travel) Pass "Ã." Cheat 〖deceive; hoodwink〗 Tian Si slow Qihou East, South bullying Jing Wang. - "Said Han Fei Zi Lin on" Through "plaster." 〗 〖Plaster applied Yingren chalk slow its nose. - "Zhuang Zi Xu no ghosts." Slow màn [Form] Masahiro is the people slowly, slowly correcting the order is fierce. - "Zuo Zhao Gong two years." Not timely, late 〖late; tardy〗 Uncle avoid slow horse, Uncle Fat rarely vary. - "Poetry Zheng Feng uncle Oda" Pride; arrogant〗 〖proud Unfamiliar 〖unfamiliar; rusty〗 〗 〖Fullandround fullness. Such as: slow face (full appearance) [Vice] Jog trot Slow Turn away Turn away guests 〗 〖Slowmotion an action movie, apparent in much slower than the shooting, which is due to the film speed when shooting fast when compared with the results showing 〗 〖Moderate: lower or reduced (neutron) speed or energy 〗 〖Slowing-down: the slow, particle energy and nuclear collisions is reduced because the process of Slow components mànjiàn 〗 〖Usualmail speed transport sector according to the general delivery of the objects and procedures Sluggish mànman-tēngtēng 〖Sluggishly; unhurriedly; ataleisurelypace〗 describe the movement is very slow Carts on the way home walked slowly steaming Slow that mànshuō 〖Tosaynothingof; letalone〗 also as "Man said." In the lighter side with a lighter sentence, said things are "so" are words commonly used "is", "even" and echoed, that the heavier the deeper things, "especially" the equivalent of "let alone" For the revolution, said slow wounded, is the sacrifice, I also willing, Slow that a dog is the wolf, I am not afraid Thou art màntēngtēng Slowly Slow Told her not so slow 〖〗 Slow walk walk mànxìngzi mànyōuyōu Walking 〗 〖Good-bye: good-bye - time for farewell
Slow man defer; slow; supercilious; tardiness; Slow (Shaped sound from the heart, lengthened sound. The original meaning of dishonor; for people without manners) Slow, one said fear also. - "Said Wen." Respectable not slow. - "Book of Rites Ziyi" King Yin were kept, Sage slow death. - "Xunzi Jun child" Butler, is actually slower than you. - "The Scholars" (4) (5) Indulgence; uncontrolled [indulge]. Such as the slow scattered (not serious; irregular); slow leakage (light); slow prostitution (dissolute travel) Tian Si slow Qihou East, South bullying Jing Wang. - "Said Han Fei Zi Lin on" Yingren chalk slow its nose. - "Zhuang Zi Xu no ghosts." (1) Masahiro is the people slowly, slowly correcting the order is fierce. - "Zuo Zhaogong two decades." Another example is the slow irresolute (slack shake); slow Chi (relent relentless mind); slow Officer (idle office) Not timely day, thirst buried him; not timely and not on the slow funeral also. - "Kung-yang implicit public three years." Uncle avoid slow horse, Uncle Fat rarely vary. - "Poetry Zheng Feng uncle Oda" Another example is the cross slowly (slowly; do not worry); slow Martens ceremony (slowly; works slowly, calmly look); Adagio (slow melody in the opera); slowly (slow; still made slow a delay); slow rhythm (slow rhythm in music); slow medicine (herbs slow poison attack); slow sound (slow melodious music); working slowly and craftsman (that slow and careful operation to train a sophisticated Carpenter division); working slowly and fine goods (slow operation will produce sophisticated products) Slow down on violence. - "Easy copulative" (8) (9) Fullness [full and round]. Such as slow-face (full appearance) Vain [in vain] mànbù mànchē màndài Slow Motion Moderator [Moderate]: to reduce or decrease (neutron) speed or energy Slow piece Sluggish Carts on the way home walked slowly steaming [To say nothing of; let alone] is for Man said. "Said the lighter sentence, with the lighter side of things so", is commonly used is the sentence, "even" and echoed, that something deeper is heavier so ", let alone the equivalent of" Thou art So thou art to walk, and when it come to? [Slowly and methodically] slow and methodical. Analogy leisurely [Irritatingly slow; exasperatingly slow] slow way; action is very slow mànxíng Slowcoach mànxìngzi [Slowpoke] slow calm temperament, but also refers to such people Leisurely mànyōuyōu [Unhurriedly] leisurely, calmly He leisurely home, slowly took his clothes Walking mànzǒu (1) [Don't go yet]: Do not go, wait a minute (2) [Good-bye]: Goodbye - Farewell time for Slow màn mo ㄢ ╝ (1) Apathy, not attentive, polite - to be. Mild. Ao ~. Lazy ~.